Rehabilitation of back-up sewer system

Sewer Rehab - Whissell Riffle Construction Detour Map

Project Overview

The Town of Banff extended the life expectancy of the backup sewer system that is located under the bed of the Bow River. These two pipes are used only if there’s an issue with the pump station or main line, which is suspended under the Muskrat Street Pedestrian Bridge. Should the lift station fail, flow is diverted to the pipes under the river to prevent overflow into the river.

The pipes were lined with high-density polyethylene to prevent corrosion and extend their life expectancy by 50 years. 

A barrier of rocks and stones was also be constructed downstream of the pipes to prevent further erosion and reduce the chance the pipes become uncovered. This layer of new riverbed will provide additional protection from large debris that may be carried downstream. 

Work took place throughout October and November 2023 to take advantage of both low sanitary flowrates and low water levels. 

Detours and Closures

Phase 1 of the rehab is complete. The sewer pipes were successfully relined on time and on budget, and with less pedestrian disruption and route closures than expected.

Phase 2 is complete.

Crews added a barrier upstream of the sewer pipes to reduce water flow disruption and exposure of the pipes. Heavy machinery brought in material from the north side, onto special mats to protect the ground and onto the river bed.

2023-11-10 riffle work

Drop In Information Session 

Tuesday, September 26, 2023
4-6 p.m.
Banff Town Hall