Mountain Avenue Express Bus Lane

Mnt Ave

Construction Updates

Please note: Residents with mobility concerns using the path during construction may obtain complimentary taxi vouchers by emailing  24-hour notice is required.

Updated June 24:

The week of June 24-29:

  • Paving multi-use trail on June 24-25
  • Landscaping of new concrete islands on Tuesday and Wednesday
  • Installation of traffic signage  on June 25-26

Sidewalk/Trail closed

Access to pedestrians is still restricted on Mountain Avenue, between Spray and Kootenay, until June 21.  Pedestrians in Middle Springs and Valleyview must detour to the path between Park Ave or Jasper Way through the Cascade of Time Gardens. Taxi passes are available for residents uncomfortable with the detours (see at top).

We apologize for the inconvenience to pedestrians during this period.

Mtn Ave Ped closure June 4-6

Mountain Avenue Express Bus Lane

Banff Town Council has a priority to reduce traffic congestion in Banff by reducing the reliance on personal vehicles. By providing faster service for buses, more people will take transit and leave their vehicles parked at hotels, campgrounds and in downtown or Train Station parking lots. Banff Town Council supported this project as another initiative to reduce vehicles on our streets and to respond to public support for measures to reduce traffic on Mountain Avenue.

The project will improve travel times for public transit  and decrease traffic congestion for those who must drive. Tour buses, gondola shuttle bus, and Roam Public Transit will have a dedicated bus lane heading northbound (downhill), from the town boundary (which is just south of Middle Springs Drive) to Spray Avenue

An enhanced, separated multi-use trail will provide cyclists and pedestrians with a safer route the full length of the road, between the multi-use trail connection at the YWCA and the neighbourhoods along Mountain Avenue. Experienced cyclists will still be able to ride on the road if they prefer.


This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada. 

  •  $750,000 commitment from the federal Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP), through agreement with the Bow Valley Regional Transit Services Commission
  • Remaining project cost is 100% funded from the Visitor Pay Parking reserve
  • Total construction estimate: $1.5 million 

Disruption during 2024 construction

Work will occur between 7:30a.m. and 9 p.m., Monday to Saturday, with reduced activity in the peak periods of traffic. During the construction, work will  create significant disruptions to the people who live on the street, people who live in neighborhoods adjacent to the street and people going to  the attractions on Sulphur Mountain. 

Contractor: Zulu Aggregates was selected as prime contractor. 

Mnt Express Map

Public Engagement and Details

The Town hosted consultation about this project in 2023 to learn about concerns and help shape the project. This involved recommendations for routes, locations for new crosswalks and feedback about turn lanes and bus advances at the intersection.

Visit the Banff Viewpoints public engagement project page to learn about the consultation, to read the "What We Heard Report" that was provided to Town Council, and the "What We're Doing Report" on how feedback was used for the project.

Media Releases

Federal funding to help Banff build express bus lane

February 20, 2024

The government of Canada announced more than $13 million in funding for the community of Banff, including support for five new electric buses, the new express transit lane being added to reduce traffic heading down Mountain Avenue, and a new pedestrian/bike trail along the route from Spray Avenue to Middle Springs. 

“This investment will add a critical transit lane, as well as bicycle and pedestrian path, in our community,” said Mayor Corrie DiManno. “It will help our leading-edge transit system to move more people faster and more effectively. We know reliable and frequent transit takes personal vehicles off of our finite road network, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and maintains our crystal clean air quality, all while improving the overall experience for the four million visitors to Banff each year and the 9,000 residents who work hard to welcome Canadians to their premier national park.”

The funding also supports the Town’s project to upgrade lighting and ventilation systems in the Catharine Robb Whyte Building, to improve efficiency, reduce energy use and cut greenhouse gas emissions.

“The federal support for our energy efficiency upgrades in key facilities strengthens our goal to be a model environmental community and it creates financial sustainability in our vital cultural spaces,” said DiManno.

Read the official News Release from the Government of Canada: 

This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada.

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