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PostgreSQL query
planner’s internals
How I Learned to Stop Worrying
and Love the Planner
Alexey Ermakov
2 Why this talk?
• Why this query is so slow?
• Why planner is not using my index?
• What to do?
3 Where are we going?
• How planner works
• How we can affect it’s work
• When it can go wrong
• Known limitations
4 The Path of a Query
Rewrite system
Executor ↔ [Workers]
Send results
all in single process (backend) beside background workers (parallel seq scan,
5 EXPLAIN command
explain (ANALYZE,VERBOSE,COSTS,BUFFERS,TIMING1) select * from t1;
Seq Scan on public.t1 (cost=0.00..104424.80 rows=10000000 width=8)
(actual time=0.218..2316.688 rows=10000000 loops=1)
Output: f1, f2
Buffers: shared read=44248
I/O Timings: read=322.7142
Planning time: 0.024 ms
Execution time: 3852.588 ms
COSTS and TIMING options are on by default
I/O Timings shown when track_io_timing is enabled
6 Planner have to guess
Seq Scan on public.t1 (cost=0.00..104424.80 rows=10000000 width=8)
• startup cost
• total cost
• rows
• average row width
7 Cost stability principles
Quote from “Common issues with planner statistics by Tomas Vondra”: 3
• correlation to query duration: The estimated cost is correlated with
duration of the query, i.e. higher cost means longer execution.
• estimation stability: A small difference in estimation causes only small
difference in costs, i.e. small error in estimation causes only small cost
• cost stability: Small cost difference means small difference in duration.
• cost comparability: For a given query, two plans with (almost) the same
costs should result in (almost) the same duration.
8 Data retrieval methods
• seq scan – sequential scan of whole table
• index scan – random io (read index + read table)
• index only scan – read only index (9.2+)4
• bitmap index scan – something in between seq scan/index scan, possible
to use several indexes at same time in OR/AND conditions
9 Join methods
• nested loop – optimal for small relations
• hash join – optimal for big relations
• merge join – optimal for big relations if they’re sorted
10 Aggregate methods
• aggregate
• hash aggregate
• group aggregate
11 Planner Cost Constants
#seq_page_cost = 1.0 # cost of a sequentially-fetched disk page
#random_page_cost = 4.0 # cost of a non-sequentially-fetched disk page
#cpu_tuple_cost = 0.01 # cost of processing each row during a query
#cpu_index_tuple_cost = 0.005 # cost of processing each index entry
#cpu_operator_cost = 0.0025 # cost of processing each operator or function
so basically cost is just
cini . How hard could it be?
12 Well, kind of hard
• How many rows we’ll get when we’ll filter table by this condition?
• How many pages is that? Will we read them sequentially or not?
• How many rows we’ll get when we join 2 relations?
13 We have stats!
• pg_statistic – only readable by a superuser
• pg_stats view – the same but human-readable and available to all users
(permissions apply)
14 pg_stats
pgday=# d pg_stats
Column | Type |
tablename | name | name of the table or functional index
attname | name | name of the column or index column
null_frac | real | fraction of column entries that are null
avg_width | integer | average width in bytes of column’s entries
n_distinct | real | number (or fraction of number of rows) of distinct values
most_common_vals | anyarray | list of the most common values in the column
most_common_freqs | real[] | list of the frequencies of the most common values
histogram_bounds | anyarray | list of intervals with approximately equal population
correlation | real | correlation between physical row ordering and logical ordering
most_common_elems | anyarray |
most_common_elem_freqs | real[] |
elem_count_histogram | real[] |
15 Analyze
table pages (8Kb)
pick 300*stats_target random pages pick 300*stats_target random rows
Algorithm Z from Vitter, Jeffrey S. (1 March 1985). “Random sampling with a reservoir”
16 Analyze
not nulls
MCV list
column values
pcutoff = MIN
17 autoanalyze
• inserted + updated + deleted > threshold ⇒ run autoanalyze
• threshold = autovacuum_analyze_threshold +
• autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor (default = 0.1)
• autovacuum_analyze_threshold (default = 50)
• default_statistics_target (default = 100)
• rows in sample = 300 * stats_target
18 n_distinct underestimation example
select setseed(0.5);
create table test_ndistinct as
(case when random() < 0.1 then f1 end)::int f1
from normal_rand(10000000, 50000, 50000/3) as nr(f1);
10M rows, 90% nulls, ≈ 99.7% of values in between 0..100000
19 n_distinct underestimation example
# analyze verbose test_ndistinct;
INFO: analyzing "public.test_ndistinct"
INFO: "test_ndistinct": scanned 30000 of 35314 pages, containing 8495268 live rows and 0 dead rows;
30000 rows in sample, 10000067 estimated total rows
select * from pg_stats where tablename = ’test_ndistinct’ and attname = ’f1’;
null_frac | 0.904067
avg_width | 4
n_distinct | 3080
most_common_vals |
most_common_freqs |
histogram_bounds | {-8505,10072,15513,18933,21260,22574,24082,25695,26953,27898,28645...
correlation | -0.00286606
20 n_distinct underestimation example
# explain analyze select distinct f1 from test_ndistinct ;
HashAggregate (cost=160314.84..160345.64 rows=3080 width=4)
(actual time=2558.751..2581.286 rows=90020 loops=1)
Group Key: f1
-> Seq Scan on test_ndistinct (cost=0.00..135314.67 rows=10000067 width=4)
(actual time=0.045..931.687 rows=10000000 loops=1)
Planning time: 0.048 ms
Execution time: 2586.550 ms
21 n_distinct underestimation example
# set default_statistics_target = 50;
# analyze verbose test_ndistinct;
INFO: analyzing "public.test_ndistinct"
INFO: "test_ndistinct": scanned 15000 of 35314 pages, containing 4247361 live rows and 0 dead rows;
15000 rows in sample, 9999792 estimated total rows
# explain analyze select distinct f1 from test_ndistinct ;
HashAggregate (cost=160311.40..160328.51 rows=1711 width=4)
(actual time=2436.392..2455.851 rows=90020 loops=1)
Group Key: f1
-> Seq Scan on test_ndistinct (cost=0.00..135311.92 rows=9999792 width=4)
(actual time=0.029..892.596 rows=10000000 loops=1)
Planning time: 0.096 ms
Execution time: 2461.160 ms
22 n_distinct underestimation example
# explain analyze select * from test_ndistinct where f1 < 5000;
Seq Scan on test_ndistinct (cost=0.00..160316.36 rows=99 width=4)
(actual time=2.325..1436.792 rows=3480 loops=1)
Filter: (f1 < 5000)
Rows Removed by Filter: 9996520
Planning time: 0.058 ms
Execution time: 1437.424 ms
23 n_distinct underestimation example
alter table test_ndistinct alter column f1 set (n_distinct = 100000);
analyze verbose test_ndistinct;
INFO: analyzing "public.test_ndistinct"
INFO: "test_ndistinct": scanned 15000 of 35314 pages, containing 4247670 live rows and 0 dead rows;
15000 rows in sample, 10000012 estimated total rows
24 n_distinct underestimation example
# explain analyze select distinct f1 from test_ndistinct ;
Unique (cost=1571431.43..1621431.49 rows=100000 width=4)
(actual time=4791.872..7551.150 rows=90020 loops=1)
-> Sort (cost=1571431.43..1596431.46 rows=10000012 width=4)
(actual time=4791.870..6893.413 rows=10000000 loops=1)
Sort Key: f1
Sort Method: external merge Disk: 101648kB
-> Seq Scan on test_ndistinct (cost=0.00..135314.12 rows=10000012 width=4)
(actual time=0.041..938.093 rows=10000000 loops=1)
Planning time: 0.099 ms
Execution time: 7714.701 ms
25 n_distinct underestimation example
set work_mem = ’8MB’;
# explain analyze select distinct f1 from test_ndistinct ;
HashAggregate (cost=160314.15..161314.15 rows=100000 width=4)
(actual time=2371.902..2391.415 rows=90020 loops=1)
Group Key: f1
-> Seq Scan on test_ndistinct (cost=0.00..135314.12 rows=10000012 width=4)
(actual time=0.093..871.619 rows=10000000 loops=1)
Planning time: 0.048 ms
Execution time: 2396.186 ms
26 n_distinct underestimation example
# explain analyze select * from test_ndistinct where f1 < 5000;
Seq Scan on test_ndistinct (cost=0.00..160316.61 rows=7550 width=4)
(actual time=0.723..839.347 rows=3480 loops=1)
Filter: (f1 < 5000)
Rows Removed by Filter: 9996520
Planning time: 0.262 ms
Execution time: 839.774 ms
27 n_distinct
• n_distinct plays important role in rows estimation when values are not in
MCV list
• In very big tables it’s possible to underestimate it in some cases
• It’s possible to override n_distinct estimation via
alter table xx alter column yy set (n_distinct = zz);
28 default_statistics_target
• Increasing default_statistics_target setting in config could help in this case
but not recommended
• Default value 100 usually is good enough
• When it’s not enough better increase it on selected columns only via
alter table xx alter column yy set statistics zz;
• Otherwise it could lead to much longer planning time (autoanalyze will
work longer too)
29 high default_statistics_target real example
# show default_statistics_target ;
explain analyze SELECT "seven_charlie"."id" FROM "xray" JOIN "seven_charlie" ON
( "xray"."lima_seven" = "seven_charlie"."lima_seven" ) WHERE
( "xray"."alpha" = ’139505’ ) AND ( "seven_charlie"."seven_five" IS TRUE );
Nested Loop (cost=0.850..798.110 rows=58 width=4) (actual time=0.081..3.314 rows=169 loops=1)
-> Index Scan using romeo on xray (cost=0.420..205.390 rows=242 width=4) (actual time=0.023..0.79
Index Cond: (alpha = 139505)
-> Index Scan using lima_two on seven_charlie (cost=0.430..2.440 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.0
Index Cond: ((lima_seven = papa3six.lima_seven) AND (seven_five = true))
Planning time: 433.630 ms
Execution time: 3.397 ms
30 high default_statistics_target real example
set default_statistics_target = 1000;
# analyze verbose xray;
INFO: analyzing "public.xray"
INFO: "xray": scanned 6760 of 6760 pages, containing 851656 live rows and 2004 dead rows; 300000 row
Nested Loop (cost=0.850..782.110 rows=57 width=4) (actual time=0.066..2.992 rows=169 loops=1)
-> Index Scan using romeo on xray (cost=0.420..199.220 rows=238 width=4) (actual time=0.021..0.70
Index Cond: (alpha = 139505)
-> Index Scan using lima_two on seven_charlie (cost=0.430..2.440 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.0
Index Cond: ((lima_seven = papa3six.lima_seven) AND (seven_five = true))
Planning time: 75.196 ms
Execution time: 3.071 ms
31 high default_statistics_target real example
# analyze verbose seven_charlie;
INFO: "seven_charlie": scanned 300000 of 1548230 pages, containing 2184079 live rows and 8293 dead r
Nested Loop (cost=0.850..782.110 rows=65 width=4) (actual time=0.197..26.517 rows=169 loops=1)
-> Index Scan using romeo on xray (cost=0.420..199.220 rows=238 width=4) (actual time=0.064..3.15
Index Cond: (alpha = 139505)
-> Index Scan using lima_two on seven_charlie (cost=0.430..2.440 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.0
Index Cond: ((lima_seven = papa3six.lima_seven) AND (seven_five = true))
Planning time: 14.256 ms
Execution time: 26.617 ms
32 Hacks
select name from pg_settings where name ~ ‘enable_’;
startup_cost += disable_cost
disable_cost = 1010
33 Hacks
• Very good for testing
• Affects whole query
• Possible to use in functions in some bad cases via
alter function xxx() set enable_? = false
• pg_hint_plan6 extension (not in contrib) which provide hints
34 Join ordering problem
• There are O(n!) ways to join n relations which grows very fast (10! ≈ 3.6M)
• ORMs like to join everything
• It’s possible to break this number down by using CTEs but be careful
• join_collapse_limit, from_collapse_limit (default 8 relations)
35 Genetic Query Optimizer (geqo)
• geqo_threshold (default 12 relations)
• Chose suboptimal plan in reasonable time
• “Mutation” and selection phases
36 Genetic algorithm fun demo
37 What planner can’t do properly
• Estimate number of rows correctly for conditions like “a=x and b=y” where
a and b statistically dependent
• Use indexes for conditions like created_at + interval ‘1 day’ >= NOW()
• Use index to count distinct values8
• Cope with lots of partitions
• Estimate correctly how many rows need to be read when using index scan
on a for “where condition order by a limit n”
38 Query rewriting tricks
• Disable index usage in where clause: a = x => a+0 = x
• Disable index usage in order by clause: order by a => order by a+0
• Restrict push up/pull downs from subquery with offset 0
• Replace left join with exists/not exists to force nested loop
• Move non-limiting join after limit
39 What have we learned?
custom per-column
custom per-table
custom per-tablespace
query rewriting tricks
or session/per database/per user settings
40 Troubleshooting
• Don’t panic!
• Check if planner’s estimates are wrong (off by orders of magnitude)
• Check for missing indexes when a lot of filtering is done
• For complex plans could help
• Extract problem part
• Check for outdated/incomplete stats
• Play with hacks and query rewriting tricks
41 Would you like to know more?
• Robert Haas – The PostgreSQL Query Planner, PostgreSQL East 2010
• Tom Lane – Hacking the Query Planner, PGCon 2011
• Bruce Momjian – Explaining the Postgres Query Optimizer
• PostgreSQL Manual 67.1. Row Estimation Examples
• PostgreSQL Manual 14.1. Using EXPLAIN
• depesz: Implement multivariate n-distinct coefficients
• depesz: Explaining the unexplainable
42 Questions?

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PostgreSQL query planner's internals

  • 1. PostgreSQL query planner’s internals How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Planner Alexey Ermakov
  • 2. 2 Why this talk? • Why this query is so slow? • Why planner is not using my index? • What to do?
  • 3. 3 Where are we going? • How planner works • How we can affect it’s work • When it can go wrong • Known limitations
  • 4. 4 The Path of a Query Connection ↓ Parser ↓ Rewrite system ↓ Planner/Optimizer ↓ Executor ↔ [Workers] ↓ Send results all in single process (backend) beside background workers (parallel seq scan, 9.6+)
  • 5. 5 EXPLAIN command explain (ANALYZE,VERBOSE,COSTS,BUFFERS,TIMING1) select * from t1; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on public.t1 (cost=0.00..104424.80 rows=10000000 width=8) (actual time=0.218..2316.688 rows=10000000 loops=1) Output: f1, f2 Buffers: shared read=44248 I/O Timings: read=322.7142 Planning time: 0.024 ms Execution time: 3852.588 ms 1 COSTS and TIMING options are on by default 2 I/O Timings shown when track_io_timing is enabled
  • 6. 6 Planner have to guess Seq Scan on public.t1 (cost=0.00..104424.80 rows=10000000 width=8) • startup cost • total cost • rows • average row width
  • 7. 7 Cost stability principles Quote from “Common issues with planner statistics by Tomas Vondra”: 3 • correlation to query duration: The estimated cost is correlated with duration of the query, i.e. higher cost means longer execution. • estimation stability: A small difference in estimation causes only small difference in costs, i.e. small error in estimation causes only small cost differences. • cost stability: Small cost difference means small difference in duration. • cost comparability: For a given query, two plans with (almost) the same costs should result in (almost) the same duration. 3
  • 8. 8 Data retrieval methods • seq scan – sequential scan of whole table • index scan – random io (read index + read table) • index only scan – read only index (9.2+)4 • bitmap index scan – something in between seq scan/index scan, possible to use several indexes at same time in OR/AND conditions 4
  • 9. 9 Join methods • nested loop – optimal for small relations • hash join – optimal for big relations • merge join – optimal for big relations if they’re sorted
  • 10. 10 Aggregate methods • aggregate • hash aggregate • group aggregate
  • 11. 11 Planner Cost Constants #seq_page_cost = 1.0 # cost of a sequentially-fetched disk page #random_page_cost = 4.0 # cost of a non-sequentially-fetched disk page #cpu_tuple_cost = 0.01 # cost of processing each row during a query #cpu_index_tuple_cost = 0.005 # cost of processing each index entry #cpu_operator_cost = 0.0025 # cost of processing each operator or function so basically cost is just i cini . How hard could it be?
  • 12. 12 Well, kind of hard • How many rows we’ll get when we’ll filter table by this condition? • How many pages is that? Will we read them sequentially or not? • How many rows we’ll get when we join 2 relations?
  • 13. 13 We have stats! • pg_statistic – only readable by a superuser • pg_stats view – the same but human-readable and available to all users (permissions apply)
  • 14. 14 pg_stats pgday=# d pg_stats Column | Type | ------------------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------- tablename | name | name of the table or functional index attname | name | name of the column or index column null_frac | real | fraction of column entries that are null avg_width | integer | average width in bytes of column’s entries n_distinct | real | number (or fraction of number of rows) of distinct values most_common_vals | anyarray | list of the most common values in the column most_common_freqs | real[] | list of the frequencies of the most common values histogram_bounds | anyarray | list of intervals with approximately equal population correlation | real | correlation between physical row ordering and logical ordering most_common_elems | anyarray | most_common_elem_freqs | real[] | elem_count_histogram | real[] |
  • 15. 15 Analyze table pages (8Kb) pick 300*stats_target random pages pick 300*stats_target random rows rows 5 5 Algorithm Z from Vitter, Jeffrey S. (1 March 1985). “Random sampling with a reservoir”
  • 16. 16 Analyze sort nulls not nulls n_distinct -0.2 null_frac MCV list column values most_common_vals most_common_freqs histogram_bounds {1,3,6} {0.24,0.24,0.24} {2,5,8,10} pcutoff = MIN 1 stats_target 1.25pavg
  • 17. 17 autoanalyze • inserted + updated + deleted > threshold ⇒ run autoanalyze • threshold = autovacuum_analyze_threshold + reltuples*autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor • autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor (default = 0.1) • autovacuum_analyze_threshold (default = 50) • default_statistics_target (default = 100) • rows in sample = 300 * stats_target
  • 18. 18 n_distinct underestimation example select setseed(0.5); create table test_ndistinct as select (case when random() < 0.1 then f1 end)::int f1 from normal_rand(10000000, 50000, 50000/3) as nr(f1); 10M rows, 90% nulls, ≈ 99.7% of values in between 0..100000
  • 19. 19 n_distinct underestimation example # analyze verbose test_ndistinct; INFO: analyzing "public.test_ndistinct" INFO: "test_ndistinct": scanned 30000 of 35314 pages, containing 8495268 live rows and 0 dead rows; 30000 rows in sample, 10000067 estimated total rows select * from pg_stats where tablename = ’test_ndistinct’ and attname = ’f1’; ... null_frac | 0.904067 avg_width | 4 n_distinct | 3080 most_common_vals | most_common_freqs | histogram_bounds | {-8505,10072,15513,18933,21260,22574,24082,25695,26953,27898,28645... correlation | -0.00286606
  • 20. 20 n_distinct underestimation example # explain analyze select distinct f1 from test_ndistinct ; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HashAggregate (cost=160314.84..160345.64 rows=3080 width=4) (actual time=2558.751..2581.286 rows=90020 loops=1) Group Key: f1 -> Seq Scan on test_ndistinct (cost=0.00..135314.67 rows=10000067 width=4) (actual time=0.045..931.687 rows=10000000 loops=1) Planning time: 0.048 ms Execution time: 2586.550 ms
  • 21. 21 n_distinct underestimation example # set default_statistics_target = 50; # analyze verbose test_ndistinct; INFO: analyzing "public.test_ndistinct" INFO: "test_ndistinct": scanned 15000 of 35314 pages, containing 4247361 live rows and 0 dead rows; 15000 rows in sample, 9999792 estimated total rows # explain analyze select distinct f1 from test_ndistinct ; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HashAggregate (cost=160311.40..160328.51 rows=1711 width=4) (actual time=2436.392..2455.851 rows=90020 loops=1) Group Key: f1 -> Seq Scan on test_ndistinct (cost=0.00..135311.92 rows=9999792 width=4) (actual time=0.029..892.596 rows=10000000 loops=1) Planning time: 0.096 ms Execution time: 2461.160 ms
  • 22. 22 n_distinct underestimation example # explain analyze select * from test_ndistinct where f1 < 5000; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on test_ndistinct (cost=0.00..160316.36 rows=99 width=4) (actual time=2.325..1436.792 rows=3480 loops=1) Filter: (f1 < 5000) Rows Removed by Filter: 9996520 Planning time: 0.058 ms Execution time: 1437.424 ms
  • 23. 23 n_distinct underestimation example alter table test_ndistinct alter column f1 set (n_distinct = 100000); analyze verbose test_ndistinct; INFO: analyzing "public.test_ndistinct" INFO: "test_ndistinct": scanned 15000 of 35314 pages, containing 4247670 live rows and 0 dead rows; 15000 rows in sample, 10000012 estimated total rows ANALYZE
  • 24. 24 n_distinct underestimation example # explain analyze select distinct f1 from test_ndistinct ; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unique (cost=1571431.43..1621431.49 rows=100000 width=4) (actual time=4791.872..7551.150 rows=90020 loops=1) -> Sort (cost=1571431.43..1596431.46 rows=10000012 width=4) (actual time=4791.870..6893.413 rows=10000000 loops=1) Sort Key: f1 Sort Method: external merge Disk: 101648kB -> Seq Scan on test_ndistinct (cost=0.00..135314.12 rows=10000012 width=4) (actual time=0.041..938.093 rows=10000000 loops=1) Planning time: 0.099 ms Execution time: 7714.701 ms
  • 25. 25 n_distinct underestimation example set work_mem = ’8MB’; SET # explain analyze select distinct f1 from test_ndistinct ; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HashAggregate (cost=160314.15..161314.15 rows=100000 width=4) (actual time=2371.902..2391.415 rows=90020 loops=1) Group Key: f1 -> Seq Scan on test_ndistinct (cost=0.00..135314.12 rows=10000012 width=4) (actual time=0.093..871.619 rows=10000000 loops=1) Planning time: 0.048 ms Execution time: 2396.186 ms
  • 26. 26 n_distinct underestimation example # explain analyze select * from test_ndistinct where f1 < 5000; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on test_ndistinct (cost=0.00..160316.61 rows=7550 width=4) (actual time=0.723..839.347 rows=3480 loops=1) Filter: (f1 < 5000) Rows Removed by Filter: 9996520 Planning time: 0.262 ms Execution time: 839.774 ms
  • 27. 27 n_distinct • n_distinct plays important role in rows estimation when values are not in MCV list • In very big tables it’s possible to underestimate it in some cases • It’s possible to override n_distinct estimation via alter table xx alter column yy set (n_distinct = zz);
  • 28. 28 default_statistics_target • Increasing default_statistics_target setting in config could help in this case but not recommended • Default value 100 usually is good enough • When it’s not enough better increase it on selected columns only via alter table xx alter column yy set statistics zz; • Otherwise it could lead to much longer planning time (autoanalyze will work longer too)
  • 29. 29 high default_statistics_target real example # show default_statistics_target ; default_statistics_target --------------------------- 6000 explain analyze SELECT "seven_charlie"."id" FROM "xray" JOIN "seven_charlie" ON ( "xray"."lima_seven" = "seven_charlie"."lima_seven" ) WHERE ( "xray"."alpha" = ’139505’ ) AND ( "seven_charlie"."seven_five" IS TRUE ); Nested Loop (cost=0.850..798.110 rows=58 width=4) (actual time=0.081..3.314 rows=169 loops=1) -> Index Scan using romeo on xray (cost=0.420..205.390 rows=242 width=4) (actual time=0.023..0.79 Index Cond: (alpha = 139505) -> Index Scan using lima_two on seven_charlie (cost=0.430..2.440 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.0 Index Cond: ((lima_seven = papa3six.lima_seven) AND (seven_five = true)) Planning time: 433.630 ms Execution time: 3.397 ms
  • 30. 30 high default_statistics_target real example set default_statistics_target = 1000; SET # analyze verbose xray; INFO: analyzing "public.xray" INFO: "xray": scanned 6760 of 6760 pages, containing 851656 live rows and 2004 dead rows; 300000 row ANALYZE Nested Loop (cost=0.850..782.110 rows=57 width=4) (actual time=0.066..2.992 rows=169 loops=1) -> Index Scan using romeo on xray (cost=0.420..199.220 rows=238 width=4) (actual time=0.021..0.70 Index Cond: (alpha = 139505) -> Index Scan using lima_two on seven_charlie (cost=0.430..2.440 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.0 Index Cond: ((lima_seven = papa3six.lima_seven) AND (seven_five = true)) Planning time: 75.196 ms Execution time: 3.071 ms
  • 31. 31 high default_statistics_target real example # analyze verbose seven_charlie; INFO: "seven_charlie": scanned 300000 of 1548230 pages, containing 2184079 live rows and 8293 dead r Nested Loop (cost=0.850..782.110 rows=65 width=4) (actual time=0.197..26.517 rows=169 loops=1) -> Index Scan using romeo on xray (cost=0.420..199.220 rows=238 width=4) (actual time=0.064..3.15 Index Cond: (alpha = 139505) -> Index Scan using lima_two on seven_charlie (cost=0.430..2.440 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.0 Index Cond: ((lima_seven = papa3six.lima_seven) AND (seven_five = true)) Planning time: 14.256 ms Execution time: 26.617 ms
  • 32. 32 Hacks select name from pg_settings where name ~ ‘enable_’; enable_bitmapscan enable_indexscan enable_indexonlyscan enable_seqscan enable_tidscan enable_nestloop enable_hashjoin enable_mergejoin enable_sort enable_hashagg enable_material startup_cost += disable_cost disable_cost = 1010
  • 33. 33 Hacks • Very good for testing • Affects whole query • Possible to use in functions in some bad cases via alter function xxx() set enable_? = false • pg_hint_plan6 extension (not in contrib) which provide hints 6
  • 34. 34 Join ordering problem • There are O(n!) ways to join n relations which grows very fast (10! ≈ 3.6M) • ORMs like to join everything • It’s possible to break this number down by using CTEs but be careful • join_collapse_limit, from_collapse_limit (default 8 relations)
  • 35. 35 Genetic Query Optimizer (geqo) • geqo_threshold (default 12 relations) • Chose suboptimal plan in reasonable time • “Mutation” and selection phases
  • 36. 36 Genetic algorithm fun demo 7 7
  • 37. 37 What planner can’t do properly • Estimate number of rows correctly for conditions like “a=x and b=y” where a and b statistically dependent • Use indexes for conditions like created_at + interval ‘1 day’ >= NOW() • Use index to count distinct values8 • Cope with lots of partitions • Estimate correctly how many rows need to be read when using index scan on a for “where condition order by a limit n” 8
  • 38. 38 Query rewriting tricks • Disable index usage in where clause: a = x => a+0 = x • Disable index usage in order by clause: order by a => order by a+0 • Restrict push up/pull downs from subquery with offset 0 • Replace left join with exists/not exists to force nested loop • Move non-limiting join after limit
  • 39. 39 What have we learned? Planner query pg_statistic Analyze Plan config default_statistics_target autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor pg_classpg_attribute custom per-column stats_target n_distinct custom per-table autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor pg_tablespace costs custom per-tablespace seq_page_cost random_page_cost memory work_mem effective_cache_size hacks enable_* pg_index seq_page_cost random_page_cost cpu_tuple_cost cpu_index_tuple_cost cpu_operator_cost parallel parallel_setup_cost parallel_tuple_cost max_parallel_workers_per_gather query rewriting tricks other from_collapse_limit join_collapse_limit geqo* or session/per database/per user settings
  • 40. 40 Troubleshooting • Don’t panic! • Check if planner’s estimates are wrong (off by orders of magnitude) • Check for missing indexes when a lot of filtering is done • For complex plans could help • Extract problem part • Check for outdated/incomplete stats • Play with hacks and query rewriting tricks
  • 41. 41 Would you like to know more? • Robert Haas – The PostgreSQL Query Planner, PostgreSQL East 2010 • Tom Lane – Hacking the Query Planner, PGCon 2011 • Bruce Momjian – Explaining the Postgres Query Optimizer • PostgreSQL Manual 67.1. Row Estimation Examples • PostgreSQL Manual 14.1. Using EXPLAIN • depesz: Implement multivariate n-distinct coefficients • depesz: Explaining the unexplainable •