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Performance Tuning in SQL Server
Antonios Chatzipavlis
Software Architect , Development Evangelist, IT Consultant



Why is Performance Tuning Necessary?
How to Optimize SQL Server for performance
How to Optimize Database for performance
How to Optimize Query for performance
Define and implement monitoring standards for database
servers and instances
• How to troubleshoot SQL Server

Performance Tuning in SQL Server

Why is performance tuning
Why is Performance Tuning Necessary?
• Allowing your system to scale
• Adding more customers
• Adding more features

• Improve overall system performance
• Save money but not wasting resources
• The database is typically one of the most expensive resources
in a datacenter


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The document discusses SQL Server monitoring and troubleshooting. It provides an overview of SQL Server monitoring, including why it is important and common monitoring tools. It also describes the SQL Server threading model, including threads, schedulers, states, the waiter list, and runnable queue. Methods for using wait statistics like the DMVs sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks and sys.dm_os_wait_stats are presented. Extended Events are introduced as an alternative to SQL Trace. The importance of establishing a performance baseline is also noted.

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General Scaling Options
Scaling SQL Server with Bigger Hardware

Purchase a larger server, and replace the existing system.
Works well with smaller systems.
Cost prohibitive for larger systems.
Can be a temporary solution.

General Scaling Options
Scaling SQL Server with More Hardware
• Purchase more hardware and split or partition the database.
• Partitioning can be either vertical or horizontal
• Vertical: Split the databases based on a specific demographic
such as time zone or zip code.
• Horizontal: Split components out of one database into another

General Scaling Options
Scaling SQL Server without adding hardware

Adjusting and rewriting queries.
Adding indexes.
Removing indexes.
Re-architecting the database schema.
Moving things that shouldn’t be in the database.
Eliminating redundant work on the database.
Caching of data.
Other performance tuning techniques.

1. Database Partitioning


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From noted SQL Server expert and author Kevin Kline - Let’s face it. You can effectively do many IT jobs related to Microsoft SQL Server without knowing the internals of how SQL Server works. Many great developers, DBAs, and designers get their day-to-day work completed on time and with reasonable quality while never really knowing what’s happening behind the scenes. But if you want to take your skills to the next level, it’s critical to know SQL Server’s internal processes and architecture. This session will answer questions like: - What are the various areas of memory inside of SQL Server? - How are queries handled behind the scenes? - What does SQL Server do with procedural code, like functions, procedures, and triggers? - What happens during checkpoints? Lazywrites? - How are IOs handled with regards to transaction logs and database? - What happens when transaction logs and databases grow or shrinks? This fast paced session will take you through many aspects of the internal operations of SQL Server and, for those topics we don’t cover, will point you to resources where you can get more information.

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Oracle database performance tuning
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Oracle database performance tuning

Database tuning is the process of optimizing a database to maximize performance. It involves activities like configuring disks, tuning SQL statements, and sizing memory properly. Database performance issues commonly stem from slow physical I/O, excessive CPU usage, or latch contention. Tuning opportunities exist at the level of database design, application code, memory settings, disk I/O, and eliminating contention. Performance monitoring tools like the Automatic Workload Repository and wait events help identify problem areas.

Advanced SQL
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Advanced SQL covers selecting columns, aggregate functions like MIN() and MAX(), the CASE WHEN statement, JOINs, the WHERE clause, GROUP BY, declaring variables, and subqueries

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Performance Tuning in SQL Server

How to Optimize SQL Server for
Performance Factors


CPU and SQL Server
• CPU Intensive Operations
• Compression
• Bulk Load operations
• Compiling or Recompiling Queries

• Hyper-Threading
• Is just 1.3 times better than non hyper-threaded execution
• The currently accepted best practice recommendation is that
you should run SQL Server with Hyper-Threading disabled

• L3 Cache

CPU and SQL Server
Performance Counters



Processor:% Processor

This counter monitors the amount of
time the CPU spends executing a thread
that is not idle

A consistent state of 80 percent to 90
percent may indicate the need to
upgrade your CPU or add more

System: %Total Processor

To determine the average for all

Processor: % Privileged

Corresponds to the percentage of time
the processor spends on execution of
Microsoft Windows kernel commands,
such as processing of SQL Server I/O

Processor: %User Time

Corresponds to the percentage of time
that the processor spends on
executing user processes such as SQL

System: Processor Queue

Corresponds to the number of threads
waiting for processor time. A processor
bottleneck develops when threads of a
process require more processor cycles
than are available.

If this counter is consistently high when
the Physical Disk counters are high,
consider installing a faster or more
efficient disk subsystem.

If more than a few processes attempt to
utilize the processor's time, you might
need to install a faster processor. Or, if
you have a multiprocessor system, you
could add a processor.


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The document discusses various disaster recovery strategies for SQL Server including failover clustering, database mirroring, and peer-to-peer transactional replication. It provides advantages and disadvantages of each approach. It also outlines the steps to configure replication for Always On Availability Groups which involves setting up publications and subscriptions, configuring the availability group, and redirecting the original publisher to the listener name.

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Exploring Oracle Database Performance Tuning Best Practices for DBAs and Deve...
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The document provides an overview of Oracle database performance tuning best practices for DBAs and developers. It discusses the connection between SQL tuning and instance tuning, and how tuning both the database and SQL statements is important. It also covers the connection between the database and operating system, how features like data integrity and zero downtime updates are important. The presentation agenda includes topics like identifying bottlenecks, benchmarking, optimization techniques, the cost-based optimizer, indexes, and more.

Memory and SQL Server
Enable Address Windowing Extensions (AWE)
• Tuning 32-bit Systems
• Use /PAE and /3GB Together (Windows 2003)
• Running BCDEDIT /set increaseUserVA 3072 (Windows 2008)

• Tuning 64-bit Systems
• If needed, enable AWE on Enterprise Edition of SQL Server
• If needed, enable AWE on Standard Edition of SQL Server only when
SP1 with Cumulative Update 2 applied.
Read more info at

Memory and SQL Server
Min and Max Server Memory
• Control the allowable size of SQL Server’s buffer pool.
• Do not control all of SQL Server’s memory usage, just the
buffer pool.
• When the SQL Server service starts, it does not acquire all
the memory configured in Min Server Memory but instead
starts with only the minimal required, growing as necessary.
• Once memory usage has increased beyond the Min Server
Memory setting, SQL Server won’t release any memory
below that figure.
• Max Server Memory is the opposite of Min Server Memory,
setting a “ceiling” for the buffer pool
Memory and SQL Server
How to configure Max Server Memory
• Look at the buffer pool’s maximum usage.
• Set SQL Server to dynamically manage memory
• Monitor MSSQLSERVER : Memory ManagerTotal Server Memory
(KB) counter using Performance Monitor

• Determine the maximum potential for non-buffer pool usage.
• 2GB for Windows
• xGB for SQL Server worker threads
• Each thread use 0.5MB on x86, 2MB on x64, and 4MB on Itanium.
• 1GB for multi-page allocations, linked servers, and other consumers
of memory outside the buffer pool
• 1–3GB for other applications that might be running on the system,
such as backup programs

Memory and SQL Server
Example of Max Server Memory configuration
• In 8-CPU cores and 16GB of RAM running SQL Server 2008
x64 and a third-party backup utility, you would allow the

2GB for Windows
1GB for worker threads (576 Χ 2MB rounded down)
1GB for MPAs, etc.
1GB for the backup program

• The total is 5GB, and you would configure Max Server
Memory to 11GB.


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Oracle Architecture
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Oracle Architecture

- Oracle Database is a comprehensive, integrated database management system that provides an open approach to information management. - The Oracle architecture includes database structures like data files, control files, and redo log files as well as memory structures like the system global area (SGA) and process global area (PGA). - Key components of the Oracle architecture include the database buffer cache, shared pool, redo log buffer, and background processes that manage instances.

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Explain that explain
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The document provides guidance on understanding and optimizing database performance. It emphasizes the importance of properly designing schemas, normalizing data, using appropriate data types, and creating useful indexes. Explain plans should be used to test queries and identify optimization opportunities like adding missing indexes. Overall, the document encourages developers to view the database as a collaborative "friend" rather than an enemy, by understanding its capabilities and limitations.

Memory and SQL Server
Performance Counters



Memory: Available Bytes

Indicates how many any bytes of memory are
currently available for use by Processes

Low values can indicate that there is an overall
shortage of memory on computer or that an
application is not releasing memory

Memory: Pages/sec

Indicates the number of pages that either
were retrieved from disk due to hard page
faults or written to disk to free space in the
working set due to page faults.

A high rate could indicate excessive paging.
Monitor the Memory: Page Faults/sec counter
to make sure that the disk activity is not caused
by paging.

Process - Page Faults/sec
(sql server instance)

Windows Virtual Memory
Manager takes pages from SQL Server and
other processes as it trims the working-set
sizes of those processes.

A high number indicates excessive paging and
disk thrashing. Use this counter to check
whether SQL Server or another process is
causing the excessive paging.

SQL Server: Buffer ManagerBuffer Cache Hit Ratio

Monitors the percentage of required pages
found in the buffer cache, without reading
from hard disk.

Add more memory until the value is consistently
greater than 90 percent.

SQL Server: Buffer ManagerTotal Pages

Monitors the total number of pages in the
buffer cache, including database, free, and
stolen pages from other processes.

A low number may indicate frequent disk I/O or
thrashing. Consider adding more memory.

SQL Server: Memory ManagerTotal Server Memory (KB)

Monitors the total amount of dynamic
memory that the server is using.

If this counter is consistently high in comparison
to the amount of physical memory available,
more memory may be required.

IO and SQL Server
Choose the right hard disk subsystem
• RAID 5

Loved by storage administrators
Dominated choice for non-database applications
It’s cost effective and cost efficient
Minimize the space required in the datacenter (fewer drives need
fewer bays)

• RAID 10
• Microsoft recommendation for log files

• Storage Area Networks (SANs)
• Performance is not always predictable if two servers share the same

• iSCSI Storage Area Networks
• For good performance needs dedicated switches.
IO and SQL Server
Choosing Which Files to Place on Which Disks
• Best practices dictate that SQL Server

data files,
tempdb files
backup files

are all written to separate arrays
• Put log files on RAID 10
• Put data files on RAID 5 (to save money)

IO and SQL Server
Using Compression to Gain Performance
• Increase IO performance but has CPU penalty
• The SQL Server engine has to compress the data before
writing the page, and decompress the data after reading the
• However, in practice this penalty is far outweighed by the
time saved waiting for storage.
• Example: If a 10GB index is compressed down to 3GB, then
an index scan will be completed 70% faster simply because
the data takes less time to read off the drives.
• Is Enterprise Edition feature

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MS SQL Server is a database server produced by Microsoft that enables users to write and execute SQL queries and statements. It consists of several features like Query Analyzer, Profiler, and Service Manager. Multiple instances of SQL Server can be installed on a machine, with each instance having its own set of users, databases, and other objects. SQL Server uses data files, filegroups, and transaction logs to store database objects and record transactions. The data dictionary contains metadata about database schemas and is stored differently in Oracle and SQL Server.

PostgreSQL query planner's internals
PostgreSQL query planner's internalsPostgreSQL query planner's internals
PostgreSQL query planner's internals

The document discusses how the PostgreSQL query planner works. It explains that a query goes through several stages including parsing, rewriting, planning/optimizing, and execution. The optimizer or planner has to estimate things like the number of rows and cost to determine the most efficient query plan. Statistics collected by ANALYZE are used for these estimates but can sometimes be inaccurate, especially for n_distinct values. Increasing the default_statistics_target or overriding statistics on columns can help address underestimation issues. The document also discusses different plan types like joins, scans, and aggregates that the planner may choose between.

MySQL Tuning
MySQL TuningMySQL Tuning
MySQL Tuning

This document provides guidance on tuning MySQL for optimal performance. It discusses adjusting various configuration settings related to I/O, memory allocation, query caching, and InnoDB settings. Tuning aspects like I/O, queries, maintenance and configurations are recommended to maximize speed within the constraints of other services. Transaction logs and temporary file storage especially impact performance as heavy consumers of I/O.

IO and SQL Server
Performance Counters



% Disk Time

Monitors the percentage of time that
the disk is busy with read/write activity.

If this counter is high (more than 90
percent), check the Current Disk Queue
Length counter.

Avg. Disk Queue Length

Monitors the average number of
read/write requests that are queued.

This counter should be no more than
twice the number of spindles.

Current Disk Queue Length

Monitors the current number of
read/write requests that are queued.

This counter should be no more than
twice the number of spindles

• Monitor the Page Faults/sec counter in the Memory object
to make sure that the disk activity is not caused by paging.
• If you have more than one logical partition on the same hard
disk, use the Logical Disk counters rather than the Physical
Disk counters.
1. Use Performance Monitor

Performance Tuning in SQL Server

How to Optimize Database for
Performance Optimization Model

Server Tuning

Query Optimization
Schema Design


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Database Performance Tuning
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Database Performance Tuning

This document provides an overview of database performance tuning with a focus on SQL Server. It begins with background on the author and history of databases. It then covers topics like indices, queries, execution plans, transactions, locking, indexed views, partitioning, and hardware considerations. Examples are provided throughout to illustrate concepts. The goal is to present mostly vendor-independent concepts with a "SQL Server flavor".

performance tuninghibernate performencedatabase design
Schema Design Optimization
• In this process you organize data to minimize redundancy,
which eliminates duplicated data and logical ambiguities in
the database
Normal Form



Every attribute is atomic, and there are no
repeating groups


Complies with First Normal Form, and all non-key
columns depend on the whole key


Complies with Second Normal Form, and all nonkey columns are non-transitively dependent upon
the primary key
Schema Design Optimization
• In this process you re-introduce redundancy to the database
to optimize performance.
• When to use denormalization:
• To pre-aggregate data
• To avoid multiple/complex joins

• When not to use denormalization:
• To prevent simple joins
• To provide reporting data
• To prevent same row calculations

Schema Design Optimization
• In this process you group similar entities together into a
single entity to reduce the amount of required data access
• Use generalization when:
• A large number of entities appear to be of the same type
• Multiple entities contain the same attributes

• Do not use generalization when:
• It results in an overly complex design that is difficult to

Schema Design Optimization
Generalization Example


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The document discusses various ways to improve client/server performance at both the client and server level. It addresses: 1) Client performance can be improved by optimizing hardware and software. Hardware optimizations include using the fastest available components, while software optimizations involve improving the operating system and applications. 2) Server performance can also be improved through hardware upgrades like adding network cards, as well as implementing high-performance file systems and offloading processing to servers. 3) Database performance optimizations involve efficient index design, query design, and database normalization to minimize network traffic and process data faster.

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Lesson8 Manage Records

إدارة السجلات يمكنك إدارة السجلات في الجداول من خلال عرض ورقة البيانات. يشرح هذا القسم كيفية إضافة, تحديث, و حذف السجلات, و أيضا كيفية البحث, الفرز, و تصفية السجلات عندما تحتاج الى العمل مع السجلات التي تناسب معايير مخصصة. يشرح هذا القسم أيضا كيفية إلحاق سجلات الى جدول موجود.

Performance Tuning in SQL Server

How to Optimize Query for performance

Key Measures for Query Performance
Key factors for query performance:
 Resources used to execute the query
 Time required for query execution

SQL Server tools to measure query performance:
 Performance Monitor

 SQL Server Profiler

Logical Execution of Query

Logical Execution of Query
Example Data
customerid city

Orderid customerid
























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Lesson4 Protect and maintain databases
Lesson4 Protect and maintain databases Lesson4 Protect and maintain databases
Lesson4 Protect and maintain databases

Protect and maintain databases حماية و صيانة قواعد البيانات 1. ضغط و اصلاح قاعدة البيانات تساعدنا في تحسين أداء قاعدة البيانات و اصلاح الملف عند حدوث المشاكل. 2. تشفير قاعدة البيانات بتطبيق كلمة مرور لتقييد الوصول, فقط المستخدمون الذين يعرفون كلمة المرور يستطيعون الوصول الى قاعدة البيانات. 3. العمل مع النسخ الاحتياطي. 4. دمج قواعد البيانات. 5. تقسيم قاعدة البيانات و هي خطوة تطبق خصيصا للمشاركة مع عدة مستخدمين.

Lesson11 Create Query
Lesson11 Create QueryLesson11 Create Query
Lesson11 Create Query

إنشاء الاستعلامات الإجرائية تشرح الأقسام الثلاثة المقبلة أنواع مختلفة من الاستعلامات الإجرائية: استعلام تكوين جدول، استعلام إلحاقي، و استعلامات التحديث و الحذف. غالبا ما تستخدم الاستعلامات الإجرائية للمساعدة في إدارة السجلات في قاعدة البيانات. على سبيل المثال، يمكنك استخدام استعلام تحديد لاسترداد السجلات لجميع المنتجات المتوقفة. يمكنك استخدام-تكوين جدول أو استعلام إلحاقي لأرشفة تلك السجلات، ثم قم بتشغيل استعلام حذف على جدول المنتجات لإزالة سجلات لتلك المنتجات.

التحدى 6 الإستعلام بطريقة المعالج
التحدى 6 الإستعلام بطريقة المعالجالتحدى 6 الإستعلام بطريقة المعالج
التحدى 6 الإستعلام بطريقة المعالج

هو عبادره عن ملف power point عليه استعلام عن الطلاب الححاصلون على تقدير عام ممتاز

Logical Execution of Query
Example Query & Results
SELECT C.customerid, COUNT(O.orderid) AS numorders
FROM dbo.Customers AS C
ON C.customerid = O.customerid
WHERE = 'Athens'
GROUP BY C.customerid
HAVING COUNT(O.orderid) < 3
ORDER BY numorders;






Logical Execution of Query
1st Step - Cross Join
FROM dbo.Customers AS C ... JOIN dbo.Orders AS O




















































































































Logical Execution of Query
2nd Step- Apply Join condition ON Filter
ON C.customerid = O.customerid




ΟΝ Filter









































































































































































Logical Execution of Query
3rd Step - Apply OUTER Join
dbo.Orders AS O

































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Logical Execution of Query
4th Step - Apply WHERE filter
WHERE = 'Athens'




























Logical Execution of Query
5th Step - Apply Grouping
GROUP BY C.customerid




























Logical Execution of Query
6th Step - Apply Cube or Rollup

Logical Execution of Query
7th Step - Apply HAVING Filter
HAVING COUNT(O.orderid) < 3

















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Oracle hard and soft parsing

- SQL code is loaded into RAM for parsing during a hard parse, while a soft parse does not require reloading into RAM. - Excessive hard parsing can occur when the shared pool size is too small or queries contain non-reusable SQL statements without bind variables. - Using bind variables rather than concatenating values into the SQL statement allows for soft parsing rather than hard parsing, improving performance by reducing parsing time and memory usage.

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This document discusses database performance tuning and query optimization. It covers basic concepts like minimizing I/O operations to improve performance. The key phases of query processing are parsing, execution, and fetching. During parsing, the optimizer determines the most efficient execution plan. Indexes are also important for performance, as they allow more efficient data access than scanning rows. The document provides an overview of how a database management system processes queries and some common techniques for performance tuning.

Lesson5 Print and export databases
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Lesson5 Print and export databases

Print and export databases طباعة و تصدير قاعدة البيانات يمكنك استخدام البيانات التي تخزنها في برنامج الأكسيس بعدة طرق. في برنامج الأكسيس يمكنك إنشاء التقارير على سبيل المثال يمكنك نشر التقارير لطباعتها أو تنسيقها الكترونيا بطرق مختلفة. يمكنك أيضا تصدير البيانات الى تنسيقات متوافقة مع نسخ سابقة أو الى برامج أخرى منها الاكسيل و الورد. يركز هذا القسم على طباعة التقارير و كيفية تصدير البيانات من الأكسيس باختيارك لعدة تنسيقات.

Logical Execution of Query
8th Step - Apply SELECT List
SELECT C.customerid, COUNT(O.orderid) AS numorders






Logical Execution of Query
9th Step - Apply DISTINCT

Logical Execution of Query
10th Step - Apply ORDER BY
ORDER BY numorders






Logical Execution of Query
11th Step - Apply TOP


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1) The document describes the basic commands of SQL including data types, data definition language (DDL) for creating and modifying tables, data manipulation language (DML) for insert, update, delete statements, and select statements with functions and parameters. 2) It also covers SQL security commands for creating users and granting/revoking permissions, and transaction management with commit and rollback. 3) Examples are provided for creating tables with columns, primary keys, foreign keys and check constraints, and performing queries, updates, deletes and transactions on data.

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Database NormalizationDatabase Normalization
Database Normalization

The document discusses database normalization. It defines three normal forms: first normal form requires each cell to contain a single value and records to be unique; second normal form requires all non-key fields to depend on the whole primary key; third normal form requires all non-key fields to depend only on the primary key. An example shows a database normalized to third normal form, with the postal code moved to its own table since other fields depend on it rather than just the primary key. The summary is to normalize data such that all non-key columns depend only on the primary key.

relation database3rd normalization formoltp
Logical Execution of Query
Get the Result







Performance Tuning in SQL Server

How to Optimize Query for performance

Top 10 for Building Efficient Queries

Top 10 for Building Efficient Queries
1.Favor set-based logic over procedural or cursor logic
• The most important factor to consider when tuning queries
is how to properly express logic in a set-based manner.
• Cursors or other procedural constructs limit the query
optimizer’s ability to generate flexible query plans.
• Cursors can therefore reduce the possibility of performance
improvements in many situations

Top 10 for Building Efficient Queries
2.Test query variations for performance
• The query optimizer can often produce widely different
plans for logically equivalent queries.
• Test different techniques, such as joins or subqueries, to
find out which perform better in various situations.


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أساسيات التأمين

أساسيات التأمين

Top 10 for Building Efficient Queries
3.Avoid query hints.
• You must work with the SQL Server query optimizer, rather
than against it, to create efficient queries.
• Query hints tell the query optimizer how to behave and
therefore override the optimizer’s ability to do its job
• If you eliminate the optimizer’s choices, you might limit
yourself to a query plan that is less than ideal.
• Use query hints only when you are absolutely certain that
the query optimizer is incorrect.

Top 10 for Building Efficient Queries
4.Use correlated subqueries to improve performance.
• Since the query optimizer is able to integrate subqueries
into the main query flow in a variety of ways, subqueries
might help in various query tuning situations.
• Subqueries can be especially useful in situations in which
you create a join to a table only to verify the existence of
correlated rows. For better performance, replace these
kinds of joins with correlated subqueries that make use of
the EXISTS operator
--Using a LEFT JOIN
SELECT a.parent_key FROM parent_table a LEFT JOIN child_table b ON a.parent_key =
b.parent_key WHERE B.parent_key IS NULL
--Using a NOT EXISTS
SELECT a.parent_key FROM parent_table a WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM child_table b
WHERE a.parent_key =b.parent_key)

Top 10 for Building Efficient Queries
5. Avoid using a scalar user-defined function in the
WHERE clause.
• Scalar user-defined functions, unlike scalar subqueries, are
not optimized into the main query plan.
• Instead, you must call them row-by-row by using a hidden
• This is especially troublesome in the WHERE clause because
the function is called for every input row.
• Using a scalar function in the SELECT list is much less
problematic because the rows have already been filtered in
the WHERE clause.

Top 10 for Building Efficient Queries
6.Use table-valued user-defined functions as
derived tables.
• In contrast to scalar user-defined functions, table-valued
functions are often helpful from a performance point of
view when you use them as derived tables.
• The query processor evaluates a derived table only once per
• If you embed the logic in a table-valued user-defined
function, you can encapsulate and reuse it for other queries.
CREATE FUNCTION Sales.fn_SalesByStore (@storeid int)
SELECT P.ProductID, P.Name, SUM(SD.LineTotal) AS 'YTD Total‘ FROM Production.Product AS P
JOIN Sales.SalesOrderDetail AS SD ON SD.ProductID = P.ProductID JOIN Sales.SalesOrderHeader AS SH
ON SH.SalesOrderID = SD.SalesOrderID WHERE SH.CustomerID = @storeid GROUP BY P.ProductID, P.Name


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Investigate SQL Server Memory Like Sherlock Holmes
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Investigate SQL Server Memory Like Sherlock Holmes

The document discusses optimizing memory usage in SQL Server. It covers how SQL Server uses memory, including the buffer pool and plan cache. It discusses different memory models and settings like max server memory. It provides views and queries to monitor memory usage and pressure, and describes techniques to intentionally create internal memory pressure to encourage plan cache churn.

sql serversql server memorysql server performance
Troubleshooting SQL Server
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Troubleshooting SQL Server

The document discusses troubleshooting performance issues for SQL Server. It begins with an introduction and case study on the MS Society of Canada's website. It then discusses optimizing the environment, using Performance Monitor (PerfMon) to monitor performance, and concludes with recommendations to address issues like high CPU usage, slow disk speeds, and insufficient memory.

Top 10 for Building Efficient Queries
7.Avoid unnecessary GROUP BY columns
• Use a subquery instead.
• The process of grouping rows becomes more expensive as
you add more columns to the GROUP BY list.
• If your query has few column aggregations but many nonaggregated grouped columns, you might be able to refactor
it by using a correlated scalar subquery.
• This will result in less work for grouping in the query and
therefore possibly better overall query performance.
SELECT p1.ProductSubcategoryID, p1.Name
FROM Production.Product p1 WHERE p1.ListPrice >
( SELECT AVG (p2.ListPrice) FROM Production.Product p2
WHERE p1.ProductSubcategoryID =
Top 10 for Building Efficient Queries
8.Use CASE expressions to include variable
logic in a query
• The CASE expression is one of the most powerful logic tools
available to T-SQL programmers.
• Using CASE, you can dynamically change column output on a
row-by-row basis.
• This enables your query to return only the data that is
absolutely necessary and therefore reduces the I/O
operations and network overhead that is required to
assemble and send large result sets to clients.

Top 10 for Building Efficient Queries
9. Divide joins into temporary tables when you query
very large tables.
• The query optimizer’s main strategy is to find query plans that
satisfy queries by using single operations.
• Although this strategy works for most cases, it can fail for larger
sets of data because the huge joins require so much I/O
• In some cases, a better option is to reduce the working set by
using temporary tables to materialize key parts of the query. You
can then join the temporary tables to produce a final result.
• This technique is not favorable in heavily transactional systems
because of the overhead of temporary table creation, but it can
be very useful in decision support situations.
Top 10 for Building Efficient Queries
10. Refactoring Cursors into Queries.

Rebuild logic as multiple queries


Rebuild logic as a user-defined function


Rebuild logic as a complex query with a case expression


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Dmv's & Performance Monitor in SQL Server
Dmv's & Performance Monitor in SQL ServerDmv's & Performance Monitor in SQL Server
Dmv's & Performance Monitor in SQL Server

Dynamic management views and functions in SQL Server provide information to monitor server health, diagnose issues, and tune performance. There are server-scoped and database-scoped DMVs. Common DMV categories include database, execution, I/O, index, and operating system. The Performance Monitor tool in Windows collects counters related to physical disk, memory, CPU, and network usage to identify bottlenecks. High disk queue lengths, low available memory, or high processor utilization could indicate performance issues.

Performance Tuning
Performance TuningPerformance Tuning
Performance Tuning

This document discusses tuning a system for optimal performance. It covers determining performance criteria, analyzing problems, testing solutions, and signs of a well-tuned system. Key aspects of tuning include analyzing system usage, determining causes of problems, setting goals to improve throughput or response times, and testing changes. Memory, processors, I/O, and network usage should be optimized to avoid bottlenecks.

Sql server troubleshooting
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Sql server troubleshooting

This document discusses SQL Server troubleshooting and performance monitoring. It begins with the basics of using tools like logs, Performance Monitor, traces, and third-party applications. It emphasizes starting monitoring before issues arise to establish baselines and identify bottlenecks. Common issues involve memory, processors, disks, queries, and maintenance. Specific performance counters are outlined to monitor these resources. Other troubleshooting aids discussed include dynamic management views, trace flags, and the Profiler tool. The roles of different database instances and importance of database design and queries are also covered.

stacy hein
1. Query optimization
2. Cursor refactoring

Performance Tuning in SQL Server

Best Practices for

Stored Procedures and Views

Stored Procedures
Best Practices
• Avoid using “sp_” as name prefix
• Avoid stored procedures that accept parameters for table
• Use the SET NOCOUNT ON option in stored procedures
• Limit the use of temporary tables and table variables in
stored procedures
• If a stored procedure does multiple data modification
operations, make sure to enlist them in a transaction.
• When working with dynamic T-SQL, use sp_executesql
instead of the EXEC statement

Best Practices

Use views to abstract complex data structures
Use views to encapsulate aggregate queries
Use views to provide more user-friendly column names
Think of reusability when designing views
Avoid using the ORDER BY clause in views that contain a TOP
100 PERCENT clause.
• Utilize indexes on views that include aggregate data


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This document discusses various techniques for optimizing MariaDB server performance, including: - Tuning configuration settings like the buffer pool size, query cache size, and thread pool settings. - Monitoring server metrics like CPU usage, memory usage, disk I/O, and MariaDB-specific metrics. - Analyzing slow queries with the slow query log and EXPLAIN statements to identify optimization opportunities like adding indexes.

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checkpoint (automaticindirectlazy writer
Performance Tuning in SQL Server

Optimizing an Indexing Strategy

Index Architecture


Types of Indexes







Index with included column


Indexed view





Guidelines for designing indexes

Examine the database characteristics.
For example, your indexing strategy will differ between an online transaction processing system with frequent data updates and a data
warehousing system that contains primarily read-only data.


Understand the characteristics of the most frequently used queries and the
columns used in the queries.
For example, you might need to create an index on a query that joins tables or that uses a unique column for its search argument.


Decide on the index options that might enhance the performance of the index.
Options that can affect the efficiency of an index include FILLFACTOR and ONLINE.


Determine the optimal storage location for the index.
You can choose to store a nonclustered index in the same filegroup as the table or on a different filegroup. If you store the index in a filegroup that
is on a different disk than the table filegroup, you might find that disk I/O performance improves because multiple disks can be read at the same


Balance read and write performance in the database.
You can create many nonclustered indexes on a single table, but it is important to remember that each new index has an impact on the
performance of insert and update operations. This is because nonclustered indexes maintain copies of the indexed data. Each copy of the data
requires I/O operations to maintain it, and you might cause a reduction in write performance if the database has to write too many copies. You
must ensure that you balance the needs of both select queries and data updates when you design an indexing strategy.


Consider the size of tables in the database.
The query processor might take longer to traverse the index of a small table than to perform a simple table scan. Therefore, if you create an index
on a small table, the processor might never use the index. However, the database engine must still update the index when the data in the table


Consider the use of indexed views.
Indexes on views can provide significant performance gains when the view contains aggregations, table joins, or both.


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Progress OE performance management
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This document discusses various factors that impact the performance of QAD application and provides recommendations for tuning them. It describes how CPU utilization, memory allocation, disk I/O, checkpoints, latches and other resources can affect performance if not optimized. Specific metrics like buffer hits, resource waits, latch counts and timeouts are identified to monitor performance. Parameters like CPU count, buffer pool size, APW count, block size and before image settings can be tuned to improve efficiency.

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This document describes a set of Progress OE parameters and show how they can impact a Progress OE database performance. I wrote this document by an easy way so every one can understand it even if he's not a Progress OE DB administrator.

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Pre and post tips to installing sql server correctly
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Pre and post tips to installing sql server correctly

Antonios Chatzipavlis is a database architect and SQL Server expert with over 30 years of experience working with SQL Server. The document provides tips for installing and configuring SQL Server correctly, including selecting the appropriate server hardware, installing Windows, configuring disks and storage, installing and configuring SQL Server, and creating user databases. The goal is to optimize performance and reliability based on best practices.

sql serversqlschool greece
Nonclustered Index
do’s & don’ts

Create a nonclustered index for columns used for:






• Avoid the following when designing nonclustered indexes:

Redundant indexes


Wide composite indexes


Indexes for one query


Nonclustered indexes that include the clustered index

Clustered Indexes
do’s & don’ts
• Use clustered indexes for:

Range queries


Primary key queries


Queries that retrieve data from many columns

• Do not use clustered indexes for:

Columns that have frequent changes


Wide keys

1. Database Engine Tuning Advisor

Performance Tuning in SQL Server

Define and implement monitoring
standards for database servers and

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This session introduces tools that can help you analyze and troubleshoot performance with SharePoint 2013. This sessions presents tools like perfmon, Fiddler, Visual Round Trip Analyzer, IIS LogParser, Developer Dashboard and of course we create Web and Load Tests in Visual Studio 2013. At the end we also take a look at some of the tips and best practices to improve performance on SharePoint 2013.

Architetture Serverless con SQL Server e Azure Functions
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L'architettura serverless va sempre più di moda e innovative tecnologie come le Azure Functions ci consentono di implementarla facilmente. Come possiamo calare in questa realtà un prodotto consolidato come SQL Server che all'apparenza sembra non essere tagliato per questi scenari? In questa sessione vedremo come sfruttare SQL Server e l'estensibilità delle Azure Functions per costruire solutioni Serverless. Sessione tenuta il 11/06/2021 a SQL Start 2021.

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This document discusses tuning Linux and PostgreSQL for performance. It recommends: - Tuning Linux kernel parameters like huge pages, swappiness, and overcommit memory. Huge pages can improve TLB performance. - Tuning PostgreSQL parameters like shared_buffers, work_mem, and checkpoint_timeout. Shared_buffers stores the most frequently accessed data. - Other tips include choosing proper hardware, OS, and database based on workload. Tuning queries and applications can also boost performance.

Monitoring Stages
Stage 1

Monitoring the database environment
Narrowing down a performance issue to a
particular database environment area

Stage 2

Stage 3

Narrowing down a performance issue to a
particular database environment object

Stage 4

Stage 5

Troubleshooting individual
Implementing a

Monitoring the database environment
• You must collect a broad range of performance data.
• The monitoring system must provide you with enough data to solve the
current performance issues.
• You must set up a monitoring solution that collects data from a broad
range of sources.
• Active data, you can use active collection tools
• System Monitor,
• Error Logs,
• SQL Server Profiler
• Inactive data you can use sources
• Database configuration settings,
• Server configuration settings,
• Metadata from SQL Server installation and databases

Guidelines for Auditing and Comparing
Test Results
• Scan the outputs gathered for any obvious performance
• Automate the analysis with the use of custom scripts and
• Analyze data soon after it is collected.
• Performance data has a short life span, and if there is a delay, the quality of the
analysis will suffer.

• Do not stop analyzing data when you discover the first set of
• Continue to analyze until all performance issues have been identified.

• Take into account the entire database environment when
you analyze performance data.
Monitoring Tools

SQL Server Profiler
System Monitor
DMVs for Monitoring
Performance Data Collector
SQLNexus (CodePlex)


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This document discusses MySQL performance tuning and various MySQL products and features. It provides information on MySQL 5.6 including improved scalability, new InnoDB features for NoSQL access, and an improved optimizer. It also discusses MySQL Enterprise Monitor for performance monitoring, and the Performance Schema for instrumentation and monitoring internal operations.

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Predicates allow filtering events based on: - Event properties (fields) - Session properties - System properties They are evaluated synchronously when the event fires. This allows filtering events and reducing overhead compared to capturing all events. Common predicates: - event_name = 'sql_statement_completed' - database_id = 5 - cpu_time > 1000 Predicates give granular control over what events are captured.

Webinar slides: Our Guide to MySQL & MariaDB Performance Tuning
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Webinar slides: Our Guide to MySQL & MariaDB Performance Tuning

If you’re asking yourself the following questions when it comes to optimally running your MySQL or MariaDB databases: - How do I tune them to make best use of the hardware? - How do I optimize the Operating System? - How do I best configure MySQL or MariaDB for a specific database workload? Then this replay is for you! We discuss some of the settings that are most often tweaked and which can bring you significant improvement in the performance of your MySQL or MariaDB database. We also cover some of the variables which are frequently modified even though they should not. Performance tuning is not easy, especially if you’re not an experienced DBA, but you can go a surprisingly long way with a few basic guidelines. This webinar builds upon blog posts by Krzysztof from the ‘Become a MySQL DBA’ series. AGENDA - What to tune and why? - Tuning process - Operating system tuning - Memory - I/O performance - MySQL configuration tuning - Memory - I/O performance - Useful tools - Do’s and do not’s of MySQL tuning - Changes in MySQL 8.0 SPEAKER Krzysztof Książek, Senior Support Engineer at Severalnines, is a MySQL DBA with experience managing complex database environments for companies like Zendesk, Chegg, Pinterest and Flipboard.

mysqlmariadbperformance tuning
SQL Server Profiler guidelines
• Schedule data tracing for peak and nonpeak hours
• Use Transact-SQL to create your own SQL Server Profiler
traces to minimize the performance impact of SQL Server
• Do not collect the SQL Server Profiler traces directly into a
SQL Server table.
• After the trace has ended, use fn_trace_gettable function to load the data
into a table.

• Store collected data on a computer that is not the instance
that you are tracing.

System Monitor guidelines
• Execute System Monitor traces at different times during the
week, month.
• Collect data every 36 seconds for a week.
• If the data collection period spans more than a week, set the
collection time interval in the range of 300 to 600 seconds.
• Collect the data in a comma-delimited text file. You can load
this text file into SQL Server Profiler for further analysis.
• Execute System Monitor on one server to collect the
performance data of another server.

DMVs for Monitoring



Returns a list of all SQL Server Operating System threads
that are running under the SQL Server process.


Returns a row for each object store in the instance of SQL
Server. You can use this view to monitor cache memory
use and to identify bad caching behavior


Returns a snapshot of the health of a cache, provides runtime information about the cache entries allocated, their
use, and the source of memory for the cache entries.


Returns information about all the waits encountered by
threads that executed. You can use this aggregated view
to diagnose performance issues with SQL Server and also
with specific queries and batches.


Returns a miscellaneous set of useful information about
the computer, and about the resources available to and
consumed by SQL Server.

Performance Data Collector
• Management Data Warehouse
• Performance Data Collection

Performance data collection components
System collection sets
User-defined collection sets

• Centralized Administration: Bringing it all together
Performance Data Collection and Reporting


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Performance Tuning
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Performance Tuning

This document provides an overview of performance tuning the MySQL server. It discusses where to find server configuration and status information, how to analyze what the database is doing using status variables, and which configuration variables can be tuned for optimization, including global, per-session, and storage engine variables. Key areas covered include memory usage, query analysis, indexing strategies, and tuning storage engines like InnoDB and MyISAM.

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This document provides best practices for optimizing Blackboard Learn performance. It recommends deploying for performance from the start, optimizing platform components continuously through measurements, using scalable deployments like 64-bit architectures and virtualization, improving page responsiveness through techniques like gzip compression and image optimization, optimizing the web server, Java Virtual Machine, and database through configuration and tools. It emphasizes the importance of understanding resource utilization, wait events, execution plans, and statistics/histograms for database optimization.

Weblogic Cluster advanced performance tuning
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Weblogic Cluster advanced performance tuning

The document discusses performance tuning topics in WebLogic Server including tuning EJBs, JMS, web applications, web services, and JDBC. It provides guidance on understanding performance objectives such as anticipated users, requests, data, and target CPU utilization. It also discusses monitoring disk and CPU utilization, data transfers across networks, and locating bottlenecks in the system. Specific tuning recommendations are provided for EJBs, MDB pools, stateless session bean pools, entity bean pools, and JMS.

weblogic cluster
1. Resource Governor
2. SQL Server Profiler (if time permits)

Performance Tuning in SQL Server

Troubleshoot SQL Server
concurrency issues
Transaction Isolation Levels

Read uncommitted


Read committed


Repeatable read





Reduce Locking and Blocking

Keep logical transactions short


Avoid cursors


Use efficient and well-indexed queries


Use the minimum transaction isolation level required


Keep triggers to a minimum


Recommended for you

Data virtualization using polybase
Data virtualization using polybaseData virtualization using polybase
Data virtualization using polybase

This document provides an overview of using Polybase for data virtualization in SQL Server. It discusses installing and configuring Polybase, connecting external data sources like Azure Blob Storage and SQL Server, using Polybase DMVs for monitoring and troubleshooting, and techniques for optimizing performance like predicate pushdown and creating statistics on external tables. The presentation aims to explain how Polybase can be leveraged to virtually access and query external data using T-SQL without needing to know the physical data locations or move the data.

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SQL server Backup Restore Revealed
SQL server Backup Restore RevealedSQL server Backup Restore Revealed
SQL server Backup Restore Revealed

Antonios Chatzipavlis presented on SQL Server backup and restore. The presentation covered database architecture basics including data files, transaction log files, and the buffer cache. It also discussed backup types like full, differential, transaction log, copy only and partial backups. Backup strategies and restore processes were explained, including restoring to a point in time and restoring system databases. The internals of how SQL Server performs backups using buffers and I/O threads was also summarized.

antonios chatzipavlissqlschool.grsql nights
Migrate SQL Workloads to Azure
Migrate SQL Workloads to AzureMigrate SQL Workloads to Azure
Migrate SQL Workloads to Azure

Antonios Chatzipavlis presented on migrating SQL workloads to Azure. He discussed modernizing data platforms by discovering, assessing, planning, transforming, optimizing, testing and remediating. Key migration considerations include remaining, rehosting, refactoring, rearchitecting, rebuilding or replacing workloads. Tools for migrating data include Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit, Data Migration Assistant, Database Experimentation Assistant, SQL Server Migration Assistant, and Azure Database Migration Service. Workloads can be migrated to Azure VMs, Azure SQL Databases or Azure SQL Managed Instances.

antonios chatzipavlissqlschool.grazure
Minimizing Deadlocks

Access objects in the same order.
Avoid user interaction in transactions.
Keep transactions short and in one batch.
Use a lower isolation level.
Use a row versioning–based isolation level.
• Set the READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT database option ON to enable
read-committed transactions to use row versioning.
• Use snapshot isolation.

• Use bound connections.
• Allow two or more connections to share the same transaction and locks.
• Can work on the same data without lock conflicts.
• Can be created from multiple connections within the same application,
or from multiple applications with separate connections.
• Make coordinating actions across multiple connections easier.
• A dream
• Reliable source of knowledge for SQL Server


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Performance tuning in sql server

  • 1. Performance Tuning in SQL Server Antonios Chatzipavlis Software Architect , Development Evangelist, IT Consultant MCT, MCITP, MCPD, MCSD, MCDBA, MCSA, MCTS, MCAD, MCP, OCA 1
  • 2. Objectives • • • • • Why is Performance Tuning Necessary? How to Optimize SQL Server for performance How to Optimize Database for performance How to Optimize Query for performance Define and implement monitoring standards for database servers and instances • How to troubleshoot SQL Server 2
  • 3. Performance Tuning in SQL Server Why is performance tuning necessary? 3
  • 4. Why is Performance Tuning Necessary? • Allowing your system to scale • Adding more customers • Adding more features • Improve overall system performance • Save money but not wasting resources • The database is typically one of the most expensive resources in a datacenter 4
  • 5. General Scaling Options Scaling SQL Server with Bigger Hardware • • • • Purchase a larger server, and replace the existing system. Works well with smaller systems. Cost prohibitive for larger systems. Can be a temporary solution. 5
  • 6. General Scaling Options Scaling SQL Server with More Hardware • Purchase more hardware and split or partition the database. • Partitioning can be either vertical or horizontal • Vertical: Split the databases based on a specific demographic such as time zone or zip code. • Horizontal: Split components out of one database into another 6
  • 7. General Scaling Options Scaling SQL Server without adding hardware • • • • • • • • Adjusting and rewriting queries. Adding indexes. Removing indexes. Re-architecting the database schema. Moving things that shouldn’t be in the database. Eliminating redundant work on the database. Caching of data. Other performance tuning techniques. 7
  • 9. Performance Tuning in SQL Server How to Optimize SQL Server for performance 9
  • 11. CPU and SQL Server • CPU Intensive Operations • Compression • Bulk Load operations • Compiling or Recompiling Queries • Hyper-Threading • Is just 1.3 times better than non hyper-threaded execution • The currently accepted best practice recommendation is that you should run SQL Server with Hyper-Threading disabled • L3 Cache 11
  • 12. CPU and SQL Server Performance Counters Counter Description Guidelines Processor:% Processor Time This counter monitors the amount of time the CPU spends executing a thread that is not idle A consistent state of 80 percent to 90 percent may indicate the need to upgrade your CPU or add more processors. System: %Total Processor To determine the average for all processors Processor: % Privileged Time Corresponds to the percentage of time the processor spends on execution of Microsoft Windows kernel commands, such as processing of SQL Server I/O requests. Processor: %User Time Corresponds to the percentage of time that the processor spends on executing user processes such as SQL Server. System: Processor Queue Length Corresponds to the number of threads waiting for processor time. A processor bottleneck develops when threads of a process require more processor cycles than are available. If this counter is consistently high when the Physical Disk counters are high, consider installing a faster or more efficient disk subsystem. If more than a few processes attempt to utilize the processor's time, you might need to install a faster processor. Or, if you have a multiprocessor system, you could add a processor. 12
  • 13. Memory and SQL Server Enable Address Windowing Extensions (AWE) • Tuning 32-bit Systems • Use /PAE and /3GB Together (Windows 2003) • Running BCDEDIT /set increaseUserVA 3072 (Windows 2008) • Tuning 64-bit Systems • If needed, enable AWE on Enterprise Edition of SQL Server • If needed, enable AWE on Standard Edition of SQL Server only when SP1 with Cumulative Update 2 applied. Read more info at 13
  • 14. Memory and SQL Server Min and Max Server Memory • Control the allowable size of SQL Server’s buffer pool. • Do not control all of SQL Server’s memory usage, just the buffer pool. • When the SQL Server service starts, it does not acquire all the memory configured in Min Server Memory but instead starts with only the minimal required, growing as necessary. • Once memory usage has increased beyond the Min Server Memory setting, SQL Server won’t release any memory below that figure. • Max Server Memory is the opposite of Min Server Memory, setting a “ceiling” for the buffer pool 14
  • 15. Memory and SQL Server How to configure Max Server Memory • Look at the buffer pool’s maximum usage. • Set SQL Server to dynamically manage memory • Monitor MSSQLSERVER : Memory ManagerTotal Server Memory (KB) counter using Performance Monitor • Determine the maximum potential for non-buffer pool usage. • 2GB for Windows • xGB for SQL Server worker threads • Each thread use 0.5MB on x86, 2MB on x64, and 4MB on Itanium. • 1GB for multi-page allocations, linked servers, and other consumers of memory outside the buffer pool • 1–3GB for other applications that might be running on the system, such as backup programs 15
  • 16. Memory and SQL Server Example of Max Server Memory configuration • In 8-CPU cores and 16GB of RAM running SQL Server 2008 x64 and a third-party backup utility, you would allow the following: • • • • 2GB for Windows 1GB for worker threads (576 Χ 2MB rounded down) 1GB for MPAs, etc. 1GB for the backup program • The total is 5GB, and you would configure Max Server Memory to 11GB. 16
  • 17. Memory and SQL Server Performance Counters Counter Description Guidelines Memory: Available Bytes Indicates how many any bytes of memory are currently available for use by Processes Low values can indicate that there is an overall shortage of memory on computer or that an application is not releasing memory Memory: Pages/sec Indicates the number of pages that either were retrieved from disk due to hard page faults or written to disk to free space in the working set due to page faults. A high rate could indicate excessive paging. Monitor the Memory: Page Faults/sec counter to make sure that the disk activity is not caused by paging. Process - Page Faults/sec (sql server instance) Windows Virtual Memory Manager takes pages from SQL Server and other processes as it trims the working-set sizes of those processes. A high number indicates excessive paging and disk thrashing. Use this counter to check whether SQL Server or another process is causing the excessive paging. SQL Server: Buffer ManagerBuffer Cache Hit Ratio Monitors the percentage of required pages found in the buffer cache, without reading from hard disk. Add more memory until the value is consistently greater than 90 percent. SQL Server: Buffer ManagerTotal Pages Monitors the total number of pages in the buffer cache, including database, free, and stolen pages from other processes. A low number may indicate frequent disk I/O or thrashing. Consider adding more memory. SQL Server: Memory ManagerTotal Server Memory (KB) Monitors the total amount of dynamic memory that the server is using. If this counter is consistently high in comparison to the amount of physical memory available, more memory may be required. 17
  • 18. IO and SQL Server Choose the right hard disk subsystem • RAID 5 • • • • Loved by storage administrators Dominated choice for non-database applications It’s cost effective and cost efficient Minimize the space required in the datacenter (fewer drives need fewer bays) • RAID 10 • Microsoft recommendation for log files • Storage Area Networks (SANs) • Performance is not always predictable if two servers share the same drive • iSCSI Storage Area Networks • For good performance needs dedicated switches. 18
  • 19. IO and SQL Server Choosing Which Files to Place on Which Disks • Best practices dictate that SQL Server • • • • data files, logs, tempdb files backup files are all written to separate arrays • Put log files on RAID 10 • Put data files on RAID 5 (to save money) 19
  • 20. IO and SQL Server Using Compression to Gain Performance • Increase IO performance but has CPU penalty • The SQL Server engine has to compress the data before writing the page, and decompress the data after reading the page • However, in practice this penalty is far outweighed by the time saved waiting for storage. Read more at • Example: If a 10GB index is compressed down to 3GB, then an index scan will be completed 70% faster simply because the data takes less time to read off the drives. • Is Enterprise Edition feature 20
  • 21. IO and SQL Server Performance Counters Counter Description Guidelines % Disk Time Monitors the percentage of time that the disk is busy with read/write activity. If this counter is high (more than 90 percent), check the Current Disk Queue Length counter. Avg. Disk Queue Length Monitors the average number of read/write requests that are queued. This counter should be no more than twice the number of spindles. Current Disk Queue Length Monitors the current number of read/write requests that are queued. This counter should be no more than twice the number of spindles • Monitor the Page Faults/sec counter in the Memory object to make sure that the disk activity is not caused by paging. • If you have more than one logical partition on the same hard disk, use the Logical Disk counters rather than the Physical Disk counters. 21
  • 22. 1. Use Performance Monitor 22
  • 23. Performance Tuning in SQL Server How to Optimize Database for performance 23
  • 24. Performance Optimization Model Server Tuning Locking Indexing Query Optimization Schema Design 24
  • 25. Schema Design Optimization Normalization • In this process you organize data to minimize redundancy, which eliminates duplicated data and logical ambiguities in the database Normal Form Description First Every attribute is atomic, and there are no repeating groups Second Complies with First Normal Form, and all non-key columns depend on the whole key Third Complies with Second Normal Form, and all nonkey columns are non-transitively dependent upon the primary key 25
  • 26. Schema Design Optimization Denormalization • In this process you re-introduce redundancy to the database to optimize performance. • When to use denormalization: • To pre-aggregate data • To avoid multiple/complex joins • When not to use denormalization: • To prevent simple joins • To provide reporting data • To prevent same row calculations 26
  • 27. Schema Design Optimization Generalization • In this process you group similar entities together into a single entity to reduce the amount of required data access code. • Use generalization when: • A large number of entities appear to be of the same type • Multiple entities contain the same attributes • Do not use generalization when: • It results in an overly complex design that is difficult to manage 27
  • 29. Performance Tuning in SQL Server How to Optimize Query for performance 29
  • 30. Key Measures for Query Performance Key factors for query performance:  Resources used to execute the query  Time required for query execution SQL Server tools to measure query performance:  Performance Monitor  SQL Server Profiler 30
  • 32. Logical Execution of Query Example Data customerid city Orderid customerid ANTON Athens 1 NASOS CHRIS Salonica 2 NASOS FANIS Athens 3 FANIS NASOS Athens 4 FANIS 5 FANIS 6 CHRIS 7 NULL 32
  • 33. Logical Execution of Query Example Query & Results SELECT C.customerid, COUNT(O.orderid) AS numorders FROM dbo.Customers AS C LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Orders AS O ON C.customerid = O.customerid WHERE = 'Athens' GROUP BY C.customerid HAVING COUNT(O.orderid) < 3 ORDER BY numorders; Customerid numorders ANTON 0 NASOS 2 33
  • 34. Logical Execution of Query 1st Step - Cross Join FROM dbo.Customers AS C ... JOIN dbo.Orders AS O Customerid City Orderid customerid ANTON Athens 1 NASOS ANTON Athens 2 NASOS ANTON Athens 3 FANIS ANTON Athens 4 FANIS ANTON Athens 5 FANIS ANTON Athens 6 CHRIS ANTON Athens 7 NULL CHRIS Salonica 1 NASOS CHRIS Salonica 2 NASOS CHRIS Salonica 3 FANIS CHRIS Salonica 4 FANIS CHRIS Salonica 5 FANIS CHRIS Salonica 6 CHRIS CHRIS Salonica 7 NULL FANIS Athens 1 NASOS FANIS Athens 2 NASOS FANIS Athens 3 FANIS FANIS Athens 4 FANIS FANIS Athens 5 FANIS FANIS Athens 6 CHRIS FANIS Athens 7 NULL NASOS Athens 1 NASOS NASOS Athens 2 NASOS NASOS Athens 3 FANIS NASOS Athens 4 FANIS NASOS Athens 5 FANIS NASOS Athens 6 CHRIS NASOS Athens 7 NULL 34
  • 35. Logical Execution of Query 2nd Step- Apply Join condition ON Filter ON C.customerid = O.customerid Customerid City Orderid customerid ΟΝ Filter ANTON Athens 1 NASOS FALSE ANTON Athens 2 NASOS FALSE ANTON Athens 3 FANIS FALSE ANTON Athens 4 FANIS FALSE ANTON Athens 5 FANIS FALSE ANTON Athens 6 CHRIS FALSE ANTON Athens 7 NULL UNKNOWN CHRIS Salonica 1 NASOS FALSE CHRIS Salonica 2 NASOS FALSE CHRIS Salonica 3 FANIS FALSE CHRIS Salonica 4 FANIS FALSE CHRIS Salonica 5 FANIS FALSE CHRIS Salonica 6 CHRIS TRUE CHRIS Salonica 7 NULL UNKNOWN FANIS Athens 1 NASOS FALSE FANIS Athens 2 NASOS FALSE FANIS Athens 3 FANIS TRUE FANIS Athens 4 FANIS TRUE FANIS Athens 5 FANIS TRUE FANIS Athens 6 CHRIS FALSE FANIS Athens 7 NULL UNKNOWN NASOS Athens 1 NASOS TRUE NASOS Athens 2 NASOS TRUE NASOS Athens 3 FANIS FALSE NASOS Athens 4 FANIS FALSE NASOS Athens 5 FANIS FALSE NASOS Athens 6 CHRIS FALSE NASOS Athens 7 NULL UNKNOWN Customerid City Orderid customerid CHRIS Salonica 6 CHRIS FANIS Athens 3 FANIS FANIS Athens 4 FANIS FANIS Athens 5 FANIS NASOS Athens 1 NASOS NASOS Athens 2 NASOS 35
  • 36. Logical Execution of Query 3rd Step - Apply OUTER Join FROM dbo.Customers AS C LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Orders AS O Customerid City Orderid customerid CHRIS Salonica 6 CHRIS FANIS Athens 3 FANIS FANIS Athens 4 FANIS FANIS Athens 5 FANIS NASOS Athens 1 NASOS NASOS Athens 2 NASOS ΑΝΤΟΝ Athens NULL NULL 36
  • 37. Logical Execution of Query 4th Step - Apply WHERE filter WHERE = 'Athens' Customerid City Orderid customerid FANIS Athens 3 FANIS FANIS Athens 4 FANIS FANIS Athens 5 FANIS NASOS Athens 1 NASOS NASOS Athens 2 NASOS ΑΝΤΟΝ Athens NULL NULL 37
  • 38. Logical Execution of Query 5th Step - Apply Grouping GROUP BY C.customerid Customerid City Orderid customerid FANIS Athens 3 FANIS FANIS Athens 4 FANIS FANIS Athens 5 FANIS NASOS Athens 1 NASOS NASOS Athens 2 NASOS ΑΝΤΟΝ Athens NULL NULL 38
  • 39. Logical Execution of Query 6th Step - Apply Cube or Rollup 39
  • 40. Logical Execution of Query 7th Step - Apply HAVING Filter HAVING COUNT(O.orderid) < 3 Customerid City Orderid customerid NASOS Athens 1 NASOS NASOS Athens 2 NASOS ΑΝΤΟΝ Athens NULL NULL 40
  • 41. Logical Execution of Query 8th Step - Apply SELECT List SELECT C.customerid, COUNT(O.orderid) AS numorders Customerid numorders NASOS 2 ANTON 0 41
  • 42. Logical Execution of Query 9th Step - Apply DISTINCT 42
  • 43. Logical Execution of Query 10th Step - Apply ORDER BY ORDER BY numorders Customerid numorders ANTON 0 NASOS 2 43
  • 44. Logical Execution of Query 11th Step - Apply TOP 44
  • 45. Logical Execution of Query Get the Result Customerid numorders ANTON 0 NASOS 2 45
  • 46. Performance Tuning in SQL Server How to Optimize Query for performance Top 10 for Building Efficient Queries 46
  • 47. Top 10 for Building Efficient Queries 1.Favor set-based logic over procedural or cursor logic • The most important factor to consider when tuning queries is how to properly express logic in a set-based manner. • Cursors or other procedural constructs limit the query optimizer’s ability to generate flexible query plans. • Cursors can therefore reduce the possibility of performance improvements in many situations 47
  • 48. Top 10 for Building Efficient Queries 2.Test query variations for performance • The query optimizer can often produce widely different plans for logically equivalent queries. • Test different techniques, such as joins or subqueries, to find out which perform better in various situations. 48
  • 49. Top 10 for Building Efficient Queries 3.Avoid query hints. • You must work with the SQL Server query optimizer, rather than against it, to create efficient queries. • Query hints tell the query optimizer how to behave and therefore override the optimizer’s ability to do its job properly. • If you eliminate the optimizer’s choices, you might limit yourself to a query plan that is less than ideal. • Use query hints only when you are absolutely certain that the query optimizer is incorrect. 49
  • 50. Top 10 for Building Efficient Queries 4.Use correlated subqueries to improve performance. • Since the query optimizer is able to integrate subqueries into the main query flow in a variety of ways, subqueries might help in various query tuning situations. • Subqueries can be especially useful in situations in which you create a join to a table only to verify the existence of correlated rows. For better performance, replace these kinds of joins with correlated subqueries that make use of the EXISTS operator --Using a LEFT JOIN SELECT a.parent_key FROM parent_table a LEFT JOIN child_table b ON a.parent_key = b.parent_key WHERE B.parent_key IS NULL --Using a NOT EXISTS SELECT a.parent_key FROM parent_table a WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM child_table b WHERE a.parent_key =b.parent_key) 50
  • 51. Top 10 for Building Efficient Queries 5. Avoid using a scalar user-defined function in the WHERE clause. • Scalar user-defined functions, unlike scalar subqueries, are not optimized into the main query plan. • Instead, you must call them row-by-row by using a hidden cursor. • This is especially troublesome in the WHERE clause because the function is called for every input row. • Using a scalar function in the SELECT list is much less problematic because the rows have already been filtered in the WHERE clause. 51
  • 52. Top 10 for Building Efficient Queries 6.Use table-valued user-defined functions as derived tables. • In contrast to scalar user-defined functions, table-valued functions are often helpful from a performance point of view when you use them as derived tables. • The query processor evaluates a derived table only once per query. • If you embed the logic in a table-valued user-defined function, you can encapsulate and reuse it for other queries. CREATE FUNCTION Sales.fn_SalesByStore (@storeid int) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN ( SELECT P.ProductID, P.Name, SUM(SD.LineTotal) AS 'YTD Total‘ FROM Production.Product AS P JOIN Sales.SalesOrderDetail AS SD ON SD.ProductID = P.ProductID JOIN Sales.SalesOrderHeader AS SH ON SH.SalesOrderID = SD.SalesOrderID WHERE SH.CustomerID = @storeid GROUP BY P.ProductID, P.Name ) 52
  • 53. Top 10 for Building Efficient Queries 7.Avoid unnecessary GROUP BY columns • Use a subquery instead. • The process of grouping rows becomes more expensive as you add more columns to the GROUP BY list. • If your query has few column aggregations but many nonaggregated grouped columns, you might be able to refactor it by using a correlated scalar subquery. • This will result in less work for grouping in the query and therefore possibly better overall query performance. SELECT p1.ProductSubcategoryID, p1.Name FROM Production.Product p1 WHERE p1.ListPrice > ( SELECT AVG (p2.ListPrice) FROM Production.Product p2 WHERE p1.ProductSubcategoryID = p2.ProductSubcategoryID) 53
  • 54. Top 10 for Building Efficient Queries 8.Use CASE expressions to include variable logic in a query • The CASE expression is one of the most powerful logic tools available to T-SQL programmers. • Using CASE, you can dynamically change column output on a row-by-row basis. • This enables your query to return only the data that is absolutely necessary and therefore reduces the I/O operations and network overhead that is required to assemble and send large result sets to clients. 54
  • 55. Top 10 for Building Efficient Queries 9. Divide joins into temporary tables when you query very large tables. • The query optimizer’s main strategy is to find query plans that satisfy queries by using single operations. • Although this strategy works for most cases, it can fail for larger sets of data because the huge joins require so much I/O overhead. • In some cases, a better option is to reduce the working set by using temporary tables to materialize key parts of the query. You can then join the temporary tables to produce a final result. • This technique is not favorable in heavily transactional systems because of the overhead of temporary table creation, but it can be very useful in decision support situations. 55
  • 56. Top 10 for Building Efficient Queries 10. Refactoring Cursors into Queries. • Rebuild logic as multiple queries • Rebuild logic as a user-defined function • Rebuild logic as a complex query with a case expression 56
  • 57. 1. Query optimization 2. Cursor refactoring 58
  • 58. Performance Tuning in SQL Server Best Practices for Stored Procedures and Views 59
  • 59. Stored Procedures Best Practices • Avoid using “sp_” as name prefix • Avoid stored procedures that accept parameters for table names • Use the SET NOCOUNT ON option in stored procedures • Limit the use of temporary tables and table variables in stored procedures • If a stored procedure does multiple data modification operations, make sure to enlist them in a transaction. • When working with dynamic T-SQL, use sp_executesql instead of the EXEC statement 60
  • 60. Views Best Practices • • • • • Use views to abstract complex data structures Use views to encapsulate aggregate queries Use views to provide more user-friendly column names Think of reusability when designing views Avoid using the ORDER BY clause in views that contain a TOP 100 PERCENT clause. • Utilize indexes on views that include aggregate data 61
  • 61. Performance Tuning in SQL Server Optimizing an Indexing Strategy 62
  • 63. Types of Indexes • Clustered • Nonclustered • Unique • Index with included column • Indexed view • Full-text • XML 64
  • 64. Guidelines for designing indexes • Examine the database characteristics. For example, your indexing strategy will differ between an online transaction processing system with frequent data updates and a data warehousing system that contains primarily read-only data. • Understand the characteristics of the most frequently used queries and the columns used in the queries. For example, you might need to create an index on a query that joins tables or that uses a unique column for its search argument. • Decide on the index options that might enhance the performance of the index. Options that can affect the efficiency of an index include FILLFACTOR and ONLINE. • Determine the optimal storage location for the index. You can choose to store a nonclustered index in the same filegroup as the table or on a different filegroup. If you store the index in a filegroup that is on a different disk than the table filegroup, you might find that disk I/O performance improves because multiple disks can be read at the same time. • Balance read and write performance in the database. You can create many nonclustered indexes on a single table, but it is important to remember that each new index has an impact on the performance of insert and update operations. This is because nonclustered indexes maintain copies of the indexed data. Each copy of the data requires I/O operations to maintain it, and you might cause a reduction in write performance if the database has to write too many copies. You must ensure that you balance the needs of both select queries and data updates when you design an indexing strategy. • Consider the size of tables in the database. The query processor might take longer to traverse the index of a small table than to perform a simple table scan. Therefore, if you create an index on a small table, the processor might never use the index. However, the database engine must still update the index when the data in the table changes. • Consider the use of indexed views. Indexes on views can provide significant performance gains when the view contains aggregations, table joins, or both. 65
  • 65. Nonclustered Index do’s & don’ts • Create a nonclustered index for columns used for: • Predicates • Joins • Aggregation • Avoid the following when designing nonclustered indexes: • Redundant indexes • Wide composite indexes • Indexes for one query • Nonclustered indexes that include the clustered index 66
  • 66. Clustered Indexes do’s & don’ts • Use clustered indexes for: • Range queries • Primary key queries • Queries that retrieve data from many columns • Do not use clustered indexes for: • Columns that have frequent changes • Wide keys 67
  • 67. 1. Database Engine Tuning Advisor 68
  • 68. Performance Tuning in SQL Server Define and implement monitoring standards for database servers and instances 69
  • 69. Monitoring Stages Stage 1 Monitoring the database environment Narrowing down a performance issue to a particular database environment area Stage 2 Stage 3 Narrowing down a performance issue to a particular database environment object Stage 4 Stage 5 Troubleshooting individual problems Implementing a solution 70
  • 70. Monitoring the database environment • You must collect a broad range of performance data. • The monitoring system must provide you with enough data to solve the current performance issues. • You must set up a monitoring solution that collects data from a broad range of sources. • Active data, you can use active collection tools • System Monitor, • Error Logs, • SQL Server Profiler • Inactive data you can use sources • Database configuration settings, • Server configuration settings, • Metadata from SQL Server installation and databases 71
  • 71. Guidelines for Auditing and Comparing Test Results • Scan the outputs gathered for any obvious performance issues. • Automate the analysis with the use of custom scripts and tools. • Analyze data soon after it is collected. • Performance data has a short life span, and if there is a delay, the quality of the analysis will suffer. • Do not stop analyzing data when you discover the first set of issues. • Continue to analyze until all performance issues have been identified. • Take into account the entire database environment when you analyze performance data. 73
  • 72. Monitoring Tools • • • • • • • SQL Server Profiler System Monitor SQLDIAG DMVs for Monitoring Performance Data Collector SQLNexus (CodePlex) SQLIO 74
  • 73. SQL Server Profiler guidelines • Schedule data tracing for peak and nonpeak hours • Use Transact-SQL to create your own SQL Server Profiler traces to minimize the performance impact of SQL Server Profiler. • Do not collect the SQL Server Profiler traces directly into a SQL Server table. • After the trace has ended, use fn_trace_gettable function to load the data into a table. • Store collected data on a computer that is not the instance that you are tracing. 75
  • 74. System Monitor guidelines • Execute System Monitor traces at different times during the week, month. • Collect data every 36 seconds for a week. • If the data collection period spans more than a week, set the collection time interval in the range of 300 to 600 seconds. • Collect the data in a comma-delimited text file. You can load this text file into SQL Server Profiler for further analysis. • Execute System Monitor on one server to collect the performance data of another server. 76
  • 75. DMVs for Monitoring DMV Description sys.dm_os_threads Returns a list of all SQL Server Operating System threads that are running under the SQL Server process. sys.dm_os_memory_pools Returns a row for each object store in the instance of SQL Server. You can use this view to monitor cache memory use and to identify bad caching behavior sys.dm_os_memory_cache_counters Returns a snapshot of the health of a cache, provides runtime information about the cache entries allocated, their use, and the source of memory for the cache entries. sys.dm_os_wait_stats Returns information about all the waits encountered by threads that executed. You can use this aggregated view to diagnose performance issues with SQL Server and also with specific queries and batches. sys.dm_os_sys_info Returns a miscellaneous set of useful information about the computer, and about the resources available to and consumed by SQL Server. 77
  • 76. Performance Data Collector • Management Data Warehouse • Performance Data Collection • • • • Performance data collection components System collection sets User-defined collection sets Reporting • Centralized Administration: Bringing it all together Performance Data Collection and Reporting 78
  • 77. 1. Resource Governor 2. SQL Server Profiler (if time permits) 79
  • 78. Performance Tuning in SQL Server Troubleshoot SQL Server concurrency issues 80
  • 79. Transaction Isolation Levels • Read uncommitted • Read committed • Repeatable read • Snapshot • Serializable 81
  • 80. Reduce Locking and Blocking Guidelines • Keep logical transactions short • Avoid cursors • Use efficient and well-indexed queries • Use the minimum transaction isolation level required • Keep triggers to a minimum 82
  • 81. Minimizing Deadlocks • • • • • Access objects in the same order. Avoid user interaction in transactions. Keep transactions short and in one batch. Use a lower isolation level. Use a row versioning–based isolation level. • Set the READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT database option ON to enable read-committed transactions to use row versioning. • Use snapshot isolation. • Use bound connections. • Allow two or more connections to share the same transaction and locks. • Can work on the same data without lock conflicts. • Can be created from multiple connections within the same application, or from multiple applications with separate connections. • Make coordinating actions across multiple connections easier. • 83
  • 82. • A dream • Reliable source of knowledge for SQL Server • 84
  • 83. 85