
Intrigue Quotes

Quotes tagged as "intrigue" Showing 1-30 of 389
Jeremy Aldana
“I am intrigued by the smile upon your face, and the sadness within your eyes”
Jeremy Aldana

Anaïs Nin
“He was now in that state of fire that she loved. She wanted to be burnt.”
Anaïs Nin, Delta of Venus

Max Nowaz
“Get up you lazy bastard. The Governor wants a word with you,” said a guard. 
He opened his eyes and smiled. There was another guard standing near the cell door in 
anticipation of any trouble. The prisoner smiled at him, too. 
Now what can the Governor want from me? He wondered. His dishevelled form seemed 
incapable of coherent thought. “It’s nice of him to remember me,” he said aloud, trying to 
“Surprising he’s got any time for a worthless shit like you,” said the first guard. 
“I once used to be a very important person,” the prisoner said feebly.”
Max Nowaz, The Arbitrator

Gabriel F.W. Koch
“She must feel like Lucifer’s frigid breath is running down the back of her delicate neck.”
Gabriel F.W. Koch, Death Leaves a Shadow

Max Nowaz
“Where’s everybody? I thought you had started production.”
“They’ve got a day off, but don’t worry you’ll see the machinery is here.”
But Brown was worried. As they entered the canteen, the lights came on
automatically. There was nobody there.
“What’s going…...” but he never finished the sentence. Brown felt a sharp pain on the
side of his head and everything went black.”
Max Nowaz, The Arbitrator

Gabriel F.W. Koch
“I watched her undress with moonlight shivering across the room from behind sheer curtains that moved with the currents from the hearth fire.”
Gabriel F.W. Koch, Death Leaves a Shadow

Gabriel F.W. Koch
“I knew I rode a rugged crest of turmoil that might crash on the rocky shore of irrational behavior.”
Gabriel F.W. Koch, Death Leaves a Shadow

Gabriel F.W. Koch
“What the hell, if you are going to roll the dice with Lucifer, I say go the distance.”
Gabriel F.W. Koch, Death Leaves a Shadow

Max Nowaz
“If you always try to subjugate people by coercion, because you are strong, then sooner or later you will run into somebody who is just as strong, if not stronger. Then you'll be in trouble.”
Max Nowaz, The Polymorph

Max Nowaz
“Are you really a reporter?” asked Brown.
“You already asked me that. Come back to Levita, take the pardon.”
 “I doubt I’ll live long enough to get there,” said Brown bitterly.
“I hope you survive. You are a fighter. And we have the antidote for your habit on
Levita. I suggest you take a vacation. There’s nothing much that’s going to happen here.”
With that she left, leaving Brown more confused than ever.
He was a father, he had a son. And, the Levitians had a cure for his drug-addled body.”
Max Nowaz, The Arbitrator

Max Nowaz
“He was planning to take my shape and marry you. Then he was going to kill your father and take over his business empire."
    "And you? What are your plans?"
    "I have no plans to kill your father.”
Max Nowaz, The Polymorph

Max Nowaz
“Where’s my uncle?” she asked.
“I don’t know who your uncle is, but if it as the guy who owned this place before I bought it, then he’s pushing up daisies.”
“But it can’t be, he’s still young.”
Max Nowaz, The Three Witches and the Master

Gabriel F.W. Koch
“I swallowed a sigh since, truthfully, I was glad she found the cabin.”
Gabriel F.W. Koch, Death Leaves a Shadow

Gabriel F.W. Koch
“It was as if we played chess after denying me both bishops and knights.”
Gabriel F.W. Koch, Death Leaves a Shadow

Gabriel F.W. Koch
“The steps leading to the porch looked worn, cracked, and unpainted, ready for a nice hot fire.”
Gabriel F.W. Koch, Death Leaves a Shadow

Andri E. Elia
“Inseparable as sibs—strained as a couple.”
Andri E. Elia, Borealis: A Worldmaker of Yand Novel

K.  Ritz
“Which is the greater sin? To care too much? Or too little?”
K. Ritz, Sheever's Journal, Diary of a Poison Master

Kyle Keyes
“Your little buddy just gave me the greatest
   Christmas gift I've ever gotten.”
Kyle Keyes, Under the Bus

Steven Decker
“The money we spend to help you is really to help ourselves. We invest in you because you will do great things, and we want to be part of it.”
Steven Decker, Projector for Sale

Barbara Sontheimer
“Nearing the Riefler's big red brick house he could see the yellow light spill out on the galerie Yvonne had insisted her German husband wrap around the house.  There was a tightening in Victor's chest.  It happened to him whenever he got close to the Riefler's house, or church on Sunday- anytime he thought he might catch a glimpse of Celena.”
Barbara Sontheimer, Victor's Blessing

Barbara Sontheimer
“Only someone watching him closely like Celena would have noticed his intense preoccupation, and that something in a split second had happened to him.  She wondered where he had gone when he should have been listening to the sermon, where his soul had gone went it had left his body.”
Barbara Sontheimer, Victor's Blessing

Barbara Sontheimer
“Silently she stared at the splintered pieces and felt the flame in her soul gutter.  The flame she had nurtured since she was a child. The flame that had in it what little sparks of happiness she had ever known as well as all her hopes and dreams for the future.  She had tended it so carefully and for so long, and in one, horrendous, agonizing second, felt it simply... go out.”
Barbara Sontheimer, Victor's Blessing

Barry Kirwan
“I’m not convinced we can take them out from a distance, Nathan. That’s always been the American solution, by the way. Bigger guns. Nukes. Drone strikes.”
Barry Kirwan, When the children come

Erik Pevernagie
“Postmen have a legendary aura. A ring at the doorbell may inflame a sense of expectation, suspense, secrecy, hazard or even intrigue. Ringing twice may imply a warning that trouble is on the way or an appeal to make the coast clear. Not all mailmen, though, will ring twice and await an eye-catching Lana Turner, whom they can whisper: "With my brains and your looks, we could go places.” ("The postman always rings twice")”
Erik Pevernagie

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