Maureen 's Reviews > The Only One Left

The Only One Left by Riley Sager
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A spooky mansion frozen in time, perched on the rocky cliffs, and slowly crumbling towards the churning waters of the Atlantic below - this is Hope’s End, the home of elderly Lenora Hope, the only surviving member of her family. Her mother, father, and sister were murdered in a blood fest one night in 1929, with Lenora being the main suspect. However, she completely denied it and the evidence wasn’t enough to convict her, but the townspeople have always believed that she’s guilty, and her reputation is reduced to a schoolyard chant, much like the infamous Lizzie Borden -

At seventeen, Lenora Hope
Hung her sister with a rope
Stabbed her father with a knife
Took her mother’s happy life

It’s now 1983, and Kit McDeere arrives at Hope’s End as a caregiver to Lenora. It isn’t a job that she wants, but after one of her patients died in suspicious circumstances, well it’s a case of beggars can’t be choosers. To say she’s apprehensive is an understatement, Kit has grown up with the stories about Lenora and understandably, that makes her anxious. She’s even more anxious when she discovers that Lenora’s previous caregiver, Mary, left the house in the middle of the night and hasn’t been seen or heard of since!

The creaky old mansion is the perfect backdrop for this creepy story, and I hadn’t a clue what was really going on, who or what to believe, but of course that made it all the more interesting! With twist after twist towards the end, Sagar has created a story of mystery and suspense that ensures the pages keep on turning ever faster.

*Thank you to Netgalley and Hodder and Stoughton for an ARC in exchange for an honest unbiased review *
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May 19, 2023 – Started Reading
May 19, 2023 – Shelved
May 23, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 75 (75 new)

message 1: by Melissa (new) - added it

Melissa ~ Bantering Books I'm glad you enjoyed it, Maureen! The reviews for it are very divided. :)

Maureen Melissa wrote: "I'm glad you enjoyed it, Maureen! The reviews for it are very divided. :)"

Thanks Melissa, they certainly are! ❤️‍🩹

message 3: by Jenna (new)

Jenna ❤ ❀  ❤ This sounds like a great Halloween read, with such a creepy setting.... I'd love to live in an old mansion overlooking the Atlantic, somewhere up in New England or other colder place, but I think I'll stay away from Hope's End.

Maureen Jenna wrote: "This sounds like a great Halloween read, with such a creepy setting.... I'd love to live in an old mansion overlooking the Atlantic, somewhere up in New England or other colder place, but I think I..."

You definitely wouldn’t want to be at Hope’s End Jenna😂

message 5: by Karen (new)

Karen Oh Maureen you are so good at weaving a story with your review! Love this one! Thank you! :)

Shelley's Book Nook So glad you enjoyed this, Maureen. Another excellent review! 😍

message 7: by Annette (new)

Annette Great review Maureen :)

message 8: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen Glad Sagar delivered another good one for you, Maureen. Nice review

message 9: by Rosh (new)

Rosh Wonderful review, Maureen! This looks like a nice atmospheric read. 💙

Maureen Karen wrote: "Oh Maureen you are so good at weaving a story with your review! Love this one! Thank you! :)"

Aww thanks Karen 🩵

Maureen ❀Shelley's Book Nook❀ wrote: "So glad you enjoyed this, Maureen. Another excellent review! 😍"

Thanks very much Shelley 💜

Maureen Annette wrote: "Great review Maureen :)"

Many thanks Annette 🌸

Maureen Jen CAN wrote: "Glad Sagar delivered another good one for you, Maureen. Nice review"

Cheers Jen 🌸

Maureen Rosh [semi-hiatus] wrote: "Wonderful review, Maureen! This looks like a nice atmospheric read. 💙"

Thanks Rosh, definitely! ❤️‍🩹

message 15: by Cara (new)

Cara Wonderful review, Maureen💞!!!!!!!!!

Maureen Cara wrote: "Wonderful review, Maureen💞!!!!!!!!!"

Thanks so much Cara ❤️‍🩹

Sujoya(theoverbookedbibliophile) Terrific review, Maureen!🧡

message 18: by Diane (new)

Diane Wallace Great review, Maureen! ;)

Rachel Hanes Terrific review, Maureen!! 💗 I’m so looking forward to reading this one!!

Tina Sounds so good. I have yet to try this author. I will soon. Great review!

Maureen Sujoya wrote: "Terrific review, Maureen!🧡"

Thanks so much Sujoya 💜

Maureen Diane wrote: "Great review, Maureen! ;)"

Thanks Diane!

Maureen Rachel wrote: "Terrific review, Maureen!! 💗 I’m so looking forward to reading this one!!"

Thanks very much Rachel, hope you enjoy it ❤️‍🩹

Maureen Tina wrote: "Sounds so good. I have yet to try this author. I will soon. Great review!"

Definitely worth a try Tina, thank you 🌸

Debra Terrific review, Maureen!

message 26: by Mary Beth (new)

Mary Beth Great review! 💕 Can't wait to read this one. I have it on hold at my library.

Teres Fab review, Maureen! I'm excited for its release next month. Sounds creepy good. 😳

Maureen Debra wrote: "Terrific review, Maureen!"

Thanks very much Debra 🌸

Maureen Mary Beth wrote: "Great review! 💕 Can't wait to read this one. I have it on hold at my library."

Thanks Mary Beth, hope you enjoy it! 💜

Maureen Teres wrote: "Fab review, Maureen! I'm excited for its release next month. Sounds creepy good. 😳"

Thanks very much Teres, it was! Enjoy it 💓

message 31: by [deleted user] (new)

Splendid review, Maureen! When I was a kid my family was friends with folks who had a house named "Cares End" on a promontory. No way you could confuse these two. Ha! Ha!

message 32: by Kay (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kay Great review Maureen, can't wait!!!🤩

Maureen Bob - in & out - on assignment wrote: "Splendid review, Maureen! When I was a kid my family was friends with folks who had a house named "Cares End" on a promontory. No way you could confuse these two. Ha! Ha!"

Haha! Thanks Bob.

Maureen Kay ☼ wrote: "Great review Maureen, can't wait!!!🤩"

Thanks Kay, enjoy! 💕

Tamar...playing hooky for a few hours today Fantastic review Maureen...I'm so looking forward to this

message 36: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine Excellent review, Maureen! I’m regretting not requesting this one! It sounds spooky.

message 37: by Kaceey (new) - added it

Kaceey Excellent review Maureen!💞

Maureen Tamar...playing hooky for a few hours today wrote: "Fantastic review Maureen...I'm so looking forward to this"

Thanks so much Tamar, hope you enjoy it!

Maureen Jasmine wrote: "Excellent review, Maureen! I’m regretting not requesting this one! It sounds spooky."

Many thanks Jasmine, really enjoyed it!

Maureen Kaceey wrote: "Excellent review Maureen!💞"

Many thanks Kaceey ❤️‍🩹

message 41: by Sue (new)

Sue Gerhardt Griffiths Splendid review, Maureen! 💕

Maureen Sue wrote: "Splendid review, Maureen! 💕"

Thanks very much Sue ❤️‍🩹

Holly  B (slower pace!) Wonderful review Maureen, and on my list! 🤩

Peggy Reading this now.

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Fabulous review, Maureen! This sounds like twisty fun!

message 46: by Deanna (new)

Deanna Great review, Maureen!

Tracy  Amazing review, Maureen! SO looking forward to this one! So glad you had a great time! ♥︎

Maureen Holly wrote: "Wonderful review Maureen, and on my list! 🤩"

Thanks very much Holly, hope you enjoy it ❤️‍🩹

Maureen Peggy wrote: "Reading this now."

Hope you enjoy it Peggy!

Maureen Meredith (Slowly Catching Up) wrote: "Fabulous review, Maureen! This sounds like twisty fun!"

Thanks Meredith, yes it was!

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