Personal & Family Health

Mother holding her newborn child.

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment's Children and Families Section promotes optimal health for Kansas women and infants, children, and adolescents through systems development activities and grants to local communities.

Grants to local agencies assure the availability of reproductive and perinatal health services and child, school, and adolescent health services at the community level. State staff assures the coordination, supervision, and evaluation of local projects by providing: written guidelines and standards of care; monitoring, technical assistance, and follow-up as necessary; information and educational opportunities to upgrade and develop provider skills in identified need areas; periodic review of state, county, and community data relating to population health status and services utilization. Data reviews are used as guides in resource allocation decisions.

KDHE collaborates with the Department for Children and Families to enroll eligible women and children in KanCare (Medicaid) and to encourage appropriate health care utilization. Resources and training opportunities are provided for school nurses, providers, and other public health professionals to assure the quality of care.

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