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© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
Using Apache Arrow, Calcite and Parquet to build a
Relational Cache
Halloween 2017
Jacques Nadeau
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
Jacques Nadeau
• CTO & Co-founder of Dremio
• Apache member
• VP Apache Arrow
• PMCs: Arrow, Calcite, Incubator, Heron (incubating)
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
• Tech Backgrounder
• Caching Techniques
• Relational Caching In Depth
• Definition and Matching
• Dealing with Updates
• Closing Words
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
Tech Backgrounder

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This document discusses how structured data is often moved inefficiently between systems, causing waste. It introduces Apache Arrow, an open standard for in-memory data, and how Arrow can help make data movement more efficient. Systems like Snowflake and BigQuery are now using Arrow to help speed up query result fetching by enabling zero-copy data transfers and sharing file formats between query processing and storage.

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Introduction to Redis
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Redis is an in-memory key-value store that is often used as a database, cache, and message broker. It supports various data structures like strings, hashes, lists, sets, and sorted sets. While data is stored in memory for fast access, Redis can also persist data to disk. It is widely used by companies like GitHub, Craigslist, and Engine Yard to power applications with high performance needs.

© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
What is Apache Arrow
• Columnar In-memory Data processing
• Designed to work with any programming
• Support for both relational and complex
data as-is
• Used by Pandas, Spark, Dremio
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
What is Apache Calcite
• SQL parser, Relational Algebra &
• Understands Materialized Views and
• Used by many to add SQL functionality
including Apex, Drill, Hive, Flink, Kylin,
Phoenix, Samza, Storm, Cascading &
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
What is Apache Parquet
• OSS implementation of Google Dremel
disk format for complex columnar data
• Support high-level of data-ware
columnar compression, vectorized
columnar readback
• Defacto standard for Analytical data on
disk in Big Data ecosystem
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
Caching Techniques

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The columnar roadmap: Apache Parquet and Apache Arrow
The columnar roadmap: Apache Parquet and Apache ArrowThe columnar roadmap: Apache Parquet and Apache Arrow
The columnar roadmap: Apache Parquet and Apache Arrow

The Hadoop ecosystem has standardized on columnar formats—Apache Parquet for on-disk storage and Apache Arrow for in-memory. With this trend, deep integration with columnar formats is a key differentiator for big data technologies. Vertical integration from storage to execution greatly improves the latency of accessing data by pushing projections and filters to the storage layer, reducing time spent in IO reading from disk, as well as CPU time spent decompressing and decoding. Standards like Arrow and Parquet make this integration even more valuable as data can now cross system boundaries without incurring costly translation. Cross-system programming using languages such as Spark, Python, or SQL can becomes as fast as native internal performance. In this talk we’ll explain how Parquet is improving at the storage level, with metadata and statistics that will facilitate more optimizations in query engines in the future. We’ll detail how the new vectorized reader from Parquet to Arrow enables much faster reads by removing abstractions as well as several future improvements. We will also discuss how standard Arrow-based APIs pave the way to breaking the silos of big data. One example is Arrow-based universal function libraries that can be written in any language (Java, Scala, C++, Python, R, ...) and will be usable in any big data system (Spark, Impala, Presto, Drill). Another is a standard data access API with projection and predicate push downs, which will greatly simplify data access optimizations across the board. Speaker Julien Le Dem, Principal Engineer, WeWork

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Hudi architecture, fundamentals and capabilities
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Learn about Hudi's architecture, concurrency control mechanisms, table services and tools. By : Abhishek Modi, Balajee Nagasubramaniam, Prashant Wason, Satish Kotha, Nishith Agarwal

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RocksDB Performance and Reliability Practices
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Meta/Facebook's database serving social workloads is running on top of MyRocks (MySQL on RocksDB). This means our performance and reliability depends a lot on RocksDB. Not just MyRocks, but also we have other important systems running on top of RocksDB. We have learned many lessons from operating and debugging RocksDB at scale. In this session, we will offer an overview of RocksDB, key differences from InnoDB, and share a few interesting lessons learned from production.

© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
What does Caching Mean?
• Caching: Reduce the distance to data (DTD).
• Distance: How much time and resources it takes to
access data?
– How fast is the medium? How near is it?
– Is the data designed for efficient consumption?
– How similar is the data to what you need to answer a
Perf & Proximity
Ways to reduce DTD
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
Types of Caching
• In-Memory File Pinning
• Columnar Disk Caching
• In-Memory Block Caching
• Near-CPU Data Caching
• Cube Relational Caching
• Arbitrary Relational Caching
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
In-Memory File Pinning
• Hold a File in Memory for frequent retrieval
• Pros
– Simple, standard and well-defined interface
– Improves the performance of the medium.
– If you’re performance is primarily bound by disk IO,
this might be a good option.
• Cons
– File structure not necessarily best in-memory
– Data manipulation almost always requires a copy of
data to also be held in memory (because the file
format is not directly consumable).
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
Columnar Disk Caching
• Store the data in an optimized columnar
• Pros
– Better compression reduces IO
– Good structure improves processing
– Benefits selective workloads (needed
subset of all columns)
• Cons
– Requires duplicating data
– Typically manual/semi-automated (e.g.
MapReduce/Spark to ETL persist/update)

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Understanding Presto - Presto meetup @ Tokyo #1
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This document summarizes a presentation about Presto, an open source distributed SQL query engine. It discusses Presto's distributed and plug-in architecture, query planning process, and cluster configuration options. For architecture, it explains that Presto uses coordinators, workers, and connectors to distribute queries across data sources. For query planning, it shows how SQL queries are converted into logical and physical query plans with stages, tasks, and splits. For configuration, it reviews single-server, multi-worker, and multi-coordinator cluster topologies. It also provides an overview of Presto's recent updates.

How to build a streaming Lakehouse with Flink, Kafka, and Hudi
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Flink Forward San Francisco 2022. With a real-time processing engine like Flink and a transactional storage layer like Hudi, it has never been easier to build end-to-end low-latency data platforms connecting sources like Kafka to data lake storage. Come learn how to blend Lakehouse architectural patterns with real-time processing pipelines with Flink and Hudi. We will dive deep on how Flink can leverage the newest features of Hudi like multi-modal indexing that dramatically improves query and write performance, data skipping that reduces the query latency by 10x for large datasets, and many more innovations unique to Flink and Hudi. by Ethan Guo & Kyle Weller

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Improving SparkSQL Performance by 30%: How We Optimize Parquet Pushdown and P...
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Improving SparkSQL Performance by 30%: How We Optimize Parquet Pushdown and P...

The document discusses optimizations made to Spark SQL performance when working with Parquet files at ByteDance. It describes how Spark originally reads Parquet files and identifies two main areas for optimization: Parquet filter pushdown and the Parquet reader. For filter pushdown, sorting columns improved statistics and reduced data reads by 30%. For the reader, splitting it to first filter then read other columns prevented loading unnecessary data. These changes improved Spark SQL performance at ByteDance without changing jobs.

© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
In-Memory Block Caching
• Maintain portions of on-disk data in
Memory (e.g. Linux page cache, HBase
block cache)
• Pros
– Very mature and usually had for free
• Cons
– Not easy to control/influence.
– Very disconnected from workloads.
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
Near-CPU Data Caching (memory or disk)
• Hold the data directly in a representation that can
be processed without restructuring (e.g. Arrow
• Pros
– Processing can be done without interpretation of
– Very efficient to consume
– Possible to consume data by multiple consumers
without duplicating memory
• Cons
– Larger than compressed formats
– Requires applications to agree on format
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
Cube-Based Relational Caching
• Create several partially aggregated cuboids that can
satisfy a range of aggregation queries
• Pros
– Low-latency performance for common aggregate
query patterns
– Cube storage requirements can be small fraction of
original dataset size
• Cons
– Analysis latency is bi-modal: cube hit is great but a
miss is either unserved or served slowly
– Difficult or impossible to satisfy arbitrary queries
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
Arbitrary Relational Caching
• Create arbitrary data fragments combined
with partitioning and sorting schemes to
speed any query
• Pros
– Base case is easy to understand
– Can improve the performance of any query
• Cons
– Complex to match to arbitrary queries
– Can be large depending on needs

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Data Lakes have been built with a desire to democratize data - to allow more and more people, tools, and applications to make use of data. A key capability needed to achieve it is hiding the complexity of underlying data structures and physical data storage from users. The de-facto standard has been the Hive table format addresses some of these problems but falls short at data, user, and application scale. So what is the answer? Apache Iceberg. Apache Iceberg table format is now in use and contributed to by many leading tech companies like Netflix, Apple, Airbnb, LinkedIn, Dremio, Expedia, and AWS. Watch Alex Merced, Developer Advocate at Dremio, as he describes the open architecture and performance-oriented capabilities of Apache Iceberg. You will learn: • The issues that arise when using the Hive table format at scale, and why we need a new table format • How a straightforward, elegant change in table format structure has enormous positive effects • The underlying architecture of an Apache Iceberg table, how a query against an Iceberg table works, and how the table’s underlying structure changes as CRUD operations are done on it • The resulting benefits of this architectural design

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Flight SQL is a revolutionary new open database protocol designed for modern architectures. Key features in Flight SQL include a columnar-oriented design and native support for parallel processing of data partitions. This talk will go over how these new features can push SQL query throughput beyond existing standards such as ODBC.

high throughput and low latencyp99p99 conf
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
Types of Caching: The combination we found useful
• In-Memory File Pinning
– Too non-specific given memory scarcity
• ✔ Columnar Disk Caching
– Make sure everything is in Parquet (for any non-ephemeral data)
• ✔ In-Memory Block Caching
– Leverage existing page-cache, avoid additional memory cache layers
• ✔ Near-CPU Data Caching
– Used primarily for ephemeral/short-term persistence to avoid overhead
• ✔ Cube Relational Caching
– Useful for aggregation patterns
• ✔ Arbitrary Relational Caching
– Useful for unusual aggregation and non-aggregation needs
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
Relational Caching In Depth
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
Relational Algebra Refresher
• Relations: Source of data (a table)
• Operators: Define a set of transformations
– Join, Project, Scan, Filter, Aggregate, Window, etc
• Properties: Defining traits of data at a particular
– Sorted by X, Hash distributed by Y, etc.
• Rules: Defining equality conditions between a
collection of operations
– Project > Filter can be changed to Filter > Project, A scan
doesn’t need to project columns that aren’t used later,
• Graph/Tree: A collection of operators that define a
particular dataset in a DAG
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
Relational Caching: Basic Concept
• Store derived data that is
between what you want
and original dataset
• Shortens Distance to
Data (DTD)
• Reduces resource
requirements & latency
Original Data
What you
What you
What you
Persisted Shared
Intermediate State

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Log Structured Merge Tree
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Log Structured Merge Tree

1. Log structured merge trees store data in multiple levels with different storage speeds and costs, requiring data to periodically merge across levels. 2. This structure allows fast writes by storing new data in faster levels before merging to slower levels, and efficient reads by querying multiple levels and merging results. 3. The merging process involves loading, sorting, and rewriting levels to consolidate and propagate deletions and updates between levels.

Using LLVM to accelerate processing of data in Apache Arrow
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Using LLVM to accelerate processing of data in Apache Arrow

Most query engines follow an interpreter-based approach where a SQL query is translated into a tree of relational algebra operations then fed through a conventional tuple-based iterator model to execute the query. We will explore the overhead associated with this approach and how the performance of query execution on columnar data can be improved using run-time code generation via LLVM. Generally speaking, the best case for optimal query execution performance is a hand-written query plan that does exactly what is needed by the query for the exact same data types and format. Vectorized query processing models amortize the cost of function calls. However, research has shown that hand-written code for a given query plan has the potential to outperform the optimizations associated with a vectorized query processing model. Over the last decade, the LLVM compiler framework has seen significant development. Furthermore, the database community has realized the potential of LLVM to boost query performance by implementing JIT query compilation frameworks. With LLVM, a SQL query is translated into a portable intermediary representation (IR) which is subsequently converted into machine code for the desired target architecture. Dremio is built on top of Apache Arrow’s in-memory columnar vector format. The in-memory vectors map directly to the vector type in LLVM and that makes our job easier when writing the query processing algorithms in LLVM. We will talk about how Dremio implemented query processing logic in LLVM for some operators like FILTER and PROJECT. We will also discuss the performance benefits of LLVM-based vectorized query execution over other methods. Speaker Siddharth Teotia, Dremio, Software Engineer

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Hyperspace for Delta Lake
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Hyperspace for Delta Lake

Hyperspace is a recently open-sourced ( indexing sub-system from Microsoft. The key idea behind Hyperspace is simple: Users specify the indexes they want to build. Hyperspace builds these indexes using Apache Spark, and maintains metadata in its write-ahead log that is stored in the data lake. At runtime, Hyperspace automatically selects the best index to use for a given query without requiring users to rewrite their queries. Since Hyperspace was introduced, one of the most popular asks from the Spark community was indexing support for Delta Lake. In this talk, we present our experiences in designing and implementing Hyperspace support for Delta Lake and how it can be used for accelerating queries over Delta tables. We will cover the necessary foundations behind Delta Lake’s transaction log design and how Hyperspace enables indexing support that seamlessly works with the former’s time travel queries.

© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
You Probably Already Do This!
Data Alternatives (Manually Created)
• Sessionized
• Cleansed
• Partitioned by time or region
• Summarized for a particular
Users Choose Depending on Need
• Analysts trained on using different
tables depending on use case
• Custom datasets built for
• Summarization and/or extraction
for dashboards
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
Benefit of Relational Caching over “Copy and Pick”
“Copy and Pick” Relational Caching
(transform, sort, partition,
Logical Model
Source Table
User picks best
Cache picks best optimization
Cache maintains
Admin picks manage
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
Key Components of Relational Caching
• How to Express Transformations/States: SQL
• Hold and Match Relational algebra: Calcite
• Persist alternative datasets: Parquet
• A way to process: Arrow + Sabot
• And a lot of code to put it all together…
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
Query Planner
Our Approach
Data Processing
System (Sabot)
End User Queries
UI to Define
Cached Patterns
Source Storage Interface (Arrow)
HDFS S3 Elastic
Relational Pattern
Matching System

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A Thorough Comparison of Delta Lake, Iceberg and Hudi
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A Thorough Comparison of Delta Lake, Iceberg and Hudi

Recently, a set of modern table formats such as Delta Lake, Hudi, Iceberg spring out. Along with Hive Metastore these table formats are trying to solve problems that stand in traditional data lake for a long time with their declared features like ACID, schema evolution, upsert, time travel, incremental consumption etc.

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Building a Virtual Data Lake with Apache Arrow
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Building a Virtual Data Lake with Apache Arrow

Building a data lake is a daunting task. The promise of a virtual data lake is to provide the advantages of a data lake without consolidating all data into a single repository. With Apache Arrow and Dremio, companies can, for the first time, build virtual data lakes that provide full access to data no matter where it is stored and no matter what size it is.

apache arrowrapache calcite
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
Definition and Matching
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
Coming Back to Calcite
• Calcite is a Planner & Optimizer
• Comes with a prebuilt selection of
operators, rules, properties (called
traits) and ways to express relations
• Also has a basic Materialized View
facility (relevant!)
for Relational
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
How We Built Caching: Reflections
• Reflection: A persisted alternative view of data in Parquet
– Raw Reflection: Persist all records of underlying dataset, controlling
partitioning and sortedness
– Aggregate Reflection: Persist a partially aggregated dataset based on a
selection of dimensions and measures, still controlling partitioning and
• Reflections can be built on either source tables or arbitrarily
defined Virtual Datasets
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
Cache Matching: Aggregation Rollup
Given a user query, try to create an alternative version of the
query that matches the cached target.
F(c’ < 10)
A(a, sum(c) as c’)
A(a,b, sum(c))
User Query Reflection Definition Alternative Plan
F(c’ < 10)
A(a, sum(c) as c’)

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Data comes in many shapes and sizes, and every company struggles to find ways to transform, validate, and enrich data for multiple purposes. The problem has been around as long as data, and the market has an overwhelming number of options. In this presentation we look at the problem and key options from vendors in the market today. Dremio is a new approach that eliminates the need for stand alone data prep tools.

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A fairy tale about orphans, forests, kings and forking open source software projects, which particular reference to sqlline and Apache Hive. From a talk I gave at the Apache Hive contributors' meetup in Santa Clara on April 22nd, 2015.

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Apache Arrow - An Overview
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Apache Arrow - An Overview

Apache Arrow is a new standard for in-memory columnar data processing. It is a complement to Apache Parquet and Apache ORC. In this deck we review key design goals and how Arrow works in detail.

apache calciteapache arrowapache orc
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
Cache Matching: Join/Aggregation Transposition
A(a, sum(c) as c’)
A(id, sum(c))
User Query Reflection Definition Alternative Plan
A(a, sum(c) as c’)
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
Cache Matching: Costing and Partitioning Benefits
Part by a
User Query
Part by b
pruned on a
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
Relational Matching, Other Examples
• Physical Property Matching
• Predicate Promotion
• Predicate Inference
• Join Decomposition
• Join Promotion
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
Dealing with Updates

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September 19, 2015 talk at Berkeley Institute for Data Science. On how comparatively poor JSON / structured data tools pose a challenge for the data science languages (Python, R, Julia, etc.).

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Apache Calcite: One planner fits all
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This document discusses how Apache Calcite makes it easier to write database management systems (DBMS) by decomposing them into modular components like a query parser, catalog, algorithms, and storage engines. It presents Calcite as a framework that allows these components to be mixed and matched, with a core relational algebra and rule-based optimization. Calcite powers systems like Apache Hive, Drill, Phoenix, and Kylin by translating SQL and other queries to relational algebra and optimizing queries using over 100 rules before executing them using configurable engines and data sources.

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© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
Refresh Management
Importance of Cache Creation Ordering
• Not all updating
orderings are equal
• Want to order
updates based on
“Refresh Graph” and
• Multiple orders
possible, cost against
each other to
minimize update cost
Freshness Management
• Underlying data
may change
• User Should define
refresh frequency
• Separately Define
Absolute TTL
1H refresh
3H expiration
Raw Reflection
Aggregate Reflection
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
Multiple Update Modes (Depending on Mutation Pattern)
• Full: Always rebuild reflections from scratch (highly mutating)
• Incremental (files): Incrementally builds reflections based on new
files and folders (append-only)
• Incremental (rowstores): Incrementally builds reflections based on
monotonically increasing field (append-only)
• Partitioned Refresh: Maintains reflections based on source
partitions (e.g. Filesystem directories, Hive partitions). (partially
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
Closing Words
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
What We’ve Seen Using these Techniques
• Frequent 10x-100x+ performance improvements in multiple
• Vast reduction in resources required to achieve performance
• In many cases, a reduction in disk space
– Due to avoidance of excessive unused or rarely used physical copies

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Don’t optimize my queries, optimize my data!
Don’t optimize my queries, optimize my data!Don’t optimize my queries, optimize my data!
Don’t optimize my queries, optimize my data!

The document discusses strategies for optimizing data through materialized views and how data systems can learn to optimize themselves. It proposes an algorithm that uses sketches and information theory to profile data cardinalities and recommend materialized views. The algorithm aims to defeat the combinatorial search space by only considering combinations with "surprising" cardinalities. This profiling provides the cost and benefit information needed to optimize data structures. The document also discusses using query logs and statistics to infer relationships between tables and design summary tables through lattices.

apache calcitematerialized viewsquery optimization
Apache Arrow: In Theory, In Practice
Apache Arrow: In Theory, In PracticeApache Arrow: In Theory, In Practice
Apache Arrow: In Theory, In Practice

This document discusses Apache Arrow, an open source cross-language development platform for in-memory analytics. It provides an overview of Arrow's goals of being cross-language compatible, optimized for modern CPUs, and enabling interoperability between systems. Key components include core C++/Java libraries, integrations with projects like Pandas and Spark, and common message patterns for sharing data. The document also describes how Arrow is implemented in practice in systems like Dremio's Sabot query engine.

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SQL on everything, in memory
SQL on everything, in memorySQL on everything, in memory
SQL on everything, in memory

Enterprise data is moving into Hadoop, but some data has to stay in operational systems. Apache Calcite (the technology behind Hive’s new cost-based optimizer, formerly known as Optiq) is a query-optimization and data federation technology that allows you to combine data in Hadoop with data in NoSQL systems such as MongoDB and Splunk, and access it all via SQL. Hyde shows how to quickly build a SQL interface to a NoSQL system using Calcite. He shows how to add rules and operators to Calcite to push down processing to the source system, and how to automatically build materialized data sets in memory for blazing-fast interactive analysis.

sqlquery optimizermaterialized views
© 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ
Find out More and Get Involved
• Drop by my office hours (East Room Lounge - now)
• Drop by the Dremio table behind you
• Join us at @ApacheArrow meetup at @enigma_data Midtown
– Wes Mckinney, creator of Pandas and myself, tech deep dive
• Join the Dremio community (Relational Caching)
– (Apache Licensed)
• Find out more about the Building Blocks
– dev@[arrow|calcite|parquet]
– http://[arrow|calcite|parquet]
• Follow @DremioHQ, @intjesus, @ApacheArrow, @ApacheCalcite,

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Using Apache Arrow, Calcite, and Parquet to Build a Relational Cache

  • 1. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ Using Apache Arrow, Calcite and Parquet to build a Relational Cache Halloween 2017 @DataEngConf Jacques Nadeau
  • 2. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ Who? Jacques Nadeau @intjesus • CTO & Co-founder of Dremio • Apache member • VP Apache Arrow • PMCs: Arrow, Calcite, Incubator, Heron (incubating)
  • 3. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ Agenda • Tech Backgrounder • Caching Techniques • Relational Caching In Depth • Definition and Matching • Dealing with Updates • Closing Words
  • 4. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ Tech Backgrounder
  • 5. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ What is Apache Arrow • Columnar In-memory Data processing library • Designed to work with any programming language • Support for both relational and complex data as-is • Used by Pandas, Spark, Dremio
  • 6. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ What is Apache Calcite • SQL parser, Relational Algebra & Optimizer • Understands Materialized Views and Lattices • Used by many to add SQL functionality including Apex, Drill, Hive, Flink, Kylin, Phoenix, Samza, Storm, Cascading & Dremio
  • 7. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ What is Apache Parquet • OSS implementation of Google Dremel disk format for complex columnar data • Support high-level of data-ware columnar compression, vectorized columnar readback • Defacto standard for Analytical data on disk in Big Data ecosystem
  • 8. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ Caching Techniques
  • 9. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ What does Caching Mean? • Caching: Reduce the distance to data (DTD). • Distance: How much time and resources it takes to access data? – How fast is the medium? How near is it? – Is the data designed for efficient consumption? – How similar is the data to what you need to answer a question? Perf & Proximity Relevance Consumability Ways to reduce DTD
  • 10. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ Types of Caching • In-Memory File Pinning • Columnar Disk Caching • In-Memory Block Caching • Near-CPU Data Caching • Cube Relational Caching • Arbitrary Relational Caching
  • 11. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ In-Memory File Pinning • Hold a File in Memory for frequent retrieval • Pros – Simple, standard and well-defined interface – Improves the performance of the medium. – If you’re performance is primarily bound by disk IO, this might be a good option. • Cons – File structure not necessarily best in-memory structure. – Data manipulation almost always requires a copy of data to also be held in memory (because the file format is not directly consumable).
  • 12. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ Columnar Disk Caching • Store the data in an optimized columnar format. • Pros – Better compression reduces IO – Good structure improves processing – Benefits selective workloads (needed subset of all columns) • Cons – Requires duplicating data – Typically manual/semi-automated (e.g. MapReduce/Spark to ETL persist/update)
  • 13. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ In-Memory Block Caching • Maintain portions of on-disk data in Memory (e.g. Linux page cache, HBase block cache) • Pros – Very mature and usually had for free • Cons – Not easy to control/influence. – Very disconnected from workloads.
  • 14. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ Near-CPU Data Caching (memory or disk) • Hold the data directly in a representation that can be processed without restructuring (e.g. Arrow format) • Pros – Processing can be done without interpretation of format – Very efficient to consume – Possible to consume data by multiple consumers without duplicating memory • Cons – Larger than compressed formats – Requires applications to agree on format
  • 15. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ Cube-Based Relational Caching • Create several partially aggregated cuboids that can satisfy a range of aggregation queries • Pros – Low-latency performance for common aggregate query patterns – Cube storage requirements can be small fraction of original dataset size • Cons – Analysis latency is bi-modal: cube hit is great but a miss is either unserved or served slowly – Difficult or impossible to satisfy arbitrary queries
  • 16. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ Arbitrary Relational Caching • Create arbitrary data fragments combined with partitioning and sorting schemes to speed any query • Pros – Base case is easy to understand – Can improve the performance of any query • Cons – Complex to match to arbitrary queries – Can be large depending on needs
  • 17. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ Types of Caching: The combination we found useful • In-Memory File Pinning – Too non-specific given memory scarcity • ✔ Columnar Disk Caching – Make sure everything is in Parquet (for any non-ephemeral data) • ✔ In-Memory Block Caching – Leverage existing page-cache, avoid additional memory cache layers • ✔ Near-CPU Data Caching – Used primarily for ephemeral/short-term persistence to avoid overhead • ✔ Cube Relational Caching – Useful for aggregation patterns • ✔ Arbitrary Relational Caching – Useful for unusual aggregation and non-aggregation needs
  • 18. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ Relational Caching In Depth
  • 19. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ Relational Algebra Refresher • Relations: Source of data (a table) • Operators: Define a set of transformations – Join, Project, Scan, Filter, Aggregate, Window, etc • Properties: Defining traits of data at a particular relation – Sorted by X, Hash distributed by Y, etc. • Rules: Defining equality conditions between a collection of operations – Project > Filter can be changed to Filter > Project, A scan doesn’t need to project columns that aren’t used later, etc. • Graph/Tree: A collection of operators that define a particular dataset in a DAG Project Scan Filter Filter Scan Project
  • 20. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ Relational Caching: Basic Concept • Store derived data that is between what you want and original dataset • Shortens Distance to Data (DTD) • Reduces resource requirements & latency Original Data What you Want What you Want What you Want Persisted Shared Intermediate State originalDTD newDTDcostreduction
  • 21. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ You Probably Already Do This! Data Alternatives (Manually Created) • Sessionized • Cleansed • Partitioned by time or region • Summarized for a particular purpose Users Choose Depending on Need • Analysts trained on using different tables depending on use case • Custom datasets built for reporting • Summarization and/or extraction for dashboards
  • 22. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ Benefit of Relational Caching over “Copy and Pick” “Copy and Pick” Relational Caching Physical Optimizations (transform, sort, partition, aggregate) Logical Model Source Table ???? User picks best optimization Cache picks best optimization Cache maintains representations Admin picks manage maintenance
  • 23. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ Key Components of Relational Caching • How to Express Transformations/States: SQL • Hold and Match Relational algebra: Calcite • Persist alternative datasets: Parquet • A way to process: Arrow + Sabot • And a lot of code to put it all together…
  • 24. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ Query Planner Our Approach Data Processing System (Sabot) End User Queries UI to Define Cached Patterns Source Storage Interface (Arrow) HDFS S3 Elastic Relational Pattern Matching System Relational Pattern Database Change Detection Database Cache Persistence Parquet Arrow Refresh System
  • 25. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ Definition and Matching
  • 26. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ Coming Back to Calcite • Calcite is a Planner & Optimizer • Comes with a prebuilt selection of operators, rules, properties (called traits) and ways to express relations • Also has a basic Materialized View facility (relevant!) Perfect Foundation for Relational Caching
  • 27. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ How We Built Caching: Reflections • Reflection: A persisted alternative view of data in Parquet format – Raw Reflection: Persist all records of underlying dataset, controlling partitioning and sortedness – Aggregate Reflection: Persist a partially aggregated dataset based on a selection of dimensions and measures, still controlling partitioning and sortedness • Reflections can be built on either source tables or arbitrarily defined Virtual Datasets
  • 28. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ Cache Matching: Aggregation Rollup Given a user query, try to create an alternative version of the query that matches the cached target. P(a,c) F(c’ < 10) S(t1) S(t1) A(a, sum(c) as c’) A(a,b, sum(c)) S(r1) User Query Reflection Definition Alternative Plan F(c’ < 10) S(r1) A(a, sum(c) as c’) Target Materialization
  • 29. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ Cache Matching: Join/Aggregation Transposition Join( S(t1) S(t1) A(a, sum(c) as c’) A(id, sum(c)) S(r1) User Query Reflection Definition Alternative Plan Target MaterializationS(t2) Join( S(r1) A(a, sum(c) as c’) S(t2)
  • 30. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ Cache Matching: Costing and Partitioning Benefits F(a) S(t1) S(t1) S(r1) Part by a User Query Target Materialization S(t1) S(r1) Part by b Target Materialization S(r1) pruned on a
  • 31. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ Relational Matching, Other Examples • Physical Property Matching • Predicate Promotion • Predicate Inference • Join Decomposition • Join Promotion
  • 32. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ Dealing with Updates
  • 33. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ Refresh Management Importance of Cache Creation Ordering • Not all updating orderings are equal • Want to order updates based on “Refresh Graph” and dependencies • Multiple orders possible, cost against each other to minimize update cost Freshness Management • Underlying data may change • User Should define refresh frequency • Separately Define Absolute TTL Physical dataset 1H refresh 3H expiration Raw Reflection Aggregate Reflection
  • 34. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ Multiple Update Modes (Depending on Mutation Pattern) • Full: Always rebuild reflections from scratch (highly mutating) • Incremental (files): Incrementally builds reflections based on new files and folders (append-only) • Incremental (rowstores): Incrementally builds reflections based on monotonically increasing field (append-only) • Partitioned Refresh: Maintains reflections based on source partitions (e.g. Filesystem directories, Hive partitions). (partially mutating)
  • 35. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ Closing Words
  • 36. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ What We’ve Seen Using these Techniques • Frequent 10x-100x+ performance improvements in multiple workloads • Vast reduction in resources required to achieve performance levels • In many cases, a reduction in disk space – Due to avoidance of excessive unused or rarely used physical copies
  • 37. © 2017 Dremio Corporation @DremioHQ Find out More and Get Involved • Drop by my office hours (East Room Lounge - now) • Drop by the Dremio table behind you • Join us at @ApacheArrow meetup at @enigma_data Midtown – Wes Mckinney, creator of Pandas and myself, tech deep dive • Join the Dremio community (Relational Caching) – (Apache Licensed) – – • Find out more about the Building Blocks – dev@[arrow|calcite|parquet] –[arrow|calcite|parquet-mr] – http://[arrow|calcite|parquet] • Follow @DremioHQ, @intjesus, @ApacheArrow, @ApacheCalcite, @ApacheParquet