NYU complies with the U.S. federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act in several ways. Please use the links below to learn more about our Clery program, and gain information from our crime logs, annual security reports, Clery Campus Notice list, campus geography and more.

Crime Logs

Review incidents reported to the Department of Campus Safety for our locations in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Long Island.

Clery Data and Information

Learn about Clery Campus Notices - NYU's Timely Warnings, read our annual security reports for all NYU locations, and view Clery geography for Washington Square and Brooklyn.

Additional Resources

View information regarding Clery Definitions and the Campus Security Authority Reporting program.

U.S. Department of Education Campus Safety and Security Clery Statistics

To access New York University's Clery Statistics on the U.S. Department of Education's website, please follow the below instructions.

  1. Navigate to the U.S. DOE Website.
  2. Type 'New York University' into the 'Name' field.
  3. Select 'New York University' and click the 'Continue' button.
  4. View Clery Statistics by NYU campus by choosing from the provided list.