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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

BruceAndNosh · 03/07/2024 09:25

If Dee's driving licence is in old name and doesn't match the Electoral Roll, then Dee must have changed their name on the latter. Or did the Deed Poll elves do it?

Chersfrozenface · 03/07/2024 09:28

TWETMIRF · 03/07/2024 09:03

Only the super special get to eat the cake. Everyone else must cheer them on but that's all

To be a true ally, you must buy the cake for the special person, then applaud while they/zie/fae/fee/fi/fo/fum eats it all themself/zerself/faeself etc.

OchonAgusOchonOh · 03/07/2024 10:22

Ifittellsthebiggestlieswearstheloudestties · 03/07/2024 09:20


Sorry, just needed to get it out

Ah now in fairness, that's not true.

If she's entitled to vote, she's a woman as she must be over 18. Although I could argue that she is not a normal woman as most normal women wouldn't have that much difficulty in following the instructions of bringing along ID and proof of deed poll.

Ifittellsthebiggestlieswearstheloudestties · 03/07/2024 10:27

OchonAgusOchonOh · 03/07/2024 10:22

Ah now in fairness, that's not true.

If she's entitled to vote, she's a woman as she must be over 18. Although I could argue that she is not a normal woman as most normal women wouldn't have that much difficulty in following the instructions of bringing along ID and proof of deed poll.

Smirk. Ok sorry that's me corrected.

UtterlyOtterly · 03/07/2024 10:40

I think we need to be fair here. Dee is obviously a troubled young person, there are more around than ever. I blame social media mostly.

Let's hope Dee gets to vote without any problems. Then it will all be water under the bridge as my Grandma used to say.

Beowulfa · 03/07/2024 10:44

Whilst it's fun to laugh at the likes of Dee, I think it's irresponsible of the Metro to publish an article that implies it's scary and impossible to vote if you're in the process of name changing.

UpThePankhurst · 03/07/2024 11:11

It is the same script as the article shared the other day when someone at a seminar/conference on interviewing and CVs for work stood up and did a similar poor fragile me what shall I do performance about what name to use on a CV.

They were rather taken aback when instead of playing the game, one of the men on the panel said he didn't care, use the current name and just tell him what they would bring to the job, and he was tired of encountering applicants seemingly believing that identity made them any more interesting.

DontThinkJustDo · 03/07/2024 11:38

Dee is scared of being outed at the polling station in front of a couple of people so instead outs theirself in front of a few thousand Metro readers instead?

TWETMIRF · 03/07/2024 12:19

Don't expect logic from someone that can't work out if they're male or female

HappierTimesAhead · 03/07/2024 12:31

This is fairly irrelevant but I always think Dee is such a pretty name

Crossingsout · 03/07/2024 12:39

HappierTimesAhead · 03/07/2024 12:31

This is fairly irrelevant but I always think Dee is such a pretty name

Somehow I don't think Dee will be pleased to hear that!

CantDealwithChristmas · 03/07/2024 12:48

Women are being stoned in Afghanistan, thrown in concentration camps in China, and gang raped in India, but still, nothing is more traumatic than Dee having to go to a polling booth.

The horror, the horror!

CantDealwithChristmas · 03/07/2024 12:54

OK re-reading the piece and two further unintentionally hilarious things stick out:

"What happens if I am turned away [at the polling station] because my ID name doesn’t match my name on the electoral register? Will I then have to out myself and explain my situation in an environment which may not be queer-friendly?"

Oh yeah Dee cos a village hall with the front desk manned by two elderly community volunteers is OBVIOUSLY a highly physically dangerous situation

"Of course, I had to celebrate with my own ‘name day’ cake in the shape of a heart, which I ate in 24 hours by myself."

For some reason this is the part of the piece I'm most disturbed by. WHO gets a celebration cake and doesn't offer any to family or friends? Or even bring in the leftovers for colleagues at work the next day? Why would anyone actually do this?

Chersfrozenface · 03/07/2024 13:03

For some reason this is the part of the piece I'm most disturbed by. WHO gets a celebration cake and doesn't offer any to family or friends? Or even bring in the leftovers for colleagues at work the next day? Why would anyone actually do this?

Hm, could it be someone who is terminally self-involved and as self-centered as a gyroscope?

CantDealwithChristmas · 03/07/2024 13:04

The comments under the article are gold

ScrapeMyArse · 03/07/2024 13:23

CantDealwithChristmas · 03/07/2024 13:04

The comments under the article are gold

Oh wow, didn't realise Metro did comments.

I guess the traditional print Metro readers always were ordinary people quite aware of being compressed against the material reality of their fellow commuters' armpits as they travelled to and from work.

Chersfrozenface · 03/07/2024 13:26

CantDealwithChristmas · 03/07/2024 13:04

The comments under the article are gold

OK, why can't I see the comments?

FKAT · 03/07/2024 13:29

Why does that whole shite article not know the difference between a polling card and a deed poll?

ArabellaScott · 03/07/2024 13:31

Dee could have asked any one of the many thousands of UK women who change their names annually how they handled the terribly traumatic voting process.

Chersfrozenface · 03/07/2024 13:32

FKAT · 03/07/2024 13:29

Why does that whole shite article not know the difference between a polling card and a deed poll?

It's a "First Person" piece penned by Dee themself.

My bet is on being so self-involved they is barely able to pay attention to the world outside themself.

ArabellaScott · 03/07/2024 13:33

Nothing says 'smash the patriarchy' like literally upholding a giant golden dick.

I’m scared about what will happen when I go to vote
duc748 · 03/07/2024 13:35

Arf! 😃

CantDealwithChristmas · 03/07/2024 13:36

Chersfrozenface · 03/07/2024 13:26

OK, why can't I see the comments?

You have to scroll aaaallll the way down below the cheap ads.

Some highlights:

23 hours ago
I know how you feel, I've recently decided to identify as being extra-terrestrial and am now discovering how much I am discriminated against.

My passport does not allow for me to say I come from outer-space, and people look at me odd when I say that I'm not from Earth. I too am worried about what will be said when I go to vote, and I am also disappointed at how extra-terrestrials are seeing their existence denied by politicians and used as a political football in this culture war.

16 hours ago

So a story about it never being your fault, guess you never thought it through and it’s easier to just blame everything on anyone but yourself. Self entitlement should never be an acceptable attitude to have, maybe change that before anything else.

22 hours ago

Let me help, you're female. Nobody can feel what their sex is, they just are.
When you go to vote your ID will be checked against the register (no, the electoral one you're also on) and then you will enter the booth and vote.

6 hours ago

On both the DVLA website and the UK government website a quick thirty second search shows you can change your name AND gender for FREE (including “non-binary) and you don’t even have to send any supporting documents in. So stop lying saying it’s complicated and expensive, because it isn’t.

16 hours ago

The poll station staff won't care what you think you are. In fact, nobody else does.


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Onewayanoth · 03/07/2024 13:42

i feel like Dee will be disappointed when they present the docs and no one cares. A problem entirely of their own making, our own ID is our own problem and I think anyone can use a change of name deed to update their ID docs, whether they are NB or just want a different name.

CriticalCondition · 03/07/2024 13:58

As a non-binary trans person Dee is also scared of leggings. She's made a video about it. But then she put them on and it was okay. Perhaps she could use this experience in other areas of her life.

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