Ethics and the Town of Banff

Employees of the Town of Banff are guided by their Mission: “Take Care of Banff: our people, our community, our Park” and the Values of: Integrity, Accountability, Professionalism, Teamwork and Efficiency.”

During the Town’s on-boarding process employees are provided with a Handbook outlining appropriate behaviours and conduct that support the employee mission and values. This Administrative Policy, “your.Guide – Town of Banff Employee Handbook,” is reviewed, signed off on and referred to in our on-going performance management programs when poor behaviour or below-standard conduct is observed or reported. 

The handbook describes the Town’s open-door policy by which employees can share concerns and outlines a process for submitting ethics complaints:

  • You may have observations about work practices or conduct of an employee (including leaders), councillors or contractors that contravene our employee mission and values. 
  • If you wish to report these concerns in confidence, please contact The Town Manager or directors will follow up.
  • If you leave your name and contact info you will be provide with a response and status of your complaint.

Additionally, Council has adopted its own Code of Conduct Bylaw. Should there be concerns relating to the conduct of elected officials Bylaw 429 outlines the informal and formal process of filing a complaint.