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Situata fra Lacco Ameno e San montano. Ho raggiunto la grotta a nuoto (snorkeling) pinneggiando per circa 1,5 km andata e ritorno. La grotta era profonda e misteriosa: più bella di come la ricordavo.

Kordun's ethno-cultural region: in the south the river Koran, in the west Mrežnica, Kupa in the north and in the east and the Glinaand so-colled "dry" border with Bosnia and Herzegovina. The relief, Kordun the transition zone between the Dinara mountain areas and lowland area of Central Croatian. The terrain is mostly hilly with small hills (200-300 m) that gradually increases toward Petrova Gora, the highest peak of the Kordun, located at its center.

Lonely track vanishing off into the fog

La via lactea, una pequeña Aurora Boreal y el cielo lleno de estrellas con un manto de nieve, no se podia pedir mas, bueno si, mas Auroras.

Taren Point Sydney NSW

Wind and Rain Clouds in the evening sky over Island View Beach Victoria BC

...after 5 minutes, i think, the sky turned to this amazing red... hope you enjoy it as much as i did!


dedicated, once again, to Hiroshi

The sun lights up the sky and produces a sensation in me that makes me sigh. Oh, what a beautiful sky!

Filastrocca del mese di giugno,

il contadino ha la falce in pugno:

mentre falcia l’erba e il grano

un temporale spia lontano.


(G. Rodari)

Blackberry Passport photo

Explore Dec 17, 2008 #379 -- P1120972 Early December morning . . . Norway.

Fire in the sky, Colorado Springs, Colorado

Fen Drayton lakes, Cambridgeshire (UK)


Out for some shots with Luca and Alex on Saturday afternoon and we were extremely lucky with the conditions. Awesome light, awesome clouds, awesome time!

Playa del Carmen - Yucatan


Il mare è senza strade, il mare è senza spiegazioni.

(Alessandro Baricco)

North Shore Blackpool yesterday morning

When we look up into the sky, into the future - we should always try to see past the clouds directly in front of us and see the big picture.


Wonderful Wednesday to you.

Pink Sky at Night...Sailors Delight

sky over wicklow town, outside the old cinema

A cloudless day at Bournda Isalnd. Bournda National Park Far South Coast NSW.

That time when suddenly grey-blue sky begins to play in variety of colours..

This one needs to be seen big. It also needs to be 16-bit, but alas alas alas.


So I took this crazy ass roadtrip. It was awesome. It wasn't what I expected in the slightest because of a last minute addition - namely, my amigo Ben. In the end, it was great to have company and someone else to drive and put up with my special blend of crazy.


Anyway, I shot some long exposure shots, which, I know, is super uncharacteristic. I have a fancy new tripod now - one that can actually support the MII - so star shooting it was. This was a 57 second exposure and I'm pretty pleased with how still my model stayed. ;) Strobist info: iPhone to subject's lower right to illuminate the face. Or to tweet. Whatever.


I don't love 57" because the stars moved just enough to make them look blurry. I don't think I could have managed a shorter exposure, though. And longer would have resulted in some movement, I'm sure. That said, this picture is just as neat as I hoped it would be.


I didn't shoot as much as I'd have liked, but there are so many photos that I love love love. Expect to see them up here soon. And the analog, once that gets processed and whatnot.



Voy por mi camino sin preocupación,

pasa la gente y me miran mal,

pero no me importa, a mí me da lo mismo,

hoy estoy alegre y tengo ganas de saltar.

samyang 8mm fisheye


Efter ett alldeles för långt uppehåll p.g.a flytt ska jag nu försöka hinna med Fotosöndag igen. Roligt med ett tema som fick mig att titta upp i himlen på jakt efter spännande former precis som när jag var barn.

I am not convinced that the struggle up the hill in the dark, over ice and through snow was worth it for the results, but at least we (Stoates-Findhorn) can say we did it!

Surprisingly, we were the only ones up there!

By reading the scriptures I am so renewed that all nature seems renewed around me and with me. The sky seems to be a pure, a cooler blue, the trees a deeper green. The whole world is charged with the glory of God and I feel fire and music under my feet. Thomas Merton

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