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ISPreview.co.uk requires that anybody submitting content to this website, whether it be via our 'Discussion Forum' or 'Reader Reviews' system, observe both current UK laws and best practice on the website; to this end we have designed a simple set of rules.
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IMPORTANT: Visitors agree, through your use of these services, that you will not use this system to post any form of media which is knowingly defamatory, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or that would otherwise violate any law.

The systems stated above do not and cannot preview any media before it is posted and is not responsible for the media, we reserve the right to delete any media for any or no reason whatsoever. You remain solely responsible for the content of your media, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless ISPr, and their agents with respect to any claim based upon your media.

We reserve the right to reveal whatever information we know about you in the event of legal action arising from any media posted by you. You must agree to this and the general rules below if you wish to use the system.

Discussion Forum Rules

  1. Post topics and information in the most appropriate forum category and do not duplicate the same topic into additional forums.

  2. Please do not post abuse towards other forum members and take special care to avoid making any kind of personal attack upon others; such posts should be reported to the sites editor.

  3. Trolling is not allowed (someone who intentionally posts controversial or contrary messages with the intention of baiting users into an argumentative response).

  4. Respect the websites moderators and admins, if you feel any have acted out of tone then please 'Contact' the websites owner privately to discuss your concerns.

  5. Try to make constructive posts and topics.

  6. Those Representing an Internet Service Provider (ISP) or related company and registering on the site must immediately identify themselves to this websites owner before posting ('Contact'). This allows us to identify said individual legitimately to the community with a simple status upgrade.

  7. ISP Representatives should avoid posting in forums that specifically belong to other providers unless it's of a courteous or helpful nature. These forums are not to be used as a commercial battleground.

  8. The forum does not allow third party advertising from its members, we do not tolerate SPAM (junk/marketing messages). Note that signature links to private (personal) or not-for-profit (uncompetitive with ISPr) websites are allowed. ISP Representatives' are also allowed links to their own services, albeit not excessively.

  9. It is recommended that people avoid making usernames that use special characters and spaces; these can cause problems with other systems and may be deleted.

  10. Please avoid posting large images as part of your signature or on the forum in general, they may slow loading for others and distort the site. Likewise signature images should also have small file sizes.

  11. Concerns that regard missing (deleted/vanished) topics should only be raised in private with the websites editor. Usually such things occur as part of routine maintenance, server problems or because somebody has posted material that breaches our rules.

  12. Members must only register one username (account) per person, having multiple identities can lead to abuse of the website and is not allowed.

Reader Review Rules

  1. Try to post reviews that offer some constructive background to your experiences, reviews that contain little or no written opinions (i.e. ratings by themselves) may be erased.

  2. We may remove any review that we deem unacceptable, such as those that contain abuse or following a justified complaint. Note: Complaints may only be investigated if they are posted within 60 days of a review being made, after this time it may become difficult to pursue the reviewer (contact details may have changed etc.) and 60 days is usually more than enough grace.

  3. Please make no more than one review per ISP, any member found to be making several reviews for a single provider via multiple registered usernames is likely to be removed and their reviews erased.

  4. Making lots of reviews within a short space of time may look suspicious, please try to review only those providers that you have used most recently.

  5. ISP Representatives' may NOT review other providers, including their own, as this is considered abuse of the system.

  6. Try to keep your review updated to reflect any changing experiences; this may also help to prevent the review from being erased.

  7. Older reviews may be removed as part of occasional maintenance cycles (two yearly); although this is dependant upon website activity (lots of old and un-updated reviews for a particular provider are more likely to be cleaned up).

  8. Please only try to review ISPs that you an existing member of.

  9. ISPs are not allowed to promote the posting of reviews to 'selected' (private) customers as this may produce an unnatural bias in the ratings. However, a public link (via website) to the system and general (impartial) message is perfectly acceptable (if promoted via email then we recommend linking to an easily discoverable public page on your site, which can then link back to ISPreview, thus avoiding concern over self-selected customer samples).

  10. ISPreview.co.uk reserves the right to remove any review if we are not confident that the poster has been an active customer of the reviewed ISP. Removals of this kind are more likely where a member has posted the review from behind an anonymous proxy, VPN and or email service, which makes it harder to validate your status as a customer of the ISP.

  11. Please try to review honestly and avoid 1/1 or 10/10 ratings, nothing is perfect.

  12. ISPreview.co.uk reserves the right to remove or NOT to add a new ISP to our review or listings system if those involved in its management or ownership have previously presided over other ISP(s) that caused harm to consumers through collapse or other poor practices.
  13. We often leave a 1-2 year gap between adding new ISPs to our ISP Listings and the ISP Reviews system, which allows time for the provider to establish themselves and prove their credentials.

ISP Right to Reply (RtR) Rules (Reader Reviews)

  1. ISP's must try to keep their reply as short and to the point as possible (ideally no more than one normal sized paragraph), in recognition of the fact that the review system imposes a blanket word / character limit upon content to avoid information attacks/floods and spam. In rare cases it may not be possible to add the reply due to the original review being extremely long.

  2. ISP's must remember that the review system is not a discussion forum and should form their response in such a way as to avoid asking questions or other remarks that would not suit this linear interaction content model.

  3. ISP's must recognise that any RtR content must obey standard site rules and also avoid being antagonistic; RtR's are not a tool for making accusations.

  4. ISP's must recognise that ISPreview is a free site and thus there is no minimum or upper time period for how long it will take us to add an RtR.

  5. ISP's must add the following liability waver/notice below their RtR content, when submitting to ISPreview's editor.

    * In adding this content [INSERT ISP NAME] agrees and recognises that ISPreview (MarkJ) is not editing/adjusting the original review authors content in any way, shape or form that would cause the website to inherit its legal liability. [INSERT ISP NAME] agrees not to pursue related legal action against ISPreview.

  6. ISPreview reserves the right not to publish any RtR content that we deem unfit or unsuitable. In most cases the RtR will only require a minor adjustment to resolve this.

  7. Related review authors/members must avoid interfering with any RtR content as doing so repeatedly may result in a restriction to your ISPreview website access. ISPs are similarly requested to keep a copy of their submitted RtR, in case we need to add it back, as ISPreview cannot guarantee a system for doing this. Take note that we are human and cannot memorise review content, as a result it is entirely the ISPs own responsibility to spot if their RtR has been changed or removed and to forward a copy of the original for re-adding as appropriate.

  8. ISP's must avoid requesting multiple changes to a single RtR as this would be impractical to maintain for a free website with hundreds of ISPs. Please try to ensure that your RtR is correct (grammar, spelling and content) first time out. ISPreview will only adjust the RtR when absolutely necessary.

  9. The RtR system is manual and on a free spare-time website; please only ask for an RtR to be added in truly exceptional circumstances (i.e. requesting an RtR for every negative review would not be acceptable) and for recent reviews (e.g. the last month). ISPreview does not have the capacity to handle multiple requests and if received or deemed to be interfering with normal website operations then we will delay or refuse to post more.
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