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Apache Arrow: Open Source Standard
Becomes Enterprise Necessity
March 3, 2022
Subsurface Live Winter 2022
Wes McKinney
About Me
● Apache Arrow co-creator, PMC member
● pandas creator
● Voltron Data co-founder, CTO
● Previously at Ursa Labs, Two Sigma, Cloudera, AQR
● Author of Python for Data Analysis
Apache Arrow
Multi-language toolbox for accelerated
data interchange and in-memory processing
● Founded in 2016 by a group of open source developers
● Enables unification of database and data science tech stacks
● Thriving user and developer community
● Provides implementations or bindings in twelve languages
● Adopted by numerous projects and products in the ecosystem
Voltron Data
● Creating a unified foundation for the future of
analytical computing with Apache Arrow
● Founded in 2021
● Raised $110M in seed and Series A funding
● Leading corporate contributor to Arrow
We’re hiring!
What’s New in Apache Arrow
Project and Ecosystem Growth
● Sustained growth in users, contributors, applications
● Arrow version 7.0.0 (24th major release) in February 2022
≈800 Arrow contributors
>50M monthly PyArrow downloads
Arrow Flight SQL
Next-generation standard for data access using SQL
● Adds SQL semantics to Arrow Flight
● Enables ODBC/JDBC-style data access at the speed of Flight
● Reduces implementation complexity for developers
● Shipped in Arrow version 7.0.0 (February 2020)
○ C++ and Java implementations available
○ Additional development and documentation is ongoing 🚧
Arrow C++ Query Engine
Work is ongoing to implement comprehensive
query execution capabilities in the Arrow C++ library
● Common scalar functions ✔
● Common grouped aggregate functions ✔
● Common joins ✔
● Performance and efficiency improvements 🚧
● Window functions 🚧
● Additional join types 🚧
A cross-language, interoperable specification
for data compute operations
○ A standard, flexible way for APIs and engines to share the
representation of analytics computations
■ Produced by APIs (dplyr, Ibis, SQL, …)
■ Consumed by engines (Arrow C++ engine, DuckDB, …)
○ Work is underway to implement producers and consumers 🚧
A high-level Python API for data analysis
● Fluent pandas-like syntax
● Can express virtually any SQL query
● Supports modular backends for querying systems including
PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Impala, ClickHouse, BigQuery
● Work is underway to produce Substrait plans 🚧
○ Enabling Ibis queries to run on the Arrow C++ engine
Challenges that Enterprises
Are Solving with Apache Arrow
Challenge: Obstacles to Interoperability
● Enterprise data tools and workflows often incorporate multiple
languages, query engines, storage systems, and clouds.
● Arrow provides standard formats, interfaces, and frameworks
to enable efficient integration of these diverse components.
Case Study: Microsoft
Microsoft uses Arrow in their Magpie data science middleware
● Unifies multiple cloud and
database backends into a
single end user interface
● Stores intermediate results
as Arrow Tables
● Uses Arrow Flight to move
data between systems
Case Study: Streamlit
Streamlit uses Arrow to move data from Python to JavaScript
● Reduces server–browser
data transfer times
● Simplifies addition of new
features to Streamlit
● Allowed deletion of >1000
lines of custom code
Challenge: Slow Data Access Protocols
● Legacy data transport protocols are often slowed by
serialization and deserialization overhead and other causes.
● The Arrow columnar data format and the Arrow Flight
framework enable fast, serialization-free data transport.
Case Study: Snowflake
Snowflake uses Arrow in its JDBC client, Python client,
and Spark connector
● Eliminates serialization
between columnar and row-
oriented data formats
● Achieves 4 – 10x reduction
in fetch times
Figure 1. JDBC fetch performance benchmark for JDBC client
version 3.9.x (without Arrow) versus 3.11.0 (with Arrow)
Case Study: Google Cloud Platform
Google Cloud uses Arrow in its BigQuery Storage API
● Eliminates or speeds
serialization to multiple
data formats
● Achieves 4 – 31x reduction
in download times
● Speedup is stable across
data sizes
Challenge: Limits of JVM-Based Engines
● Computing engines implemented in JVM languages including
Java and Scala often suffer from performance bottlenecks.
● Arrow columnar data structures can accelerate JVM-based
engines and enable use of pluggable high-performance
components implemented in lower-level languages like C++.
Case Study: KNIME
KNIME uses Arrow in its
Columnar Table Backend
● Stores data more compactly in
memory, improving performance
● Eliminates the need to create
Java objects to represent table
elements, reducing GC pressure
● Enables use of shared memory
Case Study: Meta
Meta uses Arrow in its Velox C++ database acceleration library
● Improves the performance of Spark and Presto jobs
● Uses Arrow columnar memory layouts for most data types
● Enables SIMD vectorized expression evaluation
Challenge: Embeddable Query Processing
● Enterprises want the flexibility to embed in-memory analytical
execution capabilities directly in business applications.
● By integrating with Arrow, embeddable engines can achieve
excellent performance, efficiency, and developer experience.
Case Study: DataFusion
Arrow DataFusion is extensible query execution framework
● Implemented as an embeddable Rust library
● Supports distributed execution through Ballista
● Uses Arrow as its native in-memory format
● Supports SQL and a DataFrame API
● Donated to the Apache Arrow project
Case Study: DuckDB
DuckDB is an in-process SQL OLAP database system
● Implemented as an embeddable C++ library
● Offers zero-copy integration with Arrow
● Can push down filters and projections into Arrow scans
● Interoperates with the Arrow Python and R APIs
How Voltron Data Supports
Enterprise Applications of
Apache Arrow
Enterprise Subscription for Arrow
● A focused set of services designed to accelerate
business success with Apache Arrow
● Offered in three editions starting with free
● Available now (March 2022)
● Learn more and sign up at
○ Professional support
○ Deployment assistance
○ Content and events
○ Private consultations
Trusted by:
Thank you
Wes McKinney
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Apache Arrow: Open Source Standard Becomes an Enterprise Necessity

  • 1. Apache Arrow: Open Source Standard Becomes Enterprise Necessity March 3, 2022 Subsurface Live Winter 2022 Wes McKinney @wesmckinn
  • 2. 2 About Me ● Apache Arrow co-creator, PMC member ● pandas creator ● Voltron Data co-founder, CTO ● Previously at Ursa Labs, Two Sigma, Cloudera, AQR ● Author of Python for Data Analysis
  • 3. 3 Apache Arrow Multi-language toolbox for accelerated data interchange and in-memory processing ● Founded in 2016 by a group of open source developers ● Enables unification of database and data science tech stacks ● Thriving user and developer community ● Provides implementations or bindings in twelve languages ● Adopted by numerous projects and products in the ecosystem
  • 4. 4 Voltron Data ● Creating a unified foundation for the future of analytical computing with Apache Arrow ● Founded in 2021 ● Raised $110M in seed and Series A funding ● Leading corporate contributor to Arrow We’re hiring!
  • 5. 5 What’s New in Apache Arrow
  • 6. 6 Project and Ecosystem Growth ● Sustained growth in users, contributors, applications ● Arrow version 7.0.0 (24th major release) in February 2022 ≈800 Arrow contributors >50M monthly PyArrow downloads
  • 7. 7 Arrow Flight SQL Next-generation standard for data access using SQL ● Adds SQL semantics to Arrow Flight ● Enables ODBC/JDBC-style data access at the speed of Flight ● Reduces implementation complexity for developers ● Shipped in Arrow version 7.0.0 (February 2020) ○ C++ and Java implementations available ○ Additional development and documentation is ongoing 🚧
  • 8. 8 Arrow C++ Query Engine Work is ongoing to implement comprehensive query execution capabilities in the Arrow C++ library ● Common scalar functions ✔ ● Common grouped aggregate functions ✔ ● Common joins ✔ ● Performance and efficiency improvements 🚧 ● Window functions 🚧 ● Additional join types 🚧
  • 9. 9 Substrait A cross-language, interoperable specification for data compute operations ○ A standard, flexible way for APIs and engines to share the representation of analytics computations ■ Produced by APIs (dplyr, Ibis, SQL, …) ■ Consumed by engines (Arrow C++ engine, DuckDB, …) ○ Work is underway to implement producers and consumers 🚧
  • 10. 10 Ibis A high-level Python API for data analysis ● Fluent pandas-like syntax ● Can express virtually any SQL query ● Supports modular backends for querying systems including PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Impala, ClickHouse, BigQuery ● Work is underway to produce Substrait plans 🚧 ○ Enabling Ibis queries to run on the Arrow C++ engine
  • 11. 11 Challenges that Enterprises Are Solving with Apache Arrow
  • 12. 12 Challenge: Obstacles to Interoperability ● Enterprise data tools and workflows often incorporate multiple languages, query engines, storage systems, and clouds. ● Arrow provides standard formats, interfaces, and frameworks to enable efficient integration of these diverse components.
  • 13. 13 Case Study: Microsoft Microsoft uses Arrow in their Magpie data science middleware ● Unifies multiple cloud and database backends into a single end user interface ● Stores intermediate results as Arrow Tables ● Uses Arrow Flight to move data between systems Source:
  • 14. 14 Case Study: Streamlit Streamlit uses Arrow to move data from Python to JavaScript ● Reduces server–browser data transfer times ● Simplifies addition of new features to Streamlit ● Allowed deletion of >1000 lines of custom code Source:
  • 15. 15 Challenge: Slow Data Access Protocols ● Legacy data transport protocols are often slowed by serialization and deserialization overhead and other causes. ● The Arrow columnar data format and the Arrow Flight framework enable fast, serialization-free data transport.
  • 16. 16 Case Study: Snowflake Snowflake uses Arrow in its JDBC client, Python client, and Spark connector ● Eliminates serialization between columnar and row- oriented data formats ● Achieves 4 – 10x reduction in fetch times Figure 1. JDBC fetch performance benchmark for JDBC client version 3.9.x (without Arrow) versus 3.11.0 (with Arrow) Source: from-snowflake-just-got-a-lot-faster-with-apache-arrow/
  • 17. 17 Case Study: Google Cloud Platform Google Cloud uses Arrow in its BigQuery Storage API ● Eliminates or speeds serialization to multiple data formats ● Achieves 4 – 31x reduction in download times ● Speedup is stable across data sizes Source: cloud-bigquery-version-1-17-0-1fc428512171
  • 18. 18 Challenge: Limits of JVM-Based Engines ● Computing engines implemented in JVM languages including Java and Scala often suffer from performance bottlenecks. ● Arrow columnar data structures can accelerate JVM-based engines and enable use of pluggable high-performance components implemented in lower-level languages like C++.
  • 19. 19 Case Study: KNIME KNIME uses Arrow in its Columnar Table Backend ● Stores data more compactly in memory, improving performance ● Eliminates the need to create Java objects to represent table elements, reducing GC pressure ● Enables use of shared memory Source: performance-with-new-table-backend
  • 20. 20 Case Study: Meta Meta uses Arrow in its Velox C++ database acceleration library ● Improves the performance of Spark and Presto jobs ● Uses Arrow columnar memory layouts for most data types ● Enables SIMD vectorized expression evaluation Source:
  • 21. 21 Challenge: Embeddable Query Processing ● Enterprises want the flexibility to embed in-memory analytical execution capabilities directly in business applications. ● By integrating with Arrow, embeddable engines can achieve excellent performance, efficiency, and developer experience.
  • 22. 22 Case Study: DataFusion Arrow DataFusion is extensible query execution framework ● Implemented as an embeddable Rust library ● Supports distributed execution through Ballista ● Uses Arrow as its native in-memory format ● Supports SQL and a DataFrame API ● Donated to the Apache Arrow project Source:
  • 23. 23 Case Study: DuckDB DuckDB is an in-process SQL OLAP database system ● Implemented as an embeddable C++ library ● Offers zero-copy integration with Arrow ● Can push down filters and projections into Arrow scans ● Interoperates with the Arrow Python and R APIs Source:
  • 24. 24 How Voltron Data Supports Enterprise Applications of Apache Arrow
  • 25. 25 Enterprise Subscription for Arrow ● A focused set of services designed to accelerate business success with Apache Arrow ● Offered in three editions starting with free ● Available now (March 2022) ● Learn more and sign up at ○ Professional support ○ Deployment assistance ○ Content and events ○ Private consultations Trusted by:
  • 26. Thank you Wes McKinney @wesmckinn Sign up: