View allAll Photos Tagged sky

Land On Black

Following the Raibow I'm arrived in a sort of balcony, and I see....the rainbow.

This is Regione Marche in Italy.

Shot with a CY Distagon 28mm on a Canon 40D.

Whenever things seem to be lackluster in Florida, the one thing we can count on is that the sky will soon provide another beautiful scene to gaze at! From the gloomiest days, to the most stunning, a sky portal usually shows up at some point, making an otherwise unattractive day into a stunning one. Sometimes, it's like looking into the eye of God.

On the River Weser in Germany

On a beach in Costa Rica's Corcovado National Park with pelicans flying formation.

Day 1 of 9: Antarctic Skies


I didn't get any help with suggestions for my next series of 9 so I just went with what grabbed me tonight as I scrolled through images. Skies it is. I hope I have 8 more to share! The bow of the RCGS Resolute with @oneoceanexp.

White-tailed Deer, Montana, United States

Thank you for your visits and appreciate your kind comments my friends..have a great weekend..cheers

Today more like April wheather: sunshine, shower, windy, cloudy, sunshine... and 12°C.

Feliz Martes de Nubes


Gracias a todos por vuestra visita a mí galería, favoritos y comentarios.


Cerro Tusa


Nikon FM10


Fujifilm 200


Epson V370

Der Schärengarten Westschwedens ist mit Sicherheit eines der schönsten Paddel- und Wanderreviere Europas. Tausende von Eilanden liegen vor der Küste des Skageraks, halten die grossen Wellen und starken Winde ab und sind meist unbewohnt. Viele dieser Schären stehen unter Naturschutz und dürfen erst nach der Brutzeit betreten werden.

Voraussetzung in diesem Revier paddeln zu können ist allerdings eine erstklassige Ausrüstung und hohes Können.


Øgruppen Vestsverige er helt sikkert en af de smukkeste vandreture områder i Europa og padle. Tusindvis af øer, der ligger ud for kysten i Skagerak, holde ud de store bølger og stærk vind, og er for det meste ubeboede. Mange af disse øgruppen er beskyttet og kan indtastes efter ynglesæsonen.

At padle krav på dette område, er imidlertid en første klasses udstyr og høj færdighed.


The archipelago of West Sweden is certainly one of the most beautiful hiking areas of Europe and paddle. Thousands of islands lying off the coast of Skagerak, holding off the big waves and strong winds, and are mostly uninhabited. Many of these archipelago are protected and may be entered only after the breeding season.

To paddle requirement in this area, however, is a first-class equipment and high skill.

Walking towards Cannon Street Railway Bridge, then on to London Bridge

Allgäu Panorama near Sonthofen

Panorama made of 3 pics

Clouds looking like a Swallow.


*Note: More pics of Sky and Scenery in my Sky and Scenery Album

Silhouette von Liebenau....

Wishing you all a very happy weekend with a beautiful sky;-))

Небо, море, горы

Cielo, mar, montañas

السماء، البحر، الجبال

The View from Artist Point in Monument Valley - A short spur forks north and climbs gradually to the edge of a plateau, where the ground falls away quite steeply and ahead stretch many miles of flat land punctuated by the familiar peaks of West Mitten Butte, Merrick Butte and East Mitten Butte, plus the more distant pinnacles around Monument Pass. This is Artist's Point, perhaps the second best overlook along the drive (after John Ford's Point), but one rather less visited and so more peaceful. We were there on a winter afternoon.

5848 heads west through Seligman in June of 97.

Thirlmere, Lake District, Cumbria.


Thanks in advance for any comments or favourites you may wish to make.

A pair of Ospreys in their nest next to the old Concord Hotel in Kiamesha Lake, NY.


Dulwich Hill Railway Station

It was a beautiful morning at Kynance Cove, Cornwall in late September 2017. The wind was blowing, the gulls were flying and no humans could be seen. I loved the different shades of green in the hills and blue in the water.

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