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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

HappierTimesAhead · 02/07/2024 19:16

ditalini · 02/07/2024 19:11

I think once people come across the term "dysphoria" then any sense of unease they have gets put under that label.

So "I feel sad", "I don't fit in", "I'm not like the other girls" means you're dysphoric and there must be a REASON.

And that reason, for a lot of them, is perfectly developmentally normal solipsism/navel gazing + the Internet.

I want to say to them, "That feeling of unease? Yes, totally normal reaction to being a woman in the society we live in. In fact, it shows you are 100% a woman because most of us carry that unease around with us. Not because there is something wrong with us but because there is something deeply wrong with misogynistic, patriarchal society we live in. Don't fight with yourself and your body, fight the system!"

ditalini · 02/07/2024 19:22

HappierTimesAhead · 02/07/2024 19:12

I really resent the conflation of terms associated with being gay (coming out, being outed) and so-called gender identity although is this the opposite of gender-identity because she doesn't identify with a gender but she is still scared of being outed as, what? Outed as female or outed as non-binary? But isn't the latter what she wants to be identified as? Or does she want us to not identify her as anything at all? Perhaps not even a sentient being. In which case she probably can't vote anyway.

Sorry, fell down a thought spiral.


The whole movement are absolute magpies in terms of half-inching language that was coined to describe real phenomena.

So, 'outing' appropriated from LGB

'Deadname' appropriated from some parts of the American civil rights movement (compare "slave name")

'Unsafe' from sex based violence/psychiatry

Even 'dysphoria' again from psychiatry as a rare phenomenon which is now used to legitimise changing your name by deedpoll and writing about being scared to vote in a modern democracy (even though you've been assured you can quite easily).

Allthegoodnamesarechosen · 02/07/2024 19:25

InfoSecInTheCity · 02/07/2024 17:46

There is no issue.

The guidance says Dee can show the deed poll to explain the difference between passport name and electoral roll name.

The person Dee spoke to has said the same, so that all Dee needs to do.

Dees specific set of circumstances has been accounted for, a process exists and there is no reason to anticipate anything other than a completely smooth experience at the voting station.

This is absolutely correct. I know because I appear in my married name on the electoral roll , but my photo ID is still in my maiden name.

I went to the polling station for the Police Comissioner election, added complication that the Post office had not delivered my polling card. I gave my address, showed my driving licence, explained my name change. I had my marriage certificate but they didn’t require it.

So no need to worry, Dee ( except that is probably the worst news you could have hear).

AsTreesWalking · 02/07/2024 19:27

What is that revolting thing she's holding so proudly? Is a golden cock with rainbow wings a non-binarysymbol? It looks pretty binary to me! (Sacred lingam, anyone?)

UpThePankhurst · 02/07/2024 19:33

Oh the drama.

ditalini · 02/07/2024 19:35

AsTreesWalking · 02/07/2024 19:27

What is that revolting thing she's holding so proudly? Is a golden cock with rainbow wings a non-binarysymbol? It looks pretty binary to me! (Sacred lingam, anyone?)

Google Lens tells me that she's the happy winner of a Sexual Freedom Award.

So well done Dee. That's nice.

TWETMIRF · 02/07/2024 19:35

AsTreesWalking · 02/07/2024 19:27

What is that revolting thing she's holding so proudly? Is a golden cock with rainbow wings a non-binarysymbol? It looks pretty binary to me! (Sacred lingam, anyone?)

It's a sexual freedom award, comes with the vile strapline 'Honouring pioneers in sexuality, striptease artists, sexual service providers and their allies'

viques · 02/07/2024 19:40

What is the issue? Possesses photo ID in the old name and a letter saying that name has legally changed. What a drama.

maybe the Sexual Freedom award will convince the polling station staff of Dees identity, I would take it with you when you pop along to vote dear.

TWETMIRF · 02/07/2024 19:43

Trans, where you are scared for your life if people find out that you're trans while at the same time plastering your transness all over the place saying LOOK AT ME, I AM TRANS AND THAT'S AMAZING!

Daleksatemyshed · 02/07/2024 19:43

It makes you wonder how some people get anything done in life if voting is so complicated and fraught for them.

StankyMeg · 02/07/2024 19:46

Slightly concerned now. I'm AFAB with lots of tattoos, specs, and shit hair.

What if I'm a special enby and got to 40 without realising.

Ihopeithinkiknow · 02/07/2024 19:48

@ditalini I have felt all of those things in the past especially as a teenager but the internet didn't exist back then 😂 I'm not one for drawing attention to myself anyway but I dread to think the influence it could have had on me. The world is a confusing place and I think that a lot of people growing up these days think they are special or unique when in fact we are all in the same boat

ButtSurgery · 02/07/2024 19:51

So, woman who looks like a woman will have to use ID she failed to change into her new name? But she still looks like a woman so no-one will bat a eyelid.

Why does she think this will be a problem for her again?

MariaLuna · 02/07/2024 19:54

I wouldn't support the return of the death penalty generally but I make an exception for that.


Get thee to a therapist.

Runningupthecurtains · 02/07/2024 20:03

Like many trans+ people, I decided to complete a ‘Voter Authority Certificate’. This is an additional free photo ID provided for folks like me.

Remember people Voter Authority Certificates aren't for just anyone without a passport/driving licence/ other photo ID. Oh no no, it's just 'provided' for special people, 'folks like Dee'. Until someone told Dee they didn't need one so having decided to apply for one they decided not to apply for one but now they are scared.

Chersfrozenface · 02/07/2024 20:03

@MariaLuna You know Mrs Danvers was referring to the use of 'per say', right?

And was being facetious.

viques · 02/07/2024 20:05

ButtSurgery · 02/07/2024 19:51

So, woman who looks like a woman will have to use ID she failed to change into her new name? But she still looks like a woman so no-one will bat a eyelid.

Why does she think this will be a problem for her again?

But she is not a woman, Dee is a special person, Dee is non binary, which means I believe that all sexual identity markers have disappeared from Dees body. Dee no longer has periods, breasts, a vulva,a vagina, a uterus, Fallopian tubes, ovaries, a clitoris , or a female pelvis. It is pretty amazing, and also just a little bit frightening, how so many hundreds and hundreds of thousands of years of human evolution as a binary species can be removed so completely by a deed poll.

I wonder if the deed poll people are aware of the power they yield?

UtopiaPlanitia · 02/07/2024 20:19

Sorry Dee, I have no sympathy.

I live in N Ireland and we've needed photo ID to vote for decades (and we've had to have photos on our driving licences since the 80s). From my experience, try going to vote in a poling station that has paramilitary heavies standing outside it telling everyone who they want us to vote for and then tell me what feeling scared at a polling station feels like.

Compash · 02/07/2024 20:21

Is 'Dee' short for 'Deed Poll'?

NeverDropYourMooncup · 02/07/2024 20:23

Should have emailed the council for a postal vote. Problem solved, no need to faff about or get yourself in the news, no need to pay out to get new acceptable ID.

Chersfrozenface · 02/07/2024 20:24

Compash · 02/07/2024 20:21

Is 'Dee' short for 'Deed Poll'?

Dee D'Poll.

With an apostrophe, like Dee D'Eath.

ditalini · 02/07/2024 20:35

Ihopeithinkiknow · 02/07/2024 19:48

@ditalini I have felt all of those things in the past especially as a teenager but the internet didn't exist back then 😂 I'm not one for drawing attention to myself anyway but I dread to think the influence it could have had on me. The world is a confusing place and I think that a lot of people growing up these days think they are special or unique when in fact we are all in the same boat

Yes, same!

Pre-internet we just did things like listen to The Smiths or Joy Division or Tori Amos, or wear black, or write bad poetry, or keep a diary that's excruciatingly embarassing to read 30 years later 😳

SmugglersHaunt · 02/07/2024 20:38

Scared she won’t get the attention she so desperately craves, more like it.

Me, me, me, me!


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Ereshkigalangcleg · 02/07/2024 20:44

And people say that there is no benefit to requiring photo id?


Ereshkigalangcleg · 02/07/2024 20:46

What an absolute load of self absorbed horse shit. Why didn't didn't just do a postal vote FGS ?

Where's the attention in that though?

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