Create Subfolders

When organizing digital content in the CMS, much like on a computer or within a physical cabinet, using folders and subfolders can be helpful to keep similar media together for easy reference.

  1. Navigate to the appropriate folder within the DAM.
  2. On the top right, select Create. 
  3. Under Create, select Folder.
  4. In the Title field, provide the title of you folder.
  5. In the Name field provide the name of the folder. The folder name will ultimately become part of the file's URL path and should follow similar naming conventions to filenames:
    1. No spaces, underscores, or special characters
    2. Use only letters and numbers
    3. Examples: welcomeWeek2016; gradAlley; allyWeek2016; commencement2016
  6. Select Create.

Edit Metadata

After digital media is uploaded to the DAM, you can provide additional details called metadata to increase its searchability.

  1. Navigate to asset in the DAM.
  2. To open the Asset Editor:
    1. Select the asset by hovering above the asset's thumbnail and selecting the checkmark
    2. In the Action Bar on top, select Properties.
  3. Fill in the appropriate metadata fields under the Metadata column.
    1. Note: When searching for digital assets, the CMS will list content based on the Title provided in the metadata and/ or its filename, if no Title is available.
  4. Select Save & Close.
    1. To save and stay on the page, select the dropdown icon next to Save & Close and select Save.