Managing Content in the DAM

  1. Navigate to the main AEM navigation page by selecting the Adobe Experience Manager logo on the top left.
  2. Navigate to the Digital Asset Manager (DAM) by selecting Assets. 
  3. Select Folders.
  4. The DAM navigation is laid out similarly to the Sites Admin view with options to change between Card, List and Column view on the top right. The default view will be Card view.    
    1. Similar to the Sites Admin view, make sure to leverage the different  views and choose the view that best fits your needs at this moment.
  5. Locate the appropriate subfolder to upload your digital asset. Each unit's folder is organized at the top level by file type:
    1. Audio
    2. Documents
    3. Images
    4. Misc
    5. Videos

Uploading Content using the Create button:

  1. Select the Create button on the top right.
  2. Select Files to upload content. Alternatively, you can select Folders to create additional subfolders.
  3. Your computer's System Dialog will open. Select the file you wish to upload. You can also select multiple files by highlighting files using your system's drag & highlight feature or by holding the Control/Command key and selecting multiple files.
  4. Select Open once you have located and selected the appropriate file to upload.
  5. The filename from your computer will be automatically filled in. You can rename the file before uploading to the DAM.
    1. Please name your files appropriately before uploading to the DAM.
  6. Select Upload to add the file to the DAM.
  7. If you do not see your newly uploaded digital asset listed, make sure to refresh the webpage.

Uploading Content using Drag & Drop

  1. For files stored on your computer, use our computer's Finder/Windows Explorer window to locate the asset.
  2. Select the asset on your computer by holding your cursor and dragging the asset into the DAM web browser.
  3. The view will lighten with text in the center saying "Drag and Drop to upload".
  4. Release your cursor within the DAM view in the browser.
  5. The asset will appear in the DAM. If you do not see your newly uploaded digital asset listed, make sure to refresh the webpage.

Publishing Content to the DAM

  1. Digital assets will not be viewable on the live site until they are published. To publish a file:
    1. Select an asset by hovering over the asset's thumbnail and selecting the checkmark so it is highlighted in in blue. The Action Bar will appear on the top of the screen.
    2. Select "Quick Publish" from the Action bar. If you do not see Quick Publish, select the ellipsis on the far right side of the Action Bar to view more options.
    3. A Success window will appear with the text: If you do not see your newly uploaded digital asset listed, make sure to refresh the webpage.
  2. When you return to Edit Mode, you will now see a thumbnail of the newly uploaded asset in the left-hand Side Panel's Assets view.

 Unpublish Content in the DAM

  1. Locate the digital asset you want to unpublish in the DAM.
  2. Hovering over the checkmark in the asset thumbnail and select it until the thumbnail turns blue.
  3. From the top Action Bar, select Manage Publication.
  4. In the Manage Publication Window, highlight Unpublish under Action.
  5. Select Now under Scheduling.
  6. Select Next.
  7. In the Scope window, you may see references to the asset you want to unpublish.
  8. Select Unpublish to finishing unpublishing the asset.
  9. In Card and List view, the asset will now have a crossed out globe icon under its Published status, indicating it is now unpublished.

Delete Content in the DAM

If digital assets are no longer necessary and you do not need it in the future, you can delete them from the CMS. Deleting assets cannot be undone.

  1. Locate the digital asset you want to delete in the DAM. Make sure the asset has been unpublished.
  2. Hover over the checkmark in the asset thumbnail and select it until the thumbnail turns blue. the top Action Bar will appear.
  3. Select Delete.
    1. If you do not see Delete, select the ellipsis icon on the far right of the Action Bar.
  4. A window will appear and ask you to verify that you really want to delete the selected asset. Select Delete to finish deleting the asset.

Link to Assets in the DAM

In addition to being used for standalone images or within promo components, assets in the DAM can also be linked to directly as a downloadable file.

  1. Provide descriptive text to use as the hyperlinked text, for example: Editorial Style Guide (Google Doc).
    1. In a Rich Text component: Highlight the text you want to hyperlink and select the link button (chain link) located in the formatting toolbar of the Rich Text editor.
    2. In a promo component: Navigate to the appropriate field to insert a hyperlink and continue to step 2.
  2. Select the the checkmark icon and navigate through the Digital Assets folder in the Selection Dialog to locate the appropriate file.
  3. Highlight the asset's thumbnail to select it.
  4. Click or touch Select to confirm the link.