Third Party Advertising

The regulation of third party advertising during municipal and school board elections has changed significantly with recent amendments to the Local Authorities Election Act.  Anyone other than a candidate who is intending to spend $1,000 or more on election advertising is strongly encouraged to read Part 8 of the Local Authorities Election Act and seek legal advice to understand the full extent of their obligations.  For more information:

Third Party Advertisers

A Third Party Advertiser (TPA) is an individual, corporation, or group who promotes or opposes a municipal or school board candidate through election advertising. 

Please remember campaigning and advertising is not permitted in the voting station.

All TPAs who incur or intent to incur expenses or contributions of at least $1,000 must register with their local municipality.  If a TPA intends to advertise in more than 10 jurisdictions, they must register with the Provincial Registrar at Municipal Affairs. 

Registering as a Third Party Advertiser

To register with the Town of Banff as a TPA, download and complete Form 27: Registration of a Third Party Advertiser below and submit to the Town of Banff Elections Office, 110 Bear Street, Box 1260, Banff AB. T1L 1A1 or by email to

Form 27 Registration of a Third Party

To register with the Provincial Registrar (required only if TPA intends to advertise in more than 10 jurisdictions):

  • Email
  • Phone 780-427-2225 (dial 310-0000 for toll free service for Alberta callers)

All registered TPAs are required to file Form 28: Third Party Advertising Contributions Statements no later than March 1, 2025.  TPAs who do not meet this deadline will incur penalties as of March 2, 2025.

Form 28 Third Party Advertising Contribution Statement

Registry for Third Party Advertisers

The Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA) Part 8 Third Party Advertising requires the Town of Banff to maintain a registry of Third Party Advertisers (TPA) who engage in election advertising (completed Form 27). The content on this website is presented for convenience. The complete TPA registry is maintained in hard copy by the Town of Banff. Please contact the Returning Officer to confirm registered TPAs.

 For more information about the TPA, contact the TPA directly.

 For more information about submitting a complaint about a TPA, please visit the Elections Alberta website.

 IMPORTANT: The Town of Banff does not review third party advertiser websites for accuracy or completeness, nor provide any assurances respecting the accuracy, thoroughness or legality of such website content. The Town of Banff is not responsible for the content of third party advertiser websites and reserves the right to remove third party advertiser URLs without notice.

Third Party Advertiser
Chief Financial Officer
Primary Contact
Contact Information
RegistrationForm 28*

Banffites for a Comfortable Living Community

Lori Dowling

Leslie Taylor

Phone: 403-497-1582

June 12, 2024


Friends of a Better Banff Avenue
Jessica Munn
Allan Buckingham

June 24, 2024


*Form 28 must be filled with the Municipality in accordance with Section 180 of the LAEA