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SolrCloud: Searching Big Data
Shalin Shekhar Mangar
Subset of o ptio nal featuresin Solr to enableand
simplify horizontal scaling asearch index using
sharding and replication.
performance, scalability, high-availability,
simplicity, and elasticity
What is SolrCloud?
ZooKeeper: Distributed coordination servicethat
providescentralized configuration, cluster state
management, and leader election
Node: JVM processbound to aspecific port on amachine;
hoststheSolr web application
Collection: Search index distributed acrossmultiple
nodes; each collection hasaname, shard count, and
replication factor
Replication Factor: Number of copiesof adocument in
โ€ข Shard: Logical sliceof acollection; each shard hasaname, hash
range, leader, and replication factor. Documentsareassigned to
oneand only oneshard per collection using ahash-based
document routing strategy
โ€ข Replica: Solr index that hostsacopy of ashard in acollection;
behind thescenes, each replicaisimplemented asaSolr core
โ€ข Leader: Replicain ashard that assumesspecial dutiesneeded to
support distributed indexing in Solr; each shard hasoneand only
oneleader at any timeand leadersareelected using ZooKeeper
High-level Architecture
Collection == Distributed Index
A collection isa distributed index defined by:
โ€ข named configuration stored in ZooKeeper
โ€ข number of shards: documents are distributed
across N partitions of the index
โ€ข document routing strategy: how documents get
assigned to shards
โ€ข replication factor: how many copiesof each
document in thecollection
Collections API:
Collection == Distributed Index
Collection has a fixed number of shards
- existing shardscan besplit
When to shard?
- Largenumber of docs
- Largedocument sizes
- Parallelization during indexing and
- Datapartitioning (custom hashing)
Each shard coversahash-range
Default: Hash ID into 32-bit integer, map to range
- leadsto balanced (roughly) shards
Custom-hashing (examplein afew slides)
Tri-level: app!user!doc
Implicit: no hash-rangeset for shards
Document Routing
โ€ข Why replicate?
- High-availability
- Load balancing
How does it work in SolrCloud?
- Near-real-time, not master-slave
- Leader forwards to replicas in parallel,
waits for response
- Error handling during indexing is tricky
Example: Indexing
Example: Querying
1. Get cluster statefrom ZK
2. Routedocument directly to
leader (hash on doc ID)
3. Persist document on durable
4. Forward to healthy replicas
5. Acknowledgewrite succeed to
Distributed Indexing
Additional responsibilitiesduring indexing only! Not a
master node
Leader isareplica(handlesqueries)
Acceptsupdaterequestsfor theshard
Incrementsthe_version_ on thenew or updated doc
Sendsupdates(in parallel) to all replicas
Shard Leader
Distributed Queries
1. Query client can beZK awareor just
query viaaload balancer
2. Client can send query to any nodein the
3. Controller nodedistributesthequery to
areplicafor each shard to identify
documentsmatching query
4. Controller nodesortstheresultsfrom
step 3 and issuesasecond query for all
fieldsfor apageof results
Scalability / Stability Highlights
All nodesin cluster perform indexing and execute
queries; no master node
Distributed indexing: No SPoF, high throughput via
direct updatesto leaders, automated failover to new
Distributed queries: Add replicasto scale-out qps;
parallelizecomplex query computations; fault-tolerance
Indexing / queriescontinueso long asthereis1 healthy
replicaper shard
SolrCloud and CAP
A distributed system should be: Consistent, Available, and
Partition tolerant
CAPsayspick 2 of the3! (slightly morenuanced than that
in reality)
SolrCloud favorsconsistency over write-availability (CP)
All replicasin ashard havethesamedata
Activereplicasetsconcept (writesaccepted so long asa
shard hasat least oneactivereplicaavailable)
SolrCloud and CAP
โ€ข No toolsto detect or fix consistency issuesin Solr
โ€“ Reads go to one replica; no concept of quorum
โ€“ Writes must fail if consistency cannot be
guaranteed (SOLR-5468)
Isavery good thing ... clustersareazoo!
Centralized configuration management
Cluster statemanagement
Leader election (shard leader and overseer)
Overseer distributed work queue
โ€“ Ephemeral znodesused to signal aserver isgone
Needs3 nodesfor quorum in production
ZooKeeper: Centralized Configuration
Storeconfig filesin
Solr nodespull config
during coreinitialization
Config setscan beโ€œsharedโ€
Changesareuploaded to ZK
and then collectionsshould
ZooKeeper: State Management
Keep track of /live_nodesznode
Ephemeral nodes
ZooKeeper client timeout
Collection metadataand replicastatein /clusterstate.json
Every corehaswatchersfor /live_nodesand
Leader election
ZooKeeper sequencenumberson ephemeral znodes
What doesit do?
โ€“ Persistscollection statechangeeventsto ZooKeeper
โ€“ Controller for Collection API commands
โ€“ Ordered updates
โ€“ Oneper cluster (for all collections); elected using leader election
How doesit work?
โ€“ Asynchronous(pub/sub messaging)
โ€“ ZooKeeper asdistributed queuerecipe
โ€“ Automated failover to ahealthy node
โ€“ Can beassigned to adedicated node(SOLR-5476)
Custom Hashing
Routedocumentsto specific shardsbased on ashard key
component in thedocument ID
Send all log messagesfrom thesamesystem to the
Direct queriesto specific shards: q=...&_route_=httpd
"id" : โ€httpd!2",
"level_s" : โ€ERROR",
"lang_s" : "en",
Custom Hashing Highlights
Co-locatedocumentshaving acommon property in thesame
- e.g. docshaving IDshttpd!21 and httpd!33 will
bein thesameshard
โ€ข Scale-up thereplicasfor specific shardsto addresshigh query
and/or indexing volumefrom specific apps
โ€ข Not asmuch control over thedistribution of keys
- httpd, mysql, and collectd all in same shard
โ€ข Can split unbalanced shards when using custom hashing
โ€ข Can split shards into two sub-shards
โ€ข Live splitting! No downtime needed!
โ€ข Requests start being forwarded to sub-shards
โ€ข Expensive operation: Use as required during low
Shard Splitting
Other features / highlights
โ€ข Near-Real-Time Search: Documentsarevisiblewithin a
second or so after being indexed
โ€ข Partial Document Update: Just updatethefieldsyou need to
changeon existing documents
โ€ข Optimistic Locking: Ensureupdatesareapplied to thecorrect
version of adocument
โ€ข Transaction log: Better recoverability; peer-sync between nodes
after hiccups
โ€ข Use HDFS for storing indexes
โ€ข UseMapReduce for building index (SOLR-1301)
โ€ข Workshop: Apache Solr in Minutes tomorrow
โ€ข Tim Potter's slides on โ€œIntroduction to SolrCloudโ€ at
Lucene/Solr Exchange 2014
โ€ข Erik Hatcher's slides on โ€œSolr: Search at the speed of
lightโ€ at JavaZone 2009
GIDS2014: SolrCloud: Searching Big Data

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GIDS2014: SolrCloud: Searching Big Data

  • 1. SolrCloud: Searching Big Data Shalin Shekhar Mangar
  • 2. Subset of o ptio nal featuresin Solr to enableand simplify horizontal scaling asearch index using sharding and replication. Goals performance, scalability, high-availability, simplicity, and elasticity What is SolrCloud?
  • 3. Terminology โ— ZooKeeper: Distributed coordination servicethat providescentralized configuration, cluster state management, and leader election โ— Node: JVM processbound to aspecific port on amachine; hoststheSolr web application โ— Collection: Search index distributed acrossmultiple nodes; each collection hasaname, shard count, and replication factor โ— Replication Factor: Number of copiesof adocument in acollection
  • 4. โ€ข Shard: Logical sliceof acollection; each shard hasaname, hash range, leader, and replication factor. Documentsareassigned to oneand only oneshard per collection using ahash-based document routing strategy โ€ข Replica: Solr index that hostsacopy of ashard in acollection; behind thescenes, each replicaisimplemented asaSolr core โ€ข Leader: Replicain ashard that assumesspecial dutiesneeded to support distributed indexing in Solr; each shard hasoneand only oneleader at any timeand leadersareelected using ZooKeeper Terminology
  • 6. Collection == Distributed Index A collection isa distributed index defined by: โ€ข named configuration stored in ZooKeeper โ€ข number of shards: documents are distributed across N partitions of the index โ€ข document routing strategy: how documents get assigned to shards โ€ข replication factor: how many copiesof each document in thecollection
  • 8. โ— Collection has a fixed number of shards - existing shardscan besplit โ— When to shard? - Largenumber of docs - Largedocument sizes - Parallelization during indexing and queries - Datapartitioning (custom hashing) Sharding
  • 9. โ— Each shard coversahash-range โ— Default: Hash ID into 32-bit integer, map to range - leadsto balanced (roughly) shards โ— Custom-hashing (examplein afew slides) โ— Tri-level: app!user!doc โ— Implicit: no hash-rangeset for shards Document Routing
  • 10. โ€ข Why replicate? - High-availability - Load balancing โ— How does it work in SolrCloud? - Near-real-time, not master-slave - Leader forwards to replicas in parallel, waits for response - Error handling during indexing is tricky Replication
  • 13. 1. Get cluster statefrom ZK 2. Routedocument directly to leader (hash on doc ID) 3. Persist document on durable storage(tlog) 4. Forward to healthy replicas 5. Acknowledgewrite succeed to client Distributed Indexing
  • 14. โ— Additional responsibilitiesduring indexing only! Not a master node โ— Leader isareplica(handlesqueries) โ— Acceptsupdaterequestsfor theshard โ— Incrementsthe_version_ on thenew or updated doc โ— Sendsupdates(in parallel) to all replicas Shard Leader
  • 15. Distributed Queries 1. Query client can beZK awareor just query viaaload balancer 2. Client can send query to any nodein the cluster 3. Controller nodedistributesthequery to areplicafor each shard to identify documentsmatching query 4. Controller nodesortstheresultsfrom step 3 and issuesasecond query for all fieldsfor apageof results
  • 16. Scalability / Stability Highlights โ— All nodesin cluster perform indexing and execute queries; no master node โ— Distributed indexing: No SPoF, high throughput via direct updatesto leaders, automated failover to new leader โ— Distributed queries: Add replicasto scale-out qps; parallelizecomplex query computations; fault-tolerance โ— Indexing / queriescontinueso long asthereis1 healthy replicaper shard
  • 17. SolrCloud and CAP โ— A distributed system should be: Consistent, Available, and Partition tolerant โ— CAPsayspick 2 of the3! (slightly morenuanced than that in reality) โ— SolrCloud favorsconsistency over write-availability (CP) โ— All replicasin ashard havethesamedata โ— Activereplicasetsconcept (writesaccepted so long asa shard hasat least oneactivereplicaavailable)
  • 18. SolrCloud and CAP โ€ข No toolsto detect or fix consistency issuesin Solr โ€“ Reads go to one replica; no concept of quorum โ€“ Writes must fail if consistency cannot be guaranteed (SOLR-5468)
  • 19. ZooKeeper โ— Isavery good thing ... clustersareazoo! โ— Centralized configuration management โ— Cluster statemanagement โ— Leader election (shard leader and overseer) โ— Overseer distributed work queue โ— LiveNodes โ€“ Ephemeral znodesused to signal aserver isgone โ— Needs3 nodesfor quorum in production
  • 20. ZooKeeper: Centralized Configuration โ— Storeconfig filesin ZooKeeper โ— Solr nodespull config during coreinitialization โ— Config setscan beโ€œsharedโ€ acrosscollections โ— Changesareuploaded to ZK and then collectionsshould bereloaded
  • 21. ZooKeeper: State Management โ— Keep track of /live_nodesznode โ— Ephemeral nodes โ— ZooKeeper client timeout โ— Collection metadataand replicastatein /clusterstate.json โ— Every corehaswatchersfor /live_nodesand /clusterstate.json โ— Leader election โ— ZooKeeper sequencenumberson ephemeral znodes
  • 22. Overseer โ— What doesit do? โ€“ Persistscollection statechangeeventsto ZooKeeper โ€“ Controller for Collection API commands โ€“ Ordered updates โ€“ Oneper cluster (for all collections); elected using leader election โ— How doesit work? โ€“ Asynchronous(pub/sub messaging) โ€“ ZooKeeper asdistributed queuerecipe โ€“ Automated failover to ahealthy node โ€“ Can beassigned to adedicated node(SOLR-5476)
  • 23. Custom Hashing โ— Routedocumentsto specific shardsbased on ashard key component in thedocument ID โ— Send all log messagesfrom thesamesystem to the sameshard โ— Direct queriesto specific shards: q=...&_route_=httpd { "id" : โ€httpd!2", "level_s" : โ€ERROR", "lang_s" : "en", ... }, Hash: shardKey!docID
  • 24. Custom Hashing Highlights โ— Co-locatedocumentshaving acommon property in thesame shard - e.g. docshaving IDshttpd!21 and httpd!33 will bein thesameshard โ€ข Scale-up thereplicasfor specific shardsto addresshigh query and/or indexing volumefrom specific apps โ€ข Not asmuch control over thedistribution of keys - httpd, mysql, and collectd all in same shard โ€ข Can split unbalanced shards when using custom hashing
  • 25. โ€ข Can split shards into two sub-shards โ€ข Live splitting! No downtime needed! โ€ข Requests start being forwarded to sub-shards automatically โ€ข Expensive operation: Use as required during low traffic Shard Splitting
  • 26. Other features / highlights โ€ข Near-Real-Time Search: Documentsarevisiblewithin a second or so after being indexed โ€ข Partial Document Update: Just updatethefieldsyou need to changeon existing documents โ€ข Optimistic Locking: Ensureupdatesareapplied to thecorrect version of adocument โ€ข Transaction log: Better recoverability; peer-sync between nodes after hiccups โ€ข HTTPS โ€ข Use HDFS for storing indexes โ€ข UseMapReduce for building index (SOLR-1301)
  • 27. More? โ€ข Workshop: Apache Solr in Minutes tomorrow โ€ข ache+Solr+Reference+Guide โ€ข โ€ข โ€ข
  • 28. Attributions โ€ข Tim Potter's slides on โ€œIntroduction to SolrCloudโ€ at Lucene/Solr Exchange 2014 โ€“ โ€ข Erik Hatcher's slides on โ€œSolr: Search at the speed of lightโ€ at JavaZone 2009 โ€“