View allAll Photos Tagged sky

Ensenada de Berellín. Prellezo, Cantabria

winter refuses to let go...icy wonderland in Lachine Quebec,

Took a quick trip up the Foothills Parkway since I was in the area.


This runs along the top of the Chilhowee Mountain range and looks in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. It's nice to live in the local area and I take advantage of that as often as I can.

Psalm 83 [Greek Septuagint]

"How Beloved Are Thy Dwellings"









Mănăstirea Balamuci - Schitul Sitaru

Balamuci Monastery - Sitaru Skete

church from 1752


Category: Monasteries

Period: sec. XVII - XIX

Importance: A

LMI code: IF-II-a-A-15263

Address: Drum forestier, la 3 km Nord de satul Sitaru

Location: sat BALTA NEAGRĂ; comuna NUCI

District: Ilfov

Region: Muntenia


Brâncovenesc architectural style [incomplete list of buildings]

Constantin Brâncoveanu [1654 – 1714] was Prince of Wallachia between 1688 and 1714.



Explore #461


:( A bunch of my pictures were chosen to be sold on Getty images, but it requires that my files be 3 megapixels or larger and i never shoot files that large. So none of the 22 pictures they chose can be sold :( haha, that's depressing.


Dramatische Wolkenfront auf Norderney

Stew and Tim are pulling off a slingshot start with MNA Train KCMNA 13 after meeting several westbounds at Independence Jct. on the UP Sedalia Sub.


Locomotives: MNA 2760, MNA 2737



Independence, MO

sunrise of spectacular burn. No edits or any form of touch ups. This is rare in #socal since we do not get that great of cloud saturation. Does it not look like sky got oil painted over? :)

The sea hasn't roads, the sea is without explanation.

( Alessandro Baricco )

Thank you for all your kind comments and faves.

“To whom will you compare me?

Or who is my equal?” says the Holy One.

Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens:

Who created all these?

He who brings out the starry host one by one

and calls forth each of them by name.

Because of his great power and mighty strength,

not one of them is missing. (Isaiah 40: 25-26)

These may be Kelvin-Hemholtz cloud formations? I'm pretty sure the bottom one is, and I think the top one wants to be, lol. I had been practicing with the 100mm macro, and I couldn't get the entire cloud with that lens. So I took out my phone and got the whole thing after I shot this one.


CC Rainbow Game = Blue

I am not a friend of November. Dark days, wet and cloudy, dull and cold is the normal mood of this month. This year Novermber started with perfect weather and we enjoyed a great Saturday fishing pike and trout.

Happy New Year!

New year New challenge

Making good ground today being the first of the year...went on a city walk at dawn and made a good head start on this new project. Have to get ahead while I'm motivated. Natural monotone.


Hope everyone has had a happy New Year's Day!


X = Monochrome


Urheberrecht bei Andreas Dlugosch

Dieses Foto ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Ohne meine vorherige schriftliche Genehmigung darf das Foto weder ganz, noch auszugsweise kopiert, verändert, vervielfältigt oder veröffentlicht werden.

©Andreas Dlugosch

Not been very active here lately due to the fact that i have been very busy with house renovations and the 9 to 5 but here is one i took today while flying in a small plane!!

Thank you for a visit, comment or fav!

Sony a99 + Tamron SP 24-70mm F/2.8 Di VC USD

En Finistère

Le Toulinguet, Les Pierres-Noires, St Mathieu, Ouessant...

Dans le ciel : à gauche, le Taureau avec les Hyades (le Tête du T.) et les Pléiades


Staring at the sky puts me in a peaceful frame of mind. I hope that this image brings a little peace to your day too!

Stadskantoor,Beatrixgebouw,De Knoop

wonderful skies have been able to be seen some days ago - now we have almost grey and rainy cold weather...

Sierra de Alcarama


This capture was taken at the end of an exciting day through the Vinales Valley.

Well worth the 2 hour taxi drive to this spectacular region in Cuba.

Please view & enjoy (L)

Distant clouds viewed from the summit of Innerdownie in the Ochils

-Canon 5d mark iii

-Canon 24-105 F4 IS USM L

-Hoya cpl hd

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