View allAll Photos Tagged sky

Komandoo Island Resort, Maldives

Mientras Pedro Martin Fernandez y yo esperábamos a Pedro Real, Merche Torres, Aran Gaspar y su equipo y a un personaje muy especial, nos dimos una vuelta por este famoso castillo en ruinas, del que ya puse unas fotos con el móvil y ahora pongo un HDR con la Nikon, como aperitivo de mi próxima publicación 😉

White-tailed Deer, Montana, United States

Winchester Cathedral is a cathedral in Winchester, Hampshire, England. It is one of the largest cathedrals in Europe, with the longest nave and greatest overall length of any Gothic cathedral in Europe.

Dedicated to the Holy Trinity, Saint Peter, Saint Paul, and before the Reformation, Saint Swithun, it is the seat of the Bishop of Winchester and centre of the Diocese of Winchester. The cathedral is a Grade I listed building.

Day 1 of 9: Antarctic Skies


I didn't get any help with suggestions for my next series of 9 so I just went with what grabbed me tonight as I scrolled through images. Skies it is. I hope I have 8 more to share! The bow of the RCGS Resolute with @oneoceanexp.

Clouds looking like a Swallow.


*Note: More pics of Sky and Scenery in my Sky and Scenery Album

Thank you for your visits and appreciate your kind comments my friends..have a great weekend..cheers

tentative de camouflage !!!!

Today more like April wheather: sunshine, shower, windy, cloudy, sunshine... and 12°C.

Whenever things seem to be lackluster in Florida, the one thing we can count on is that the sky will soon provide another beautiful scene to gaze at! From the gloomiest days, to the most stunning, a sky portal usually shows up at some point, making an otherwise unattractive day into a stunning one. Sometimes, it's like looking into the eye of God.

Stunning sunset was our gift after a rough two days of storms and tornadoes The humidity dropped and left us with color and fog and the most breath taking nights we've had in a long time. I almost wanted to put the camera down and just enjoy it.

Dedicada a Pericomart :) Qdd Fotograncanaria en una ruta larguísima pero muy interesante tanto a nivel fotográfico como personal...un día muy especial :)

Walking towards Cannon Street Railway Bridge, then on to London Bridge

Wishing you all a very happy weekend with a beautiful sky;-))

Burleigh Heads, Queensland.

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All images © 2012-2013 Eric Goncalves.


Небо, море, горы

Cielo, mar, montañas

السماء، البحر، الجبال

Silhouette von Liebenau....

5848 heads west through Seligman in June of 97.

My abiding memory of the Orkney Islands - big, big skies!


My Orkney Trip

It was a beautiful morning at Kynance Cove, Cornwall in late September 2017. The wind was blowing, the gulls were flying and no humans could be seen. I loved the different shades of green in the hills and blue in the water.

Sky hunter

Turkey Buzzard

Canonsburg, PA

An Autumn Sunday Afternoon

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