Winter Cycling

Studded Bike TireDon't put your bike away when the snow starts to fall. Cycling is a great way to get around Banff all year long.

Tips for Winter Cycling

Check your speed: In snowy or icy conditions, you'll want to slow down sooner and brake early for upcoming stops. Watch your speed and take it easy on steeper terrain. Make smooth, wide turns to avoid slips and keep your eyes on the road for any hazards.

Layer up: Dress for the weather and keep the cold out on your ride. Good gloves, and face mask/scarf can make your commute comfortable. Also look into goggles or eye protection for windy days. Layers will keep you warm, block the wind and let you ride longer.

Regular maintenance: Keep your bike in good working order so you'll have use of it all winter long. Bring your bike indoors when possible and wipe it down after a ride to protect it from freeze/thaw conditions. A professional tune-up is a great investment, but you can also do a lot of work yourself to keep things moving. Visit a workshop night with Community Cruisers and learn more about DIY bike maintenance.

Be seen: It gets dark early in Banff in the winter months, so it's always a good idea to have lights and reflectors on your bike for your commute. Reminder, the Alberta Traffic Act requires all bicycles have a white headlight and a red tail light when cycling on roads before sunrise and after sunset. Keep your lights in steady mode – flashing lights can dazzle fellow cyclists and drivers.

Tire pressure: Lower the tire pressure on your bike for the winter months. Lower pressure allows you to have more rubber on the road, giving you more traction. It's a quick and easy way to help prepare your bike for cold weather riding.

Who Bikes in Banff Winters?

Lots of members of our community! Check out these Banffites who ride their bikes all year long. See what tips they have for beginners, and what they love about riding in all weather conditions.

Studded Bike Tire Rebate

Get a rebate on the purchase of studded bike tires.