2022-2023 Recipients of the Distinguished Administrator Award

2023-2024 Distinguished Administrator Award honorees with Executive Vice President Marty Dorph, left, and Vice President, Human Resources Michelle Piekutowski, right. Credit: Myaskovsky, Courtesy of NYU Photo Bureau

The annual Distinguished Administrator Award recognizes outstanding administrative and professional performance and inclusive excellence that help NYU meet its strategic initiatives and contribute to the attainment of University goals.

Criteria and Eligibility

Nominations for the academic year 2023-2024 can be submitted through Wednesday, January 31, 2024. Current faculty, administrators, staff, and students are invited to submit nominations during this period. We are excited to announce the launch of a new and improved DAA portal featuring an improved user interface, along with a robust, optimized architecture that enhances the overall performance and functionality.

None of the award criteria should preclude any administrator at any Band level; for administrators with roles in Band 52 or 53 which may not have University-wide impact, nominators should elaborate on significant contributions the nominee has made within their role, department, or school or unit.

To determine the recipients, the Selection Committee reviews the nominations anonymously and considers many characteristics. The Committee does not review the quantity of nominations, but rather the quality shown in the below criteria. Each nominee should excel in one or more of the following areas:

To Access the Portal:

  1. A VPN connection is required when accessing the nomination portal off-campus.
  2. Activate your browser's SSO login credentials by signing into NYUHome


  • We encourage nominators to view the form and then draft their nomination as a Word/Google Doc to have a back-up of your submission.
  • Save your work frequently.
  • Once your nomination is successfully submitted, you will receive a confirmation email to your Net-ID email alias. 

Operational Excellence

Significant changes, modifications, or approaches that enhance work productivity, efficiency, and quality for the entire community.

Exceptional Service

Ensuring each interaction with internal and external customers is positive and effective.


Accomplishments that have a positive impact on the entire department, school, or unit or across parts of the University.


Building interactions and partnerships that produce results and leave others feeling welcomed, respected, and valued, regardless of cultural, ethnic, racial, class, gender, sexual orientation, language, and other human differences.


Demonstrating honesty and adherence to the highest standards of moral and ethical values and principles through personal and professional behavior.

Diversity and Inclusion

Demonstrating a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion within the NYU community, fostering a safe and positive environment. Promoting diversity awareness. Encouraging a bias-free and discrimination-free environment.


Developing and inspiring others to achieve extraordinary results. (This definition of leadership does not necessitate people-leadership; nominees can lead by their exemplary behavior.)


Developing an innovative process or procedure that directly impacts the University community in a positive manner.

Voluntary Community Service

Influencing and enhancing the NYU and/or local New York community.

To Submit a Nomination

  • Launch the online nomination portal during the nomination period. Nominators may access the portal on the campus network (recommended), or off-site securely with VPN installed and connected. Once accessed, enter the nominee's name or NetID and select that administrator name from the dropdown list. The maximum length of submission comments for each criteria is 600 characters.
  • You can save your nomination in progress, and return to it later. It is recommended to save frequently while composing your nomination in the portal by using the Save for Later button. It is also recommended that you save the text of your nominations offline as well.
  • Nominators receive a confirmation email to their NetID@nyu.edu address when their nomination is successfully submitted. Didn't receive an email? Contact PeopleLink.
  • NYU community members are invited to champion deserving administrators, but all employees should refrain from any activity that comes across as campaigning on their own behalf for nominations. This will result in a disqualification.

Recognition of Winners

University Recognition

The recipients of the Distinguished Administrator Award will be announced in the spring. The winners are honored with a festive celebration hosted by NYU's Executive Vice President. Winners receive a certificate of achievement and a monetary gift.

Local Recognition

An award recipient's school or administrative division may host an event to celebrate this honor or recognize nominees. Awardees should also be featured in newsletters and/or other appropriate communications or publications of the school or administrative unit.


Contact NYU PeopleLink at askpeoplelink@nyu.edu or 212-992-LINK (5465).

Eligible Roles:
New York University administrators and professional staff are eligible to receive the award. Please note the following positions are not eligible:

  • Dean, Associate/Assistant Dean
  • Vice President, Senior/Associate/Assistant Vice President
  • Provost, Associate/Assistant Vice Provost
  • Others with major University-wide responsibilities

Congratulations to the 2023-2024 Recipients

Natasha Bean
Global Enrollment Management & Student Success

Bridget Betts
Student Affairs

Evan Karg
Tisch School of the Arts

Francisco Robles
School of Professional Studies

Tamara Santiago    

Sarah Shanahan
University Development and Alumni Relations

Marni Vassallo
Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development

Jenny Yuan
Stern School of Business

Archive of Distinguished Administrator Award Recipients