Change a Page Title

When you create a new page, you must enter a Page Title.  

The Page title will display as the first Header (Header 1) at the top of your page content. You can change the page title via the Page Information menu.

  1. In the Main Site Navigation, navigate to and select the page you want to rename. The Action menu will appear horizontally across the top of the screen.
  2. Select Properties.
  3. While in the Basic tab, locate the Title field.
  4. Modify your page title and select Save and Close to confirm.

    Note: You can also edit the Page Title while in the page by selecting Properties and editing the Page Title field. 

  5. Follow steps to reactivate your page to publish these changes on the live site.

Rename a Page URL

When you create a new page, you enter a Page Title, and leave the Page Name field blank. The system automatically generates a Page Name (which will be used in the page's URL) based on the title you entered.

You may need to update a Page Name (displayed in the URL) if:

  • You have changed the page title and need to update the URL to match
  • If there was a typo when originally creating the page

Note: You must first unpublish the page(s) you're renaming to prevent the creation of a ghost page in the CMS. 

  1. Navigate to and select the page you need to edit.
  2. Before renaming the page, you must first unpublish it. This will prevent the creation of any ghost pages (pages that exist on the website, but not in the CMS author environment).
  3. Once the page is unpublished, select it and then select Move from the Action menu bar.
  4. The Move window will open. Renaming a page URL is considered a page move because we are moving the page to a different URL.
  5. In the Rename to field type in the new URL name for the page. The updated name should be all lowercase and dashes (-) instead of spaces.
  6. Also in the Move window will be a list of pages that reference the page being renamed. Make sure to leave the checkmarks in the boxes under the Adjust and Republish columns so that your new page URL name is updated on all pages on which it is referenced.
  7. Click Move to confirm the new page URL name.
  8. Publish the page to complete your changes.

Note: For any major page URL or hierarchy changes that need to be made, please consult DigiComm and submit a Project Request Form.

Hide a Page in Navigation

By default, every page's title is displayed (in relation to the page the viewer is looking at) in the left navigation that appears on most of the site. This enables viewers to get an idea of what the related pages are and provides quick links to those pages.

If you need to hide a page from that display, however, you can do so via the Page Information menu.  

  1. Within a page, click or touch the Page Information menu and select Open Properties.
  2. In the Basic tab, check the Hide in Navigation checkbox.
  3. Click or touch Save and Close.
  4. Follow steps to republish your page to publish these changes on the live site.

Reorder Page Navigation

To change the order of pages on the same level (sibling pages) that pages appear in website's left-navigation hierarchy:

  1. In the Site Main Navigation, navigate to the parent page of the pages you want to reorder.
  2. If you are not already viewing the pages in List view, switch to that view now.
  3. At the end of each row, click on or touch the grey dots.
  4. Holding down the grey dots, drag the page to where you want to move it to in the list of sibling pages.
  5. The list will refresh with the order you just created.
  6. This will also be reflected in the left-hand side Navigation Pane underneath the parent page.

You can only reorder pages that are under the same parent page (sibling) pages. If you need to relocate a child page to move out from underneath a parent page, please submit a Project Request Form.

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Page Navigation Reorderingin Site Admin View

Dragging the grey dots (highlighted in blue) allows you to reorder pages under the same parent.