Publish a Page

You can publish a particular page from either the Site Navigation view, or when you are on the page itself.  

From within the page:  

  1. Within the page, click or touch the Page Information icon to expand the dropdown menu options.
  2. Select Publish Page. When the page is successfully published a note will appear letting you know that the page was published.

From the Site Admin view:

  1. From the Site Admin view, select the page or pages that you want to publish by clicking or touching in it's icon.
  2. Once the pages's icon shows a checkmark, click or touch Quick Publish from the horizontal menu bar.
  3. A popup will appear asking you to confirm that you want to take this action. Select Publish.
    When the page is successfully published, a note will appear letting you know that the page was published.
Select Publish Page from the Page Information Menu

Publish while you're in a page: select Publish Page from the Page Information menu

successful publish message

A successful publish message.

The quick publish link

You can also click or touch the Quick Publish link from the Site Admin view.

Unpublish a Page

Unpublishing a page will remove it from the public website. It will remain in the Author environment (where you edit) so that you can access it later if needed.

Unpublish is a reversible action; you can add it back to the website by publishing again.  

Important: You must unpublish pages before Deleting, otherwise the page will remain on the public site but be gone from the Author (Deleting is not a reversible action).

You can unpublish a page (i.e. remove it from the website) via the Page Information menu.  

  1. Open the Page Information menu from the top left of the screen.
  2. Select Unpublish Page from the dropdown menu.
  3. Select Confirm from the confirmation popup. You'll notice a confirmation that the page has been unpublished in blue in the center top of the screen if the action was successful.
Expanded Page Information menu showing Unpublish option.

Select Unpublish Page from the Page Information menu to remove a page from the site.

The confirmation message for a successful unpubish.

The confirmation message for a successful unpubish.

Unpublish Page Cofirm Popup

Confirm that you want to unpublish a page.

Publish/Unpublish Multiple Pages

Use the Manage Publication feature to publish more than one page from with the same section at a time. 

  1. In the Site Admin view, navigate to and select the pages you want to publish or unpublish. (To select more than one page, hold down Shift as you click or touch to select pages.)
  2. Select Manage Publication from the Action Bar. 
  3. Choose whether you want to publish or unpublish the selected pages, and whether you want to do that immediately, or schedule a date and time in the future. 
  4. Click or touch Next. You'll be able to review your scheduled items. If all looks good, select Next. 
  5. You'll be asked to enter a name for your workflow and the package. Enter a name and select Next. 
  6. You'll receive a green "success" message at the top of the screen which indicates that everything is set. You will not recieve a notification at the scheduled action time. 
Manage Publications Screen 1

Choose your action and a date and time for it to take effect.

Manage publications - scope screen

Review all of the content impacted by your desired action.

Manage Publication - workflows screen

Name your workflow and content package.

Schedule Publish/Unpublish

To schedule a publish or unpublish action for one or more content items, see the steps above. 

  1. In the Site Admin view, navigate to and select the page or pages that you want to publish or unpublish. (To select more than one page, hold down Shift as you click or touch to select pages.)
  2. Select Manage Publication from the Action Bar.
  3.  Choose whether you want to publish or unpublish the selected pages.
  4. Select the "Later" radio button. A calendar feature will appear where can select a date, as well as time for your action to occur.
  5. Click or touch Next. You'll be able to review your scheduled items. If all looks good, select Next.
  6.  You'll be asked to enter a name for your workflow and the package. Enter a name and select Next.
  7.  You'll receive a green "success" message at the top of the screen which indicates that everything is set. You will not recieve a notification at the scheduled action time. 

Publication Status

Pages in the authoring environment are not public until you publish them. When you publish a page in the author environment, you are publishing it to the public NYU website,

You can check a page's publication status from within the page, or from the Site Navigation view.

From within a page, open the Page Information menu from the top left of the screen. Publish information is available at the top of that menu.

From the Page Information Menu

Open the Page Information menu from the top left of the screen. Publish information is available at the top of that menu.

Page Information menu showing Publish Status

Page Information menu showing Publish Status

From the Site Navigation  

Column view:

Select the page by either clicking or touching it's icon or name. The next column will display page inforamtion, including the Published status (via the field label Published).

Card View:

Author (pencil icon) and web (globe icon) last modified/and published date are displayed at the bottom of each card in grey. The published status is associated with the globe icon.

List View:

Each page will display a Published colum, where you can find the status.


Page Info from Site Nav in Column View

Publish Info as displayed in column view.

Publish Info as displayed in card view.

Publish Info as displayed in card view.

Publish info as displayed in list view

Publish info as displayed in list view.

Delete a Page

Deleting a page is not reversible; it cannot be undone. If you delete a parent page, then all child pages underneath will be deleted as well.

Only delete a page if:

  • You have first unpublished it, and any pages that are under it
  • You are sure that neither you nor anyone in your unit will need to access it, and the pages under it, again

To delete a page:

  1. In the Site Navigation view, select the page to be deleted.
  2. From the Actions Bar, select Delete (garbage can icon).
  3. A popup will appear asking if you would like to archive the page before deleting it. Select the checkbox if you do, and then select Delete.

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Ghost Pages

A "ghost page" is a page that exists on the public NYU website, but is not on the CMS authoring enviornment.

This occurs when a page is:  

  • Deleted in the CMS without first being unpublished or
  • a page is moved (and thus the URL is renamed) in the CMS without first being unpublished

If you need help with deleting, moving or unpublishing a page, or if you've encountered a ghost page, email the CMS Team.