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Cosco: An Efficient Facebook-Scale Shuffle Service
Cosco: an efficient
facebook-scale shuffle service
Brian Cho & Dmitry Borovsky
Spark + AI Summit 2019
Disaggregated compute and storage
• Advantages
• Server types optimized for
compute or storage
• Separate capacity management
and configuration
• Different hardware cycles
• Compute clusters
• CPU, RAM, no disks for data
• Spark executors
• Storage clusters
• Spindle disks
• DFS (Warm Storage)
• Permanent data: size dominant, uses
less IO
• Temporary data: IO dominant, uses
less space
Spindle disk storage
• A single spindle is used to
read/write data on the drive
• Small IO sizes cause low throughput
as seek times dominate
64 KiB,
128 KiB,
256 KiB,
39 s
1 MiB, 14s
4 MiB, 8s
0 50 100 150
Time (s)

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Advanced Apache Spark Meetup Project Tungsten Nov 12 2015
Advanced Apache Spark Meetup Project Tungsten Nov 12 2015Advanced Apache Spark Meetup Project Tungsten Nov 12 2015
Advanced Apache Spark Meetup Project Tungsten Nov 12 2015

The document summarizes a presentation given by Chris Fregly on Project Tungsten and optimizations in Apache Spark. It discusses techniques like using off-heap memory, minimizing cache misses, and saturating I/O to sort 100 terabytes of data in Spark. The presentation also covered a recap of the "100TB GraySort challenge" where custom data structures and algorithms were used to optimize sorting and shuffling of data.

Accelerating Apache Spark Shuffle for Data Analytics on the Cloud with Remote...
Accelerating Apache Spark Shuffle for Data Analytics on the Cloud with Remote...Accelerating Apache Spark Shuffle for Data Analytics on the Cloud with Remote...
Accelerating Apache Spark Shuffle for Data Analytics on the Cloud with Remote...

The increasing challenge to serve ever-growing data driven by AI and analytics workloads makes disaggregated storage and compute more attractive as it enables companies to scale their storage and compute capacity independently to match data & compute growth rate. Cloud based big data services is gaining momentum as it provides simplified management, elasticity, and pay-as-you-go model.

spark + ai summit

Apache Spark Overview
Apache Spark OverviewApache Spark Overview
Apache Spark Overview

This document provides an overview of a talk on Apache Spark. It introduces the speaker and their background. It acknowledges inspiration from a previous Spark training. It then outlines the structure of the talk, which will include: a brief history of big data; a tour of Spark including its advantages over MapReduce; and explanations of Spark concepts like RDDs, transformations, and actions. The document serves to introduce the topics that will be covered in the talk.

analyticsbig dataapache spark
Spindle disk storage
• A single spindle is used to
read/write data on the drive
• Small IO sizes cause low throughput
as seek times dominate
• Drive sizes increase over time
• Must increase IO size to maintain the
same throughput per TB
7 TB drive
1 MiB IO
15 TB drive
7 MiB IO
0 5 10 15 20
AvgIOsize(MiB) HDD capacity (TiB)
10 MiBs/TiB
64 KiB,
128 KiB,
256 KiB,
39 s
1 MiB, 14s
4 MiB, 8s
0 50 100 150
Time (s)
Spindle disk storage
• A single spindle is used to
read/write data on the drive
• Small IO sizes cause low throughput
as seek times dominate
• Drive sizes increase over time
• Must increase IO size to maintain the
same throughput per TB, or
• Read/write less data to reduce
throughput demand 0
0 5 10 15 20
AvgIOsize(MiB) HDD capacity (TiB)
10 MiBs/TiB 8 MiBs/TiB 6 MiBs/TiB
64 KiB,
128 KiB,
256 KiB,
39 s
1 MiB, 14s
4 MiB, 8s
0 50 100 150
Time (s)
Spindle disk storage: key metrics
ØDisk service time
ØAverage IO size
ØWrite amplification
• A single spindle is used to
read/write data on the drive
• Small IO sizes cause low throughput
as seek times dominate
• Drive sizes increase over time
• Must increase IO size to maintain the
same throughput, or
• Read/write less data to reduce
throughput demand
Spark shuffle recap
Map 0
Map 1
Map m
Mappers Map Output Files Reducers
Reduce 0
Reduce 1
Reduce r

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Apache Spark overview
Apache Spark overviewApache Spark overview
Apache Spark overview

This document provides an overview of Apache Spark, including how it compares to Hadoop, the Spark ecosystem, Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs), transformations and actions on RDDs, the directed acyclic graph (DAG) scheduler, Spark Streaming, and the DataFrames API. Key points covered include Spark's faster performance versus Hadoop through its use of memory instead of disk, the RDD abstraction for distributed collections, common RDD operations, and Spark's capabilities for real-time streaming data processing and SQL queries on structured data.

Why you should care about data layout in the file system with Cheng Lian and ...
Why you should care about data layout in the file system with Cheng Lian and ...Why you should care about data layout in the file system with Cheng Lian and ...
Why you should care about data layout in the file system with Cheng Lian and ...

Efficient data access is one of the key factors for having a high performance data processing pipeline. Determining the layout of data values in the filesystem often has fundamental impacts on the performance of data access. In this talk, we will show insights on how data layout affects the performance of data access. We will first explain how modern columnar file formats like Parquet and ORC work and explain how to use them efficiently to store data values. Then, we will present our best practice on how to store datasets, including guidelines on choosing partitioning columns and deciding how to bucket a table.

spark summitapache spark
Apache Spark Architecture
Apache Spark ArchitectureApache Spark Architecture
Apache Spark Architecture

This is the presentation I made on JavaDay Kiev 2015 regarding the architecture of Apache Spark. It covers the memory model, the shuffle implementations, data frames and some other high-level staff and can be used as an introduction to Apache Spark

apache sparkdistributed systemtungsten
Spark shuffle recap
Map 0
Map 1
Map m
Mappers Map Output Files Reducers
Reduce 0
Reduce 1
Reduce r
Spark shuffle recap
Map 0
Map 1
Map m
Mappers Map Output Files Reducers
Reduce 0
Reduce 1
Reduce r
Sort by
Spark shuffle recap: Write amplification
Map 0
Map 1
Map m
Mappers Map Output Files Reducers
Sort by
Reduce 0
Reduce 1
Reduce r
Write amplification is 3x
Spark shuffle recap: Small IOs problem
Map 0
Map 1
Map m
Mappers Map Output Files Reducers
Reduce 0
Reduce 1
Reduce r
M x R
Avg IO size is 200 KiB
Sort by

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Memory Management in Apache Spark
Memory Management in Apache SparkMemory Management in Apache Spark
Memory Management in Apache Spark

Memory management is at the heart of any data-intensive system. Spark, in particular, must arbitrate memory allocation between two main use cases: buffering intermediate data for processing (execution) and caching user data (storage). This talk will take a deep dive through the memory management designs adopted in Spark since its inception and discuss their performance and usability implications for the end user.

databrickssparkapache spark
Batch Processing at Scale with Flink & Iceberg
Batch Processing at Scale with Flink & IcebergBatch Processing at Scale with Flink & Iceberg
Batch Processing at Scale with Flink & Iceberg

Flink Forward San Francisco 2022. Goldman Sachs's Data Lake platform serves as the firm's centralized data platform, ingesting 140K (and growing!) batches per day of Datasets of varying shape and size. Powered by Flink and using metadata configured by platform users, ingestion applications are generated dynamically at runtime to extract, transform, and load data into centralized storage where it is then exported to warehousing solutions such as Sybase IQ, Snowflake, and Amazon Redshift. Data Latency is one of many key considerations as producers and consumers have their own commitments to satisfy. Consumers range from people/systems issuing queries, to applications using engines like Spark, Hive, and Presto to transform data into refined Datasets. Apache Iceberg allows our applications to not only benefit from consistency guarantees important when running on eventually consistent storage like S3, but also allows us the opportunity to improve our batch processing patterns with its scalability-focused features. by Andreas Hailu

stream processingapache flinkbig data
Demystifying flink memory allocation and tuning - Roshan Naik, Uber
Demystifying flink memory allocation and tuning - Roshan Naik, UberDemystifying flink memory allocation and tuning - Roshan Naik, Uber
Demystifying flink memory allocation and tuning - Roshan Naik, Uber

Ever tried to get get clarity on what kinds of memory there are and how to tune each of them ? If not, very likely your jobs are configured incorrectly. As we found out, its is not straightforward and it is not well documented either. This session will provide information on the types of memory to be aware of, the calculations involved in determining how much is allocated to each type of memory and how to tune it depending on the use case.

flinktuningmemory allocation
Spark shuffle recap: SOS
Map 0
Map 1
Map m
Mappers Map Output Files Reducers
Reduce 0
Reduce 1
Reduce r
Sort by
SOS: merge map outputs
10-way merge increases
Avg IO size to 2 MiB
Spark shuffle using Cosco
• Mappers share a write-ahead buffer per reduce partition
• Reducers can read the written data sequentially
• Solves the small IOs problem
• Sequential reads: Avg IO size 200 KiB à 2.5 MiB
• Solves the write amplification problem
• Avoiding spills: Write amplification 3x à 1.2x
Results / Current status
• Hive
• Rolled out to 90%+ of Hive workloads, in production for 1+ year
• 3.2x more efficient disk service time
• Spark
• Analysis shows potential 3.5x more efficient disk service time
• Analysis shows CPU neutral
• Integration is complete, rollout planned during next few months
Cosco deep dive
Dmitry Borovsky
Spark + AI Summit 2019

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Spark tuning
Spark tuningSpark tuning
Spark tuning

The document discusses tuning Spark parameters to optimize performance. It describes how to control Spark's resource usage through parameters like num-executors, executor-cores, and executor-memory. Advanced parameters like spark.shuffle.memoryFraction and spark.reducer.maxSizeInFlight are also covered. Dynamic allocation allows scaling resources up and down based on workload. Tips provided include tuning memory usage, choosing serialization and storage levels, setting parallelism, and avoiding operations like groupByKey. An example recommends tuning the collaborative filtering algorithm in the RW project, reducing runtime from 27 minutes to under 7 minutes.

spark big data tuning
Spark SQL: Another 16x Faster After Tungsten: Spark Summit East talk by Brad ...
Spark SQL: Another 16x Faster After Tungsten: Spark Summit East talk by Brad ...Spark SQL: Another 16x Faster After Tungsten: Spark Summit East talk by Brad ...
Spark SQL: Another 16x Faster After Tungsten: Spark Summit East talk by Brad ...

Apache Spark 2.1.0 boosted the performance of Apache Spark SQL due to Project Tungsten software improvements. Another 16x times faster has been achieved by using Oracle’s innovations for Apache Spark SQL. This 16x improvement is made possible by using Oracle’s Software in Silicon accelerator offload technologies. Apache Spark SQL In-memory performance is becoming more important due to many factors. Users are now performing more advanced SQL processing on multi-terabyte workloads. In addition on-prem and cloud servers are getting larger physical memory to enable storing these huge workloads be stored in memory. In this talk we will look at using Spark SQL in feature creation, feature generation within pipelines for Spark ML. This presentation will explore workloads at scale and with complex interactions. We also provide best practices and tuning suggestion to support these kinds of workloads on real applications in cloud deployments. In addition ideas for next generation Tungsten project will also be discussed.

spark summit eastapache spark
Understanding Query Plans and Spark UIs
Understanding Query Plans and Spark UIsUnderstanding Query Plans and Spark UIs
Understanding Query Plans and Spark UIs

"The common use cases of Spark SQL include ad hoc analysis, logical warehouse, query federation, and ETL processing. Spark SQL also powers the other Spark libraries, including structured streaming for stream processing, MLlib for machine learning, and GraphFrame for graph-parallel computation. For boosting the speed of your Spark applications, you can perform the optimization efforts on the queries prior employing to the production systems. Spark query plans and Spark UIs provide you insight on the performance of your queries. This talk discloses how to read and tune the query plans for enhanced performance. It will also cover the major related features in the recent and upcoming releases of Apache Spark. "

• Shuffle exchange on spinning disks (disaggregated compute and
• Single shuffle exchange scale: PiBs size, 100Ks of mappers,
10Ks reducers
• Write amplification is ~3x (1PiB shuffle does 3PiB writes to disk)
• Small Average IO size: ~200KiB (at least MxR reads)
• IO is spiky (all readers may start at the same time and do MxR reads)
• Cosco is shared between users
Sailfish: a framework for large scale
data processing
SoCC '12 Proceedings of the Third ACM Symposium on
Cloud Computing, Article No. 4, San Jose, California —
October 14 - 17, 2012
Source code:
Write-ahead buffers
Shuffle Services
Shuffle Services
Mapper 0
Mapper 1
Mapper 2
Reducer 0
Reducer 1
Partition 0
(file 1 buffer)
File 0
File 1
File 2
File 0
File 1
Partition 0
(file 2 buffer)
Spark process
(cosco client)
Cosco process
(shared between apps)
(if needed)
Exactly once delivery
Shuffle Services
Mapper 0
Reducer 0
File 0
File 1
File 2
Partition 0
(file 2 buffer)
Spark process
(cosco client)
Cosco process
(shared between apps)
Partition 0’
(file 3 buffer)
File 3

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Tuning Apache Spark for Large-Scale Workloads Gaoxiang Liu and Sital Kedia
Tuning Apache Spark for Large-Scale Workloads Gaoxiang Liu and Sital KediaTuning Apache Spark for Large-Scale Workloads Gaoxiang Liu and Sital Kedia
Tuning Apache Spark for Large-Scale Workloads Gaoxiang Liu and Sital Kedia

Apache Spark is a fast and flexible compute engine for a variety of diverse workloads. Optimizing performance for different applications often requires an understanding of Spark internals and can be challenging for Spark application developers. In this session, learn how Facebook tunes Spark to run large-scale workloads reliably and efficiently. The speakers will begin by explaining the various tools and techniques they use to discover performance bottlenecks in Spark jobs. Next, you’ll hear about important configuration parameters and their experiments tuning these parameters on large-scale production workload. You’ll also learn about Facebook’s new efforts towards automatically tuning several important configurations based on nature of the workload. The speakers will conclude by sharing their results with automatic tuning and future directions for the several important configurations based on nature of the workload. We will conclude by sharing our result with automatic tuning and future directions for the project.

spark summitapache spark
Apache Spark Core—Deep Dive—Proper Optimization
Apache Spark Core—Deep Dive—Proper OptimizationApache Spark Core—Deep Dive—Proper Optimization
Apache Spark Core—Deep Dive—Proper Optimization

Optimizing spark jobs through a true understanding of spark core. Learn: What is a partition? What is the difference between read/shuffle/write partitions? How to increase parallelism and decrease output files? Where does shuffle data go between stages? What is the "right" size for your spark partitions and files? Why does a job slow down with only a few tasks left and never finish? Why doesn't adding nodes decrease my compute time?

How to Actually Tune Your Spark Jobs So They Work
How to Actually Tune Your Spark Jobs So They WorkHow to Actually Tune Your Spark Jobs So They Work
How to Actually Tune Your Spark Jobs So They Work

This document summarizes a USF Spark workshop that covers Spark internals and how to optimize Spark jobs. It discusses how Spark works with partitions, caching, serialization and shuffling data. It provides lessons on using less memory by partitioning wisely, avoiding shuffles, using the driver carefully, and caching strategically to speed up jobs. The workshop emphasizes understanding Spark and tuning configurations to improve performance and stability.

internalstuningspark configuration
Exactly once delivery
Shuffle Services
Mapper 0
Reducer 0
File 0
File 1
File 2
Partition 0
(file 2 buffer)
Spark process
(cosco client)
Cosco process
(shared between apps)
Partition 0’
(file 3 buffer)
File 3
At least once delivery and deduplication
Shuffle Services
Mapper 0
Reducer 0
File 0
File 1
File 2
Partition 0
(file 2 buffer)
Spark process
(cosco client)
Cosco process
(shared between apps)
Partition 0’
(file 3 buffer)
Adds row_id and mapper_id to each row
resends non-acked data File 3
Mapper 0
Reducer 0
File 0
File 1
File 2
Partition 0
(file 2 buffer)
Spark process
(cosco client)
Cosco process
(shared between apps)
Partition 0’
(file 2’ buffer)
Reducer 0
File 0
File 1
Spark process
(cosco client)
Cosco process
(shared between apps)
File 2’
File 2
Mapper 0
Partition 0
(file 2 buffer)
Partition 0’
(file 2’ buffer)

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A Deep Dive into Query Execution Engine of Spark SQL
A Deep Dive into Query Execution Engine of Spark SQLA Deep Dive into Query Execution Engine of Spark SQL
A Deep Dive into Query Execution Engine of Spark SQL

Spark SQL enables Spark to perform efficient and fault-tolerant relational query processing with analytics database technologies. The relational queries are compiled to the executable physical plans consisting of transformations and actions on RDDs with the generated Java code. The code is compiled to Java bytecode, executed at runtime by JVM and optimized by JIT to native machine code at runtime. This talk will take a deep dive into Spark SQL execution engine. The talk includes pipelined execution, whole-stage code generation, UDF execution, memory management, vectorized readers, lineage based RDD transformation and action.

Everyday I'm Shuffling - Tips for Writing Better Spark Programs, Strata San J...
Everyday I'm Shuffling - Tips for Writing Better Spark Programs, Strata San J...Everyday I'm Shuffling - Tips for Writing Better Spark Programs, Strata San J...
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Watch video at: Want to learn how to write faster and more efficient programs for Apache Spark? Two Spark experts from Databricks, Vida Ha and Holden Karau, provide some performance tuning and testing tips for your Spark applications

apache sparkdatabricksdatabricks cloud
Apache Spark on Supercomputers: A Tale of the Storage Hierarchy with Costin I...
Apache Spark on Supercomputers: A Tale of the Storage Hierarchy with Costin I...Apache Spark on Supercomputers: A Tale of the Storage Hierarchy with Costin I...
Apache Spark on Supercomputers: A Tale of the Storage Hierarchy with Costin I...

In this session, the speakers will discuss their experiences porting Apache Spark to the Cray XC family of supercomputers. One scalability bottleneck is in handling the global file system present in all large-scale HPC installations. Using two techniques (file open pooling, and mounting the Spark file hierarchy in a specific manner), they were able to improve scalability from O(100) cores to O(10,000) cores. This is the first result at such a large scale on HPC systems, and it had a transformative impact on research, enabling their colleagues to run on 50,000 cores. With this baseline performance fixed, they will then discuss the impact of the storage hierarchy and of the network on Spark performance. They will contrast a Cray system with two levels of storage with a “data intensive” system with fast local SSDs. The Cray contains a back-end global file system and a mid-tier fast SSD storage. One conclusion is that local SSDs are not needed for good performance on a very broad workload, including spark-perf, TeraSort, genomics, etc. They will also provide a detailed analysis of the impact of latency of file and network I/O operations on Spark scalability. This analysis is very useful to both system procurements and Spark core developers. By examining the mean/median value in conjunction with variability, one can infer the expected scalability on a given system. For example, the Cray mid-tier storage has been marketed as the magic bullet for data intensive applications. Initially, it did improve scalability and end-to-end performance. After understanding and eliminating variability in I/O operations, they were able to outperform any configurations involving mid-tier storage by using the back-end file system directly. They will also discuss the impact of network performance and contrast results on the Cray Aries HPC network with results on InfiniBand.

apache sparkspark summit
// Mapper
writer = new CoscoWriter(
shuffleId: String,
mapper: long);
partition: int, row: byte[]);
// ...
partition: int, row: byte[]);
// Reducer
reader = new CoscoReader(
shuffleId: String,
mappers: long[],
partition: int);
while ( {
// using row
row = reader.row();
// Driver
shuffle = new CoscoExchange(
shuffleId: String,
partitions: int,
recomputeWritersCallback: (mappers: long[], reason: String) -> void);
// end of exchange
// Mapper
writer = new CoscoWriter(
shuffleId: String,
mapper: long);
partition: int, row: byte[]);
// ...
partition: int, row: byte[]);
// Reducer
reader = new CoscoReader(
shuffleId: String,
mappers: long[],
partition: int);
while ( {
// using row
row = reader.row();
// Driver
shuffle = new CoscoExchange(
shuffleId: String,
partitions: int,
recomputeWritersCallback: (mappers: long[], reason: String) -> void);
// end of exchange
Shuffle Services
Shuffle Services
Mapper 0
Mapper 1
Mapper 2
Reducer 0
Reducer 1
Partition 0
(file 1 buffer)
File 0
File 1
File 2
File 0
File 1
Partition 0
(file 2 buffer)
Metadata Service Spark process
(cosco client)
Cosco process
(shared between apps)
Mappers submit what
files them wrote to
Commits files
Reducers ask for files
Shuffle Services
Shuffle Services
Mapper 0
Mapper 1
Mapper 2
Reducer 0
Reducer 1
Partition 0
(file 1 buffer)
File 0
File 1
File 2
File 0
File 1
Partition 0
(file 2 buffer)
Metadata Service Spark process
(cosco client)
Cosco process
(shared between apps)
Mappers submit what
files them wrote to
Commits files
Reducers ask for files
Mapper 0
Mapper 1
Mapper 2
Mapper 3
Mapper 4
File 0
File 1
File 2
File 0
File 1

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Apache Spark on Supercomputers: A Tale of the Storage Hierarchy with Costin I...
Apache Spark on Supercomputers: A Tale of the Storage Hierarchy with Costin I...Apache Spark on Supercomputers: A Tale of the Storage Hierarchy with Costin I...
Apache Spark on Supercomputers: A Tale of the Storage Hierarchy with Costin I...

In this session, the speakers will discuss their experiences porting Apache Spark to the Cray XC family of supercomputers. One scalability bottleneck is in handling the global file system present in all large-scale HPC installations. Using two techniques (file open pooling, and mounting the Spark file hierarchy in a specific manner), they were able to improve scalability from O(100) cores to O(10,000) cores. This is the first result at such a large scale on HPC systems, and it had a transformative impact on research, enabling their colleagues to run on 50,000 cores. With this baseline performance fixed, they will then discuss the impact of the storage hierarchy and of the network on Spark performance. They will contrast a Cray system with two levels of storage with a “data intensive” system with fast local SSDs. The Cray contains a back-end global file system and a mid-tier fast SSD storage. One conclusion is that local SSDs are not needed for good performance on a very broad workload, including spark-perf, TeraSort, genomics, etc. They will also provide a detailed analysis of the impact of latency of file and network I/O operations on Spark scalability. This analysis is very useful to both system procurements and Spark core developers. By examining the mean/median value in conjunction with variability, one can infer the expected scalability on a given system. For example, the Cray mid-tier storage has been marketed as the magic bullet for data intensive applications. Initially, it did improve scalability and end-to-end performance. After understanding and eliminating variability in I/O operations, they were able to outperform any configurations involving mid-tier storage by using the back-end file system directly. They will also discuss the impact of network performance and contrast results on the Cray Aries HPC network with results on InfiniBand.

apache sparkspark summit
Flink Forward Berlin 2017: Robert Metzger - Keep it going - How to reliably a...
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Let’s be honest: Running a distributed stateful stream processor that is able to handle terabytes of state and tens of gigabytes of data per second while being highly available and correct (in an exactly-once sense) does not work without any planning, configuration and monitoring. While the Flink developer community tries to make everything as simple as possible, it is still important to be aware of all the requirements and implications In this talk, we will provide some insights into the greatest operations mysteries of Flink from a high-level perspective: - Capacity and resource planning: Understand the theoretical limits. - Memory and CPU configuration: Distribute resources according to your needs. - Setting up High Availability: Planning for failures. - Checkpointing and State Backends: Ensure correctness and fast recovery For each of the listed topics, we will introduce the concepts of Flink and provide some best practices we have learned over the past years supporting Flink users in production.

streamprocessingapache flinkflink
Flash for Apache Spark Shuffle with Cosco
Flash for Apache Spark Shuffle with CoscoFlash for Apache Spark Shuffle with Cosco
Flash for Apache Spark Shuffle with Cosco

Cosco is an efficient and reliable shuffle-as-a-service that powers Spark jobs at Facebook warehouse scale.

spark + ai summit
Shuffle Services
Shuffle Services
Mapper 0
Mapper 1
Mapper 2
Reducer 0
Reducer 1
Partition 0
(file 1 buffer)
File 0
File 1
File 2
File 0
File 1
Partition 0
(file 2 buffer)
Metadata Service Spark process
(cosco client)
Cosco process
(shared between apps)
Mappers submit what
files them wrote to
Commits files
Reducers ask for files
Mapper 0
Mapper 1
Mapper 2
Mapper 3
Mapper 4
File 0
File 1
File 2
File 0
File 1
Mapper 3’ (recompute)
Mapper 4’ (recompute)
File 3
File 2
// Mapper
writer = new CoscoWriter(
shuffleId: String,
mapper: long);
partition: int, row: byte[]);
// ...
partition: int, row: byte[]);
// Reducer
reader = new CoscoReader(
shuffleId: String,
mappers: long[],
partition: int);
while ( {
// using row
row = reader.row();
// Driver
shuffle = new CoscoExchange(
shuffleId: String,
partitions: int,
recomputeWritersCallback: (mappers: long[], reason: String) -> void);
// end of exchange
Shuffle Services
Shuffle Services
Mapper 0
Mapper 1
Mapper 2
Reducer 0
Reducer 1
Partition 0
(file 1 buffer)
File 0
File 1
File 2
File 0
File 1
Partition 0
(file 2 buffer)
Metadata Service Spark process
(cosco client)
Cosco process
(shared between apps)
Mappers submit what
files them wrote to
Commits files
Reducers ask for files
Shuffle Services
Shuffle Services
Mapper 0
Mapper 1
Mapper 2
Reducer 0
Reducer 1
Partition 0
(file 1 buffer)
File 0
File 1
File 2
File 0
File 1
Partition 0
(file 2 buffer)
Metadata Service Spark process
(cosco client)
Cosco process
(shared between apps)
Mappers submit what
files them wrote to
Commits files
Reducers ask for files

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Designs, Lessons and Advice from Building Large Distributed Systems
Designs, Lessons and Advice from Building Large Distributed SystemsDesigns, Lessons and Advice from Building Large Distributed Systems
Designs, Lessons and Advice from Building Large Distributed Systems

This document discusses Jeff Dean's experience designing and building large distributed systems at Google. It describes Google's data centers and computing infrastructure, including servers, racks, clusters, and the storage hierarchy. It emphasizes that distributed systems are necessary to handle large amounts of data and requests. The document also discusses reliability in the face of hardware failures, monitoring systems, protocol buffers, MapReduce, and using microbenchmarks and back-of-the-envelope calculations to design efficient systems.

jeff dean
MapR, Implications for Integration
MapR, Implications for IntegrationMapR, Implications for Integration
MapR, Implications for Integration

Ted Dunning's talk for the Sept. 2011 TriHUG ( meeting. Cover's MapR's distributed file system and map-reduce technology.

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Deep Dive - Maximising EC2 & EBS Performance
Deep Dive - Maximising EC2 & EBS PerformanceDeep Dive - Maximising EC2 & EBS Performance
Deep Dive - Maximising EC2 & EBS Performance

Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) provides persistent block level storage volumes for use with Amazon EC2 instances. In this technical session, we conduct a detailed analysis of the differences among the three types of Amazon EBS block storage: General Purpose (SSD), Provisioned IOPS (SSD), and Magnetic. We discuss how to maximize Amazon EBS performance, with a special eye towards low-latency, high-throughput applications like databases. We discuss Amazon EBS encryption and share best practices for Amazon EBS snapshot management. Throughout, we share tips for success. Speakers: Tom Maddox, AWS Solutions Architect

amazon web serviceseventscloud
• Cosco doesn’t support large rows (<4MiB)
• Capacity: shuffle services memory, number of write-ahead
Future work
• “Unlimited” shuffle exchange:
• millions of splits/partitions
• 10s of PiBs
• Streaming
Brian Cho (
Dmitry Borovsky (

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Chris Fregly
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Cosco: An Efficient Facebook-Scale Shuffle Service

  • 2. Cosco: an efficient facebook-scale shuffle service Brian Cho & Dmitry Borovsky Spark + AI Summit 2019
  • 3. Disaggregated compute and storage • Advantages • Server types optimized for compute or storage • Separate capacity management and configuration • Different hardware cycles • Compute clusters • CPU, RAM, no disks for data • Spark executors • Storage clusters • Spindle disks • DFS (Warm Storage) • Permanent data: size dominant, uses less IO • Temporary data: IO dominant, uses less space
  • 4. Spindle disk storage • A single spindle is used to read/write data on the drive • Small IO sizes cause low throughput as seek times dominate . 64 KiB, 140s 128 KiB, 73s 256 KiB, 39 s 1 MiB, 14s 4 MiB, 8s 0 5 10 15 20 0 50 100 150 Readrequest size(MiB) Time (s)
  • 5. Spindle disk storage • A single spindle is used to read/write data on the drive • Small IO sizes cause low throughput as seek times dominate • Drive sizes increase over time • Must increase IO size to maintain the same throughput per TB 7 TB drive 1 MiB IO size 15 TB drive 7 MiB IO size 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 20 AvgIOsize(MiB) HDD capacity (TiB) 10 MiBs/TiB 64 KiB, 140s 128 KiB, 73s 256 KiB, 39 s 1 MiB, 14s 4 MiB, 8s 0 5 10 15 20 0 50 100 150 Readrequest size(MiB) Time (s)
  • 6. Spindle disk storage • A single spindle is used to read/write data on the drive • Small IO sizes cause low throughput as seek times dominate • Drive sizes increase over time • Must increase IO size to maintain the same throughput per TB, or • Read/write less data to reduce throughput demand 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 20 AvgIOsize(MiB) HDD capacity (TiB) 10 MiBs/TiB 8 MiBs/TiB 6 MiBs/TiB 64 KiB, 140s 128 KiB, 73s 256 KiB, 39 s 1 MiB, 14s 4 MiB, 8s 0 5 10 15 20 0 50 100 150 Readrequest size(MiB) Time (s)
  • 7. Spindle disk storage: key metrics ØDisk service time ØAverage IO size ØWrite amplification • A single spindle is used to read/write data on the drive • Small IO sizes cause low throughput as seek times dominate • Drive sizes increase over time • Must increase IO size to maintain the same throughput, or • Read/write less data to reduce throughput demand
  • 8. Spark shuffle recap Map 0 Map 1 Map m Mappers Map Output Files Reducers Partition Reduce 0 Reduce 1 Reduce r
  • 9. Spark shuffle recap Map 0 Map 1 Map m Mappers Map Output Files Reducers Reduce 0 Reduce 1 Reduce r Partition
  • 10. Spark shuffle recap Map 0 Map 1 Map m Mappers Map Output Files Reducers Reduce 0 Reduce 1 Reduce r Sort by key Iterator Iterator Iterator Partition
  • 11. Spark shuffle recap: Write amplification Map 0 Map 1 Map m Mappers Map Output Files Reducers Sort by key Iterator Iterator Iterator Partition Reduce 0 Reduce 1 Reduce r Write amplification is 3x
  • 12. Spark shuffle recap: Small IOs problem Map 0 Map 1 Map m Mappers Map Output Files Reducers Reduce 0 Reduce 1 Reduce r M x R Avg IO size is 200 KiB Sort by key Iterator Iterator Iterator Partition
  • 13. Spark shuffle recap: SOS Map 0 Map 1 Map m Mappers Map Output Files Reducers Reduce 0 Reduce 1 Reduce r Sort by key Iterator Iterator Iterator SOS: merge map outputs 10-way merge increases Avg IO size to 2 MiB Partition
  • 14. Spark shuffle using Cosco • Mappers share a write-ahead buffer per reduce partition • Reducers can read the written data sequentially • Solves the small IOs problem • Sequential reads: Avg IO size 200 KiB à 2.5 MiB • Solves the write amplification problem • Avoiding spills: Write amplification 3x à 1.2x
  • 15. Results / Current status • Hive • Rolled out to 90%+ of Hive workloads, in production for 1+ year • 3.2x more efficient disk service time • Spark • Analysis shows potential 3.5x more efficient disk service time • Analysis shows CPU neutral • Integration is complete, rollout planned during next few months
  • 16. Cosco deep dive Dmitry Borovsky Spark + AI Summit 2019
  • 17. Problem • Shuffle exchange on spinning disks (disaggregated compute and storage) • Single shuffle exchange scale: PiBs size, 100Ks of mappers, 10Ks reducers • Write amplification is ~3x (1PiB shuffle does 3PiB writes to disk) • Small Average IO size: ~200KiB (at least MxR reads) • IO is spiky (all readers may start at the same time and do MxR reads) • Cosco is shared between users
  • 18. Sailfish: a framework for large scale data processing SoCC '12 Proceedings of the Third ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, Article No. 4, San Jose, California — October 14 - 17, 2012 Source code:
  • 19. Write-ahead buffers Cosco Shuffle Services (thousands) DFS Cosco Shuffle Services (thousands) Mapper 0 Mapper 1 Mapper 2 Reducer 0 Reducer 1 Partition 0 (file 1 buffer) File 0 File 1 File 2 File 0 File 1 network Partition 0 (file 2 buffer) Spark process (cosco client) Dependency Cosco process (shared between apps) Sorts (if needed)
  • 20. Exactly once delivery DFS Cosco Shuffle Services (thousands) Mapper 0 Reducer 0 File 0 File 1 File 2 Partition 0 (file 2 buffer) Spark process (cosco client) Cosco process (shared between apps) Dependency Data Ack Partition 0’ (file 3 buffer) Failover File 3
  • 21. Exactly once delivery DFS Cosco Shuffle Services (thousands) Mapper 0 Reducer 0 File 0 File 1 File 2 Partition 0 (file 2 buffer) Spark process (cosco client) Cosco process (shared between apps) Dependency Data Ack Partition 0’ (file 3 buffer) Failover 2 1 File 3
  • 22. At least once delivery and deduplication DFS Cosco Shuffle Services (thousands) Mapper 0 Reducer 0 File 0 File 1 File 2 Partition 0 (file 2 buffer) Spark process (cosco client) Cosco process (shared between apps) Dependency Data Ack Partition 0’ (file 3 buffer) Failover 2 1 Adds row_id and mapper_id to each row De-duplicates resends non-acked data File 3
  • 23. Replication DFS Mapper 0 Reducer 0 File 0 File 1 File 2 Partition 0 (file 2 buffer) Spark process (cosco client) Cosco process (shared between apps) Dependency Data Partition 0’ (file 2’ buffer) Data Ack Ack
  • 24. Replication DFS Reducer 0 File 0 File 1 Spark process (cosco client) Cosco process (shared between apps) Dependency File 2’ File 2 Mapper 0 Partition 0 (file 2 buffer) Data Partition 0’ (file 2’ buffer) Data Ack Ack
  • 25. // Mapper writer = new CoscoWriter( shuffleId: String, mapper: long); writer.collect( partition: int, row: byte[]); // ... writer.collect( partition: int, row: byte[]); writer.close(); // Reducer reader = new CoscoReader( shuffleId: String, mappers: long[], partition: int); while ( { // using row row = reader.row(); } reader.close(); // Driver shuffle = new CoscoExchange( shuffleId: String, partitions: int, recomputeWritersCallback: (mappers: long[], reason: String) -> void); // end of exchange shuffle.close();
  • 26. // Mapper writer = new CoscoWriter( shuffleId: String, mapper: long); writer.collect( partition: int, row: byte[]); // ... writer.collect( partition: int, row: byte[]); writer.close(); // Reducer reader = new CoscoReader( shuffleId: String, mappers: long[], partition: int); while ( { // using row row = reader.row(); } reader.close(); // Driver shuffle = new CoscoExchange( shuffleId: String, partitions: int, recomputeWritersCallback: (mappers: long[], reason: String) -> void); // end of exchange shuffle.close();
  • 27. Cosco Shuffle Services (thousands) DFS Cosco Shuffle Services (10Ks) Mapper 0 Mapper 1 Mapper 2 Reducer 0 Reducer 1 Partition 0 (file 1 buffer) File 0 File 1 File 2 File 0 File 1 network Partition 0 (file 2 buffer) Cosco Metadata Service Spark process (cosco client) Cosco process (shared between apps) Dependency Mappers submit what files them wrote to Commits files Reducers ask for files Metadata
  • 28. Cosco Shuffle Services (thousands) DFS Cosco Shuffle Services (10Ks) Mapper 0 Mapper 1 Mapper 2 Reducer 0 Reducer 1 Partition 0 (file 1 buffer) File 0 File 1 File 2 File 0 File 1 network Partition 0 (file 2 buffer) Cosco Metadata Service Spark process (cosco client) Cosco process (shared between apps) Dependency Mappers submit what files them wrote to Commits files Reducers ask for files Metadata Mapper 0 Mapper 1 Mapper 2 Mapper 3 Mapper 4 File 0 File 1 File 2 File 0 File 1
  • 29. Cosco Shuffle Services (thousands) DFS Cosco Shuffle Services (10Ks) Mapper 0 Mapper 1 Mapper 2 Reducer 0 Reducer 1 Partition 0 (file 1 buffer) File 0 File 1 File 2 File 0 File 1 network Partition 0 (file 2 buffer) Cosco Metadata Service Spark process (cosco client) Cosco process (shared between apps) Dependency Mappers submit what files them wrote to Commits files Reducers ask for files Metadata Mapper 0 Mapper 1 Mapper 2 Mapper 3 Mapper 4 File 0 File 1 File 2 File 0 File 1 Mapper 3’ (recompute) Mapper 4’ (recompute) File 3 File 2
  • 30. // Mapper writer = new CoscoWriter( shuffleId: String, mapper: long); writer.collect( partition: int, row: byte[]); // ... writer.collect( partition: int, row: byte[]); writer.close(); // Reducer reader = new CoscoReader( shuffleId: String, mappers: long[], partition: int); while ( { // using row row = reader.row(); } reader.close(); // Driver shuffle = new CoscoExchange( shuffleId: String, partitions: int, recomputeWritersCallback: (mappers: long[], reason: String) -> void); // end of exchange shuffle.close();
  • 31. Cosco Shuffle Services (thousands) DFS Cosco Shuffle Services (thousands) Mapper 0 Mapper 1 Mapper 2 Reducer 0 Reducer 1 Partition 0 (file 1 buffer) File 0 File 1 File 2 File 0 File 1 network Partition 0 (file 2 buffer) Driver Cosco Metadata Service Spark process (cosco client) Cosco process (shared between apps) Dependency Mappers submit what files them wrote to Commits files Reducers ask for files Recompute request Metadata
  • 32. Cosco Shuffle Services (thousands) DFS Cosco Shuffle Services (thousands) Mapper 0 Mapper 1 Mapper 2 Reducer 0 Reducer 1 Partition 0 (file 1 buffer) File 0 File 1 File 2 File 0 File 1 network Partition 0 (file 2 buffer) Driver Cosco Metadata Service Spark process (cosco client) Cosco process (shared between apps) Dependency Cosco Scheduler Mappers submit what files them wrote to Commits files Reducers ask for files Recompute request Scheduler
  • 33. Limits • Cosco doesn’t support large rows (<4MiB) • Capacity: shuffle services memory, number of write-ahead buffers
  • 34. Future work • “Unlimited” shuffle exchange: • millions of splits/partitions • 10s of PiBs • Streaming
  • 35. Questions? Brian Cho ( Dmitry Borovsky (