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Paul Dix
InfluxData – CTO & co-founder
InfluxDB IOx - a new columnar
time series database (update)
© 2021 InfluxData. All rights reserved.
• InfluxDB 2.x with Line Protocol
• HTTP Query with JSON, CSV, Print
• Arrow Flight
• Move over to gRCP for management (and CLI)
– Create Databases
– Start to defining replication/sharding
– Readme for gRPCurl
• gRCP Health
© 2021 InfluxData. All rights reserved.
CLI & Config
• Write Line Protocol from File
• Create Database
• Object Store parameters
© 2021 InfluxData. All rights reserved.
• Queries now work across Mutable Buffer & Read Buffer
• Data Fusion (features)
• Massive infusion of postgres string functions (lpad, rpad, ascii, chr, ltrim, etc)
• Support for EXTRACT (e.g. `EXTRACT hour from date_col`)
• Data Fusion (performance)
• Optimized function implementation for scalar values and columns
• improved join indicies, support for more advanced statistics, expression
© 2021 InfluxData. All rights reserved.
Path to OSS Builds
• Not until we think it’s useful/interesting to test
• Dogfood our monitoring
1. In-memory 2.4M values/sec
2. Basic proxied/distributed query
3. Mutable Buffer to Read Buffer lifecycle (basic)
4. WAL Buffering/persistence
5. Subscriptions
6. Parquet Persistence
7. Recovery
• Single Server Steady State
• CLI for configuration
• Documentation
Introduction to DataFusion
An Embeddable Query Engine
Written in Rust
Today: IOx Team at InfluxData
Past life 1: Query Optimizer @ Vertica, also
on Oracle DB server
Past life 2: Chief Architect + VP Engineering
roles at some ML startups
Talk Outline
What is a Query Engine
Introduction to DataFusion / Apache Arrow
DataFusion Architectural Overview
Data is stored
Users who want to
access data
without writing a
Users who want to
access data
without writing a
UIs (visual and
Data is stored
Users who want to
access data
without writing a
UIs (visual and
Data is stored
Query Engine
SQL is the
DataFusion Use Cases
1. Data engineering / ETL:
a. Construct fast and efficient data pipelines (~ Spark)
2. Data Science
a. Prepare data for ML / other tasks (~ Pandas)
3. Database Systems:
a. E.g. IOx, Ballista, Cloudfuse Buzz, various internal systems
Why DataFusion?
High Performance: Memory (no GC) and Performance, leveraging Rust/Arrow
Easy to Connect: Interoperability with other tools via Arrow, Parquet and Flight
Easy to Embed: Can extend data sources, functions, operators
First Class Rust: High quality Query / SQL Engine entirely in Rust
High Quality: Extensive tests and integration tests with Arrow ecosystems
My goal: DataFusion to be *the* choice for any SQL support in Rust
DBMS vs Query Engine ( , )
Database Management Systems (DBMS) are full featured systems
● Storage system (stores actual data)
● Catalog (store metadata about what is in the storage system)
● Query Engine (query, and retrieve requested data)
● Access Control and Authorization (users, groups, permissions)
● Resource Management (divide resources between uses)
● Administration utilities (monitor resource usage, set policies, etc)
● Clients for Network connectivity (e.g. implement JDBC, ODBC, etc)
● Multi-node coordination and management
What is DataFusion?
“DataFusion is an in-memory query engine
that uses Apache Arrow as the memory
model” -
● In Apache Arrow github repo
● Apache licensed
● Not part of the Arrow spec, uses Arrow
● Initially implemented and donated by
Andy Grove; design based on How
Query Engines Work
DataFusion + Arrow + Parquet
DataFusion Extensibility 🧰
● User Defined Functions
● User Defined Aggregates
● User Defined Optimizer passes
● User Defined LogicalPlan nodes
● User Defined ExecutionPlan nodes
● User Defined TableProvider for tables
* Built in data persistence using parquet and CSV files
What is a Query Engine?
1. Frontend
a. Query Language + Parser
2. Intermediate Query Representation
a. Expression / Type system
b. Query Plan w/ Relational Operators (Data Flow Graph)
c. Rewrites / Optimizations on that graph
3. Concrete Execution Operators
a. Allocate resources (CPU, Memory, etc)
b. Pushed bytes around, vectorized calculations, etc
DataFusion is a Query Engine!
1. Frontend
Rust struct
2. Intermediate Query Representation
3. Concrete Execution Operators
DataFusion Input / Output Diagram
SQL Query
SELECT status, COUNT(1)
FROM http_api_requests_total
WHERE path = '/api/v2/write'
GROUP BY status;
Catalog information:
tables, schemas, etc
DataFusion in Action
DataFusion CLI
| status | COUNT(UInt8(1)) |
| 4XX | 73621 |
| 2XX | 338304 |
> SELECT status, COUNT(1)
FROM http_api_requests_total
WHERE path = '/api/v2/write'
GROUP BY status;
Gets a textual representation of LogicalPlan
| plan_type | plan |
| logical_plan | Aggregate: groupBy=[[#status]], aggr=[[COUNT(UInt8(1))]] |
| | Selection: #path Eq Utf8("/api/v2/write") |
| | TableScan: http_api_requests_total projection=None |
> explain SELECT status, COUNT(1) FROM http_api_requests_total
WHERE path = '/api/v2/write' GROUP BY status;
Plans as DataFlow graphs
#path Eq Utf8("/api/v2/write")
TableScan: http_api_requests_total
Step 2: Predicate is applied
Step 1: Parquet file is read
Step 3: Data is aggregated
Data flows up from the
leaves to the root of the
More than initially meets the eye
Use EXPLAIN VERBOSE to see optimizations applied
> EXPLAIN VERBOSE SELECT status, COUNT(1) FROM http_api_requests_total
WHERE path = '/api/v2/write' GROUP BY status;
| plan_type | plan |
| logical_plan | Aggregate: groupBy=[[#status]], aggr=[[COUNT(UInt8(1))]] |
| | Selection: #path Eq Utf8("/api/v2/write") |
| | TableScan: http_api_requests_total projection=None |
| projection_push_down | Aggregate: groupBy=[[#status]], aggr=[[COUNT(UInt8(1))]] |
| | Selection: #path Eq Utf8("/api/v2/write") |
| | TableScan: http_api_requests_total
projection=Some([6, 8]) |
| type_coercion | Aggregate: groupBy=[[#status]], aggr=[[COUNT(UInt8(1))]] |
| | Selection: #path Eq Utf8("/api/v2/write") |
| | TableScan: http_api_requests_total
projection=Some([6, 8]) |
Optimizer “pushed” down
projection so only status
and path columns from
file were read from
Data Representation
Array + Record Batches + Schema
| status | COUNT |
| 4XX | 73621 |
| 2XX | 338304 |
| 5XX | 42 |
| 1XX | 3 |
* StringArray representation is somewhat misleading as it actually has a fixed length portion and the character data in different locations
fields[0]: “status”, Utf8
fields[1]: “COUNT()”, UInt64
Query Planning
DataFusion Planning Flow
SQL Query
SELECT status, COUNT(1)
FROM http_api_requests_total
WHERE path = '/api/v2/write'
GROUP BY status;
“Query Plan”
PG:” Query Tree”
“Access Plan”
“Operator Tree”
PG: “Plan Tree”
DataFusion Logical Plan Creation
● Declarative: Describe WHAT you want; system figures out HOW
○ Input: “SQL” text (postgres dialect)
● Procedural Describe HOW directly
○ Input is a program to build up the plan
○ Two options:
■ Use a LogicalPlanBuilder, Rust style builder
■ DataFrame - model popularized by Pandas and Spark
SQL → LogicalPlan
SQL Parser
SQL Query
SELECT status, COUNT(1)
FROM http_api_requests_total
WHERE path = '/api/v2/write'
GROUP BY status;
Query {
ctes: [],
body: Select(
Select {
distinct: false,
top: None,
projection: [
Ident {
value: "status",
quote_style: None,
“DataFrame” → Logical Plan
Rust Code
let df = ctx
.aggregate([col("status")]), [count(lit(1))])?;
Supported Logical Plan operators (source link)
Query Optimization Overview
Compute the same (correct) result, only faster
Pass 1
Pass 2
Built in DataFusion Optimizer Passes (source link)
ProjectionPushDown: Minimize the number of columns passed from node to node
to minimize intermediate result size (number of columns)
FilterPushdown (“predicate pushdown”): Push filters as close to scans as possible
to minimize intermediate result size
HashBuildProbeOrder (“join reordering”): Order joins to minimize the intermediate
result size and hash table sizes
ConstantFolding: Partially evaluates expressions at plan time. Eg. ColA && true
→ ColA
Expression Evaluation
Expression Evaluation
Arrow Compute Kernels typically operate on 1 or 2 arrays and/or scalars.
Partial list of included comparison kernels:
eq Perform left == right operation on two arrays.
eq_scalar Perform left == right operation on an array and a scalar value.
eq_utf8 Perform left == right operation on StringArray / LargeStringArray.
eq_utf8_scalar Perform left == right operation on StringArray / LargeStringArray and a scalar.
and Performs AND operation on two arrays. If either left or right value is null then the result is also null.
is_not_null Returns a non-null BooleanArray with whether each value of the array is not null.
or Performs OR operation on two arrays. If either left or right value is null then the result is also null.
Exprs for evaluating arbitrary expressions
path = '/api/v2/write' OR path IS NULL
op: Eq
left right
op: Or
left right
Expression Builder API
Expr Vectorized Evaluation
op: Eq
op: Or
Expr Vectorized Evaluation
op: Eq
op: Or
Expr Vectorized Evaluation
op: Eq
op: Or
Expr Vectorized Evaluation
op: Eq
op: Or
Call: eq_utf8_scalar
Expr Vectorized Evaluation
op: Or
Expr Vectorized Evaluation
op: Or
Expr Vectorized Evaluation
op: Or
Expr Vectorized Evaluation
Type Coercion
sqrt(col) → sqrt(CAST col as Float32)
col is Int8, but sqrt implemented for Float32 or Float64
⇒ Type Coercion: adds typecast cast so the implementation can be called
Note: Coercion is lossless; if col was Float64, would not coerce to Float32
Source Code:
Execution Plans
Plan Execution Overview
Typically called the “execution engine” in database systems
DataFusion features:
● Async: Mostly avoids blocking I/O
● Vectorized: Process RecordBatch at a time, configurable batch size
● Eager Pull: Data is produced using a pull model, natural backpressure
● Partitioned: each operator produces partitions, in parallel
● Multi-Core*
* Uses async tasks; still some unease about this / if we need another thread pool
Plan Execution
ExecutionPlan nodes allocate resources
(buffers, hash tables, files, etc)
execute produces an
iterator-style thing that produces
Arrow RecordBatches for each
#path Eq Utf8("/api/v2/write")
TableScan: http_api_requests_total
HashAggregateExec (1 partition)
SUM(1), GROUP BY status
HashAggregateExec (2 partitions)
COUNT(1), GROUP BY status
FilterExec (2 partitions)
path = “/api/v2/write”
ParquetExec (2 partitions)
files = file1, file2
LogicalPlan ExecutionPlan
MergeExec (1 partition)
ExecutionPlan SendableRecordBatchStream
FilterExecStream FilterExecStream
For file1
For file2
* this is actually a channel getting results from a different thread, as parquet reader is not yet async
HashAggregateExec (1 partition)
SUM(1), GROUP BY status
HashAggregateExec (2 partitions)
COUNT(1), GROUP BY status
FilterExec (2 partitions)
path = “/api/v2/write”
ParquetExec (2 partitions)
files = file1, file2
For file1
Ready to produce values! 😅
Rust Stream: an async iterator that
produces record batches
Execution of GroupHash starts
eagerly (before next() is called on it)
Step 2:
Data is
Step 1: Data read from parquet
and returned
Step 3: data
is fed into a
hash table
Step 0: new task spawned, starts
computing input immediately
Step 5: output is requested RecordBatch
Step 6:
returned to
Step 4:
hash done,
Step 1: output is requested
MergeStream eagerly
starts on its own task, back
pressure via bounded
Step 0: new task spawned, starts
computing input
Step 2: eventually RecordBatch is
produced from downstream and returned
Step 0: new task spawned, starts
computing input immediately next().await
Step 0: new task spawned, starts
computing input
Step 4: data
is fed into a
hash table
Step 3: Merge
passes on
Step 5:
hash done,
Step 6:
returned to
Get Involved
Check out the project Apache Arrow
Join the mailing list (links on project page)
Test out Arrow ( and DataFusion ( in your projects
Help out with the docs/code/tickets on GitHub
Thank You!!!!

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InfluxDB IOx Tech Talks: Query Engine Design and the Rust-Based DataFusion in Apache Arrow

  • 1. Paul Dix InfluxData – CTO & co-founder @pauldix InfluxDB IOx - a new columnar time series database (update)
  • 2. © 2021 InfluxData. All rights reserved. 2 API • InfluxDB 2.x with Line Protocol • HTTP Query with JSON, CSV, Print • Arrow Flight • Move over to gRCP for management (and CLI) – Create Databases – Start to defining replication/sharding – Readme for gRPCurl • gRCP Health
  • 3. © 2021 InfluxData. All rights reserved. 3 CLI & Config • Write Line Protocol from File • Create Database • Object Store parameters
  • 4. © 2021 InfluxData. All rights reserved. 4 Query • Queries now work across Mutable Buffer & Read Buffer • Data Fusion (features) • Massive infusion of postgres string functions (lpad, rpad, ascii, chr, ltrim, etc) • Support for EXTRACT (e.g. `EXTRACT hour from date_col`) • Data Fusion (performance) • Optimized function implementation for scalar values and columns • improved join indicies, support for more advanced statistics, expression rewriting
  • 5. © 2021 InfluxData. All rights reserved. 5 Path to OSS Builds • Not until we think it’s useful/interesting to test • Dogfood our monitoring 1. In-memory 2.4M values/sec 2. Basic proxied/distributed query 3. Mutable Buffer to Read Buffer lifecycle (basic) 4. WAL Buffering/persistence 5. Subscriptions 6. Parquet Persistence 7. Recovery • Single Server Steady State • CLI for configuration • Documentation
  • 6. Introduction to DataFusion An Embeddable Query Engine Written in Rust CC BY-SA
  • 7. Today: IOx Team at InfluxData Past life 1: Query Optimizer @ Vertica, also on Oracle DB server Past life 2: Chief Architect + VP Engineering roles at some ML startups
  • 8. Talk Outline What is a Query Engine Introduction to DataFusion / Apache Arrow DataFusion Architectural Overview
  • 9. Motivation Data is stored somewhere Users who want to access data without writing a program
  • 10. Motivation Users who want to access data without writing a program UIs (visual and textual) Data is stored somewhere
  • 11. Motivation Users who want to access data without writing a program UIs (visual and textual) Data is stored somewhere Query Engine SQL is the common interface
  • 12. DataFusion Use Cases 1. Data engineering / ETL: a. Construct fast and efficient data pipelines (~ Spark) 2. Data Science a. Prepare data for ML / other tasks (~ Pandas) 3. Database Systems: a. E.g. IOx, Ballista, Cloudfuse Buzz, various internal systems
  • 13. Why DataFusion? High Performance: Memory (no GC) and Performance, leveraging Rust/Arrow Easy to Connect: Interoperability with other tools via Arrow, Parquet and Flight Easy to Embed: Can extend data sources, functions, operators First Class Rust: High quality Query / SQL Engine entirely in Rust High Quality: Extensive tests and integration tests with Arrow ecosystems My goal: DataFusion to be *the* choice for any SQL support in Rust
  • 14. DBMS vs Query Engine ( , ) Database Management Systems (DBMS) are full featured systems ● Storage system (stores actual data) ● Catalog (store metadata about what is in the storage system) ● Query Engine (query, and retrieve requested data) ● Access Control and Authorization (users, groups, permissions) ● Resource Management (divide resources between uses) ● Administration utilities (monitor resource usage, set policies, etc) ● Clients for Network connectivity (e.g. implement JDBC, ODBC, etc) ● Multi-node coordination and management DataFusion
  • 15. What is DataFusion? “DataFusion is an in-memory query engine that uses Apache Arrow as the memory model” - ● In Apache Arrow github repo ● Apache licensed ● Not part of the Arrow spec, uses Arrow ● Initially implemented and donated by Andy Grove; design based on How Query Engines Work
  • 16. DataFusion + Arrow + Parquet arrow datafusion parquet arrow-flight
  • 17. DataFusion Extensibility 🧰 ● User Defined Functions ● User Defined Aggregates ● User Defined Optimizer passes ● User Defined LogicalPlan nodes ● User Defined ExecutionPlan nodes ● User Defined TableProvider for tables * Built in data persistence using parquet and CSV files
  • 18. What is a Query Engine? 1. Frontend a. Query Language + Parser 2. Intermediate Query Representation a. Expression / Type system b. Query Plan w/ Relational Operators (Data Flow Graph) c. Rewrites / Optimizations on that graph 3. Concrete Execution Operators a. Allocate resources (CPU, Memory, etc) b. Pushed bytes around, vectorized calculations, etc ��
  • 19. DataFusion is a Query Engine! SQLStatement 1. Frontend LogicalPlan Expr ExecutionPlan RecordBatches Rust struct 2. Intermediate Query Representation 3. Concrete Execution Operators
  • 20. DataFusion Input / Output Diagram SQL Query SELECT status, COUNT(1) FROM http_api_requests_total WHERE path = '/api/v2/write' GROUP BY status; RecordBatches DataFrame ctx.read_table("http")? .filter(...)? .aggregate(..)?; RecordBatches Catalog information: tables, schemas, etc OR
  • 22. DataFusion CLI > CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE http_api_requests_total STORED AS PARQUET LOCATION 'http_api_requests_total.parquet'; +--------+-----------------+ | status | COUNT(UInt8(1)) | +--------+-----------------+ | 4XX | 73621 | | 2XX | 338304 | +--------+-----------------+ > SELECT status, COUNT(1) FROM http_api_requests_total WHERE path = '/api/v2/write' GROUP BY status;
  • 23. EXPLAIN Plan Gets a textual representation of LogicalPlan +--------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | plan_type | plan | +--------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | logical_plan | Aggregate: groupBy=[[#status]], aggr=[[COUNT(UInt8(1))]] | | | Selection: #path Eq Utf8("/api/v2/write") | | | TableScan: http_api_requests_total projection=None | +--------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ > explain SELECT status, COUNT(1) FROM http_api_requests_total WHERE path = '/api/v2/write' GROUP BY status;
  • 24. Plans as DataFlow graphs Filter: #path Eq Utf8("/api/v2/write") Aggregate: groupBy=[[#status]], aggr=[[COUNT(UInt8(1))]] TableScan: http_api_requests_total projection=None Step 2: Predicate is applied Step 1: Parquet file is read Step 3: Data is aggregated Data flows up from the leaves to the root of the tree
  • 25. More than initially meets the eye Use EXPLAIN VERBOSE to see optimizations applied > EXPLAIN VERBOSE SELECT status, COUNT(1) FROM http_api_requests_total WHERE path = '/api/v2/write' GROUP BY status; +----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | plan_type | plan | +----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | logical_plan | Aggregate: groupBy=[[#status]], aggr=[[COUNT(UInt8(1))]] | | | Selection: #path Eq Utf8("/api/v2/write") | | | TableScan: http_api_requests_total projection=None | | projection_push_down | Aggregate: groupBy=[[#status]], aggr=[[COUNT(UInt8(1))]] | | | Selection: #path Eq Utf8("/api/v2/write") | | | TableScan: http_api_requests_total projection=Some([6, 8]) | | type_coercion | Aggregate: groupBy=[[#status]], aggr=[[COUNT(UInt8(1))]] | | | Selection: #path Eq Utf8("/api/v2/write") | | | TableScan: http_api_requests_total projection=Some([6, 8]) | ... +----------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ Optimizer “pushed” down projection so only status and path columns from file were read from parquet
  • 27. Array + Record Batches + Schema +--------+--------+ | status | COUNT | +--------+--------+ | 4XX | 73621 | | 2XX | 338304 | | 5XX | 42 | | 1XX | 3 | +--------+--------+ 4XX 2XX 5XX * StringArray representation is somewhat misleading as it actually has a fixed length portion and the character data in different locations StringArray 1XX StringArray 73621 338304 42 UInt64Array 3 UInt64Array Schema: fields[0]: “status”, Utf8 fields[1]: “COUNT()”, UInt64 RecordBatch cols: schema: RecordBatch cols: schema:
  • 29. DataFusion Planning Flow SQL Query SELECT status, COUNT(1) FROM http_api_requests_total WHERE path = '/api/v2/write' GROUP BY status; LogicalPlan ExecutionPlan RecordBatches Parsing/Planning Optimization Execution “Query Plan” PG:” Query Tree” “Access Plan” “Operator Tree” PG: “Plan Tree”
  • 30. DataFusion Logical Plan Creation ● Declarative: Describe WHAT you want; system figures out HOW ○ Input: “SQL” text (postgres dialect) ● Procedural Describe HOW directly ○ Input is a program to build up the plan ○ Two options: ■ Use a LogicalPlanBuilder, Rust style builder ■ DataFrame - model popularized by Pandas and Spark
  • 31. SQL → LogicalPlan SQL Parser SQL Query SELECT status, COUNT(1) FROM http_api_requests_total WHERE path = '/api/v2/write' GROUP BY status; Planner Query { ctes: [], body: Select( Select { distinct: false, top: None, projection: [ UnnamedExpr( Identifier( Ident { value: "status", quote_style: None, }, ), ), ... Parsed Statement LogicalPlan
  • 32. “DataFrame” → Logical Plan Rust Code let df = ctx .read_table("http_api_requests_total")? .filter(col("path").eq(lit("/api/v2/write")))? .aggregate([col("status")]), [count(lit(1))])?; DataFrame (Builder) LogicalPlan
  • 33. Supported Logical Plan operators (source link) Projection Filter Aggregate Sort Join Repartition TableScan EmptyRelation Limit CreateExternalTable Explain Extension
  • 34. Query Optimization Overview Compute the same (correct) result, only faster Optimizer Pass 1 LogicalPlan (intermediate) “Optimizer” Optimizer Pass 2 LogicalPlan (input) LogicalPlan (output) … Other Passes ...
  • 35. Built in DataFusion Optimizer Passes (source link) ProjectionPushDown: Minimize the number of columns passed from node to node to minimize intermediate result size (number of columns) FilterPushdown (“predicate pushdown”): Push filters as close to scans as possible to minimize intermediate result size HashBuildProbeOrder (“join reordering”): Order joins to minimize the intermediate result size and hash table sizes ConstantFolding: Partially evaluates expressions at plan time. Eg. ColA && true → ColA
  • 37. Expression Evaluation Arrow Compute Kernels typically operate on 1 or 2 arrays and/or scalars. Partial list of included comparison kernels: eq Perform left == right operation on two arrays. eq_scalar Perform left == right operation on an array and a scalar value. eq_utf8 Perform left == right operation on StringArray / LargeStringArray. eq_utf8_scalar Perform left == right operation on StringArray / LargeStringArray and a scalar. and Performs AND operation on two arrays. If either left or right value is null then the result is also null. is_not_null Returns a non-null BooleanArray with whether each value of the array is not null. or Performs OR operation on two arrays. If either left or right value is null then the result is also null. ...
  • 38. Exprs for evaluating arbitrary expressions path = '/api/v2/write' OR path IS NULL Column path Literal ScalarValue::Utf8 '/api/v2/write' Column path IsNull BinaryExpr op: Eq left right BinaryExpr op: Or left right col(“path”) .eq(lit(‘api/v2/write’)) .or(col(“path”).is_null()) Expression Builder API
  • 40. Expr Vectorized Evaluation Literal ScalarValue::Utf8 '/api/v2/write' Column path IsNull BinaryExpr op: Eq BinaryExpr op: Or /api/v2/write /api/v1/write /api/v2/read /api/v2/write … /api/v2/write /foo/bar StringArray
  • 41. Expr Vectorized Evaluation Column path IsNull BinaryExpr op: Eq BinaryExpr op: Or /api/v2/write /api/v1/write /api/v2/read /api/v2/write … /api/v2/write /foo/bar StringArray ScalarValue::Utf8( Some( “/api/v2/write” ) )
  • 42. Expr Vectorized Evaluation Column path IsNull BinaryExpr op: Eq BinaryExpr op: Or /api/v2/write /api/v1/write /api/v2/read /api/v2/write … /api/v2/write /foo/bar StringArray ScalarValue::Utf8( Some( “/api/v2/write” ) ) Call: eq_utf8_scalar
  • 43. Expr Vectorized Evaluation Column path IsNull BinaryExpr op: Or True False False True … True False BooleanArray
  • 44. Expr Vectorized Evaluation IsNull BinaryExpr op: Or True False False True … True False BooleanArray /api/v2/write /api/v1/write /api/v2/read /api/v2/write … /api/v2/write /foo/bar StringArray
  • 45. Expr Vectorized Evaluation BinaryExpr op: Or True False False True … True False BooleanArray False False False False … False False BooleanArray
  • 47. Type Coercion sqrt(col) sqrt(col) → sqrt(CAST col as Float32) col is Int8, but sqrt implemented for Float32 or Float64 ⇒ Type Coercion: adds typecast cast so the implementation can be called Note: Coercion is lossless; if col was Float64, would not coerce to Float32 Source Code:
  • 49. Plan Execution Overview Typically called the “execution engine” in database systems DataFusion features: ● Async: Mostly avoids blocking I/O ● Vectorized: Process RecordBatch at a time, configurable batch size ● Eager Pull: Data is produced using a pull model, natural backpressure ● Partitioned: each operator produces partitions, in parallel ● Multi-Core* * Uses async tasks; still some unease about this / if we need another thread pool
  • 50. Plan Execution LogicalPlan ExecutionPlan collect SendableRecordBatchStream Partitions ExecutionPlan nodes allocate resources (buffers, hash tables, files, etc) RecordBatches execute produces an iterator-style thing that produces Arrow RecordBatches for each partition create_physical_plan execute
  • 51. create_physical_plan Filter: #path Eq Utf8("/api/v2/write") Aggregate: groupBy=[[#status]], aggr=[[COUNT(UInt8(1))]] TableScan: http_api_requests_total projection=None HashAggregateExec (1 partition) AggregateMode::Final SUM(1), GROUP BY status HashAggregateExec (2 partitions) AggregateMode::Partial COUNT(1), GROUP BY status FilterExec (2 partitions) path = “/api/v2/write” ParquetExec (2 partitions) files = file1, file2 LogicalPlan ExecutionPlan MergeExec (1 partition)
  • 52. execute ExecutionPlan SendableRecordBatchStream GroupHash AggregateStream GroupHash AggregateStream GroupHash AggregateStream FilterExecStream FilterExecStream “ParquetStream”* For file1 “ParquetStream”* For file2 * this is actually a channel getting results from a different thread, as parquet reader is not yet async HashAggregateExec (1 partition) AggregateMode::Final SUM(1), GROUP BY status HashAggregateExec (2 partitions) AggregateMode::Partial COUNT(1), GROUP BY status FilterExec (2 partitions) path = “/api/v2/write” ParquetExec (2 partitions) files = file1, file2 MergeExec MergeStream execute(0) execute(0) execute(0) execute(0) execute(0) execute(1) execute(1) execute(1)
  • 53. next() SendableRecordBatchStream GroupHash AggregateStream FilterExecStream “ParquetStream”* For file1 Ready to produce values! 😅 Rust Stream: an async iterator that produces record batches Execution of GroupHash starts eagerly (before next() is called on it) next().await next().await RecordBatch RecordBatch Step 2: Data is filtered Step 1: Data read from parquet and returned Step 3: data is fed into a hash table Step 0: new task spawned, starts computing input immediately Step 5: output is requested RecordBatch Step 6: returned to caller Step 4: hash done, output produced
  • 54. next() GroupHash AggregateStream GroupHash AggregateStream GroupHash AggregateStream next().await Step 1: output is requested MergeStream MergeStream eagerly starts on its own task, back pressure via bounded channels Step 0: new task spawned, starts computing input RecordBatch Step 2: eventually RecordBatch is produced from downstream and returned Step 0: new task spawned, starts computing input immediately next().await next().await Step 0: new task spawned, starts computing input next().await Step 4: data is fed into a hash table RecordBatch Step 3: Merge passes on RecordBatch RecordBatch Step 5: hash done, output produced Step 6: returned to caller
  • 55. Get Involved Check out the project Apache Arrow Join the mailing list (links on project page) Test out Arrow ( and DataFusion ( in your projects Help out with the docs/code/tickets on GitHub Thank You!!!!