On this page: Safety Programs | Property Protection Program | Committees and Collaborations

Maintaining the safety of the NYU community is a partnership between the Department of Campus Safety and the University's students, faculty, and staff. Below are links to just a few of the programs, committees and initiatives that comprise our community engagment efforts. Click on the links below to learn more.

You can also get more information about any of our efforts by emailing dcs-community-engagement@nyu.edu.

Safety Programs

Team Members at a Safety Tabling Event

Team members engaging with the community at a Safety Tabling Event

Safety in the City presentations educate community members on best practices that include, but are not limited to, protection of personal property, transportation safety, identity theft protection, internet safety, criminal schemes, and general tips on staying safe in New York City. These 30-minute sessions allow for dialogue between the presenter and participants to answer all safety-related questions.

Click here to request a Safety in the City presentation for your school, department, unit or other organization.

Safety Tabling Events are available for any NYU academic and residential facility. Campus Safety will bring materials and promotional items and speak to community members as they pass through the space about current safety concerns and ongoing programs and initiatives.

Click here to request a Safety Tabling Event for your school, department, unit or other organization.

De-Escalation Training is a 30-45 minute session aimed at helping community members understand how they can best diffuse a potentially unsafe or difficult situation, including de-escalating external disruptors, guests or visitors; navigating medical emergencies and unsolicited photographers or media; and learning when to call 911 vs. Campus Safety.

Click here to request a De-Escalation Training Session for your school, department, unit or other organization.

The Bystander Intervention Program is a 30-minute quick look at the services DCS offers and the 5 Ds of Bystander Intervention, with a focus on how the community can participate by intervening in a safe way when they see someone in need. The main objective is to obtain a foundational knowledge of bystander intervention.

Click here to request a Bystander Intervention Training program for yourself or your school, department, unit or other organization.

Active Threat Training, which includes a showing of the NYU Active Threat Preparedness Video and a Question and Answer session led by Campus Safety team members, is available monthly on Zoom and can also be customized for departments, units or schools, by request.

Click here to learn more about the program and email emergencymanagement@nyu.edu with any questions.

Property Protection Program

This program includes initiatives like Lock Your Door and Violet Tag, which aim to assist community members with retaining their property or reuniting them with it if it is lost or stolen and subsequently recovered. Learn more about the programs here.

Committees and Collaborations

Campus Safety partners with many schools, departments, units and organizations on campus to help create a shared understanding of safety principles and responsibilities. Some of these partnerships are listed below.