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Deep Dive:
Memory Management in Apache
Andrew Or
June 8th, 2016
Efficient memory use is
critical to good performance
Deep Dive: Memory Management in Apache Spark
Memory contention poses three
challenges for Apache Spark
How to arbitrate memory between execution and storage?
How to arbitrate memory across tasks running in parallel?
How to arbitrate memory across operators running within
the same task?
Two usages of memory in Apache Spark
Memory used for shuffles, joins, sorts and aggregations
Memory used to cache data that will be reused later
4, 3, 5, 1, 6, 2 Sort
4 3 5 1 6 2 Iterator
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
Execution memory
What if I want the sorted values again?
4, 3, 5, 1, 6, 2 Sort
4 3 5 1 6 2 Iterator
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 Take(3)
4, 3, 5, 1, 6, 2 Sort
4 3 5 1 6 2 Iterator
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 Take(4)
4, 3, 5, 1, 6, 2
4 3 5 1 6 2 Iterator
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
4 3 5 1 6 21 2 3 4 5 6
Execution memory Storage memory
Take(5)Take(4)Take(3) ...
Challenge #1
How to arbitrate memory between
execution and storage?
Easy, static assignment!
Total available memory
Execution Storage
Spark 1.0
May 2014
Easy, static assignment!
Execution Storage
Spill to disk
Spark 1.0
May 2014
Easy, static assignment!
Execution Storage
Spark 1.0
May 2014
Easy, static assignment!
Execution Storage
Evict LRU block to disk
Spark 1.0
May 2014
Inefficient memory use leads to
bad performance
Easy, static assignment!
Execution can only use a fraction of the memory,
even when there is no storage!
Execution Storage
Spark 1.0May 2014
Easy, static assignment!
Efficient use of memory required user tuning
Spark 1.0May 2014
Fast forward to 2016…
How could we have done better?
Execution Storage
Unified memory management
Spark 1.6+
Jan 2016
What happens if there is already storage?
Execution Storage
Unified memory management
Spark 1.6+
Jan 2016
Evict LRU block to disk
Execution Storage
Unified memory management
Spark 1.6+
Jan 2016
What about the other way round?
Execution Storage
Unified memory management
Spark 1.6+
Jan 2016
Evict LRU block to disk
Execution Storage
Design considerations
Why evict storage, not execution?
Spilled execution data will always be read back from disk,
whereas cached data may not.
What if the application relies on caching?
Allow the user to specify a minimum unevictable amount of
cached data (not a reservation!).
Spark 1.6+
Jan 2016
Challenge #2
How to arbitrate memory across
tasks running in parallel?
Easy, static assignment!
Worker machine has 4 cores
Each task gets 1/4 of the total memory
Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4
Alternative: Dynamic assignment
The share of each task depends on
number of actively running tasks (N)
Task 1
Alternative: Dynamic assignment
Now, another task comes along
so the first task will have to spill
Task 1
Alternative: Dynamic assignment
Each task is now assigned 1/N of
the memory, where N = 2
Task 1 Task 2
Alternative: Dynamic assignment
Each task is now assigned 1/N of
the memory, where N = 4
Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4
Alternative: Dynamic assignment
Last remaining task gets all the
memory because N = 1
Task 3
Spark 1.0+
May 2014
Static vs dynamic assignment
Both are fair and starvation free
Static assignment is simpler
Dynamic assignment handles stragglers better
Challenge #3
How to arbitrate memory across
operators running within the same task?
SELECT age, avg(height)
FROM students
ORDER BY avg(height)
Worker has 6
pages of memory
Map { // age → heights
20 → [154, 174, 175]
21 → [167, 168, 181]
22 → [155, 166, 188]
23 → [160, 168, 178, 183]
All 6 pages were used
by Aggregate, leaving
no memory for Sort!
Solution #1:
Reserve a page for
each operator
Solution #1:
Reserve a page for
each operator
Starvation free, but still not fair…
What if there were more operators?
Solution #2:
Cooperative spilling
Solution #2:
Cooperative spilling
Solution #2:
Cooperative spilling
Sort forces Aggregate to spill
a page to free memory
Solution #2:
Cooperative spilling
Sort needs more memory so
it forces Aggregate to spill
another page (and so on)
Solution #2:
Cooperative spilling
Sort finishes with 3 pages
Aggregate does not have to
spill its remaining pages
Spark 1.6+
Jan 2016
Recap: Three sources of contention
How to arbitrate memory …
● between execution and storage?
● across tasks running in parallel?
● across operators running within the same task?
Instead of avoid statically reserving memory in advance, deal with
memory contention when it arises by forcing members to spill
Project Tungsten
Binary in-memory data representation
Cache-aware computation
Code generation (next time)
Spark 1.4+
Jun 2015
• Native: 4 bytes with UTF-8 encoding
• Java: 48 bytes
– 12 byte header
– 2 bytes per character (UTF-16 internal representation)
– 20 bytes of additional overhead
– 8 byte hash code
Java objects have large overheads
Schema: (Int, String, String)
Array String(“data”)
5+ objects, high space overhead, expensive hashCode()
Java objects based row format
6 “bricks”
0x0 123 32L 48L 4 “data”
(123, “data”, “bricks”)
Null tracking bitmap
Offset to var. length data
Offset to var. length data
Tungsten row format
Cache-aware computation
ptr key rec
ptr key rec
ptr key rec
Naive layout
Poor cache locality
ptrkey prefix rec
ptrkey prefix rec
ptrkey prefix rec
Cache-aware layout
Good cache locality
E.g. sorting a list of records
Off-heap memory
Available for execution since Apache Spark 1.6
Available for storage since Apache Spark 2.0
Very important for large heaps
Many potential advantages: memory sharing, zero copy
I/O, dynamic allocation
For more info...
Deep Dive into Project Tungsten: Bringing Spark Closer to Bare Metal
Spark Performance: What’s Next
Unified Memory Management
Databricks Community Edition
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