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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

LittleGreenDuck · 02/07/2024 20:52

duc748 · 02/07/2024 18:23

Bigger picture, what does the Metro imagine Londoners make of stories like this? Do they imagine it will elicit sympathy? I'd have thought most people would have the same eye-rolling response that it's been met with here.

The comments section would suggest that you are correct, along with a little gentle teasing.

AstonScrapingsNameChange · 02/07/2024 21:57

TWETMIRF · 02/07/2024 19:35

It's a sexual freedom award, comes with the vile strapline 'Honouring pioneers in sexuality, striptease artists, sexual service providers and their allies'

Sexual freedom - represented by a giant cock. No sexism here eh?!🙄

Because anything inherently female is seen as a bit crap.

No wonder Dee and co don't want to be women.

UtterlyOtterly · 02/07/2024 22:04

Can anyone confirm what chromosomes these special NB people have 'cos I'm a bit confused by it all, being old and all that. Can't be XX or XY, clearly.

viques · 02/07/2024 22:31

UtterlyOtterly · 02/07/2024 22:04

Can anyone confirm what chromosomes these special NB people have 'cos I'm a bit confused by it all, being old and all that. Can't be XX or XY, clearly.

I expect Dee has alphabet chromosomes that Dee chose . ZZ maybe, or QQ, or even QVC , who knows, they will be special though.

UtterlyOtterly · 02/07/2024 22:59

viques Choosing chromosomes. That's something you couldn't do when I were a lass.

We had girl ones or boy ones. If you ate your greens and drank your milk you grew up to have lady ones or man ones.

Dearie me, how times have changed.

DumbassHamsterSitterPerson · 02/07/2024 23:02

Well supposedly most of us don't actually know what chromosomes we have because we haven't had them tested.
Or so I've seen claimed.

viques · 02/07/2024 23:20

UtterlyOtterly · 02/07/2024 22:59

viques Choosing chromosomes. That's something you couldn't do when I were a lass.

We had girl ones or boy ones. If you ate your greens and drank your milk you grew up to have lady ones or man ones.

Dearie me, how times have changed.

I know, I remember when it was all fields round here too!

Shodan · 02/07/2024 23:23

DumbassHamsterSitterPerson · 02/07/2024 23:02

Well supposedly most of us don't actually know what chromosomes we have because we haven't had them tested.
Or so I've seen claimed.

I don't have any. I decided I wanted to be terribly unique so I got rid of them.

DumbassHamsterSitterPerson · 03/07/2024 00:16

Shodan · 02/07/2024 23:23

I don't have any. I decided I wanted to be terribly unique so I got rid of them.

Are you Achromosomal? Grin

I'm chromofluid.

RepresentMe · 03/07/2024 00:40

I’ll have you know this person is an award winning sex educator who graduated with an MA in Gender, Sexuality and Culture from Birkbeck University last year. Eminently qualified to sit alongside Robin Moira White and Kate Osborne on the first trans advisory panel to Parliament. Let’s hope they manage to cast their vote without too much trauma.

Catsmere · 03/07/2024 00:59

One more narcissist not voting would be no loss.

unwashedanddazed · 03/07/2024 01:39
  1. Theys having thems cake and eating all to theyselves.
  2. Theys worshipping a giant gold cock.

I don't believe theys nonbinary. The evidence suggests thems a man.
ehhdh · 03/07/2024 02:03

Just register for postal votes from now on. No ID needed.

JanefromLondon1 · 03/07/2024 04:13

I had to have a name change cake and spent 24 hours eating it by myself.

Of course you did.


JurassicClark · 03/07/2024 04:27

I want to spend 24 hours eating cake. What documentation do I need?

Motorina · 03/07/2024 04:37

Sooooo she had the choice of:

  1. updating her ID
  2. getting a free voter ID
  3. using her old ID plus deed poll document
  4. getting a postal vote
  5. voting by proxy

And didn’t do any of those things.

Yet it’s the state that’s put in barriers to make it hard for her to vote?

Seems to me it’s a basic failure of adulting.
Helleofabore · 03/07/2024 06:00

Crikey! Scared about being asked for ID to vote, eh? I think that Dee needs to invest in some therapy.

Crossingsout · 03/07/2024 06:13

If the Lib Dems get their way and non-binary is recognised legally we can expect a lot more of these sort of articles in the future e.g."I am non-binary on my passport but now I'm afraid border guards might not understand my special identity!"

testing987654321 · 03/07/2024 08:16

The weirdest thing of that whole article is that she has all the ID she needs already.

She did seem to apply for a voter id card but because she still looks like her ID she was told to use that plus her deed poll to explain the name change.

Absolutely no-one cares whether she believes she is non-binary. She's just a person who has changed her name.

Hairyesterdaygonetoday · 03/07/2024 08:20

BackToLurk · 02/07/2024 16:20

Couldn't work out how to change ID. Sort of electoral natural selection.

Sad but true!

UtterlyOtterly · 03/07/2024 08:58

Why didn't Dee share Dee's cake with Dee's family or friends?

Wouldn't that #BeKind?

TWETMIRF · 03/07/2024 09:03

Only the super special get to eat the cake. Everyone else must cheer them on but that's all

Ifittellsthebiggestlieswearstheloudestties · 03/07/2024 09:20


Sorry, just needed to get it out


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Catsmere · 03/07/2024 09:22

Yes, #BeKind is only for genderspeshuls. Muggles don't get any, even if they're rabid supporters (unless they're dick-havers, of course).

UtterlyOtterly · 03/07/2024 09:23

TWETMIRF Thank you. I missed that detail...

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