Environmental Working Group

Citizens of Banff providing input to the Town of Banff and mobilizing other citizens to help make Banff a great place to live, work, stay, and play, are essential to the advancement of our municipality.

The Town of Banff is forming an Administration-led Business Environmental Leadership Working Group to provide input on Banff’s environmental initiatives, including issues, concerns, and opportunities. The group is also responsible for taking action in priority environmental areas and mobilizing others to do so within their sphere of influence.

The first topic for the Working Group will be to help inform and implement the Town’s Single-Use Item Strategy as part of the Town’s Zero Waste Initiative. Other topics will follow.

Working Group members will be appointed for terms of up to two years. 

If you are a resident of the Town of Banff and are a business owner/leader, please consider joining this Working Group. The Town of Banff is looking for: 

  • Individuals with a desire to make an impact on protecting the environment
  • Individuals in leadership positions with a variety of local businesses
  • Individuals with time available to commit to membership
  • Individuals who can mobilize others to participate in environmental initiatives

Please refer to our Terms of Reference (PDF)

  • The application period has now closed
Downtown Banff