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Jess Phillips MP harassed and threatened by angry men

199 replies

eatfigs · 05/07/2024 12:36

The absolute state of this! Good on her and her colleagues for standing up to these horrible men and calling out their abusive behaviour.

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Pythag · 06/07/2024 21:22

CassieMaddox · 06/07/2024 21:12

The Workers Party of Britain is not "Islamic extremism".
And I think blaming this on Muslims is extremely reductive, over simplistic and unhelpful. In fact I think it makes the whole situation worse, by driving division and conflict.

I'd like to discuss what happened to JP without a load of islamophobic nonsense alongside it.

Nobody has blamed this on Muslims. People have blamed this on Islamic extremism. It seems like you are incapable of condemning Islamic extremism.

Chickenuggetsticks · 06/07/2024 21:26

Jess Phillips specifically mentioned Gaza in an interview with a news channel. I forget which. I assume therefore these weren’t random people harassing her and her team. Ashworth was harassed in the street by people who were clearly muslim. Zahara Sultana was harassed by a predominantly muslim pro-palestine mob. Someone else had the pleasure of having a muslim woman line her kids up and have them yell “shame on you” through a loudspeaker.

I am not picking on Muslims, no-one is making anyone threaten or intimidate anyone. But when you do, don’t be surprised when people sit up and take notice. You can’t ignore stuff just because it’s inconvenient.

I really really dislike organised religion. If I were in America I’d be worried about the emboldened Christian right. But I’m not and I’m worried about the emboldened Islamic right instead.

I re-iterate that when we pretend to not be able to see the difference between the normal members of a religion and extremists the only people who benefit are extremists.

Imnobody4 · 06/07/2024 21:34

This is from 2021 for heaven's sake.A group of Muslim women from Batley and Spen have written an open letter condemning “shameful” behaviour that has brought the community “into the limelight for all the wrong reasons”.The women, who write anonymously citing safety fears, say that a “loud minority” of Muslim men have been “endlessly heard” during the tense byelection campaign, described as “the same faces that have plagued our area as ‘community leaders’ for many years” but do not represent them.Muslim women in Batley and Spen call out actions of ‘loud minority’ of men

Muslim women in Batley and Spen call out actions of ‘loud minority’ of men

In open letter women condemn behaviour that brought community ‘into limelight for all wrong reasons’

KatyaKabanova · 06/07/2024 21:52

Those women are great, speaking out against this "loud minority" of men. Quite right, why should they be associated with such behaviour.

Chickenuggetsticks · 06/07/2024 21:55

Imnobody4 · 06/07/2024 21:34

This is from 2021 for heaven's sake.A group of Muslim women from Batley and Spen have written an open letter condemning “shameful” behaviour that has brought the community “into the limelight for all the wrong reasons”.The women, who write anonymously citing safety fears, say that a “loud minority” of Muslim men have been “endlessly heard” during the tense byelection campaign, described as “the same faces that have plagued our area as ‘community leaders’ for many years” but do not represent them.Muslim women in Batley and Spen call out actions of ‘loud minority’ of men

Exactly normal people, who behave normally calling out people who don’t. The clear water between normal muslims and extremists.

These men should be called out and I guarantee there will be people in their own communities will be sighing with relief because they are such a pain in the ass no-one wants to get into conflict with them.

This is what our institutions are for. Organise a campaign of harassment then you should be prosecuted. Slash tires, prosecuted, stalk someone prosecuted, death threats, prosecuted. We have also accepted a situation where its ok to be fucking awful to MP’s you don’t like, but for a long time the targets were Conservatives so people didn’t care, despite the murders of Cox and Amess.

KatyaKabanova · 06/07/2024 22:02

Yes, those women are speaking up for the majority in their community. Why should these men dominate and give them a bad name?

Imnobody4 · 06/07/2024 22:06

CassieMaddox · 06/07/2024 21:17

Well said. This is what worries me about the whole tone of the debate.
Women like JP end up on the receiving end because politicians have at best tolerated and at worst stirred up a load of tension. And absolute dicks like Galloway and Farage.

Stop trying to blame Farage and Galloway. It's racist to suppose Muslims are just puppets. And you need to actually identify any Islamophobic posts on this thread before you throw around any more accusations.

I've said before Muslims are also the victims of Islamic extremists.

An All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has warned zealouts have turned the killer of Asad Shah into a "hero".

“He has appeared to have signed photos and posters behind bars for those who idolise him as a celebrity and regularly receives letters from supporters.
“Such status is fuelled by the praise Tanveer Ahmed receives from Pakistani hate preachers, which is viewed by British Pakistanis, thereby feeding off the cycle of extremism and hate.”

Gummybear23 · 06/07/2024 22:14

Best thing to do is to protest with dignity.
A silent vote 🗳 and continue.
If you disagree with the actions of a politician show it on the ballot paper.

Getting over emotional and then escalating it to abusive language is not the way.

I understand a lot of these individuals were angry with the genocide in Israel but a dignified approach is always the best answer.
A vote for someone you want to represent you.
It is sad situation but getting angry solves nothing and helps no one.

Littlepinkstarsbyradish · 06/07/2024 22:46

There are so many (well judged and entirely reasonable) arguments put forward here and in other media about why this has happened, and im pretty sure the truth lies across all of them. The reasons to be angry with a labour win are well established.

What really gets me though, is that there were two candidates who had this heckling happen to them; Kier Starmer and Jess Phillips

As leader of Labour, i'ts not ok but i can kinda get it

Jess? and not any other labour MPs? This is because she is a loud voice for women's rights and on the front line of the anti-VAWG movement.

I don't care about the reasons for the protest, she was singled out for this (and the horrendous vitriolic and vicious campaign) BECAUSE she's a strong women. Its misogynistic, whatever the extenuating arguments. If men cant handle losing to a women then it vindicates their loss - they shouldn't be representing a community if there's no respect for half of them.

JanesLittleGirl · 06/07/2024 22:49

@CassieMaddox You are seeking to justify openly anti-democratic behaviour. Why?

KatyaKabanova · 06/07/2024 22:52

Very good points, @Littlepinkstarsbyradish and Jess herself said so. She's a strong woman, elected to Parliament, and some men just can't deal with that.

Grammarnut · 06/07/2024 23:20

CassieMaddox · 06/07/2024 19:54

Thats extremely rude. I am not going to respond in kind. I am not an apologist for any misogynists - unlike many on here I'm looking forward to misogyny being made a hate crime.

My opinion is this issue has been caused by a combination of Internet driving tastes for conflict, and George Galloway stirring up trouble.

We need a better way to deal with extremists, across the board.

Were you replying to me? I am not allowed to name MPs apparently.

radiatorbed · 07/07/2024 11:49

JP just on the radio saying that the behaviour of these men was nothing to do with them being Muslim.

CassieMaddox · 07/07/2024 19:12

And here is some information about how the Labour candidate in Clacton got treated by reform voters

It is all disgusting. This is where division and insults in politics gets you. Starts online, spreads into real life.

Jess Phillips MP harassed and threatened by angry men
CassieMaddox · 07/07/2024 19:13

Grammarnut · 06/07/2024 23:20

Were you replying to me? I am not allowed to name MPs apparently.

No. I was replying to a deleted comment.

JanesLittleGirl · 07/07/2024 22:14

CassieMaddox · 07/07/2024 19:12

And here is some information about how the Labour candidate in Clacton got treated by reform voters

It is all disgusting. This is where division and insults in politics gets you. Starts online, spreads into real life.

This is appalling and I condemn it absolutely.

TheColourOutOfSpace · 08/07/2024 08:49

radiatorbed · 07/07/2024 11:49

JP just on the radio saying that the behaviour of these men was nothing to do with them being Muslim.

Ha! There's that word again - Muslim. Why do 'progressives' continue to insist Muslims = Islamists? 🤔

Maybe white progressives truly view brown and black people as exotic, but ultimately simple-minded, savages. They certainly seem to regard their fellow white people as more evolved and complex beings compared to the rest of humanity.

Christianity has various denominations and sects. There's a whole range and depth of ideological and political views. You can have Quakers who are pacifists. There are plenty of bland, middle-of-the-road sects that are all about happy clappy Jesus loves you songs.
You can have the crazy Westboro Baptist Church types with their distasteful picketing and preaching, as well as even more dangerous, extremist types that bomb abortion clinics.
Even if some hardcore evangelical sects reject outright violence, they might engage in various activities to spread their ideological message - lots of funding to set up pressure groups in different countries, including political parties or funding political activists and candidates to get into positions of power and political influence. They genuinely believe in their religion and ideological cause and are motivated to influence people and laws to fit their views.

White progressives get weirdly excited and agitated by 'far-right Christians'. The thought of certain Christians in political office or funding political pressure groups or organising in ways to gain political power makes white progressives lose their minds.
Notice they never use the term 'Christians'. They always call them 'far-right Christians'. These shadowy, demonic 'far-right Christians' lurk everywhere! One must be ever vigilant against them! Any political or campaign group that disagrees with the progressive holy faith must be funded by 'far-right Christians'!

White progressives view their fellow white people as equal to them - white Christians are full human beings in their eyes. Hence they call them 'far-right Christians'. At least on paper, progressives acknowledge that white people (and white people's religions) are complex and multifaceted. You can have 'nice Christians' and 'evil far-right Christians'. Progressives will tolerate 'normal' Christians but 'far-right Christians' are the personification of pure evil and they must be resisted at all costs and by any means!!! If people vote for such candidates, that means they are evil too! Let us rejoice, for Our Progressive Lord has defeated them at the ballot box!

Of course there's a separate conversation that white progressives are so turned on by the thought of 'far-right Christians' (and 'fascism') that pretty much any Christian is smeared as far-right these days if they disagree with abortion or homosexuality, but we'll leave that topic for another time. (Also, there are black Americans and black Africans with the same beliefs as these white 'far-right Christians' but cough... cough... Look a genderqueer squirrel!)

Contrast that with how non-white people and religions are viewed by progressives. Hinduism? Islam? Ah... Simple religions for simple-minded people. They couldn't possibly have a wide range of political and ideological views.

There are mysticism based Sufis in Islamic theology. There's lots of Saudi Arabian funding for spreading the Wahhabism movement around the world. And of course, the hardcore Salafi movement which encompasses the range of pacifist, but preachy types to those in the 'middle' advocating for political struggle and power, and those who take the political struggle even further with sheer violence - what we know as Jihadists.

And yet, to the white progressive there is no 'far-right Muslim'. Only a generic, simple-minded 'Muslim'. White people are special, including white Christians. They are able to come up with a variety of ideological movements - from peaceful to violent. They are capable of funding political and advocacy groups to gain political representation and power around the world. And of course, if they try to do this they must be opposed, for they are not just any Christian, but a 'far-right Christian'! Apparently, this is not something people who are not white are capable of doing. They are empty vessels with no agency and any undesirable behaviour is due to bad, white people around them.

I do think white progressives truly think non-white people are beneath them. There's no other rational explanation for why they get so agitated by white Christians but not brown Hindus or Muslims who follow far-right ideologies.

Ereshkigalangcleg · 08/07/2024 09:06

This isn't just about the heckling, she and her team were harassed by gangs of men all throughout the campaign. Followed around, threatened, car tyres slashed. It's completely unacceptable.


Signalbox · 08/07/2024 09:11

IwantToRetire · 06/07/2024 20:27

I thought Hamas was a proscribed organisation?

Posters keep making comments like this and I dont know if it is because they have just absorbed this from an hysterical main stream media or what.

For instances there were and are many people who want a united Ireland, and may on occassion have shouted about this is a public place. But that doesn't mean they were members or supporters of the IRA.

Anymore than any number of people support the right of Palestinians to their own state and / or think the killing of civilians in Gaza should stop. This doesn't mean they are supporters of Hamas.

Just to be clear, I dont think harassing canvassers and threatening candidates in their home is ever acceptable.

But heckling at political events happen. Although am only too aware that when it is a group of men against a lone woman it is very frightening.

I saw heckling at other Declarations.

Starmer got heckled.

But the intimidation on the streets, and at people's homes is unacceptable. How is it that the police haven't followed this up?


Posters keep making comments like this and I dont know if it is because they have just absorbed this from an hysterical main stream media or what.

For instances there were and are many people who want a united Ireland, and may on occassion have shouted about this is a public place. But that doesn't mean they were members or supporters of the IRA.

Anymore than any number of people support the right of Palestinians to their own state and / or think the killing of civilians in Gaza should stop. This doesn't mean they are supporters of Hamas.

There are plenty of people in the UK who are openly in support of Hamas. It's not hysterical to point this out.

UpThePankhurst · 08/07/2024 09:34

'Hysterical' seems to be the word of the week. Popping up everywhere, misogynist little sausage that it is.

I'll open the book for next week: now taking bets for 'shrill'.

Thelnebriati · 14/07/2024 11:50

Aren't extremists already monitored? Especially those that target MP's?

Hairyesterdaygonetoday · 14/07/2024 12:07

TheColourOutOfSpace · 05/07/2024 16:21

The Left's sordid love affair with far-right Islamism is going to get messy 😬😬😬😬

Trans activists are lightweight bullies compared to the heavyweight champions when it comes to identity politics.

The Left's sordid love affair with far-right Islamism is going to get messy

It’s about time the Left faced up to this. Same as gender identity politics. Time the Left stopped pandering to misogyny.

UpThePankhurst · 14/07/2024 12:10

The reason it's been allowed to grow is that there are liberal lefty numpties in all the parties who believe that you get a free pass to threaten to rape and kill everyone, punch grannies and behave totally unacceptably if you're a special kind of person.

That was never going to be a sensible path to anywhere good, as a child could have told them.

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