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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

MrsWhattery · 04/07/2024 15:59

I've looked up the penis award Dee won.

Oo-er. Sexual freedom.... means freedom for penises to do what they like, I guess? Not worrying at all!

It might as well be called the pandering to penises award. If it was really about sex and sexuality why on earth is only one sex represented in the trophy - and isn't that, well, not very non-binary?

Sexual Freedom Awards - Wikipedia

MrsWhattery · 04/07/2024 16:03

Of course there's also Dee Stevens, an NB publisher of a terribly underrepresented demographic, who's very feminine...

GerbilsAllTheWayDown · 04/07/2024 16:04

MrsWhattery · 04/07/2024 15:59

I've looked up the penis award Dee won.

Oo-er. Sexual freedom.... means freedom for penises to do what they like, I guess? Not worrying at all!

It might as well be called the pandering to penises award. If it was really about sex and sexuality why on earth is only one sex represented in the trophy - and isn't that, well, not very non-binary?

Steve Carell Ew GIF by Focus Features

What an awful award - both aesthetically and for what it represents.

It makes me want to shout "PUT IT AWAY!!!" 😂

Emdubz70 · 04/07/2024 16:12

Thanks to all things Dee, I’m now stuck with Deee-lite’s ‘Groove is in the heart’ in my head.

SidewaysOtter · 04/07/2024 16:14

Well, this is what happens when you make your identity all about being hard done by.

SerendipityJane · 04/07/2024 16:29

Emdubz70 · 04/07/2024 16:12

Thanks to all things Dee, I’m now stuck with Deee-lite’s ‘Groove is in the heart’ in my head.

What a banger !

OP posts:
duc748 · 04/07/2024 16:35

Listening now! 😃

ApocalipstickNow · 04/07/2024 16:37

Dee- licious

TWETMIRF · 04/07/2024 17:55

MrsWhattery · 04/07/2024 15:59

I've looked up the penis award Dee won.

Oo-er. Sexual freedom.... means freedom for penises to do what they like, I guess? Not worrying at all!

It might as well be called the pandering to penises award. If it was really about sex and sexuality why on earth is only one sex represented in the trophy - and isn't that, well, not very non-binary?

Now, now. We all know it's not real sex if it doesn't involve a penis.

Chersfrozenface · 04/07/2024 17:57

TWETMIRF · 04/07/2024 17:55

Now, now. We all know it's not real sex if it doesn't involve a penis.

As I recall, Queen Victoria agreed with you.

BreatheAndFocus · 04/07/2024 18:14

How utterly pathetic! Being NB does not make it harder to vote 🙄 The constant victimhood of this group is self-indulgent crap. Perhaps theyselves should go out into the world and find out what real problems people are dealing with?

“For as long as I can remember, I’ve never felt like a girl or a boy”

Dear Dee,
Girls and boys can do/wear/feel whatever they want and it doesn’t change the fact they’re a girl or a boy. Unless, of course, you have very regressive ideas about silly gender stereotypes - which, of course, most of these ooh-so-modern non-binary peeps do. Being innately conservative, they can’t conceive of the idea of being a girl and liking ‘boy things’. But, rather than updating their thinking, they decide they must be ‘non-binary’. That or they’re embarrassed about being boring and think saying their NB will make them more special and interesting. Spoiler - it doesn’t.

CocoapuffPuff · 04/07/2024 18:18

Chersfrozenface · 04/07/2024 14:48

The Dee is a river in and on the borders of Wales, mostly quite picturesque.

Its proper name is Dyfrdwy, meaning water of the goddess.,_Aberdeenshire

River Dee, Aberdeenshire - Wikipedia,_Aberdeenshire

Topofthemountain · 04/07/2024 18:23

I've just been to vote, no drama, my 18 year old handed over her voting ID thing and they handed it back. That's all. I made pleasantries whilst waiting for her and the husband to finish and then we left.

Maybe the fear comes from it all being treated as being as dull as dishwater.

Godspeed though, to you, Dee on your epic adventure to the polling station, and remember to be grateful that, like a NI poster pointed out, there are no parliamentary heavies stood outside.

MinnieCauldwell · 04/07/2024 18:26

Dee must utterly exhausting to be around, sucking up all the attention

elgreco · 04/07/2024 18:27

In fairness, a singularity is non binary.

TWETMIRF · 04/07/2024 18:28

I bet nobody has ever asked her how her day was more than once

Chersfrozenface · 04/07/2024 18:32

The Dee in Scotland has the same etymology - the Celtic deva meaning goddess.

River Dee / Afon Dyfrdwy in Wales and its borders.

I’m scared about what will happen when I go to vote
AstonScrapingsNameChange · 04/07/2024 18:33

TWETMIRF · 04/07/2024 18:28

I bet nobody has ever asked her how her day was more than once


FrustyOldCrump · 04/07/2024 18:40

GerbilsAllTheWayDown · 04/07/2024 16:04

What an awful award - both aesthetically and for what it represents.

It makes me want to shout "PUT IT AWAY!!!" 😂

I thought the solid gold penis was a humorous concept confined to Mumsnet. Now I know it's an actual thing. Consider me educated. 😂

viques · 04/07/2024 18:47

Water of the Goddess? Would that be Dee Pee?

Sorry , leaving now, hope Dee managed to vote. Two people were turned away at my polling station while I was there, one not eligible to vote in a general election, one said they had no photo ID and someone else left because they had forgotten their photo ID. None of them were Dee though.

CocoapuffPuff · 04/07/2024 18:50

ROYAL Dee Peeside, I'll have you know.

Sniffs in disdain at the plebs..

lcakethereforeIam · 04/07/2024 18:50

I hope the poll station staff aren't getting grief over the id requirements. On time when I did it we had angry people waving their poll tax bills in our faces (it was a long time ago).

Kelly51 · 04/07/2024 18:58

Not sad, probably nobody was interested.


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Gloomysaurus · 04/07/2024 19:57

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ErinBell01 · 04/07/2024 20:17

I do wonder how Dee knows what being a boy or girl feels like? I've no idea what it would feel like to be a male, I just AM female. No one can know what the opposite sex feels like, you can just go on stereotypes of what they look like. And why didn't you ask for help from your charity?? They'd surely know!

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