
Brain Damage Quotes

Quotes tagged as "brain-damage" Showing 1-11 of 11
Rachel Caine
“Glad it was you and not me," Shane said, and offered Myrin a hand up. "Any brain damage?"
"Since the bullet actually passed through his brain, then yes, idiot boy, there's certainly brain damage," Oliver said. "It will pass. His brain's the least fragile thing about him."
"You say the nicest things," Myrin said. He was slurring his words, and he threw an arm around Oliver's neck. "Marry me.”
Rachel Caine, Fall of Night

Tom Robbins
“If you want your tree to produce plenty o' fruit, you've got to cut it back from time to time. Same thing with your neural cells. Some people might call it brain damage. I call it prunin'.”
Tom Robbins, Jitterbug Perfume

“Working simultaneously, though seemingly without a conscience, was Dr. Ewen Cameron, whose base was a laboratory in Canada's McGill University, in Montreal. Since his death in 1967, the history of his work for both himself and the CIA has become known. He was interested in 'terminal' experiments and regularly received relatively small stipends (never more than $20,000) from the American CIA order to conduct his work. He explored electroshock in ways that offered such high risk of permanent brain damage that other researchers would not try them. He immersed subjects in sensory deprivation tanks for weeks at a time, though often claiming that they were immersed for only a matter of hours. He seemed to fancy himself a pure scientist, a man who would do anything to learn the outcome. The fact that some people died as a result of his research, while others went insane and still others, including the wife of a member of Canada's Parliament, had psychological problems for many years afterwards, was not a concern to the doctor or those who employed him. What mattered was that by the time Cheryl and Lynn Hersha were placed in the programme, the intelligence community had learned how to use electroshock techniques to control the mind. And so, like her sister, Lynn was strapped to a chair and wired for electric shock. The experience was different for Lynn, though the sexual component remained present to lesser degree...”
Cheryl Hersha, Secret Weapons: How Two Sisters Were Brainwashed to Kill for Their Country

Abhijit Naskar
“Cognitive reality of an individual solely arises from the make-up of that individual’s brain structure. Any kind of damage, like stroke can alter this reality without the awareness of the individual.”
Abhijit Naskar, Time to Save Medicine

David Thorne
“I actually woke up feeling perfectly fine this morning, but I’m not going to let Holly know that. I like the couch bed. She’s brought me several cups of tea and a cheese & pickle sandwich and I’ve only forgotten to look sad once when she entered the room.”
David Thorne, Deadlines Don't Care If Janet Doesn't Like Her Photo

Kristian Ventura
“Are you in there? If not here, then where'd you go?
They say the living arena Earth and the dead are out,
But where are those trapped in-between high and low?
Where exactly are you wandering about?

Why would this happen to a human being?
I want to curse God and call him a fake,
But I am too desperate to risk ruining
The chance he may choose to help today.”
Karl Kristian Flores, Can I Tell You Something?

Seema Yasmin
“You can't go against the NFL. They will squash, he told the PBS news show Frontline.

Seema Yasmin, Viral BS: Medical Myths and Why We Fall for Them

Kristian Ventura
“Are you in there? If not here, then where'd you go?
They say the living are on Earth and the dead are out,
But where are those trapped in-between high and low?
Where exactly are you wandering about?

Why would this happen to a human being?
I want to curse God and call him a fake,
But I am too desperate to risk ruining
The chance he may choose to help today.”
Karl Kristian Flores, Can I Tell You Something?

Kristian Ventura
“Are you in there? If not here, then where'd you go?
They say the living are on Earth and the dead are out,
But where are those trapped in-between high and low?
Where exactly are you wandering about?”
Karl Kristian Flores, Can I Tell You Something?

Leslie Tall Manning
“Life is all about who owes who what. It is a world of debts. If Joe does me a favor, I owe Joe. If I overpay the favor to Joe, then Joe owes me a bit more. It goes on this way until the debt owed feels equal to both parties. But only then. Do you see what I am telling you?”
Leslie Tall Manning, Knock on Wood