
Family Saga Quotes

Quotes tagged as "family-saga" Showing 1-30 of 96
Gwenn Wright
“My heart, for unknown reasons, seems to freeze in motion in my chest. I can see he senses it and he holds his pause to enjoy my suffering, prolonging my ignorance. “Viktor, what?”
Gwenn Wright, The BlueStocking Girl

Amin Maalouf
“... the pursuit of origins is a way of rescuing territory from death and oblivion, a reconquest that ought to be patient, devoted, relentless and faithful.”
Amin Maalouf, Orígenes

John Galsworthy
“When a Forsyte was engaged, married, or born, the Forsytes were present; when a Forsyte died — but no Forsyte had as yet died; they did not die; death being contrary to their principles, they took precautions against it, the instinctive precautions of highly vitalized persons who resent encroachments on their property.”
John Galsworthy, The Forsyte Saga

Sharon L. Reddy
“Love is the net profit on life.”
Sharon L. Reddy, Paradox Equation: Parts 1 & 2

“We tell you, tapping on our brows,
The story as it should be,
As if the story of a house
Were told or ever could be.”
Edwin Robinson

Payton “Sin” Sinclair was an unapologetic people-watcher. As a sports consultant, working with some of
“Payton “Sin” Sinclair was an unapologetic people-watcher. As a sports consultant, working with some of the biggest and most recognizable athletes in sports and business, he had to be able to read the smallest nuances of others. That ability was just one of the unique attributes that set him apart from the competition and made him the go-to person when corporations wanted to align themselves with the top professional athletes in the country.”
Francis Ray, A Dangerous Kiss

Gwenn Wright
“Are you all right,” he whispered, his lips brushing the tips of my spiky hair. Granted, I knew he was only being discreet so as to save poor Hillary from being reamed again, but my knees didn’t know the difference. They betrayed me, buckling under his hot breath on my ear and the deep whisper that tickled my senses.”
Gwenn Wright, Filter

Gwenn Wright
“It seemed to me that Mr. Forrester would approve of a woman who could follow him in conversation and not be baffled by ledgers and currency conversions. I had grossly overestimated him.”
Gwenn Wright, The BlueStocking Girl

Gwenn Wright
“Oil and Water, Daddy calls us. At four years younger than me, Katie is only fourteen and she already has half the boys in town eating from her pretty little hand. She tells me I am too tall and too wicked looking to capture the heart of any sensible young man.”
Gwenn Wright, The BlueStocking Girl

Gwenn Wright
“My life is hard. No one would rob me of that. The clothes I am wearing came out of a knotted up black plastic trash bag from a resale shop downtown. And not the downtown where shiny cars wink at you in the sunlight. If a car winks at you in this area it’s being driven by a person you would be best to avoid.
My side of downtown is crumbling and skirted by chain link fences.
--Rocky Evans”
Gwenn Wright, Filter

Gwenn Wright
“Kevin looks at me and I know he isn’t seeing the little girl I use to be, all pigtails and gangly limbs. He isn’t seeing my mother’s daughter or even my mother anymore. As his eyes linger over me, stopping here and there in the most uncomfortable places, I know he isn’t really even seeing me as I am. The bloodshot eyes staring out of the alcohol-flushed face are seeing a girl, nearly of age, who owes him a tremendous debt of gratitude.--Rocky Evans”
Gwenn Wright, Filter

Cetta De Luca
“Non capì, comprese. Perché comprendere era di più, era un abbraccio, era prendere con sé, era farne parte.”
Cetta De Luca, Nata in una casa di donne

“I knew, deep down, that I was different from my family. I knew just by looking in the mirror.”
Alex Dalton, A View From The Mountain

Gwenn Wright
“We ran on the fuel of youth and hormones and ignorant arrogance, imagining we had the whole world and the workings thereof figured out.”
Gwenn Wright, The BlueStocking Girl

“Tethered to the universe by tendrils of history, with threads of continuity descending to God knows where, I see that I'm more than the dust I'll become.”
Carol Kenny, Whispers from St. Mary's Well

Liana Gardner
“It’s like blowing on embers. The past sparks to life and haunts you.”
Liana Gardner, South of Happy

Liana Gardner
“Home. Such a small word—but meaning so much. I wasn’t headed toward home. I was getting farther and farther away with each passing mile.”
Liana Gardner, Rain Falling on Embers

Colum McCann
“We prefigure our futures by imagining our pasts. To go back and forth. Across the waters. The past, the present, the elusive future. A nation. Everything constantly shifted by the present. The taut elastic of time.”
Colum McCann, TransAtlantic

Marni Mann
“Words that cause a smile. A look of complete contentment and security. The comfort in certain acts - easy ones, like holding someone's hand.”
Marni Mann, The Rebel

Fenna Edgewood
“Does he know? Or are you torturing the poor man?”
“Torturing him?” Gwendolen said with genuine surprise.
“Torturing him into thinking he is the only one in love!”
“Oh.” Gwendolen sighed. “He is not in love with me.” She was not sure what he was. “At least, he has not said so.”
“You sound quite sorry about that. Almost as if you cared.”
Fenna Edgewood, To All the Earls I've Loved Before

Barbara Hinske
“Soon the air was filled with the most joyful sound in a delivery room--the healthy wail of not one, but two newborns. When Dreams There Be”
Barbara Hinske, When Dreams There Be: The Ninth Novel in the Rosemont Series

Barbara Hinske
“Julia accepted a hug and kiss, then wriggled free of Maggie's embrace to throw herself at John.... When Dreams There Be.”
Barbara Hinske, When Dreams There Be: The Ninth Novel in the Rosemont Series

Barbara Hinske
“I'd like to see if he'd look at some things we've found in the attic of the Olsson house. Jeff suspects some of it might be valuable." When Dreams There Be”
Barbara Hinske, When Dreams There Be: The Ninth Novel in the Rosemont Series

Barbara Hinske
“It's a perfect spring evening. Let's have dessert and coffee on the back patio. You're got your choice of chocolate cake or peach pie from Laura's." When Dreams There Be”
Barbara Hinske, When Dreams There Be: The Ninth Novel in the Rosemont Series

Barbara Hinske
“Pete always sat her at this table in the window when she was waiting for Susan. Maggie loved seeing the busy after-work hubbub while she watched for Susan to arrive for their monthly mother daughter dinner." When Dreams There Be”
Barbara Hinske, When Dreams There Be: The Ninth Novel in the Rosemont Series

Barbara Hinske
“Is Kurt taking you out?" Maisie asked. "It is Valentine's Day."

"I wasn't sure when I'd finish my day," Clara said, "so he's making dinner for us.”
Barbara Hinske, Snowflakes, Cupcakes & Kittens: Book 3 in the Paws & Pastries Series

Barbara Hinske
“Noelle stirred at the sound of Clara's voice and pointed her nose in Clara's direction." Snowflakes, Cupcakes & Kittens”
Barbara Hinske, Snowflakes, Cupcakes & Kittens: Book 3 in the Paws & Pastries Series

Barbara Hinske
“I should take them cookies--maybe frosted sugar cookies. I think I have cookie cutters that look like a paw." Snowflakes, Cupcakes & Kittens”
Barbara Hinske, Snowflakes, Cupcakes & Kittens: Book 3 in the Paws & Pastries Series

“She wouldn't see it as a fresh start, or a new life: she'd probably be remembering every bit of her own sad little story, and no amount of that praying she did could disguise it.”
Alison Walsh, All That I Leave Behind: A powerful, heart-breaking story of family secrets

“Isn't it weird that we were both convinced that we loved each other, yet unsure of our own ability of be loved,”
Mary Crawford

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