Rachel Hanes's Reviews > The Only One Left

The Only One Left by Riley Sager
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bookshelves: book-of-the-month, books-i-own

After reading ‘The House Across The Lake’ last year (and not much caring for it), I wasn’t sure if Sager would be able to redeem himself once again with this newest release. Well, he certainly has, because ‘The Only One Left’ is a real humdinger! 😉

In this story we have Kittredge (Kit) McDeere who becomes a live-in caretaker for the infamous Lenora Hope. Lenora Hope was accused of murdering her parents and sister in 1929. There was never enough evidence to formally charge and convict Lenora, therefore she never went to prison. However, Lenora has lived bedridden for decades due to paralysis from sickness and strokes- never leaving her room at Hope’s End, the mansion in which she grew up in. It seems as if Lenora has lived like a prisoner for decades. After meeting Kit, Lenora decides it’s time to tell her story…

Lenora is able to type on a typewriter with the only hand she is able to use, her left hand. While the sentences and words come out slow, Lenora sure has a story to tell! Kit McDeere will also stop at nothing to get this story from Lenora!

My advice to you is to read this book when you don’t have any plans, because you will want to read this book from start to finish with no interruptions! Trust me, if life and responsibilities didn’t get in the way, I would have devoured this book in one sitting!

My favorite book by Riley Sager is ‘Home Before Dark’, and this book is definitely a very close runner up (that’s why I had to drop a few points). Do I recommend this book? Heck yes!!

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Reading Progress

February 25, 2023 – Shelved
February 25, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read
June 4, 2023 – Shelved (Kindle Edition)
June 4, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read (Kindle Edition)
July 7, 2023 – Started Reading
July 8, 2023 –
page 120
July 11, 2023 – Shelved as: book-of-the-month
July 11, 2023 – Shelved as: books-i-own
July 11, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 70 (70 new)

message 1: by Darla (new)

Darla This one looks good. Anticipating your review, Rachel! 🥰📚

Rachel Hanes Darla wrote: "This one looks good. Anticipating your review, Rachel! 🥰📚"

Thanks, Darla!! 💗I’m hoping to finish this soon! 🤗

Heather Adores Books This is great to hear because I was not a fan either of the last one. Fab review, Rachel!

message 4: by Darla (new)

Darla Rachel wrote: "Darla wrote: "This one looks good. Anticipating your review, Rachel! 🥰📚"

Thanks, Darla!! 💗I’m hoping to finish this soon! 🤗"

Intriguing and enticing review, Rachel. Definitely interested in reading this one myself.😘

message 5: by Barbara (new)

Barbara He redeemed himself! Wonderful news, and wonderful review Rachel.

Rachel Hanes Raquel wrote: "Excellent review, Rachel. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. 🤗"

Thank you, Raquel!! 💗 And you are welcome!

Rachel Hanes Heather Adores Books wrote: "This is great to hear because I was not a fan either of the last one. Fab review, Rachel!"

Thank you, Heather!! He truly redeemed himself again!

Rachel Hanes Darla wrote: "Rachel wrote: "Darla wrote: "This one looks good. Anticipating your review, Rachel! 🥰📚"

Thanks, Darla!! 💗I’m hoping to finish this soon! 🤗"

Intriguing and enticing review, Rachel. Definitely inte..."

Thank you, Darla! 💗 I hope you enjoy this one as well!

Rachel Hanes Barbara wrote: "He redeemed himself! Wonderful news, and wonderful review Rachel."

Thank you so much, Barbara!! 🤗

message 10: by JanB (new) - rated it 4 stars

JanB I struggled a bit with The House Across the Lake (among others), and like you, I also enjoyed Home Before Dark (again, among others), so he is hit or miss with me too.
This was great fun, and I’m glad we both enjoyed it. Great review Rachel!

Rachel Hanes JanB wrote: "I struggled a bit with The House Across the Lake (among others), and like you, I also enjoyed Home Before Dark (again, among others), so he is hit or miss with me too.
This was great fun, and I’m g..."

Thank you, Jan! This book was great fun! And like you, I would have to agree that this author is hit or miss for me as well.

Summer Fantastic review, Rachel! I really enjoyed this one too!

message 13: by A (new) - added it

A Mac Oh this one sounds good, you've got me intrigued! Excellent review, Rachel!

Rachel Hanes Summer wrote: "Fantastic review, Rachel! I really enjoyed this one too!"

Thank you, Summer!! I’m glad we both enjoyed this one! 🤗

Rachel Hanes A wrote: "Oh this one sounds good, you've got me intrigued! Excellent review, Rachel!"

Thank you, A!! I hope you decide to read it! It’s a good one! :)

JaymeO Terrific review! I couldn’t agree more! It was my favorite of his, just surpassing Home Before Dark!

Rachel Hanes JaymeO wrote: "Terrific review! I couldn’t agree more! It was my favorite of his, just surpassing Home Before Dark!"

Thank you, Jayme! While I still have Home Before Dark as my favorite, this book comes in at a close second! :)

message 18: by Rosh (new)

Rosh I love the word "humdinger" and shall strive to use it in one of my reviews some day. 😄 Happy this worked so well for you, Rachel. Wonderful review! 💞

Rachel Hanes Rosh wrote: "I love the word "humdinger" and shall strive to use it in one of my reviews some day. 😄 Happy this worked so well for you, Rachel. Wonderful review! 💞"

Thank you, Rosh!! 💗 I love the word “humdinger” as well, and we can thank Mr. Sager for it, because he used this word several times throughout this novel (I was loving it!!). I will be looking forward to seeing future use of this word. Lol! 😁

message 20: by Srivalli (new)

Srivalli Rekha So glad this worked for you, Rachel. Superb review. :)

Rachel Hanes Srivalli wrote: "So glad this worked for you, Rachel. Superb review. :)"

Thank you, Srivalli! :)

message 22: by Melissa (new) - added it

Melissa ~ Bantering Books I'll take your recommendation, Rachel. I've yet to read Sager and may make this my first one. :)

message 23: by Kaceey (new) - added it

Kaceey Terrific review Rachel! Glad you enjoyed!💜

Rachel Hanes Melissa wrote: "I'll take your recommendation, Rachel. I've yet to read Sager and may make this my first one. :)"

Melissa, I am so surprised you haven’t read anything by Sager yet?! I do suggest this book then, as it is pretty fun and twisty! :)

Rachel Hanes Kaceey wrote: "Terrific review Rachel! Glad you enjoyed!💜"

Thank you, Kaceey! 💗

Teres Phew, so glad to see those stars and read your stellar review, Rachel. After the debacle that was The House Across the Lake, I was leery of another OTT read. Have this one on the back burner and now I'm excited to dive in! 🙌🏻

Rachel Hanes Teres wrote: "Phew, so glad to see those stars and read your stellar review, Rachel. After the debacle that was The House Across the Lake, I was leery of another OTT read. Have this one on the back burner and no..."

Thank you, Teres!! I hope you enjoy this one!! This book is nothing like ‘The House Across the Lake’ (thank God!) 🤗

Melissa (Trying to Catch Up) Glad you enjoyed, I am so hesitant after House Across the Lake.

Rachel Hanes Melissa (Back But Always Behind) wrote: "Glad you enjoyed, I am so hesitant after House Across the Lake."

Thanks, Melissa! I was hesitant too, but I ended up really liking it! :)

Shelley's Book Nook Wonderful review, Rachel. I haven't read this author before but I bought this one. 💕🤗

message 31: by Angela (new)

Angela Wonderful review, Rachel! Glad you enjoyed.

Margaret M - (too far behind to catch up although trying to spend more time on GR) Fabulous review Rachel 💖

message 33: by Nora (new) - added it

Nora Currie Fantastic review, Rachel!

Rachel Hanes Shelley was in Hospital. Catching up slowly. wrote: "Wonderful review, Rachel. I haven't read this author before but I bought this one. 💕🤗"

Thank you, Shelley! 💗 I hope you enjoy this one when you do read it - I’ll be curious to see what you think. I also hope all is well with you and you are feeling better! 🤗

Rachel Hanes Angela wrote: "Wonderful review, Rachel! Glad you enjoyed."

Thank you, Angela! :)

Rachel Hanes Margaret M - wrote: "Fabulous review Rachel 💖"

Thank you, Margaret! 💗

Rachel Hanes Nora wrote: "Fantastic review, Rachel!"

Thank you, Nora! :)

Rachel Hanes Carol wrote: "Fantastic review, Rachel 💙!!! Glad you enjoyed this one too!"

Thank you, Carol! 💗 My second favorite by Sager!

message 39: by Wendy (new)

Wendy Great review riley sager has been hit or miss with me as well!!

Rachel Hanes Wendy wrote: "Great review riley sager has been hit or miss with me as well!!"

Thank you, Wendy!! This one ended up being a hit! :)

Holly  B (slower pace!) Looking forward to this one! 🙌

Rachel Hanes Holly wrote: "Looking forward to this one! 🙌"

Holly, I hope you enjoy this one too!! I will be watching for your thoughts on this one. 🤗

message 43: by Michelle (new)

Michelle Excellent review, Rachel! 💖 I am so glad you were thoroughly entertained.

message 44: by Kara (new) - rated it 5 stars

Kara Great review!! Looking forward to this one!!

Rachel Hanes Michelle wrote: "Excellent review, Rachel! 💖 I am so glad you were thoroughly entertained."

Thank you, Michelle! 💗 This was very entertaining!

Rachel Hanes Kara wrote: "Great review!! Looking forward to this one!!"

Thank you, Kara! I hope you enjoy this one as well!

message 47: by Jayne (new)

Jayne Fabulous review, Rachel. I have never had much luck with this author but after reading your awesome review, you sold me on this one. So glad that you enjoyed the book!

Rachel Hanes Jayne wrote: "Fabulous review, Rachel. I have never had much luck with this author but after reading your awesome review, you sold me on this one. So glad that you enjoyed the book!"

Thank you so much, Jayne! I sure hope you enjoy this book as much as I did! 🤗

message 49: by Federico (new) - added it

Federico DN Man responsibilities suck! Always getting in the way of a bookworm's life lol. Fantastic review Rachel! An excellent runner up indeed.

Rachel Hanes Federico wrote: "Man responsibilities suck! Always getting in the way of a bookworm's life lol. Fantastic review Rachel! An excellent runner up indeed."

Yes,- responsibilities always get in the way of a bookworms life! Lol! 😂 Thank you, Federico- this was truly an excellent runner up!

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