Bison in Banff

Bison have returned to Banff National Park, but they're far away from the Town of Banff. The animals have been reintroduced to a remote part of the landscape of the park in the Panther and Red Deer valleys.

Experienced backcountry users may encounter them, but it's never guaranteed.

If you do encounter free-roaming bison:

  • REMAIN CALM: Back away slowly.
  • DO NOT APPROACH: Never chase or scare bison away. 
  • GIVE THEM SPACE: Maintain a safe distance of 100 metres when traveling on foot or by horseback.
  • BE AWARE: Female bison may become aggressive during calving season (spring). Males may become aggressive during mating season (July/August).
  • KEEP DOGS ON LEASH and under control at all times. 
  • RESPECT all warnings, area closures, and travel restrictions.

If you encounter an aggressive bison, please notify Banff Dispatch at 403.762.1470 when safe to do so.

Parks Canada regularly posts updates about the Banff bison herd on their Bison blog. Also, follow the path of bison reintroduction to Banff National Park through these videos.

(Photo credit: Parks Canada / Dan Rafla)
