Teres's Reviews > The Only One Left

The Only One Left by Riley Sager
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bookshelves: gothic, thriller

It’s best to approach Riley Sager’s latest release, The Only One Left, knowing as little as possible. To that end, allow me to fill you in…

This is a gothic whodunit set in 1983, where we meet Kit McDeere, a home-health aide providing live-in assistance to recluse Lenora Hope who’s confined to a wheelchair and, thanks to a stroke, able to use only her left hand to communicate.

Lenora was accused, though never convicted, of murdering her wealthy Maine family decades earlier in a Lizzie Borden-like massacre.

Now the subject of a playground rhyme — At 17, Lenora Hope / Hung her sister with a rope / Stabbed her father with a knife / Took her mother’s happy life / It wasn’t me, Lenora said / But she’s the only one not dead — Lenora has never spoken publicly about the murders nor has she been seen outside her family home since that night in 1929.

Caregiver Kit hasn’t worked since being suspended without pay six months earlier for failing to lock up a bottle of fentanyl that led to her last client’s fatal overdose. 

Oh, I should also mention that Lenora’s last nurse up and left without any notice… in the middle of the night. Eeek.

Like all good gothic thrillers, the story's location is a character itself. The crumbling cliffside mansion, Hope’s End, teeters on the edge of the Atlantic. Sager provides vivid and haunting descriptions of the seaside home with its cracking walls, steadily tilting floors, shadowy doorways, footsteps at night, and blurry figures in windows.

The novel moves between Kit’s first-person narration in the present and Lenora’s typewritten account of her life leading up to the incident.

If you’re looking for twists, turns, and buried secrets, this story offers them in spades.

Much like Hope’s End itself, Sager will have you on the edge right up until the very last page.
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Comments Showing 1-28 of 28 (28 new)

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theliterateleprechaun I bought this last weekend and it's sitting on my dresser waiting for me to have a day off to binge-read it! I've noted to return to your review and read it after I finish the book. Good to know I've got a great read ahead of me. 😍

Maureen Great review Teres, glad you enjoyed it too ❤️‍🩹

message 3: by Kaceey (new) - added it

Kaceey Fantastic review Teres! Glad you enjoyed!💜

Teju  A im excited to read this....

ReadAlongWithSue ★⋆. ࿐࿔ Just got my nose into this one again…..hope I don’t get interrupted)

Margaret M - (too far behind to catch up although trying to spend more time on GR) Excellent review Teres

Sharon Orlopp Excellent review, Teres!

Nilguen Can’t wait to read this one 🤓

message 9: by Barbara (new)

Barbara This has Lizzie Borden vibes, playground rhyme and all! Great review Teres!!

Rachel Hanes Fantastic review, Teres! 💗 So glad that you enjoyed this one too!

message 11: by Chris Lee (new)

Chris Lee You had me at the sea side town and the crumbling mansion.

message 12: by Mimi (new) - rated it 2 stars

Mimi Great review, Teres! I haven't loved anything by Sager so far, this one does sound promising though 🤔

Teres Mimi wrote: "Great review, Teres! I haven't loved anything by Sager so far, this one does sound promising though 🤔"

This is only my second, Mimi. The House Across the Lake was a huge disappointment, so he redeemed himself with this new release.

message 14: by Federico (last edited Jul 30, 2023 10:07AM) (new) - added it

Federico DN I see so many mixed reviews with Sager. Glad to hear this one was a winner. Hoping to read one of his books someday. Great review Teres!

message 15: by Rosh (new)

Rosh Excellent review, Teres! Glad you enjoyed this.

Wyetha I just purchased the audio book I can’t wait to get started

Tina Oh gosh I'm loving the sound of this one perhaps for the Fall 🎃 Love that it's set in 1983 as well. I'm adding it thanks to your very fine review 🤩

Heather Adores Books I don't have much luck with him, but I'll probably still read it.

Teres Heather Adores Books wrote: "I don't have much luck with him, but I'll probably still read it."

Sager redeemed himself with this one, Heather.

message 20: by Darla (new)

Darla If you’re looking for twists, turns, and buried secrets, this story offers them in spades. This sounds like one I would love. Wonderful review, Teres!

message 21: by A (new) - added it

A Mac Ooo, this one sounds quite good - you've convinced me on this one. Great review, Teres!

message 22: by Kay (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kay Glad you enjoyed Teres! I can't wait to start this one. 🥰

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Fabulous review, Teres! I need to read this!

message 24: by Ulana (new) - added it

Ulana Rey Fantastic review, Teres!

Sharon Orlopp OMG! Your review left me hanging so I have to read it!!

message 26: by Kat (new) - added it

Kat I wrote him off after Home Before Dark, but you've convinced me to give him another try. Great review, Teres! 💗

TARA (semi-hiatus): My dog’s health is not good🐕‍🦺❤️‍🩹my reviews WBL— Fantastic review, Teres! This was my first time reading a book by Sager, and I loved it!! I was on the edge of my seat until the end, and I look forward to reading more of his books!

Provin Martin Great review! I liked this one too!!

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