Students, faculty, and staff: out-of-date devices and apps are a cybersecurity threat

Our computers, phones, and tablets frequently receive updates that fix cybersecurity vulnerabilities, as do the apps and software installed on them. Not running these updates, or failing to restart when prompted in order to complete an update, poses a risk to your device, your personal information, and all of NYU.

Here, you'll find a checklist of what to do, why to do it, what could happen if you don't, and links to pages with more in-depth information.


What you need to do

NYU faculty and staff with Endpoint Management

  • When you get an alert to restart, select "Take all actions" and then WAIT. Sometimes the restart through Endpoint Management takes a minute to begin. 
  • If you restart your computer on your own, the update will not be installed, and you'll be prompted again by Endpoint Management to restart.

What if I don't install updates?

It's important to keep every app, piece of software, and operating system updated. Even novel apps like games need to be kept up to date because, when it comes to a cybersecurity attack, any app will do. By staying vigilant, you can minimize the risk of falling victim to malicious activity and protect your device, personal info, and everyone at NYU.

Skipping an update can mean crucial security patches are not installed, making the computer an attractive target for cybercriminals. It's essential that you keep your computer, phone, tablet, and any apps (such as browsers) you use updated and that, if an update prompts you to restart or close and reopen an app, you do so immediately. Many updates can't be completed without a restart.

Learn more

This page covers the basic steps you should take to keep your tech updated. If you want to learn more, please have a look at the articles below.

Quick reference glossary

We do our best to avoid esoteric tech jargon, but sometimes, it just can't be avoided. Here are some terms you're likely to run into related to installing updates and restarting your devices and apps.