Hepatitis B Prenatal Care Provider

Prenatal Care Providers

Prenatal Law - Kansas Law (K.S.A. 65-153F)


*Note: Given a confirmed positive HBsAg test, a negative HBV DNA test does not rule out maternal HBV infection and risk of transmission to the newborn.


  • Notify the Kansas Department of Health and Environment of any patients that test positive for hepatitis B, be sure to provide a copy of the HBsAg test results.
  • Prenatal Care Provider Report Form (DOC)

Counsel Patient

  • Inform patient on hepatitis status
  • Refer patient for appropriate care
  • Provide patient with information regarding additional steps necessary to protect her baby
    • 1st dose of hepatitis B vaccine plus hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIG) at birth
    • Completion of hepatitis B vaccine by 6 months of age
    • HBsAg plus HBsAb testing (PVST) at 9 months of age

Patient Resources