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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

PickAChew 路 02/07/2024 18:07

Oh my goodness, someone give her head a wobble.

InvisibleBuffy 路 02/07/2024 18:08

This has to be one of the stupidest, most entitled things I've ever read.
Has the world run out of so many real problems that the Metro had to go out looking to find this?

HipTightOnions 路 02/07/2024 18:09

I changed my name via deed poll.

Should there have been cake?

protectoroftherealm 路 02/07/2024 18:09

God these people would sell their grandmas for a bit of attention. Vote or don't vote love, no one cares.

HipTightOnions 路 02/07/2024 18:14


Does anyone else wonder if Dee realises that 'Dee' is a traditional women's name, not a newfangled non-gendered one?

protectoroftherealm 路 02/07/2024 18:19

HipTightOnions 路 02/07/2024 18:14


Does anyone else wonder if Dee realises that 'Dee' is a traditional women's name, not a newfangled non-gendered one?

No, I assume it means Dee for Dickhead.

TWETMIRF 路 02/07/2024 18:23


duc748 路 02/07/2024 18:23

Bigger picture, what does the Metro imagine Londoners make of stories like this? Do they imagine it will elicit sympathy? I'd have thought most people would have the same eye-rolling response that it's been met with here.

EmpressaurusDeiGatti 路 02/07/2024 18:24

Actually I feel sorry for Dee. She comes across as confused, immature & having been influenced by the wrong people.

I listened to a young lesbian or bi woman who was an non-binary Just Like Us ambassador explaining how she鈥檇 grown up forced to conform with gender stereotypes, then encountered Just Like Us - who led her to the conclusion not that stereotypes were sexist bollocks, but that stereotypes were so important that she must be non-binary if she didn鈥檛 match them. Angry

TWETMIRF 路 02/07/2024 18:25

HipTightOnions 路 02/07/2024 18:09

I changed my name via deed poll.

Should there have been cake?

I hereby proclaim that HipTightOnions must be brought a special cake and that he/she/they/zie/zer/fee/fi/fo/fum does not have to share it

Hagpie 路 02/07/2024 18:27

Well it鈥檚 working isn鈥檛 it? The point of voter ID was to create hassle so people don鈥檛 bother.

Redshoeblueshoe 路 02/07/2024 18:28

Free voter ID, postal vote. Has no one told her this ?

Redshoeblueshoe 路 02/07/2024 18:29

Postal vote is hardly hassle, it takes a minute or two online.

ScrapeMyArse 路 02/07/2024 18:30

YellowAsteroid 路 02/07/2024 17:38

Well up until 1928, this young woman wouldn鈥檛 have a vote.

The patriarchy knows who the women are; this young woman might do well to remember that.

Well exactly

timenowplease 路 02/07/2024 18:31

Tough tittie then.

GoldViper 路 02/07/2024 18:37

I just want to know why she's pictured holding a giant golden dick and balls 馃

Ihopeithinkiknow 路 02/07/2024 18:37

This is a genuine question but is it a thing to wake up daily and question what you are? Maybe I'm the odd one out but it has never occurred to me that oh today I feel like a girl or today I feel like a boy lol I have just always woken up feeling like me, I am in fact a woman and have had 2 kids but it's not something that I actually feel if that makes sense because like I say I'm just me 馃え am I missing out on some feelings that regular people have lol maybe I'm just lucky I don't get the feelings of not knowing what I feel like today and tbh I'm glad of that lol it just seems incredibly self obsessed and a bit cringey tbh because why would anybody else even care what I felt like being on a particular day anyway

TheYoungestSibling 路 02/07/2024 18:45

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TheYoungestSibling 路 02/07/2024 18:47

Is Dee short for Delilah, as in "why oh why" did I have to read such claptrap.

Does Dee realise that my describing the population in terms of binary people and non-binary people, a binary is created in which the non/binary people are binary too?

Posted again after pressing post by accident!

Oldfatandfrumpy 路 02/07/2024 18:51

Well i'm sure the super special person will find something else to complain about and highlight their specialness, even if they get waved through no problem

Theeyeballsinthesky 路 02/07/2024 18:55

I bet they鈥檒l be gutted if they go to vote, there鈥檚 no kerfuffle and they鈥檙e just treated like anyone else

Oldfatandfrumpy 路 02/07/2024 18:58

You have to read the comment. I think this one sums it up for me....

You could have avoided attention seeking by using a postal vote.

Zita60 路 02/07/2024 19:08

I love the fact that she is scared of having to out herself at the polling station if there's an issue with her ID. It's blindingly obvious to everyone but her that she is female, so she'll out herself as soon as she walks into the polling station.


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ditalini 路 02/07/2024 19:11

Ihopeithinkiknow 路 02/07/2024 18:37

This is a genuine question but is it a thing to wake up daily and question what you are? Maybe I'm the odd one out but it has never occurred to me that oh today I feel like a girl or today I feel like a boy lol I have just always woken up feeling like me, I am in fact a woman and have had 2 kids but it's not something that I actually feel if that makes sense because like I say I'm just me 馃え am I missing out on some feelings that regular people have lol maybe I'm just lucky I don't get the feelings of not knowing what I feel like today and tbh I'm glad of that lol it just seems incredibly self obsessed and a bit cringey tbh because why would anybody else even care what I felt like being on a particular day anyway

I think once people come across the term "dysphoria" then any sense of unease they have gets put under that label.

So "I feel sad", "I don't fit in", "I'm not like the other girls" means you're dysphoric and there must be a REASON.

And that reason, for a lot of them, is perfectly developmentally normal solipsism/navel gazing + the Internet.

HappierTimesAhead 路 02/07/2024 19:12

I really resent the conflation of terms associated with being gay (coming out, being outed) and so-called gender identity although is this the opposite of gender-identity because she doesn't identify with a gender but she is still scared of being outed as, what? Outed as female or outed as non-binary? But isn't the latter what she wants to be identified as? Or does she want us to not identify her as anything at all? Perhaps not even a sentient being. In which case she probably can't vote anyway.

Sorry, fell down a thought spiral.

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