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Jess Phillips MP harassed and threatened by angry men

199 replies

eatfigs · 05/07/2024 12:36

The absolute state of this! Good on her and her colleagues for standing up to these horrible men and calling out their abusive behaviour.

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TooBigForMyBoots · 05/07/2024 16:39

Strength to Jess and her team.❤️

I admire her dedication to women and hope the appalling actions of those men serve only to strengthen her and the Labour Party in stamping out VAWG.


TheColourOutOfSpace · 05/07/2024 16:42

Justcallmebebes · 05/07/2024 16:33

The ring leader was Joss McIntyre who stood as a pro Palestine Independent. He and his followers have been attacking Jess for months. Jess is a member of Friends of Israel which is their justification for the abuse she and her supporters have received

Is that not grounds for his immediate disqualification from the election?

Shortshriftandlethal · 05/07/2024 16:46

Shabana Mahmood was subject to similar sorts of intimidation as Jess Phillips, and also managed to retain her seat.

Crowds of aggressive and angry men being abusive as the results were being read out. Jess Phillips only just scraped it, though. I'm pleased,

Shortshriftandlethal · 05/07/2024 16:48

TheColourOutOfSpace · 05/07/2024 16:42

Is that not grounds for his immediate disqualification from the election?

'Friends of Israel' are a long standing parliamentary group. Rachel Reeves is also a member. Thankfully!

Shortshriftandlethal · 05/07/2024 16:50

Yampy · 05/07/2024 16:13

Penny just dropped why the other abuse is acceptable & not reported on, mainly white progressive bros innit, although I’m inclined to think a lot of them are establishment stooges.


There are a lot of very angry and bullying men on Labour's Left - in the CLPs and constituency parties.

TheColourOutOfSpace · 05/07/2024 16:52

Shortshriftandlethal · 05/07/2024 16:48

'Friends of Israel' are a long standing parliamentary group. Rachel Reeves is also a member. Thankfully!


Ok.... But that doesn't answer my question....

GardenGnomad · 05/07/2024 16:53

Absolutely appalling treatment of JP by these men. They are not ashamed or embarrassed but emboldened! They should have been removed from the room immediately.

TheMarzipanDildo · 05/07/2024 16:54

mirax · 05/07/2024 15:40

Well when you, meaning the nice liberal lefty ladies on the right side of history, shied away from discussing the industrial scale rape gangs of Rochdale and other cities because it was "racist", you helped to shut up other women too. Why do you think Europe is turning to the extreme right?

“You” Hmm this is not a hive mind, thank fuck.

Sausagenbacon · 05/07/2024 16:55

Absolutely. That's not me

LakeTiticaca · 05/07/2024 17:24

PTSDBarbiegirl · 05/07/2024 15:50

Time to clamp down hard on all intimidation and abuse of women. Charge these men and root out supporting groups within their communities. This behaviour from these males just plays even more into Nigel Farages hands.

That ain't gonna happen is it.
Why d'ya think people started voting for Nige?

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greenlettuce · 05/07/2024 17:35

The treatment of Jess Philips was appalling their is no excuse for it

CassieMaddox · 05/07/2024 17:48

I cannot believe posters watched that and immediately went on an anti-muslim rant. Where's the empathy for what JP has been through?

The problem here is the complete intolerance across the whole spectrum and willingness to throw round insults at the drop of a hat. It's exactly the same "angry man" mentality that gives us Reform.

Very few posters on this board have stuck up for JP - in fact they've said some awful things. But now she's been abused by men, who may or may not be Muslim, posters are using her to spout anti-Islam views, thus contributing to the cycle.

Jody Mcintyre was the other "Workers Party of Britain" candidate. He's white. WPB was set up by Galloway. He's white. Monty Panesar pulled out of the party after 7 days because "it didn't align with his values".

I agree with JP. What happened to her is a symptom of the toxicity in British politics and paradoxically shows why we need labour

newtlover · 05/07/2024 17:49

it sounded like 'sieg heil' to me, did anyone else hear that?

CassieMaddox · 05/07/2024 17:51
CassieMaddox · 05/07/2024 17:51

newtlover · 05/07/2024 17:49

it sounded like 'sieg heil' to me, did anyone else hear that?

Yes and they were calling her a nazi

radiatorbed · 05/07/2024 17:56

Jody Mcintyre was the other "Workers Party of Britain" candidate. He's white

Are you sure that he is white?

TheColourOutOfSpace · 05/07/2024 17:58

radiatorbed · 05/07/2024 17:56

Jody Mcintyre was the other "Workers Party of Britain" candidate. He's white

Are you sure that he is white?

He's a white convert and seems to have been radicalised. Cassie is being disingenuous and trying to deflect by making it seem like he's some random white guy.

Grammarnut · 05/07/2024 18:00

BiL has told me today that the entire council of his town - in the North, Lancs - has resigned over the stance of Labour on Gaza, i.e. that Labour is supporting Israel. They stood as Independents. Why cannot we say who these councillors are?

radiatorbed · 05/07/2024 18:02

TheColourOutOfSpace · 05/07/2024 17:58

He's a white convert and seems to have been radicalised. Cassie is being disingenuous and trying to deflect by making it seem like he's some random white guy.

Ok that makes sense now.

Kucinghitam · 05/07/2024 18:08

I think it was horrendous what Jess Philips experienced. Angry bullying men swathed in their arrogant certainty that they are on the side of the righteous, tormenting and silencing women. A strangely common species, eh?

OvaHere · 05/07/2024 18:24

Kucinghitam · 05/07/2024 18:08

I think it was horrendous what Jess Philips experienced. Angry bullying men swathed in their arrogant certainty that they are on the side of the righteous, tormenting and silencing women. A strangely common species, eh?


Omlettes · 05/07/2024 18:43

Limer · 05/07/2024 15:35

This is appalling. Jess called the police many times - so why weren't these men arrested and charged? Then put on a curfew/banning order to prevent them doing it again? Let me guess - "cultural factors".

Overt two tier policing on tra and palestine. Its red flag that this happens to a prominent woman at such a significant time.
Hopefully Labour will pick up on it and use it as leverage to redress the scenario as per their promises.

Shortshriftandlethal · 05/07/2024 19:26

TheColourOutOfSpace · 05/07/2024 16:52

Ok.... But that doesn't answer my question....

What was your question? It wasn't clear.

CassieMaddox · 05/07/2024 19:32

TheColourOutOfSpace · 05/07/2024 17:58

He's a white convert and seems to have been radicalised. Cassie is being disingenuous and trying to deflect by making it seem like he's some random white guy.

He is some random white guy. "Being radicalised" doesn't suddenly change your heritage or how well known you are 😂

CassieMaddox · 05/07/2024 19:36

TheColourOutOfSpace · 05/07/2024 16:52

Ok.... But that doesn't answer my question....

Anyone can stand for election, regardless of their views. Its a fundamental part of freedom of speech and democracy. The hope is they won't get elected.

They could be ejected from Workers Party of Britain but that would require George Galloway to give a toss, and he doesn't.

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