Invasive Plants

Invasive Plants

Not all flowers are friendly

Banff is host to invasive noxious weeds that:

  • Compete with our native plants
  • Affect animal, insect, and bird species
  • Alter natural habitats
  • Are costly to control and increase herbicide use within in the town and national park

Learn to identify these plants and help stamp them out. Contact Municipal Parks if you need advice on identification or treatment options at 403-762-1240.

Prevention is Best

  • Inspect your entire property regularly and control noxious weeds early
  • Select plants native to our area - they are hardy to our climate, are drought tolerant and are not invasive
  • A healthy lawn can overpower most weeds
  • Be cautious when planting non native seed mixes - noxious weed seeds have been identified in the mixes
  • Download the Noxious Weed Awareness (PDF) to learn which plants are invasive in Banff

For more information, visit the Alberta Invasive Species Council.