Benefits of Giving

When you give to NYU, NYU gives back! There are many great benefits to showing your support for your school:

  • Because participation in alumni giving is a factor in the University’s rankings, your gift not only supports today’s students, it also bolsters the value of the degree you worked so hard to earn.
  • But the biggest benefit of all is that you’ll know that you are making a difference in the life of today’s NYU students. Your support will help students have the NYU experience of their dreams.
  • You may be eligible to join a giving club.

Fundraising Priorities

Annual Giving
NYU annual giving enables alumni, parents, and friends to support their schools, Bobst Library, scholarships, and student life. The cumulative impact of tens of thousands of generous donors is staggering. Your continuous and consistent support every year makes the NYU experience possible.

Scholarships and Financial Aid
The ability to attract and support the best and the brightest students, regardless of their financial circumstances, is of the utmost importance to NYU. In the past year, NYU doubled the amount of money raised for scholarships, and we will continue to do even more. Even students have gotten involved with helping their classmates by creating scholarships for students, by students through the 1831 Fund. Meet some of the amazing students who have benefited from scholarship support. To help create scholarships for these deserving students, please make a gift today.

Faculty, Staff, and Research
To maintain our status as a world-class institution, we need to be able to continue to attract high-caliber faculty and provide them with the resources they need to perform critical research. And our commitment has not gone unrewarded: our faculty have made important advances in fields as diverse as archaeology, genomics, entrepreneurship, and medicine.

Equipment and Technology
As technology changes rapidly, so do the needs of our campus. From providing our medical and nursing students with access to the most up to date equipment to connecting our global network of sites through videoconferencing and networked resources, it is critical that NYU stay ahead of the technology curve.

NYU’s schools are at the forefront of their fields, and they are constantly growing, changing, and shaping the landscape of scholarship.

Clifford Chang Faculty of Arts and Science 2014

"Without the support of the scholarships and donations I received from you, I believe that I would not have accomplished nearly as much as I have. Your generous gift allows me to concentrate on being a student and for that, I am deeply grateful." -- Clifford Chang (CAS '14)

Join a Giving Club

We invite you to lead a new tradition of annual giving by joining one of these clubs, which recognize individuals who have taken a leadership role in ensuring the strength of NYU.