Sponsored Research

Sponsored Research includes grants and subawards for research and other programs funded by public and private not-for-profit and government sponsors, and is overseen by the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) and Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA). The AFAR working group at OSP provides support to NYU faculty and students involved in the conduct of sponsored research and related programs.The University Committee on Activities Involving Human Subjects (UCAIHS) advises on research with human subjects. The SPA Post-Award and Procedures Handbook is a comprehensive tool and reference guide designed to support Principal Investigators and other staff responsible for the financial administration of grants and contracts.

Non-Sponsored Research

The Office of the Provost oversees multiple funding programs for academic activities. If any global activities are funded by these programs, please reach out to the contact for the applicable program as specified on the website for Institutional Funding Opportunities.

Faculty in the Global Network

Information for NYU faculty on research, teaching and scholarly collaboration opportunities at NYU’s three portal campuses and 11 Global Academic Centers is available on the website for Faculty in the Global Network.

Student or Faculty Trips

Each school has its own processes with respect to student and faculty trips. In some cases, schools have handbooks that contain instructions for the planning and implementation of these trips, including relevant policies.

Collaboration Agreements

Schools and departments often wish to memorialize their relationship with international partners through written agreements, often a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). An MOU can provide a framework for collaboration between one or more institutions, but are often legally non-binding. International partnerships should be approved by the school Dean or equivalent and, if the program is new, the Office of the Provost. The Office of General Counsel (OGC) assists with the drafting of these agreements unless they relate to sponsored research, in which case, OSP will assist.

Exchange Programs

All student exchange programs should be approved by the school Dean and, if the program is new, the Office of the Provost. All exchange programs should be memorialized in a written agreement. OGC has a template agreement that should be used for most exchange programs and will assist with drafting the agreement.

Study-Away Programs

The Office of Global Programs (GPO) oversees NYU’s study-away programs offered through its Global Academic Centers. Questions about study-away programs or activities where NYU has study-away sites should be directed to GPO.

Activities in U.S. States Other Than New York

Many of the issues that arise when conducting activities in other states are similar to the issues when conducting activities around the world. More information on these issues can be found on the Non-New York Authorization and Distance Education page.

NYU Board of Trustees

Certain activities (e.g., establishing a separate legal entity, registering in a new country, entering into significant real estate transactions) may require the approval of the NYU Board of Trustees. OGC can help determine whether such approval is required and the timeframe for obtaining such approval.

Portal Campuses

NYU Abu Dhabi and NYU Shanghai generally have the same or similar policies as NYU New York. Any activity run out of the portal campuses should go through those campuses’ approval process, which often mirror or are incorporated into the processes described above.  

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