Black rectangle with white and purple font that reads: NYU Takes Action: A Bystander Intervention Training Series

NYU Takes Action: A Bystander Intervention Training Series equips our community with various approaches for responding to harassment and violence. This pilot is a collaboration between the Office of Global Inclusion, Campus Safety, and the Division of Student Affairs.

As members of a university inextricably woven into the vibrant tapestry of New York City, we embrace the city's abundant opportunities. However, we also acknowledge that being in and of the city might mean encountering challenging or distressing situations. Although these resources and training programs cannot fully protect you from these situations, they can equip you with valuable tools to navigate them.

Session Descriptions

The Bystander Intervention Program by Campus Safety is a 30-45 minute quick overview of the services DCS offers and the 5 Ds of Bystander Intervention (distract, delegate, document, delay, and direct), with a focus on how the community can participate by intervening in a safe way when they see someone in need of help. The main objective is to obtain a foundational knowledge of bystander intervention.  For additional Campus Safety offerings, please visit this website.

Action Zone by Health Promotion within Student Affairs empowers you with the knowledge and skills to prevent sexual assault, support survivors, and make a difference in combating a culture that normalizes sexual violence. You will learn risk reduction strategies that enable you to intervene in a way that feels safe and authentic to you and the situation. Through reflection and personality quizzes, you will also discover how you can positively impact your communities and uncover your unique intervention style. Together, we can foster a culture of consent, respect, and positive sexuality at NYU. To request an Action Zone workshop for your group, please complete this request form.

Action Zone Virtual Mini-Module explores how you can be an ally in the NYU community through a 15-minute virtual module. Originally designed for NYU employees, this intro course is open to anyone who wants to learn some basics about bystander intervention but cannot attend the full training. (If you’re a student leader, this module won’t satisfy your mandatory training requirement.) The module begins with safety tips from the Department of Campus Safety. Jump to Section 2, Intervention Training, to learn how you can help create a more welcoming and connected NYU through bystander intervention techniques. Join the module in iLearn!

Addressing Identity-Based Harassment by OGI will unpack different types of harassment. You’ll learn what to pay attention to and the positive impact that bystander intervention has on individuals and communities. OGI provides rotating offerings for the NYU community to address a broad spectrum of issues, including but not limited to anti-Black, anti-LGBTQ+, antisemitic, and anti-Muslim harassment.