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Azure SQL Data Warehouse
SQL Data Warehouse
1982 I started working with computers
1988 I started my professional career in computers industry
1996 I started working with SQL Server 6.0
1998 I earned my first certification at Microsoft as
Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (3rd in Greece)
1999 I started my career as Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) with
more than 30.000 hours of training until now!
2010 I became for first time Microsoft MVP on Data Platform
I created the SQL School Greece
2012 I became MCT Regional Lead by Microsoft Learning Program.
2013 I was certified as MCSE : Data Platform
I was certified as MCSE : Business Intelligence
2016 I was certified as MCSE: Data Management & Analytics
SQL Server Expert and Evangelist
Data Platform MVP
Μια πηγή ενημέρωσης για τον Microsoft SQL Server
προς τους Έλληνες IT Professionals, DBAs,
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χομπίστες που απλά τους αρέσει ο SQL Server.
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SQL School Greece group
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Presentation Content
• First Look on Azure SQL DW
• Designing for Azure SQL DW
• Loading Data on Azure SQL DW
• Querying and Tuning Azure SQL DW
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
First Look on
Azure SQL Data Warehouse
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
What is Azure SQL Data Warehouse?
Service in
Microsoft Azure
It’s a PAAS
It’s a Massively
Parallel Processing
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Symmetric Multiprocessing Massively Parallel Processing
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Data Warehousing Unit
A measure of the
underlying compute
power of the database
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Data Warehousing Unit
For Example
50 100
100 DWU 500 DWU
3 table loaded in 15 min
20 minutes to run a report
3 table loaded in 3 min
4 minutes to run a report
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Why Choose Cloud Over On-Premises DW?
• Doesn’t need large CAPEX to get started
• Doesn’t need large OPEX
• We can scale storage and compute up or down
on demand
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
What and How do you pay for this Service ?
• Storage
– Storage is billed by GB
– Standard or Premium Geo Redundant
– No cost for storage transactions
– Outbound data transfer is billed
• Compute Power
– Compute is billed by DWUs
– Can go from 100 to 2000
– Billed per hour
When not in use, compute
power of the DW can be
completely paused for
maximum savings
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Provisioning Azure SQL Data Warehouse
Select a
Select or
Create a
origin of
the data
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Methods of Provisioning
• Azure Portal
– Select New > Data + Storage
• PowerShell
– New AzureRmSqlDatabase Cmdlet
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Provision a Data Warehouse
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Designing for
Azure SQL Data Warehouse
SQL Server Azure SQL DW!=
An Azure SQL DW database requires design
decisions that are different from SQL Server
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Distribution Key
Determines the method in which Azure
SQL Data Warehouse spreads the data
across multiple nodes
Azure SQL Data Warehouse
uses up to 60 distributions
when loading data into the
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Hash Distribution
RecordNo CustomerID InvoiceDate
1 1000 2017-04-21
2 1000 2017-04-22
3 2000 2017-04-22
4 3000 2017-04-22
5 4000 2017-04-22
Hashing by CustomerID
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Round-Robin Distribution
RecordNo CustomerID InvoiceDate
1 1000 2017-04-21
2 1000 2017-04-22
3 2000 2017-04-22
4 3000 2017-04-22
5 4000 2017-04-22
Rows distributed to all nodes
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Data Distribution best practice
Even DistributionOdd Distribution
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Good Hash Key
Used for
Used as
Join Condition
Is Not
Has more than
distinct values
Round-Robin will always provide a uniform distribution but not necessarily the best performance
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Data Types
Use the smallest
data type which will
support your data
Avoid defining all
character columns
to a large default
Define columns as
VARCHAR instead of
don’t need Unicode
The goal is to not only save space but also move data as efficiently as possible
Some complex data types (xml, geography, etc) are not supported yet
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Table Types
Default table
Segments of
1M rows
No secondary
indexes Heap
No index on
the data
Fast Load
Sorted index
on the data
Fast singleton
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Table Partitioning
1. Ease of loading and removal of data from a partitioned table
2. Targeting specific partitions on table maintenance operation
3. Performance improvements due to partition elimination
Partitioning is very common in SQL Server Data Warehouses for three reasons:
A highly granular partitioning scheme can work in SQL Server but hurt performance in Azure SQL DW
60 Distributions 365 Partitions 21.900 Data Buckets
21.900 Data Buckets Ideal Segment Size
(1M Rows)
Lower Granularity (week, month) can perform better depending on how much data you have
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
How do we apply these principles to a Dimensional Model?
• Fact Table
– Large ones are better as Columnstores
– Distributed through Has key as much as possible as long as it is even
– Partitioned only if the is large enough to fill up each segment
• Dimension Tables
– Can be Hash distributed or Round-Robin if there is no clear candidate
join key
– Columnstore for large dimensions
– Heap or Clustered Index for small dimensions
– Add secondary indexes for alternate join columns
– Partitioning not recommended
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Analyzing distribution and data types for DW tables
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Loading Data on
Azure SQL Data Warehouse
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Loading an MPP System
The main principle of loading
data into Azure DW is to do as
much work in parallel as possible
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Data Warehouse Readers
100 200 300 400 500 600 1000 1200 1500 2000
Readers 8 16 24 32 40 48 60 60 60 60
Writers 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
Your DWUs have a direct impact on how fast you can load data in parallel
- Azure SQL Data Warehouse introduces the concept of Data Warehouse
- These are threads that will be reading data in parallel and then passing it
off to Writer threads.
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Optimize Insert Batch Size
• Avoid trickle insert pattern
– Ideal batch size is 1 million or more direct or in a file
• Avoid Ordered Data
– Data ordered by distribution key can introduce hot spots that slow down the load
• Using Temporary Tables
– Stage and transform on a Temp Heap table before moving to permanent storage
• Use the CREATE TABLE AS statement
– Fully parallel operation
– It’s minimally logged
– It can change: distribution, table type, partitioning
CREATE TABLE #fact_tmp
FROM dbo.FactInternetSales;
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
User Resource Class
Class Smallrc Mediumrc Largerc Xlargerc
Default 8 16 24 32
Memory 100 MB 100-1600 MB 200-3200 MB 400-6400 MB
The lower range corresponds to DWU100 the upper range to DWU2000
User Resource classes as database roles that govern how many resources
are given to a query
For fast and high quality loads create a user just for loading which utilize a medium or large RC
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Loading Methods
• Single-client loading methods
– Azure Data Factory
– Can add some parallel capabilities but are bottleneck at the Control node
• Parallel readers loading methods
– PolyBase
– Reads from Azure Blob Storage and loads the content into Azure SQL DW
– Bypasses the Control node and loads directly into the Compute Nodes
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Control Node
The Control Node
receives connections
and orchestrates the
The Compute Nodes
do processing on the
data and scale with
the DWUs
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Loading with SSIS
SSIS Control
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Loading data with SSIS
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Loading with PolyBase
Node Azure
Blob Storage
PolyBase can load data from
UTF-8 delimited text files and
popular Hadoop file formats
(RC file, ORC and Parquet)
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Loading data with PolyBase
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Migration Utility
• Supports SQL Server 2012+ and
Azure SQL Database
• Provides a migration report pointing
out possible issues
• Assists with schema migration
• Assists with data migration
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Using the Azure SQL DW migration utility
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Querying and Tuning
Azure SQL Data Warehouse
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Workload Management Principles
User Resource
Transaction Size
1024 Connections
32 Concurrent Queries
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Concurrency Queries and Concurrency Slots
100 200 300 400 500 600 1000 1200 1500 2000
Slots 4 8 12 16 20 24 40 48 60 80
Queries Executing Queries Incoming Queries Queued
DW200 7 2 1
DW1000 32 2 2
The above examples assumes that each query is consuming 1 concurrency slot
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Resource Class and Concurrency Slots
Class Smallrc Mediumrc Largerc Xlargerc
DWUs 100-2000 100-2000 100-2000 100-2000
Slots 1 1-6 2-32 4-64
SELECT queries against system views, stats and other management commands do not use concurrency slots
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Transaction Size Limits
100 200 300 400 500 600 1000 1200 1500 2000
GB /
1 1,5 2,25 3 3,75 4,5 7,5 9 11,25 15
A DW200 transaction doing equal work per distribution could
consume 60 x 1,5 GB = 90 GB of space
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Maintaining Statistics
• The service does not create or maintain stats
automatically 
• Creating New stats
– Sampled single column stats is a good start
– Multi columns stats for joins involving multiple columns
– Focus on columns used in JOINs, GROUP BY, HAVING and WHERE clauses
– Increase the sample if necessary
• Updating existing stats
– If new dates or dimension categories added
– If new data loads have completed
– If an UPDATE or DELETE changes the distribution of data
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Index Defrag
• Heap
– Does not have a defrag option
• B-Tree Index
– Useful for removing low levels of fragmentation
• Columnstore
– Proactively compresses CLOSED rowgroups
• On a large table with heavy fragmentation it is often faster to recreate the
table with the CREATE TABLE AS SELECT and switch it with the older
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Index Rebuild
• Heap
– Can be rebuilt to remove forward pointers
• B-Tree Index
– Will remove high levels of fragmentation
• Columnstore
– Can increase the density of segments
• Rebuilding as index is an OFFLINE operation in Azure SQL DW
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Scaling Performance
• Increase the User Resource Class
– EXEC sp_addrolemember ‘largerc’, ‘loaduser’;
– Higher Resource Class – more memory and CPU
– More concurrency slots – less concurrent queries
– The highest role assigned takes precedence
• Increase the Data Warehouse Units
– It is an OFFLINE operation
– Make sure there are no loads or transactions in progress
– Can also be done through the Azure Portal
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Tracking Queries with Lables
SELECT sum(Qty)
FROM dbo.FactInternetSales
OPTION (LABEL=‘mylabel’);
FROM sys.dm_pdw_exec_requests
WHERE label=‘mylabel’);
User Query
Admin Query
Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017
Labeling a query and tracking its execution
Thank You

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Azure SQL Data Warehouse

  • 3. 1982 I started working with computers 1988 I started my professional career in computers industry 1996 I started working with SQL Server 6.0 1998 I earned my first certification at Microsoft as Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (3rd in Greece) 1999 I started my career as Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) with more than 30.000 hours of training until now! 2010 I became for first time Microsoft MVP on Data Platform I created the SQL School Greece 2012 I became MCT Regional Lead by Microsoft Learning Program. 2013 I was certified as MCSE : Data Platform I was certified as MCSE : Business Intelligence 2016 I was certified as MCSE: Data Management & Analytics Antonios Chatzipavlis SQL Server Expert and Evangelist Data Platform MVP MCT, MCSE, MCITP, MCPD, MCSD, MCDBA, MCSA, MCTS, MCAD, MCP, OCA, ITIL-F
  • 4. Μια πηγή ενημέρωσης για τον Microsoft SQL Server προς τους Έλληνες IT Professionals, DBAs, Developers, Information Workers αλλά και απλούς χομπίστες που απλά τους αρέσει ο SQL Server. Help line : • Articles about SQL Server • SQL Server News • SQL Nights • Webcasts • Downloads • Resources What we are doing here Follow us in socials fb/sqlschoolgr fb/groups/sqlschool @antoniosch @sqlschool yt/c/SqlschoolGr SQL School Greece group S E L E C T K N O W L E D G E F R O M S Q L S E R V E R
  • 5. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Presentation Content 5 • First Look on Azure SQL DW • Designing for Azure SQL DW • Loading Data on Azure SQL DW • Querying and Tuning Azure SQL DW
  • 6. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 First Look on Azure SQL Data Warehouse 6
  • 7. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 What is Azure SQL Data Warehouse? 7 Service in Microsoft Azure It’s a PAAS offering It’s a Massively Parallel Processing System Distribute Storage Distributed Compute
  • 8. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 SMP vs MPP 8 Symmetric Multiprocessing Massively Parallel Processing
  • 9. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Data Warehousing Unit 9 A measure of the underlying compute power of the database
  • 10. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Data Warehousing Unit 10 For Example 50 100 100 DWU 500 DWU 3 table loaded in 15 min 20 minutes to run a report 3 table loaded in 3 min 4 minutes to run a report
  • 11. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Why Choose Cloud Over On-Premises DW? 11 • Doesn’t need large CAPEX to get started • Doesn’t need large OPEX • We can scale storage and compute up or down on demand
  • 12. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 What and How do you pay for this Service ? 12 • Storage – Storage is billed by GB – Standard or Premium Geo Redundant – No cost for storage transactions – Outbound data transfer is billed • Compute Power – Compute is billed by DWUs – Can go from 100 to 2000 – Billed per hour When not in use, compute power of the DW can be completely paused for maximum savings
  • 13. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Provisioning Azure SQL Data Warehouse 13 Select a Region Select or Create a Server Pick origin of the data Pick DWU level
  • 14. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Methods of Provisioning 14 • Azure Portal – Select New > Data + Storage • PowerShell – New AzureRmSqlDatabase Cmdlet • T-SQL – CREATE DATABASE Command
  • 15. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Provision a Data Warehouse 15 DEMO
  • 16. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Designing for Azure SQL Data Warehouse 16
  • 17. SQL Server Azure SQL DW!= An Azure SQL DW database requires design decisions that are different from SQL Server
  • 18. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Distribution Key 18 Determines the method in which Azure SQL Data Warehouse spreads the data across multiple nodes Azure SQL Data Warehouse uses up to 60 distributions when loading data into the system
  • 19. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Hash Distribution 19 RecordNo CustomerID InvoiceDate 1 1000 2017-04-21 2 1000 2017-04-22 3 2000 2017-04-22 4 3000 2017-04-22 5 4000 2017-04-22 Hashing by CustomerID
  • 20. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Round-Robin Distribution 20 RecordNo CustomerID InvoiceDate 1 1000 2017-04-21 2 1000 2017-04-22 3 2000 2017-04-22 4 3000 2017-04-22 5 4000 2017-04-22 Rows distributed to all nodes
  • 21. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Data Distribution best practice 21 Even DistributionOdd Distribution
  • 22. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Good Hash Key 22 Distributes Evenly Used for Grouping Used as Join Condition Is Not Updated Has more than 60 distinct values Round-Robin will always provide a uniform distribution but not necessarily the best performance
  • 23. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Data Types 23 Use the smallest data type which will support your data Avoid defining all character columns to a large default length Define columns as VARCHAR instead of NVARCHAR if you don’t need Unicode The goal is to not only save space but also move data as efficiently as possible Some complex data types (xml, geography, etc) are not supported yet
  • 24. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Table Types 24 Clustered Columnstore Default table type High compression ratio Ideally Segments of 1M rows No secondary indexes Heap No index on the data Fast Load No compression Allows secondrary indexes Clustered B-Tree Sorted index on the data Fast singleton lookup No compression Allows secondary indexes
  • 25. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Table Partitioning 25 1. Ease of loading and removal of data from a partitioned table 2. Targeting specific partitions on table maintenance operation 3. Performance improvements due to partition elimination Partitioning is very common in SQL Server Data Warehouses for three reasons: A highly granular partitioning scheme can work in SQL Server but hurt performance in Azure SQL DW 60 Distributions 365 Partitions 21.900 Data Buckets 21.900 Data Buckets Ideal Segment Size (1M Rows) 21.900.000.000 Rows Lower Granularity (week, month) can perform better depending on how much data you have
  • 26. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 How do we apply these principles to a Dimensional Model? 26 • Fact Table – Large ones are better as Columnstores – Distributed through Has key as much as possible as long as it is even – Partitioned only if the is large enough to fill up each segment • Dimension Tables – Can be Hash distributed or Round-Robin if there is no clear candidate join key – Columnstore for large dimensions – Heap or Clustered Index for small dimensions – Add secondary indexes for alternate join columns – Partitioning not recommended
  • 27. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Analyzing distribution and data types for DW tables 27 DEMO
  • 28. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Loading Data on Azure SQL Data Warehouse 28
  • 29. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Loading an MPP System 29 The main principle of loading data into Azure DW is to do as much work in parallel as possible
  • 30. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Data Warehouse Readers 30 100 200 300 400 500 600 1000 1200 1500 2000 Readers 8 16 24 32 40 48 60 60 60 60 Writers 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 DWU Your DWUs have a direct impact on how fast you can load data in parallel - Azure SQL Data Warehouse introduces the concept of Data Warehouse Readers. - These are threads that will be reading data in parallel and then passing it off to Writer threads.
  • 31. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Optimize Insert Batch Size 31 • Avoid trickle insert pattern – Ideal batch size is 1 million or more direct or in a file • Avoid Ordered Data – Data ordered by distribution key can introduce hot spots that slow down the load operation • Using Temporary Tables – Stage and transform on a Temp Heap table before moving to permanent storage • Use the CREATE TABLE AS statement – Fully parallel operation – It’s minimally logged – It can change: distribution, table type, partitioning
  • 32. CREATE TABLE #fact_tmp WITH ( DISTRIBUTION = ROUND_ROBIN ) AS SELECT * FROM dbo.FactInternetSales;
  • 33. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 User Resource Class 33 Class Smallrc Mediumrc Largerc Xlargerc Default 8 16 24 32 Memory 100 MB 100-1600 MB 200-3200 MB 400-6400 MB The lower range corresponds to DWU100 the upper range to DWU2000 User Resource classes as database roles that govern how many resources are given to a query For fast and high quality loads create a user just for loading which utilize a medium or large RC
  • 34. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Loading Methods 34 • Single-client loading methods – SSIS – Azure Data Factory – BCP – Can add some parallel capabilities but are bottleneck at the Control node • Parallel readers loading methods – PolyBase – Reads from Azure Blob Storage and loads the content into Azure SQL DW – Bypasses the Control node and loads directly into the Compute Nodes
  • 35. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Control Node 35 The Control Node receives connections and orchestrates the queries The Compute Nodes do processing on the data and scale with the DWUs
  • 36. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Loading with SSIS 36 SSIS Control Node
  • 37. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Loading data with SSIS 37 DEMO
  • 38. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Loading with PolyBase 38 Control Node Azure Blob Storage PolyBase can load data from UTF-8 delimited text files and popular Hadoop file formats (RC file, ORC and Parquet)
  • 39. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Loading data with PolyBase 39 DEMO
  • 40. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Migration Utility 40 • Supports SQL Server 2012+ and Azure SQL Database • Provides a migration report pointing out possible issues • Assists with schema migration • Assists with data migration
  • 41. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Using the Azure SQL DW migration utility 41 DEMO
  • 42. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Querying and Tuning Azure SQL Data Warehouse 42
  • 43. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Workload Management Principles 43 User Resource Class Concurrency Model Transaction Size TwoMaximumLimits 1024 Connections 32 Concurrent Queries
  • 44. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Concurrency Queries and Concurrency Slots 44 100 200 300 400 500 600 1000 1200 1500 2000 Slots 4 8 12 16 20 24 40 48 60 80 DWU Queries Executing Queries Incoming Queries Queued DW200 7 2 1 DW1000 32 2 2 Examples The above examples assumes that each query is consuming 1 concurrency slot
  • 45. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Resource Class and Concurrency Slots 45 Class Smallrc Mediumrc Largerc Xlargerc DWUs 100-2000 100-2000 100-2000 100-2000 Slots 1 1-6 2-32 4-64 SELECT queries against system views, stats and other management commands do not use concurrency slots
  • 46. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Transaction Size Limits 46 100 200 300 400 500 600 1000 1200 1500 2000 GB / Distribution 1 1,5 2,25 3 3,75 4,5 7,5 9 11,25 15 DWU A DW200 transaction doing equal work per distribution could consume 60 x 1,5 GB = 90 GB of space
  • 47. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Maintaining Statistics 47 • The service does not create or maintain stats automatically  • Creating New stats – Sampled single column stats is a good start – Multi columns stats for joins involving multiple columns – Focus on columns used in JOINs, GROUP BY, HAVING and WHERE clauses – Increase the sample if necessary • Updating existing stats – If new dates or dimension categories added – If new data loads have completed – If an UPDATE or DELETE changes the distribution of data
  • 48. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Index Defrag 48 • Heap – Does not have a defrag option • B-Tree Index – Useful for removing low levels of fragmentation • Columnstore – Proactively compresses CLOSED rowgroups • On a large table with heavy fragmentation it is often faster to recreate the table with the CREATE TABLE AS SELECT and switch it with the older
  • 49. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Index Rebuild 49 • Heap – Can be rebuilt to remove forward pointers • B-Tree Index – Will remove high levels of fragmentation • Columnstore – Can increase the density of segments • Rebuilding as index is an OFFLINE operation in Azure SQL DW
  • 50. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Scaling Performance 50 • Increase the User Resource Class – EXEC sp_addrolemember ‘largerc’, ‘loaduser’; – Higher Resource Class – more memory and CPU – More concurrency slots – less concurrent queries – The highest role assigned takes precedence • Increase the Data Warehouse Units – ALTER DATABASE AWDW MODIFY (SERVICE_OBJECTIVE=‘DW1000’); – It is an OFFLINE operation – Make sure there are no loads or transactions in progress – Can also be done through the Azure Portal
  • 51. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Tracking Queries with Lables 51 SELECT sum(Qty) FROM dbo.FactInternetSales OPTION (LABEL=‘mylabel’); SELECT * FROM sys.dm_pdw_exec_requests WHERE label=‘mylabel’); User Query Admin Query
  • 52. Azure SQL Data Warehouse GWAB Athens 2017 Labeling a query and tracking its execution 52 DEMO
  • 54. Thank You S E L E C T K N O W L E D G E F R O M S Q L S E R V E R