Looking to sublet your apartment? Please review the below guidelines and procedures.

Please email facultyhousing.sublets@nyu.edu with any questions or concerns.

Our Subletting Guidelines/Requirements

  1. You may be eligible to sublease your apartment while on approved leave or sabbatical, for up to one year, and during University breaks. You must maintain full-time affiliation with New York University in a housing-eligible position for the entire term of your sublease.
  2. You may not lease or license a room(s) in your apartment while you are living there. You may not sublease your apartment to another NYU Faculty Housing tenant.
  3. In order to be eligible to sublease your apartment, you must be in good standing under your lease, your rent account must be current and a fully executed current lease must be on file with NYU including all riders and requirements therein.
  4. You must submit your request for approval to sublease not later than (30) days prior to the commencement of the Sublease Term so that the NYU Office of Faculty Housing is able to review and approve (or reject) the request at least 10 days prior to the proposed commencement date of the sublease. Any assignment or sublease without the University’s express written consent is null and void and may result in the termination of your lease.
  5. The sublease term must be a minimum of thirty days and may not exceed one year.
    *Those on Global Assignment for more than two years are expected to relinquish their NYU Housing and be accommodated upon their return.
  6. If the proposed dates of the Sublease Term extend beyond the expiration date of your lease, two separate agreements must be executed; the first to end on the current expiration date of your lease and provided that your lease is renewed and executed, a second agreement starting on the first day of renewal period through the proposed expiration date of the Sublease Term.
  7. Your Department Chair / Dean / Director is required to approve your leave of absence or sabbatical. Please have them complete and sign the Leave of Absence or Sabbatical Form.
  8. The maximum rate that you are permitted to charge a subtenant is your base monthly rent, not including utilities, garage fees, etc. plus an amount not to exceed 10% of your base rent if your apartment is fully furnished.
  9. You will remain responsible for payment of rent to New York University and for compliance with all other terms and conditions of your lease. NYU will not accept payment of rent from your subtenant.
  10. You will remain responsible and liable for any damages to the apartment during the Sublease Term.
  11. We recommend that you collect a Security Deposit from your subtenant to secure the subtenant’s performance under the sublease. The security deposit is given directly to you and any issues or concerns regarding the security deposit and its return must be coordinated between you and your subtenant; NYU is not a party to the sublease transaction.
  12. The Office of Faculty Housing only reviews and approves sublease agreements for apartments that are owned and managed by NYU. We are unable to provide leasing, subleasing and/or real estate advice.
  13. Key lock boxes are not permitted.

Global Assignment: In order to maintain your Washington Square housing, faculty members must be full time in New York with the exception of up to one year on approved paid or unpaid leave or sabbatical or two years for those on global assignment. NYU Faculty members on Global Assignment, who do not return to New York full time after two years, are expected to relinquish their Washington Square housing. Faculty members will be accommodated upon their return to New York in an apartment adequate to their family size at that time. Please reach out to facultyhousing.office@nyu.edu with questions about this policy.