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ich wünsche allen Kontakten, Freunden und Bekannten ein gesundes Neues Jahr.

Bei mir fängt es nicht gut an, meine Festplatte ist defekt und alle Bilder von 2014/2015 sind weg

In the Wicklow mountains, Ireland.

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The grain has always fascinated me, may be its history, so bound to the one of the human being, or may be its shape, so much symmetrical and regular. Everytime I pass close to a field of grain I surprise myself quite hypnotized; today was a day with heavy clouds close to my home, and when I noticed this field so green under a sky so leaden, with that strange path in the middle, I could not resist.

I waited patiently for at least an hour for this great geyser to erupt. And it did not disappoint . The Grand Geyser, a classic fountain geyser, erupts with powerful bursts rather than a steady column , like Old Faithful.

An average eruption lasts 12 -15 minutes and bursts are 200 feet. It was a highlight of my trip.

After a heavy rain storm, suddenly some of the heavy clouds parted and the light broke through in dramatic fashion. Taken at Key Biscayne, Florida.

De Poffert, The Netherlands

After a longer time - sorry, I'm a bit tired and at the same time I've a lot to do - I will present a new picture:

Over stock and stone we run today through the forest "Osterholz".

My dog had much fun and I much motifs.


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heading up to Geyser Pass where the aspen groves are putting on the gold.


As always, thanks so much for stopping by.


Copyright 2016 © Merilee Phillips.


All my images are protected under international authors copyright laws and may not be downloaded, reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without my written explicit permission. All rights reserved.

a closer look at the remains of the old Longfellow Mine (circa 1880's).


As always, thanks so much for stopping by.


Copyright 2016 © Merilee Phillips.


All my images are protected under international authors copyright laws and may not be downloaded, reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without my written explicit permission. All rights reserved.

The calm before the storm -

and above us floated the dove of peace :-)

(the large white clouds dove :-))



Bootstour auf der Trave von Travemünde nach Lübeck


Die Ruhe vor dem Sturm -

und über uns schwebt die große weiße Wolkentaube (Friedenstaube) :-)

to El Chatén, Patagonia

Thanks for your visit and comments, I appreciate that very much!

Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission. © all rights reserved.


Regards, Bram (BraCom)


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Shags (Phalacrocorax aristotelis)

Taken on Inner Farne.

I think this is the female greeting the male on his return.

But she may be giving him a load of abuse from the look on his face.....


Fall colour in the woodlands. White Mountains, New Hampshire.

Mount Hunter or Begguya is a mountain in Denali National Park in Alaska. It is approximately eight miles (13 km) south of Denali, the highest peak in North America. "Begguya" means "Child of Denali" in the Dena'ina language. Mount Hunter is the third-highest major peak in the Alaska Range.


Despite being much lower in elevation than Denali Mount Hunter is a more difficult climb, due to its steep faces and corniced ridges; it also sees far less traffic than its larger neighbor.


Some wider comps in comments.


Your views are always appreciated!


....I posted this a while back with an applied vintage edit, but I believe this photo looks "vintage enough" on its on. Have a good week!

Field of rapeseed (Brassica napus) found growing west of Holzgerlingen.

Back to last fall in Utah.

One of the icons of the landscape photograph of the Southwest is the reflection of the watchman, who was illuminated by the evening sun, in the water of the Virgin River. Due to unfavorable sunshine around this time of year, the reflection was rather unspectacular.

The glow of the cottonwoods in the side sunlight was, in my opinion, the more beautiful motif on this day.


Zurück zum vergangenen Herbst in Utah.

Eine der Ikonen der Landschaftsfotografie des Südwestens ist die Spiegelung des von der Abendsonne beschienenen Watchman im Wasser des Virgin River. Aufgrund ungünstigen Sonnenstandes um diese Jahreszeit war die Spiegelung eher unspektakulär.

Schöner fand ich an diesem Tag, wie die Cottonwoods im seitlichen Sonnenlicht leuchteten.


Danke für deinen Besuch! Thanks for visiting!

bitte beachte/ please respect Copyright © All rights reserved

This scene caught my eye on a walk round the Calke Abbey grounds. The centrepiece is the dead tree. The autumn colours surrounding it were stunning. Taken with new lens on old camera.

© 2016 Wim Boon

Please do not use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my permission


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A long exposure, landscape image of big waves flowing around the rocks near Bow Fiddle Rock in Morayshire, Scotland.

I found this little waterfall on the website Since where I live in N Indiana is so flat, there really isn't much in the way of waterfalls to photograph, so visiting Connecticut gives me the chance to indulge in one of my favorite subjects to photograph. On this morning, however, I forgot my tripod! So, I used my sweatshirt instead to prop my camera on for this shot. And despite the title, no showers were taken by me at this location.






Pentax K-5

SMC Pentax-M 50mm F1.7 (all shots with this lens till 95% aperture at 2.0)



© 2015 stefanorugolo | All rights reserved.

Val de Bagne, en Valais, au dessus du lac de Champex

"Fenced Friday" HFF


A bracketed exposure, landscape image of a Eucalyptus forest near Yandina in Queensland, Australia.

Peschici, Puglia, Italy. Place of my birth. #973

2017.01.07 Kopaszi Gát, Budapest


Solo cinco minutos después la ultima foto había sacado esta captura. Se puede ver que era la hora de oro a la derecha en Toledo y la hora de niebla a la izquierda en la montanas, Se tiene que visitar Toledo una vez en su vida! El viaje se vale sin duda!


Fünf Minuten nach dem letzten Foto habe ich diese Aufnahme gemacht. Man kann auf der rechten Seite in Toledo die goldene Stunde sehen und auf der linken die Stunde des Nebels in den Bergen. Man muss einmal in seinem Leben Toledo besuchen. Die Reise lohnt sich!

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